public void DeLongComparisonTest()
            // Example from Sampling Variability of Nonparametric Estimates of the
            // Areas under Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves: An Update

            bool yes = true;
            bool no = false;

            bool[] expected = 
                /* 1*/ yes,
                /* 2*/ no,
                /* 3*/ yes,
                /* 4*/ no,
                /* 5*/ no,
                /* 6*/ yes,
                /* 7*/ yes,
                /* 8*/ no,
                /* 9*/ no,
                /*10*/ yes,
                /*11*/ no,
                /*12*/ no,
                /*13*/ yes,
                /*14*/ no,
                /*15*/ no

            int[] actual1 = 
                /* 1*/ 1,
                /* 2*/ 2,
                /* 3*/ 5,
                /* 4*/ 1,
                /* 5*/ 1,
                /* 6*/ 1,
                /* 7*/ 2,
                /* 8*/ 1,
                /* 9*/ 2,
                /*10*/ 2,
                /*11*/ 1,
                /*12*/ 1,
                /*13*/ 5,
                /*14*/ 1,
                /*15*/ 1

            int[] actual2 = 
                /* 1*/ 1,
                /* 2*/ 1,
                /* 3*/ 5,
                /* 4*/ 1,
                /* 5*/ 1,
                /* 6*/ 1,
                /* 7*/ 4,
                /* 8*/ 1,
                /* 9*/ 2,
                /*10*/ 2,
                /*11*/ 1,
                /*12*/ 1,
                /*13*/ 5,
                /*14*/ 1,
                /*15*/ 1

            ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic a = new ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic(expected, actual1);
            ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic b = new ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic(expected, actual2);


            TwoReceiverOperatingCurveTest test = new TwoReceiverOperatingCurveTest(a, b);

            Assert.AreEqual(-1.1351915229662422, test.Statistic);
