/// <summary>
        /// Drop a bin from a record.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            if (args.singleBin)
                console.Info("Delete bin is not applicable to single bin servers.");

            console.Info("Write multi-bin record.");
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "delbinkey");
            string binName1 = args.GetBinName("bin1");
            string binName2 = args.GetBinName("bin2");
            Bin bin1 = new Bin(binName1, "value1");
            Bin bin2 = new Bin(binName2, "value2");
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin1, bin2);

            console.Info("Delete one bin in the record.");
            bin1 = Bin.AsNull(binName1); // Set bin value to null to drop bin.
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin1);

            console.Info("Read record.");
            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin1.name, bin2.name, "bin3");

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> entry in record.bins)
                console.Info("Received: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, entry.Key, entry.Value);

            bool valid = true;

            if (record.GetValue("bin1") != null)
                console.Error("bin1 still exists.");
                valid = false;

            object v2 = record.GetValue("bin2");

            if (v2 == null || !v2.Equals("value2"))
                console.Error("bin2 value mismatch.");
                valid = false;

            if (valid)
                console.Info("Bin delete successful");
        /// <summary>
        /// Batch multiple gets in one call to the server.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            string keyPrefix = "batchkey";
            string valuePrefix = "batchvalue";
            string binName = args.GetBinName("batchbin");
            int size = 8;

            WriteRecords(client, args, keyPrefix, binName, valuePrefix, size);
            BatchExists(client, args, keyPrefix, size);
            BatchReads(client, args, keyPrefix, binName, size);
            BatchReadHeaders(client, args, keyPrefix, size);

                BatchReadComplex(client, args, keyPrefix, binName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Server version may not yet support new batch protocol.
                Node[] nodes = client.Nodes;

                foreach (Node node in nodes)
                    if (!node.HasBatchIndex)
                        Log.Warn("Server does not support new batch protocol");
                throw ex;
        /// <summary>
        /// Write array of integers using standard C# serializer.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void TestArray(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "serialarraykey");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            console.Info("Initialize array");

            int[] array = new int[10000];

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                array[i] = i * i;

            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("serialbin"), (object)array);

            // Do a test that pushes this complex object through the serializer
            console.Info("Write array using serializer.");
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            console.Info("Read array using serializer.");
            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin.name);

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            int[] received;

                received = (int[])record.GetValue(bin.name);
            catch (Exception)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to parse returned value: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name));

            if (received.Length != 10000)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Array length mismatch: Expected={0:D} Received={1:D}",
                    10000, received.Length));

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                if (received[i] != i * i)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Mismatch: index={0:D} expected={1:D} received={2:D}",
                        i, i * i, received[i]));

            console.Info("Read array successful.");
        public void RunSimpleExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "listkey");
            string binName = args.GetBinName("listbin");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            IList inputList = new List<Value>();

            // Write values to empty list.
            Record record = client.Operate(args.writePolicy, key, ListOperation.AppendItems(binName, inputList));

            console.Info("Record: " + record);

            // Pop value from end of list and also return new size of list.
            record = client.Operate(args.writePolicy, key, ListOperation.Pop(binName, -1), ListOperation.Size(binName));

            console.Info("Record: " + record);

            // There should be one result for each list operation on the same list bin.
            // In this case, there are two list operations (pop and size), so there
            // should be two results.
            IList list = record.GetList(binName);

            foreach (object value in list)
                console.Info("Received: " + value);
        /// <summary>
        /// Add integer values.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "addkey");
            string binName = args.GetBinName("addbin");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            // Perform some adds and check results.
            Bin bin = new Bin(binName, 10);
            console.Info("Initial add will create record.  Initial value is " + bin.value + '.');
            client.Add(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            bin = new Bin(binName, 5);
            console.Info("Add " + bin.value + " to existing record.");
            client.Add(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin.name);

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            // The value received from the server is an unsigned byte stream.
            // Convert to an integer before comparing with expected.
            int received = record.GetInt(bin.name);
            int expected = 15;

            if (received == expected)
                console.Info("Add successful: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, received);
                console.Error("Add mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received);

            // Demonstrate add and get combined.
            bin = new Bin(binName, 30);
            console.Info("Add " + bin.value + " to existing record.");
            record = client.Operate(args.writePolicy, key, Operation.Add(bin), Operation.Get(bin.name));

            expected = 45;
            received = record.GetInt(bin.name);

            if (received == expected)
                console.Info("Add successful: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, received);
                console.Error("Add mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received);
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously write and read a bin using alternate methods.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AsyncClient client, Arguments args)
            completed = false;
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "putgetkey");
            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("putgetbin"), "value");

            RunPutGet(client, args, key, bin);

            RunPutGetWithTask(client, args, key, bin);
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply user defined function on records that match the query filter.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            if (!args.hasUdf)
                console.Info("Query functions are not supported by the connected Aerospike server.");
            string indexName = "qeindex1";
            string keyPrefix = "qekey";
            string binName1 = args.GetBinName("qebin1");
            string binName2 = args.GetBinName("qebin2");
            int size = 10;

            Register(client, args);
            CreateIndex(client, args, indexName, binName1);
            WriteRecords(client, args, keyPrefix, binName1, binName2, size);
            RunQueryExecute(client, args, indexName, binName1, binName2);
            ValidateRecords(client, args, indexName, binName1, binName2, size);
            client.DropIndex(args.policy, args.ns, args.set, indexName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Geospatial query with filter example.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            if (!args.hasGeo)
                console.Info("Geospatial functions are not supported by the connected Aerospike server.");

            string indexName = "filterindexloc";
            string keyPrefix = "filterkeyloc";
            string binName1 = args.GetBinName("filterloc");
            string binName2 = args.GetBinName("filteramenity");
            int size = 20;

            Register(client, args);
            CreateIndex(client, args, indexName, binName1);
            WriteRecords(client, args, keyPrefix, binName1, binName2, size);
            RunQuery(client, args, indexName, binName1, binName2);
            client.DropIndex(args.policy, args.ns, args.set, indexName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Demonstrate touch command.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "touchkey");
            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("touchbin"), "touchvalue");

            console.Info("Create record with 2 second expiration.");
            WritePolicy writePolicy = new WritePolicy();
            writePolicy.expiration = 2;
            client.Put(writePolicy, key, bin);

            console.Info("Touch same record with 5 second expiration.");
            writePolicy.expiration = 5;
            Record record = client.Operate(writePolicy, key, Operation.Touch(), Operation.GetHeader());

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, null));

            if (record.expiration == 0)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get record expiration: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            console.Info("Sleep 3 seconds.");

            record = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin.name);

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            console.Info("Success. Record still exists.");
            console.Info("Sleep 4 seconds.");

            record = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin.name);

            if (record == null)
                console.Info("Success. Record expired as expected.");
                console.Error("Found record when it should have expired.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform operations on a list within a single bin.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            if (!args.hasLargeDataTypes)
                console.Info("Large set functions are not supported by the connected Aerospike server.");

            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "setkey");
            string binName = args.GetBinName("setbin");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            // Initialize large set operator.
            Aerospike.Client.LargeSet set = client.GetLargeSet(args.writePolicy, key, binName, null);

            // Write values.

            // Verify large set was created with default configuration.
            IDictionary map = set.GetConfig();

            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in map)
                console.Info(entry.Key.ToString() + ',' + entry.Value);

            // Remove last value.

            int size = set.Size();

            if (size != 2)
                throw new Exception("Size mismatch. Expected 2 Received " + size);

            string received = (string)set.Get(Value.Get("setvalue2"));
            string expected = "setvalue2";

            if (received != null && received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Data matched: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} value={3}", key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, received);
                console.Error("Data mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received);
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronous batch examples.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AsyncClient client, Arguments args)
            this.client = client;
            this.args = args;
            this.binName = args.GetBinName("batchbin");
            this.taskCount = 0;
            this.taskSize = 0;
            this.completed = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Write and twice read a bin value, demonstrating record expiration.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "expirekey");
            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("expirebin"), "expirevalue");

            console.Info("Put: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4} expiration=2",
                key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, bin.value);

            // Specify that record expires 2 seconds after it's written.
            WritePolicy writePolicy = new WritePolicy();
            writePolicy.expiration = 2;
            client.Put(writePolicy, key, bin);

            // Read the record before it expires, showing it's there.
            console.Info("Get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}", key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin.name);

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            object received = record.GetValue(bin.name);
            string expected = bin.value.ToString();

            if (received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Get successful: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, received);
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Expire mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received));

            // Read the record after it expires, showing it's gone.
            console.Info("Sleeping for 3 seconds ...");
            Thread.Sleep(3 * 1000);
            record = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin.name);

            if (record == null)
                console.Info("Expiry successful. Record not found.");
                console.Error("Found record when it should have expired.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Query on a secondary index with a filter and then apply an additional filter in the 
        /// user defined function.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            if (!args.hasUdf)
                console.Info("Query functions are not supported by the connected Aerospike server.");
            string indexName = "profileindex";
            string keyPrefix = "profilekey";
            string binName = args.GetBinName("name");

            Register(client, args);
            CreateIndex(client, args, indexName, binName);
            WriteRecords(client, args, keyPrefix, binName);
            RunQuery(client, args, indexName, binName);
            client.DropIndex(args.policy, args.ns, args.set, indexName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronous Query example.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AsyncClient client, Arguments args)
            if (! args.hasUdf) {
                console.Info("Query functions are not supported by the connected Aerospike server.");

            completed = false;
            string indexName = "asqindex";
            string keyPrefix = "asqkey";
            string binName = args.GetBinName("asqbin");
            int size = 50;

            CreateIndex(client, args, indexName, binName);
            RunQueryExample(client, args, keyPrefix, binName, size);
            client.DropIndex(args.policy, args.ns, args.set, indexName);
        public void RunScoreExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "mapkey");
            string binName = args.GetBinName("mapbin");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            IDictionary inputMap = new Dictionary<Value, Value>();
            inputMap[Value.Get("Charlie")] = Value.Get(55);
            inputMap[Value.Get("Jim")] = Value.Get(98);
            inputMap[Value.Get("John")] = Value.Get(76);
            inputMap[Value.Get("Harry")] = Value.Get(82);

            // Write values to empty map.
            Record record = client.Operate(args.writePolicy, key,
                MapOperation.PutItems(MapPolicy.Default, binName, inputMap)

            console.Info("Record: " + record);

            // Increment some user scores.
            record = client.Operate(args.writePolicy, key,
                MapOperation.Increment(MapPolicy.Default, binName, Value.Get("John"), Value.Get(5)),
                MapOperation.Decrement(MapPolicy.Default, binName, Value.Get("Jim"), Value.Get(4))

            console.Info("Record: " + record);

            // Get top two scores.
            record = client.Operate(args.writePolicy, key,
                MapOperation.GetByRankRange(binName, -2, 2, MapReturnType.KEY_VALUE)

            // There should be one result for each map operation on the same map bin.
            // In this case, there are two map operations (pop and size), so there
            // should be two results.
            IList results = record.GetList(binName);

            foreach (object value in results)
                console.Info("Received: " + value);
Exemple #16
        private void WriteUsingUdf(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "udfkey1");
            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("udfbin1"), "string value");

            client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "writeBin", Value.Get(bin.name), bin.value);

            Record record   = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin.name);
            string expected = bin.value.ToString();
            string received = (string)record.GetValue(bin.name);

            if (received != null && received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Data matched: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                             key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, received);
                console.Error("Data mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received);
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepend string to an existing string.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key    key     = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "prependkey");
            string binName = args.GetBinName("prependbin");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            Bin bin = new Bin(binName, "World");

            console.Info("Initial prepend will create record.  Initial value is " + bin.value + '.');
            client.Prepend(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            bin = new Bin(binName, "Hello ");
            console.Info("Prepend \"" + bin.value + "\" to existing record.");
            client.Prepend(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin.name);

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                                                  key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            // The value received from the server is an unsigned byte stream.
            // Convert to an integer before comparing with expected.
            object received = record.GetValue(bin.name);
            string expected = "Hello World";

            if (received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Prepend successful: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                             key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, received);
                console.Error("Prepend mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received);
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepend string to an existing string.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "prependkey");
            string binName = args.GetBinName("prependbin");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            Bin bin = new Bin(binName, "World");
            console.Info("Initial prepend will create record.  Initial value is " + bin.value + '.');
            client.Prepend(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            bin = new Bin(binName, "Hello ");
            console.Info("Prepend \"" + bin.value + "\" to existing record.");
            client.Prepend(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin.name);

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            // The value received from the server is an unsigned byte stream.
            // Convert to an integer before comparing with expected.
            object received = record.GetValue(bin.name);
            string expected = "Hello World";

            if (received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Prepend successful: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, received);
                console.Error("Prepend mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received);
        public void RunNestedMapCreateExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key    key     = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "mapkey2");
            string binName = args.GetBinName("mapbin");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            IDictionary <Value, Value> m1 = new Dictionary <Value, Value>();

            m1[Value.Get("key21")] = Value.Get(7);
            m1[Value.Get("key22")] = Value.Get(6);

            IDictionary <Value, Value> m2 = new Dictionary <Value, Value>();

            m2[Value.Get("a")] = Value.Get(3);
            m2[Value.Get("c")] = Value.Get(5);

            IDictionary <Value, Value> inputMap = new Dictionary <Value, Value>();

            inputMap[Value.Get("key1")] = Value.Get(m1);
            inputMap[Value.Get("key2")] = Value.Get(m2);

            // Create maps.
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, new Bin(binName, inputMap));

            // Create key ordered map at "key2" only if map does not exist.
            // Set map value to 4 for map key "key21" inside of map key "key2".
            CTX    ctx    = CTX.MapKey(Value.Get("key2"));
            Record record = client.Operate(args.writePolicy, key,
                                           MapOperation.Create(binName, MapOrder.KEY_VALUE_ORDERED, ctx),
                                           MapOperation.Put(MapPolicy.Default, binName, Value.Get("b"), Value.Get(4), ctx),

            record = client.Get(args.policy, key);
            console.Info("Record: " + record);
        /// <summary>
        /// Operate on a map of maps.
        /// </summary>
        private void RunNestedExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key    key     = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "mapkey2");
            string binName = args.GetBinName("mapbin");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            IDictionary <Value, Value> m1 = new Dictionary <Value, Value>();

            m1[Value.Get("key11")] = Value.Get(9);
            m1[Value.Get("key12")] = Value.Get(4);

            IDictionary <Value, Value> m2 = new Dictionary <Value, Value>();

            m2[Value.Get("key21")] = Value.Get(3);
            m2[Value.Get("key22")] = Value.Get(5);

            IDictionary <Value, Value> inputMap = new Dictionary <Value, Value>();

            inputMap[Value.Get("key1")] = Value.Get(m1);
            inputMap[Value.Get("key2")] = Value.Get(m2);

            // Create maps.
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, new Bin(binName, inputMap));

            // Set map value to 11 for map key "key21" inside of map key "key2"
            // and retrieve all maps.
            Record record = client.Operate(args.writePolicy, key,
                                           MapOperation.Put(MapPolicy.Default, binName, Value.Get("key21"), Value.Get(11), CTX.MapKey(Value.Get("key2"))),

            record = client.Get(args.policy, key);
            console.Info("Record: " + record);
        private void WriteBlobUsingUdf(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "udfkey6");
            string binName = args.GetBinName("udfbin6");
            byte[] blob;

            // Create packed blob using standard C# tools.
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                Formatter.Default.Serialize(ms, 9845);
                Formatter.Default.Serialize(ms, "Hello world.");
                blob = ms.ToArray();

            client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "writeBin", Value.Get(binName), Value.Get(blob));
            byte[] received = (byte[])client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "readBin", Value.Get(binName));
            string receivedString = Util.BytesToString(received);
            string expectedString = Util.BytesToString(blob);

            if (receivedString.Equals(expectedString))
                console.Info("Blob data matched: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, binName, receivedString);
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Mismatch: expected={0} received={1}", expectedString, receivedString));
        /// <summary>
        /// Write/Read ArrayList<String> directly instead of relying on default serializer.
        /// </summary>
        private void TestListStrings(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            console.Info("Read/Write ArrayList<String>");
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "listkey1");
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            List<object> list = new List<object>();

            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("listbin1"), list);
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin.name);
            List<object> receivedList = (List<object>) record.GetValue(bin.name);

            ValidateSize(3, receivedList.Count);
            Validate("string1", receivedList[0]);
            Validate("string2", receivedList[1]);
            Validate("string3", receivedList[2]);

            console.Info("Read/Write ArrayList<String> successful.");
Exemple #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Exercise record generation functionality.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key    key     = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "genkey");
            string binName = args.GetBinName("genbin");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            // Set some values for the same record.
            Bin bin = new Bin(binName, "genvalue1");

            console.Info("Put: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                         key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, bin.value);

            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            bin = new Bin(binName, "genvalue2");
            console.Info("Put: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                         key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, bin.value);

            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            // Retrieve record and its generation count.
            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin.name);

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                                                  key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            object received = record.GetValue(bin.name);
            string expected = bin.value.ToString();

            if (received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Get successful: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4} generation={5}",
                             key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, received, record.generation);
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Get mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received));

            // Set record and fail if it's not the expected generation.
            bin = new Bin(binName, "genvalue3");
            console.Info("Put: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4} expected generation={5}",
                         key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, bin.value, record.generation);

            WritePolicy writePolicy = new WritePolicy();

            writePolicy.generationPolicy = GenerationPolicy.EXPECT_GEN_EQUAL;
            writePolicy.generation       = record.generation;
            client.Put(writePolicy, key, bin);

            // Set record with invalid generation and check results .
            bin = new Bin(binName, "genvalue4");
            writePolicy.generation = 9999;
            console.Info("Put: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4} expected generation={5}",
                         key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, bin.value, writePolicy.generation);

                client.Put(writePolicy, key, bin);
                throw new Exception("Should have received generation error instead of success.");
            catch (AerospikeException ae)
                if (ae.Result == ResultCode.GENERATION_ERROR)
                    console.Info("Success: Generation error returned as expected.");
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Unexpected set return code: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4} code={5}",
                                                      key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, bin.value, ae.Result));

            // Verify results.
            record = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin.name);

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                                                  key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            received = record.GetValue(bin.name);
            expected = "genvalue3";

            if (received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Get successful: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4} generation={5}",
                             key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, received, record.generation);
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Get mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received));
        /// <summary>
        /// Write/Read HashMap<Object,Object> directly instead of relying on default serializer.
        /// </summary>
        private void TestMapComplex(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            console.Info("Read/Write HashMap<Object,Object>");
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "mapkey2");
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            byte[] blob = new byte[] {3, 52, 125};
            List<int> list = new List<int>();

            Dictionary<object, object> map = new Dictionary<object, object>();
            map["key1"] = "string1";
            map["key2"] = 2;
            map["key3"] = blob;
            map["key4"] = list;

            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("mapbin2"), map);
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin.name);
            Dictionary<object, object> receivedMap = (Dictionary<object, object>)record.GetValue(bin.name);

            ValidateSize(4, receivedMap.Count);
            Validate("string1", receivedMap["key1"]);
            // Server convert numbers to long, so must expect long.
            Validate(2L, receivedMap["key2"]);
            Validate(blob, (byte[])receivedMap["key3"]);

            IList receivedInner = (IList)receivedMap["key4"];
            ValidateSize(4, receivedInner.Count);
            Validate(100034L, receivedInner[0]);
            Validate(12384955L, receivedInner[1]);
            Validate(3L, receivedInner[2]);
            Validate(512L, receivedInner[3]);

            console.Info("Read/Write HashMap<Object,Object> successful");
Exemple #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Write complex object using standard C# serializer.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void TestComplex(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "serialcomplexkey");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            console.Info("Initialize complex object");

            List <object> inner = new List <object>();


            Dictionary <object, object> innerMap = new Dictionary <object, object>();

            innerMap["a"]    = 1;
            innerMap[2]      = "b";
            innerMap["list"] = inner;

            List <object> list = new List <object>();


            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("complexbin"), (object)list);

            console.Info("Write complex object using serializer.");
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            console.Info("Read complex object using serializer.");
            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin.name);

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                                                  key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            string expected = Util.ListToString(list);
            string received;

                object val = record.GetValue(bin.name);
                received = Util.ObjectToString(val);
            catch (Exception)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to parse returned value: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3}",
                                                  key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name));

            if (received != null && received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Data matched: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                             key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, received);
                console.Error("Data mismatch");
                console.Error("Expected " + expected);
                console.Error("Received " + received);
            console.Info("Read complex object successful.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Write/Read HashMap<String,String> directly instead of relying on default serializer.
        /// </summary>
        private void TestMapStrings(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            console.Info("Read/Write HashMap<String,String>");
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "mapkey1");
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            Dictionary<object, object> map = new Dictionary<object, object>();
            map["key1"] = "string1";
            map["key2"] = "string2";
            map["key3"] = "string3";

            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("mapbin1"), map);
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin.name);
            Dictionary<object, object> receivedMap = (Dictionary<object, object>)record.GetValue(bin.name);

            ValidateSize(3, receivedMap.Count);
            Validate("string1", receivedMap["key1"]);
            Validate("string2", receivedMap["key2"]);
            Validate("string3", receivedMap["key3"]);

            console.Info("Read/Write HashMap<String,String> successful");
        private void WriteUsingUdf(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "udfkey1");
            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("udfbin1"), "string value");

            client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "writeBin", Value.Get(bin.name), bin.value);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin.name);
            string expected = bin.value.ToString();
            string received = (string)record.GetValue(bin.name);

            if (received != null && received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Data matched: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, received);
                console.Error("Data mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received);
        public void RunSimpleExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "mapkey");
            string binName = args.GetBinName("mapbin");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            IDictionary inputMap = new Dictionary<Value, Value>();
            inputMap[Value.Get(1)] = Value.Get(55);
            inputMap[Value.Get(2)] = Value.Get(33);

            // Write values to empty map.
            Record record = client.Operate(args.writePolicy, key, MapOperation.PutItems(MapPolicy.Default, binName, inputMap));

            console.Info("Record: " + record);

            // Pop value from map and also return new size of map.
            record = client.Operate(args.writePolicy, key, MapOperation.RemoveByKey(binName, Value.Get(1), MapReturnType.VALUE), MapOperation.Size(binName));

            console.Info("Record: " + record);

            // There should be one result for each map operation on the same map bin.
            // In this case, there are two map operations (pop and size), so there
            // should be two results.
            IList results = record.GetList(binName);

            foreach (object value in results)
                console.Info("Received: " + value);
        private void WriteIfGenerationNotChanged(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "udfkey2");
            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("udfbin2"), "string value");

            // Seed record.
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            // Get record generation.
            long gen = (long)client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "getGeneration");

            // Write record if generation has not changed.
            client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "writeIfGenerationNotChanged", Value.Get(bin.name), bin.value, Value.Get(gen));
            console.Info("Record written.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Write complex object using standard C# serializer.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void TestComplex(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "serialcomplexkey");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            console.Info("Initialize complex object");

            List<object> inner = new List<object>();

            Dictionary<object, object> innerMap = new Dictionary<object, object>();
            innerMap["a"] = 1;
            innerMap[2] = "b";
            innerMap["list"] = inner;

            List<object> list = new List<object>();

            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("complexbin"), (object)list);

            console.Info("Write complex object using serializer.");
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            console.Info("Read complex object using serializer.");
            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin.name);

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            string expected = Util.ListToString(list);
            string received;

                object val = record.GetValue(bin.name);
                received = Util.ObjectToString(val);
            catch (Exception)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to parse returned value: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name));

            if (received != null && received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Data matched: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, received);
                console.Error("Data mismatch");
                console.Error("Expected " + expected);
                console.Error("Received " + received);
            console.Info("Read complex object successful.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Exercise record generation functionality.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RunExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "genkey");
            string binName = args.GetBinName("genbin");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            // Set some values for the same record.
            Bin bin = new Bin(binName, "genvalue1");
            console.Info("Put: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, bin.value);

            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            bin = new Bin(binName, "genvalue2");
            console.Info("Put: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, bin.value);

            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            // Retrieve record and its generation count.
            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin.name);

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            object received = record.GetValue(bin.name);
            string expected = bin.value.ToString();

            if (received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Get successful: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4} generation={5}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, received, record.generation);
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Get mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received));

            // Set record and fail if it's not the expected generation.
            bin = new Bin(binName, "genvalue3");
            console.Info("Put: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4} expected generation={5}",
                key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, bin.value, record.generation);

            WritePolicy writePolicy = new WritePolicy();
            writePolicy.generationPolicy = GenerationPolicy.EXPECT_GEN_EQUAL;
            writePolicy.generation = record.generation;
            client.Put(writePolicy, key, bin);

            // Set record with invalid generation and check results .
            bin = new Bin(binName, "genvalue4");
            writePolicy.generation = 9999;
            console.Info("Put: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4} expected generation={5}",
                key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, bin.value, writePolicy.generation);

                client.Put(writePolicy, key, bin);
                throw new Exception("Should have received generation error instead of success.");
            catch (AerospikeException ae)
                if (ae.Result == ResultCode.GENERATION_ERROR)
                    console.Info("Success: Generation error returned as expected.");
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Unexpected set return code: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4} code={5}",
                        key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, bin.value, ae.Result));

            // Verify results.
            record = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin.name);

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            received = record.GetValue(bin.name);
            expected = "genvalue3";

            if (received.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Get successful: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4} generation={5}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name, received, record.generation);
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Get mismatch: Expected {0}. Received {1}.", expected, received));
        /// <summary>
        /// Simple examples of large list functionality.
        /// </summary>
        private void RunSimpleExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "setkey");
            string binName = args.GetBinName("ListBin");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            // Initialize large set operator.
            Aerospike.Client.LargeList llist = client.GetLargeList(args.writePolicy, key, binName);
            string orig1 = "llistValue1";
            string orig2 = "llistValue2";
            string orig3 = "llistValue3";

            // Write values.

            IDictionary map = llist.GetConfig();

            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in map)
                console.Info(entry.Key.ToString() + ',' + entry.Value);

            IList rangeList = llist.Range(Value.Get(orig2), Value.Get(orig3));

            if (rangeList == null)
                throw new Exception("Range returned null.");

            if (rangeList.Count != 2)
                throw new Exception("Range Size mismatch. Expected 2 Received " + rangeList.Count);
            string v2 = (string) rangeList[0];
            string v3 = (string) rangeList[1];

            if (v2.Equals(orig2) && v3.Equals(orig3))
                console.Info("Range Query matched: v2=" + orig2 + " v3=" + orig3);
                throw new Exception("Range Content mismatch. Expected (" + orig2 + ":" + orig3 +
                    ") Received (" + v2 + ":" + v3 + ")");

            // Remove last value.

            int size = llist.Size();

            if (size != 2)
                throw new Exception("Size mismatch. Expected 2 Received " + size);

            IList listReceived = llist.Find(Value.Get(orig2));
            string expected = orig2;

            if (listReceived == null)
                console.Error("Data mismatch: Expected " + expected + " Received null");

            string stringReceived = (string) listReceived[0];

            if (stringReceived != null && stringReceived.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Data matched: namespace=" + key.ns + " set=" + key.setName + " key=" + key.userKey +
                    " value=" + stringReceived);
                console.Error("Data mismatch: Expected " + expected + " Received " + stringReceived);
        /// <summary>
        /// Write list object using standard C# serializer.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void TestList(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "seriallistkey");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            console.Info("Initialize list");

            List<string> list = new List<string>();

            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("serialbin"), (object)list);

            console.Info("Write list using serializer.");
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            console.Info("Read list using serializer.");
            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin.name);

            if (record == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to get: namespace={0} set={1} key={2}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey));

            List<string> received;

                received = (List<string>)record.GetValue(bin.name);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to parse returned value: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, bin.name), e);

            if (received.Count != 3)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Array length mismatch: Expected={0:D} Received={1:D}",
                    3, received.Count));

            for (int i = 0; i < received.Count; i++)
                string expected = "string" + (i + 1);
                if (!received[i].Equals(expected))
                    object obj = received[i];
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Mismatch: index={0:D} expected={1} received={2}",
                        i, expected, obj));

            console.Info("Read list successful.");
        private void WriteUsingUdfAsync(AsyncClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "audfkey1");
            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("audfbin1"), "string value");

            console.Info("Write with udf: namespace=" + key.ns + " set=" + key.setName + " key=" + key.userKey + " value=" + bin.value);
            client.Execute(null, new WriteHandler(this, client, key, bin.name), key, "record_example", "writeBin", Value.Get(bin.name), bin.value);
        private void WriteListMapUsingUdf(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "udfkey5");

            List<object> inner = new List<object>();

            Dictionary<object, object> innerMap = new Dictionary<object, object>();
            innerMap["a"] = 1L;
            innerMap[2L] = "b";
            innerMap["list"] = inner;

            List<object> list = new List<object>();

            string binName = args.GetBinName("udfbin5");

            client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "writeBin", Value.Get(binName), Value.Get(list));

            object received = client.Execute(args.writePolicy, key, "record_example", "readBin", Value.Get(binName));
            string receivedString = Util.ListToString((List<object>)received);
            string expectedString = Util.ListToString(list);

            if (receivedString.Equals(expectedString))
                console.Info("UDF data matched: namespace={0} set={1} key={2} bin={3} value={4}",
                    key.ns, key.setName, key.userKey, binName, received);
                console.Error("UDF data mismatch");
                console.Error("Expected " + list);
                console.Error("Received " + received);
        /// <summary>
        /// Write/Read ArrayList<Object> directly instead of relying on default serializer.
        /// </summary>
        private void TestListComplex(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            console.Info("Read/Write ArrayList<Object>");
            Key key = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "listkey2");
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            byte[] blob = new byte[] {3, 52, 125};
            List<object> list = new List<object>();

            Bin bin = new Bin(args.GetBinName("listbin2"), list);
            client.Put(args.writePolicy, key, bin);

            Record record = client.Get(args.policy, key, bin.name);
            List<object> receivedList = (List<object>) record.GetValue(bin.name);

            ValidateSize(3, receivedList.Count);
            Validate("string1", receivedList[0]);
            // Server convert numbers to long, so must expect long.
            Validate(2L, receivedList[1]);
            Validate(blob, (byte[])receivedList[2]);

            console.Info("Read/Write ArrayList<Object> successful.");
Exemple #37
        /// <summary>
        /// Simple examples of large list functionality.
        /// </summary>
        private void RunSimpleExample(AerospikeClient client, Arguments args)
            Key    key     = new Key(args.ns, args.set, "setkey");
            string binName = args.GetBinName("ListBin");

            // Delete record if it already exists.
            client.Delete(args.writePolicy, key);

            // Initialize large set operator.
            Aerospike.Client.LargeList llist = client.GetLargeList(args.writePolicy, key, binName);
            string orig1 = "llistValue1";
            string orig2 = "llistValue2";
            string orig3 = "llistValue3";

            // Write values.

            IDictionary map = llist.GetConfig();

            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in map)
                console.Info(entry.Key.ToString() + ',' + entry.Value);

            IList rangeList = llist.Range(Value.Get(orig2), Value.Get(orig3));

            if (rangeList == null)
                throw new Exception("Range returned null.");

            if (rangeList.Count != 2)
                throw new Exception("Range Size mismatch. Expected 2 Received " + rangeList.Count);
            string v2 = (string)rangeList[0];
            string v3 = (string)rangeList[1];

            if (v2.Equals(orig2) && v3.Equals(orig3))
                console.Info("Range Query matched: v2=" + orig2 + " v3=" + orig3);
                throw new Exception("Range Content mismatch. Expected (" + orig2 + ":" + orig3 +
                                    ") Received (" + v2 + ":" + v3 + ")");

            // Remove last value.

            int size = llist.Size();

            if (size != 2)
                throw new Exception("Size mismatch. Expected 2 Received " + size);

            IList  listReceived = llist.Find(Value.Get(orig2));
            string expected     = orig2;

            if (listReceived == null)
                console.Error("Data mismatch: Expected " + expected + " Received null");

            string stringReceived = (string)listReceived[0];

            if (stringReceived != null && stringReceived.Equals(expected))
                console.Info("Data matched: namespace=" + key.ns + " set=" + key.setName + " key=" + key.userKey +
                             " value=" + stringReceived);
                console.Error("Data mismatch: Expected " + expected + " Received " + stringReceived);