public async Task <object> Post(AnalyzeDiskDriveRequest request)
            Log.Debug("starting Post(AnalyzeDiskDriveRequest)");
            // Housekeeping setup for the task to be created
            // Create new Id for this LongRunningTask
            Id <LongRunningTaskInfo> longRunningTaskID = new Id <LongRunningTaskInfo>(Guid.NewGuid());
            var cancellationTokenSource   = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var cancellationTokenSourceId = new Id <CancellationTokenSource>(Guid.NewGuid());
            var cancellationToken         = cancellationTokenSource.Token;

            // Setup the instance
            var diskAnalysis       = new DiskDriveAnalysis(Log);
            var diskDriveSpecifier = request.AnalyzeDiskDriveRequestPayload.DiskDriveSpecifier;

            //ToDo: Create an association between the remote cancellation token and a new cancellation token, and record this in the RemoteToLocalCancellationToken dictionary in the Container

            // Setup the long-running task that will read one or more disk drives and CRUD a collection of DiskDriveInfoEx records, and optionally CRUD a DB Representation of that collection

            // Make a DB Representation of one or more disk drives and the partitions on those disk drives
            // Create multiple lambdas that will update SQLServerDB
            // The CRUD value comes in the request
            // There is a collection of DiskDriveInfoEx records in the ComputerInventory.ComputerHardware property of the BaseServicesData instance, which can be accessed through the DiskAnalysisServicesData.BaseServicesData property of the DiskAnalysisServicesData instance.

            // Reading the actual Disk Drives connected to a named computer (localhost or a remote computer) can create a collection of DiskDriveInfoEx records

            // Reading a file formated to follow the conventions of the Configuration data for ComputerHardware can create a collection of DiskDriveInfoEx records
            // ToDo: figure out library Logging so that we don't need to pass a Log instance to the library

            //ToDo: Better switch on exactly what to Walk, - local machine, remote machine, configuration data, hypothetical data.
            // if the request's data is null, analyze all physical disks, else analyze the list of physical disks sent with the request

            // Get the BaseServicesData and diskAnalysisServicesData instances that were injected into the DI container
            var baseServicesData         = HostContext.TryResolve <BaseServicesData>();
            var diskAnalysisServicesData = HostContext.TryResolve <DiskAnalysisServicesData>();

            // Create storage for the results and progress
            var analyzeDiskDriveResult = new AnalyzeDiskDriveResult();

            diskAnalysisServicesData.AnalyzeDiskDriveResultsCOD.Add(longRunningTaskID, analyzeDiskDriveResult);
            var analyzeDiskDriveProgress = new AnalyzeDiskDriveProgress();

            diskAnalysisServicesData.AnalyzeDiskDriveProgressCOD.Add(longRunningTaskID, analyzeDiskDriveProgress);

            // Define the lambda that describes the task
            var task = new Task(() => {
                    analyzeDiskDriveResult, analyzeDiskDriveProgress,
                    (crud, r) => {
                    Log.Debug($"starting recordRoot Lambda, r = {r}");

            LongRunningTaskInfo longRunningTaskInfo = new LongRunningTaskInfo(longRunningTaskID, task, cancellationTokenSource);

            // baseServicesData.CancellationTokenSources.Add(cancellationTokenSourceId, cancellationTokenSource);
            // Record this task (plus additional information about it) in the longRunningTasks dictionary in the BaseServicesData found in the Container
            baseServicesData.LongRunningTasks.Add(longRunningTaskID, longRunningTaskInfo);
            // record the TaskID and task info into the LookupDiskDriveAnalysisResultsCOD
            diskAnalysisServicesData.LookupDiskDriveAnalysisResultsCOD.Add(longRunningTaskID, longRunningTaskInfo);

            // ToDo: Setup the SSE receiver that will monitor the long-running task
            // ToDo: return to the caller the callback URL and the longRunningTaskID to allow the caller to connect to the SSE that monitors the task and the data structures it updates
            // Start the task running
            try {
            catch (Exception e) when(e is InvalidOperationException || e is ObjectDisposedException)
                Log.Debug($"Exception when trying to start the AnalyzeDiskDrive task, message is {e.Message}");
                // ToDo: need to be sure that the when.any loop and GetLongRunningTaskStatus can handle a LongRunningTaskTaskInfo in these states;
            var longRunningTaskIds = new List <Id <LongRunningTaskInfo> >();

            var analyzeDiskDriveResponsePayload = new AnalyzeDiskDriveResponsePayload(longRunningTaskIds);
            var analyzeDiskDriveResponse        = new AnalyzeDiskDriveResponse(analyzeDiskDriveResponsePayload);

            Log.Debug($"Leaving Post(AnalyzeDiskDriveRequest), analyzeDiskDriveResponse = {analyzeDiskDriveResponse}");
 public AnalyzeDiskDriveResponse(AnalyzeDiskDriveResponsePayload analyzeDiskDriveResponsePayload)
     AnalyzeDiskDriveResponsePayload = analyzeDiskDriveResponsePayload;