static void PrintSolution(int day) { switch (day) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("\nSolving Day 1...."); Console.WriteLine($"Solution to part 1: {Day1.SolvePart1()}\n"); Console.WriteLine($"Solution to part 2: {Day1.SolvePart2()}\n"); break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("\nSolving Day 2...."); Console.WriteLine($"Solution to part 1: {Day2.Solve(1)}\n"); Console.WriteLine($"Solution to part 2: {Day2.Solve(2)}\n"); break; case 3: Console.WriteLine("\nSolving Day 3...."); Console.WriteLine($"Solution to part 1: {Day3.SolvePart1()}\n"); Console.WriteLine($"Solution to part 2: {Day3.SolvePart2()}\n"); break; case 4: Console.WriteLine("\nSolving Day 4...."); var day4 = new Day4(); Console.WriteLine($"Solution to part 1: {day4.Solve(1)}\n"); day4.RefreshInput(); Console.WriteLine($"Solution to part 2: {day4.Solve(2)}\n"); break; case 5: Console.WriteLine("\nSolving Day 5...."); var day5 = new Day5(); Console.WriteLine($"Solution to part 1: {day5.Solve()}\n"); day5.RefreshInput(); Console.WriteLine($"Solution to part 2: {day5.SolvePart2()}\n"); break; case 6: Console.WriteLine("\nSolving Day 6...."); var day6 = new Day6(); Console.WriteLine($"Solution to part 1: {day6.Solve()}\n"); day6.RefreshInput(); Console.WriteLine($"Solution to part 2: {day6.SolvePart2()}\n"); break; case 7: Console.WriteLine("\nSolving Day 7...."); var day7 = new Day7(); Console.WriteLine($"Solution to part 1: {day7.Solve()}\n"); day7.RefreshInput(); Console.WriteLine($"Solution to part 2: {day7.SolvePart2()}\n"); break; case 99: Console.WriteLine("\nDoing custom fun stuff...."); var quiz = new Quiz(); Console.WriteLine($"Number of occurrences of \"make it so\" in all of TNG: {quiz.FindInTng("make it so")}"); quiz = new Quiz(); Console.WriteLine($"Number of occurrences of \"earl grey\" in all of TNG: {quiz.FindInTng("earl grey")}"); quiz = new Quiz(); Console.WriteLine($"Number of occurrences of \"earl grey hot\" in all of TNG: {quiz.FindInTng("earl grey hot")}"); quiz = new Quiz(); Console.WriteLine($"Number of occurrences of \"tea earl grey hot\" in all of TNG: {quiz.FindInTng("tea earl grey hot")}"); quiz = new Quiz(); Console.WriteLine($"Number of occurrences of \"shut up\" in all of TNG: {quiz.FindInTng("shut up")}"); quiz = new Quiz(); Console.WriteLine($"Number of occurrences of \"shut up wesley\" in all of TNG: {quiz.FindInTng("shut up wesley")}"); break; default: break; } }