Exemple #1
        private void UpdateAtIndex(int index)
            ScoreSummary summary = this.ratingSummariesToUpdate[index];

Exemple #2
        // specifies that at <when> , the input coordinates were <coordinates> and that this is a datapoint we care to track
        public void AddDatapoint(DateTime when, LazyInputs coordinates)
            ScoreSummary summary = new ScoreSummary(when);

            summary.Inputs = coordinates;
            if (this.ShouldIncludeSummary(summary))
        public void UpdateRatingsPlot()
            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

            if (!this.queryStartDateDisplay.IsDateValid() || !this.queryEndDateDisplay.IsDateValid())
            // draw the RatingProgression
            RatingProgression     ratingProgression = this.yAxisActivity.RatingProgression;
            List <AbsoluteRating> ratings           = ratingProgression.GetRatingsInDiscoveryOrder();
            DateTime         startDate = this.queryStartDateDisplay.GetDate();
            DateTime         endDate   = this.queryEndDateDisplay.GetDate();
            List <Datapoint> points    = new List <Datapoint>();

            // make a plot
            PlotView newPlot = new PlotView();

            newPlot.MinX = 0;
            newPlot.MaxX = endDate.Subtract(startDate).TotalDays;
            newPlot.MinY = 0;
            newPlot.MaxY = 1;

            if (this.xAxisProgression != null)

            newPlot.YAxisSubdivisions = new List <double> {
                0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1

            // compute the rating at each relevant date
            foreach (AbsoluteRating rating in ratings)
                if (rating.Date != null)
                    double x = this.GetXCoordinate((DateTime)rating.Date);
                    // calculate y
                    double y = rating.Score;
                    // make sure we want to include it in the plot (and therefore the regression line)
                    if (x >= newPlot.MinX && x <= newPlot.MaxX)
                        points.Add(new Datapoint(x, y, 1));
            newPlot.AddSeries(points, this.showRatingsTrend, this.showRatings, 0);

            // compute a smoothed version of the ratings so we can show which activities are actually worth doing
            // (for example, sleeping might feel boring but might increase later happiness)
            TimeSpan totalDuration = endDate.Subtract(startDate);
            List <ScoreSummarizer> ratingSummarizers = new List <ScoreSummarizer>();

            foreach (ExponentialRatingSummarizer ratingSummarizer in ratingSummarizers)
                double           i;
                ScoreSummary     ratingSummary   = new ScoreSummary(endDate);
                List <Datapoint> smoothedRatings = new List <Datapoint>();
                double           maxY            = 0;
                for (i = 1; i >= 0; i -= 0.001)
                    TimeSpan currentDuration = new TimeSpan((long)((double)totalDuration.Ticks * (double)i));
                    DateTime when            = startDate.Add(currentDuration);
                    if (when.CompareTo(ratingSummarizer.EarliestKnownDate) < 0)
                    ratingSummary.Update(ratingSummarizer, when, endDate);
                    if (ratingSummary.Item.Weight > 0)
                        double x = this.GetXCoordinate(when);
                        double y = ratingSummary.Item.Mean;
                        if (!double.IsNaN(y))
                            if (ratingSummarizer == this.overallEfficiency_summarizer)
                                // rescale so that the typical value for this rating summarizer (1) is moved to match the typical value for the other plotted values (0.5)
                                y /= 2;
                            if (y > maxY)
                                maxY = y;
                            smoothedRatings.Add(new Datapoint(x, y, 1));
                // if the plot overflowed, rescale it to fit
                if (maxY > 1)
                    foreach (Datapoint datapoint in smoothedRatings)
                        datapoint.Output = datapoint.Output / maxY;
                if (ratingSummarizer == this.overallRating_summarizer)
                    newPlot.AddSeries(smoothedRatings, false, this.showOverallHappiness, 2);
                    newPlot.AddSeries(smoothedRatings, this.showEfficiencyTrend, this.showEfficiency, 3);

            DateTime end = DateTime.Now;

            this.ratingsView.SetContent(new ImageLayout(newPlot, LayoutScore.Get_UsedSpace_LayoutScore(1)));

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("spent " + end.Subtract(start) + " to update ratings plot");