Exemple #1
        // Turn Noble bunnies into White Walkers bunnies.
        private static void WhiteWalkerInfection(Bunny[,] bunniesGrid)
            /* We first creating a list of selected bunnies and only after we go over the entire grid we turn them into White Walker bunnies.
             * This is done in order to prevent a new infected bunny that turned into a White Walker bunny to infect more bunnies in its surronding.
             * New White Walker bunnies will only infect other bunnies at the next turn.
            LinkedList <Bunny> infectedNobleBunnies = new LinkedList <Bunny>();

            // Go over the entire grid of bunnies to find the White Walker bunnies.
            for (int x = 0; x < bunniesGrid.GetLength(0); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < bunniesGrid.GetLength(1); y++)
                    if (bunniesGrid[x, y] != null && bunniesGrid[x, y].house == "White Walker")
                        // Search for a Noble bunny in its surrounding and add him into the infected bunnies list.
                        Bunny randomNobleBunnyFromSurrounding = GetANobleBunnyFromSurrounding(x, y, bunniesGrid, infectedNobleBunnies);
                        if (randomNobleBunnyFromSurrounding != null)

            // Turn the infected bunnies into White Walker bunnies only after we went over the entire grid.
            foreach (Bunny infectedBunny in infectedNobleBunnies)
Exemple #2
        // Create a new baby bunny.
        private static void CreateABabyBunny(int motherX, int motherY, Bunny[,] bunniesGrid, Bunny fatherBunny, LinkedList <Bunny> bunnies)
            Space emptySpace = GetAnEmptySpaceFromSurrounding(motherX, motherY, bunniesGrid);

            if (emptySpace != null)
                string sex;
                if (new Random().NextDouble() < 0.5)
                    sex = "Male";
                    sex = "Female";

                string color;
                string house;
                // 2% chance the bunny will be a white walker.
                if (new Random().NextDouble() < 0.98)
                    color = bunniesGrid[motherX, motherY].color;
                    house = fatherBunny.house;
                    color = "White";
                    house = "White Walker";
                Bunny babyBunny = new Bunny(sex, color, 0, RandomString(10), house);
                bunniesGrid[emptySpace.x, emptySpace.y] = babyBunny;
Exemple #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Here are the bunnies:");

            LinkedList <Bunny> bunnies = new LinkedList <Bunny>();

            Bunny[,] bunniesGrid = new Bunny[GridSize, GridSize];

            // Inializing the list, creating 5 bunnies.
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                string sex;
                if (new Random().NextDouble() < 0.5)
                    sex = "Male";
                    sex = "Female";

                string color;
                string house;
                // 2% chance the bunny will be a white walker.
                if (new Random().NextDouble() < 0.98)
                    color = Enum.GetName(typeof(Color), new Random().Next(6));
                    house = Enum.GetName(typeof(House), new Random().Next(4));
                    color = "White";
                    house = "White Walker";

                Bunny bunny = new Bunny(sex, color, 0, RandomString(10), house);;
                PlaceBunnyOnGrid(bunniesGrid, bunny);


            /* Listen for click events to move forward to the next turn.
             * Terminate the program when all the bunnies have died.
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key for the next turn. Press ESC to stop.");
            while (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.Escape && bunnies.Count > 0)
                if (!Console.KeyAvailable)
Exemple #4
        // Place a bunny on the grid in a random empty space.
        private static void PlaceBunnyOnGrid(Bunny[,] bunniesGrid, Bunny bunny)
            int radomBunnyX = new Random().Next(GridSize);
            int radomBunnyY = new Random().Next(GridSize);

            while (bunniesGrid[radomBunnyX, radomBunnyY] != null)
                radomBunnyX = new Random().Next(GridSize);
                radomBunnyY = new Random().Next(GridSize);

            bunniesGrid[radomBunnyX, radomBunnyY] = bunny;
Exemple #5
        // Kill exactly half the bunnies population randomly.
        private static void LongHardWinter(LinkedList <Bunny> bunnies)
            // Marking the half population count.
            int halfBunniesPopulation = bunnies.Count / 2;

            // Kill bunnies until we reach the half population count.
            while (bunnies.Count > halfBunniesPopulation)
                Bunny randomBunny = GetARandomBunny(bunnies);
                if (randomBunny != null)
Exemple #6
        // Print a message for each dead bunny.
        private static void PrintADeadBunny(Bunny bunny)
            if (bunny.house != "White Walker")
                string sigil;
                string saying;
                switch (bunny.house)
                case "Stark":
                    sigil  = "Wolf";
                    saying = "Winter Is Coming!";

                case "Baratheon":
                    sigil  = "Stag";
                    saying = "Ours Is The Furry!";

                case "Lannister":
                    sigil  = "Lion";
                    saying = "Hear Me Roar!";

                case "Targaryen":
                    sigil  = "Dragon";
                    saying = "Fire And Blood!";

                    sigil  = "";
                    saying = "";
                if (bunny.sex == "Male")
                    Console.WriteLine("Lord {0} of bunny house {1} died at age {2}! He was a fierce {3}! {4}", bunny.name, bunny.house, bunny.age, sigil, saying);
                    Console.WriteLine("Lady {0} of bunny house {1} died at age {2}! She was a fierce {3}! {4}", bunny.name, bunny.house, bunny.age, sigil, saying);
                Console.WriteLine("White Walker {0} died at age {1}!", bunny.name, bunny.age);
Exemple #7
 // Print a message for each newborn bunny.
 private static void PrintANewbornBunny(Bunny bunny)
     if (bunny.house != "White Walker")
         if (bunny.sex == "Male")
             Console.WriteLine("Lord {0} of bunny house {1} of color {2} was born!", bunny.name, bunny.house, bunny.color);
             Console.WriteLine("Lady {0} of bunny house {1} of color {2} was born!", bunny.name, bunny.house, bunny.color);
         Console.WriteLine("White Walker bunny {0} was born!", bunny.name);
Exemple #8
        // Move the bunnies on the grid to a new random space.
        private static Bunny[,] MoveBunniesOnGrid(LinkedList <Bunny> bunnies)
            Bunny[,] bunniesGrid = new Bunny[GridSize, GridSize];
            foreach (Bunny bunny in bunnies)
                // Check if there is enough space on the grid before we place another bunny.
                if (bunnies.Count <= GridSize * GridSize)
                    PlaceBunnyOnGrid(bunniesGrid, bunny);

            // In case the number of bunnies is greater than the number of cells in the grid.
            if (bunnies.Count > GridSize * GridSize)
                Console.WriteLine("Not enough space on the grid!");

Exemple #9
        // Performing a turn and making modifications.
        private static void NextTurn(LinkedList <Bunny> bunnies)
            LinkedList <Bunny> deadBunnies = new LinkedList <Bunny>();

            // First we age all the bunnies in a unique loop, because we need to age them before we start the breeding.
            foreach (Bunny bunny in bunnies)

                /* A bunny dies when he becomes older than 10 years old.
                 * A White Walker bunny dies when he becomes 50 years old.
                if ((bunny.house != "White Walker" && bunny.age > 10) || (bunny.house == "White Walker" && bunny.age >= 50))

            // Removing the dead bunnies from the list (needs to happen before breeding, to prevent a dead father).
            foreach (Bunny deadBunny in deadBunnies)

            // If the bunny population exceeds 1000, kill half the population randomly.
            if (bunnies.Count > 1000)

            // Move the bunnies one space each turn randomly.
            Bunny[,] bunniesGrid = MoveBunniesOnGrid(bunnies);

            /* Go over the entire grid of bunnies and make changes.
             * We go over the grid and not the linked list, because we need to keep track of mother bunny index.
            for (int x = 0; x < bunniesGrid.GetLength(0); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < bunniesGrid.GetLength(1); y++)
                    Bunny bunny = bunniesGrid[x, y];

                    if (bunny != null)
                        // Mating a female bunny with a male bunny.
                        if (bunny.house != "White Walker" && bunny.sex == "Female" && bunny.age >= 2)
                            Bunny adultMaleBunny = FindAnAdultMale(bunnies);
                            if (adultMaleBunny != null)
                                // Create a new baby bunny.
                                CreateABabyBunny(x, y, bunniesGrid, adultMaleBunny, bunnies);

            /* Start the infection of the White Walker bunnies. (Infection includes newborn bunnies).
             * Infection starts only after the bunnies moved to their new space.
             * Infection does not include new infected bunnies that turned into White Walkers bunnies this turn,
             * i.e. a Noble bunny that got infected and turned into a White Walker bunny this turn, will only infect bunnies at the next turn.

            // Print the new grid.
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key for next turn. Press ESC to stop.");