/// <summary>
        /// Load function that unpacks <see cref="Rule"/> from corresponding <see cref="SerializedProperty"/>.
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadRule(bool inSet)
            if (inSet)
                string setName   = SubjectRule.propertyPath.Remove(SubjectRule.propertyPath.IndexOf(".Array")).Replace("Profile.", "");
                int    ruleIndex = int.Parse(SubjectRule.propertyPath.Substring(SubjectRule.propertyPath.IndexOf("[") + 1).Replace("]", ""));

                deserializedRule = RuleSystemUtil.DeserializeRule(SubjectRule, setName, ruleIndex);
                deserializedRule = RuleSystemUtil.DeserializeRule(SubjectRule);
            rootNode = RuleCreator.CreateRoot(deserializedRule.RootGridPosition, OnNodePortContact, OnUpdateRootRequest, OnRemoveAThread, deserializedRule.MandatoryId, deserializedRule.QualityId, deserializedRule.MyAction, NodeSkin);
            if (deserializedRule.MyAction != null)
                actionNode = RuleCreator.CreateActionNode(deserializedRule.ActionGridPosition, OnNodePortContact, OnUpdateActionRequest, OnRemoveNode, OnRemoveAThread, deserializedRule.MyAction, NodeSkin);
            foreach (Decision decision in deserializedRule.MyDecisions)
                NodeShell rawNode = RuleCreator.CreateNewDecisionNode(decision.identifier, decision.Operator, OnUpdateRuleRequest, OnNodePortContact, OnRemoveNode, OnRemoveAThread, NodeSkin);
                rawNode.Container = new NodeShell.Data
                    FloatValue = decision.FlatValue
                rawNode.Inputs        = decision.inputID;
                rawNode.Rect.position = decision.GridPosition;
                rawNode.activated     = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Action-event handles <see cref="NodeShell"/> instantiation. Used specificly for <see cref="Decision"/> nodes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="statement"><see cref="Statement"/> requesting node. </param>
 private void OnRequestDecisionNode(Statement statement)
     createdDecision            = new Decision();
     createdDecision.identifier = GenerateDecisionId();
     createdDecision.Operator   = statement;
     createdNode = RuleCreator.CreateNewDecisionNode(createdDecision.identifier, statement, OnUpdateRuleRequest, OnNodePortContact, OnRemoveNode, OnRemoveAThread, NodeSkin);
     createdNode.Rect.position = mousePos;
        /// <summary>
        /// Event handle for nodes that are being created.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Current Unity Event. </param>
        private void ProcessCreatedNode(Event e)
            if (createdNode != null)
                createdNode.Rect.position = e.mousePosition;
                switch (e.type)
                case EventType.MouseUp:
                    if (e.button == 0)
                        if (createdNode != null)
                            createdNode.activated = true;
                            createdNode           = null;
                            createdDecision       = null;
                    else if (e.button == 1)
                        createdNode = null;
            if (createdActionNode != null)
                createdActionNode.Rect.position = e.mousePosition;

                switch (e.type)
                case EventType.MouseUp:
                    if (e.button == 0)
                        if (createdActionNode != null)
                            actionNode = createdActionNode;

                            actionNode.activated = true;
                            createdActionNode    = null;
                    else if (e.button == 1)
                        createdActionNode = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Action-event handles <see cref="NodeShell"/> remove from  rule requests.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">Node that requests to be removed.</param>
        private void OnRemoveNode(NodeShell node)
            if (ruleNodes.Remove(node))
                var decision = GetDecisionById(node.Id);

                for (int i = Yarn.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                    if (Yarn[i].inputPort.MyNode == node || Yarn[i].outputPort.MyNode == node)
            else if (actionNode == node)
                actionNode = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Swiches decision nodes existing style.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="statement"></param>
 /// <param name="node"></param>
 public static void ChangeStyle(Statement statement, ref NodeShell node)
     switch (statement.Type)
         case StatementType.unknown:
         case StatementType.Inequality:
         case StatementType.Gate:
             node.Style = new BoolNodeStyle(statement.Name, statement.Type);
         case StatementType.Generator:
             if (statement.GetType() == typeof(FlatValueStatement))
                 node.Style = new GenNodeStyle("Flat Value");
         case StatementType.Mutator:
         case StatementType.Evaluation:
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates established threads from deserialized Rule.
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadThreads()
            if (rootNode.MandatoryID != -1)
                NodeShell mandatory  = GetNodeById(rootNode.MandatoryID);
                Thread    rootThread = new Thread(rootNode.Port0, mandatory.Port1);
            if (rootNode.QualityID != -1)
                NodeShell Quality       = GetNodeById(rootNode.QualityID);
                Thread    qualityThread = new Thread(rootNode.Port1, Quality.Port1);
            rootNode.activated = true;
            if (actionNode != null)
                Thread actionThread = new Thread(rootNode.Port2, actionNode.Port0);
                actionNode.activated = true;

            foreach (NodeShell node in ruleNodes)
                if (node.Inputs.Length > 0)
                    foreach (int inputId in node.Inputs)
                        NodeShell output = GetNodeById(inputId);
                        Thread    thread = new Thread(node.Port0, output.Port1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a node (specificly used for <see cref="Decision"/> nodes).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">Decision identifier. </param>
        /// <param name="statement">Decision asset represented by this node. </param>
        /// <param name="OnRuleUpdate">Event-handle for updating <see cref="Decision"/> data. </param>
        /// <param name="OnPortClick">Event-handle for <see cref="Port"/> clicks. </param>
        /// <param name="OnRemoveNode">Event-handle for removing this node. </param>>
        /// <param name="skin"><see cref="GUISkin"/> of nodes. </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static NodeShell CreateNewDecisionNode(int id, Statement statement, Action<int, Statement, int[], NodeShell.Data, Vector2> OnRuleUpdate, Action<Port> OnPortClick, Action<NodeShell> OnRemoveNode, Action<Thread> OnRemoveThread, GUISkin skin)
            NodeShell crNode = new NodeShell
                Id = id,
                Asset = statement,
                Inputs = new int[0],
                Container = new NodeShell.Data(),
                Skin = skin,
                OnUpdateRule = OnRuleUpdate,
                OnRemoveNode = OnRemoveNode
            switch (statement.Type)
                case StatementType.unknown:
                case StatementType.Inequality:
                case StatementType.Gate:
                    BoolNodeStyle boolStyle = new BoolNodeStyle(statement.Name, statement.Type);
                    crNode.Style = boolStyle;
                    crNode.Rect = boolStyle.Rect;
                    crNode.CurrentExpanedHeight = boolStyle.MinExpandedHeight;
                    crNode.Port0 = new Port
                        type = PortType.Input,
                        Name = statement.Name,
                        MyNode = crNode,
                        nodeSkin = skin,
                        OnClickPort = OnPortClick,
                        OnRemoveThread = OnRemoveThread,
                        rect = new Rect(0, 0, skin.button.fixedWidth, skin.button.fixedHeight),
                        isDecision = true
                case StatementType.Generator:
                    GenNodeStyle genStyle = new GenNodeStyle("FlatValue");
                    crNode.Style = genStyle;
                    crNode.Rect = genStyle.Rect;
                    crNode.CurrentExpanedHeight = genStyle.MinExpandedHeight;

                case StatementType.Mutator:
                    MutNodeStyle mutStyle = new MutNodeStyle(statement.Name);
                    crNode.Style = mutStyle;
                    crNode.Rect = mutStyle.Rect;
                    crNode.CurrentExpanedHeight = mutStyle.MinExpandedHeight;
                    crNode.Port0 = new Port
                        type = PortType.Input,
                        Name = statement.Name,
                        MyNode = crNode,
                        nodeSkin = skin,
                        OnClickPort = OnPortClick,
                        OnRemoveThread = OnRemoveThread,
                        rect = new Rect(0, 0, skin.button.fixedWidth, skin.button.fixedHeight),
                        isDecision = true
                case StatementType.Evaluation:
                    EvNodeStyle evStyle = new EvNodeStyle(statement.name);
                    crNode.Style = evStyle;
                    crNode.Rect = evStyle.Rect;
                    crNode.CurrentExpanedHeight = evStyle.MinExpandedHeight;
            crNode.Port1 = new Port
                Name = statement.Name,
                type = PortType.Output,
                MyNode = crNode,
                nodeSkin = skin,
                Color = crNode.Style.Color,
                OnClickPort = OnPortClick,
                OnRemoveThread = OnRemoveThread,
                rect = new Rect(0, 0, skin.button.fixedWidth, skin.button.fixedHeight),
                isDecision = true
            return crNode;