public void Dispose_DirectoryDoesNotExist()
            TempDirectory target = new TempDirectory();

            Assert.IsFalse(System.IO.Directory.Exists(target.Path), "The directory designated by 'Path' should not exist after disposal: {0}", target.Path);
        public void Dispose_DisposedSetToTrue()
            TempDirectory target = new TempDirectory();

            Assert.IsTrue(target.Disposed, "The Disposed property should be set to true after disposal.");
        public void Finalize_DirectoryDoesNotExist()
            TempDirectory target = new TempDirectory();
            string path = target.Path;

            target = null;


            Assert.IsFalse(System.IO.Directory.Exists(path), "The directory designated by 'Path' should not exist after disposal: {0}", path);
 public void Constructor_PathSet()
     TempDirectory target = new TempDirectory();
     Assert.IsNotNull(target.Path, "The Path property should not be null after construction.");
 public void Constructor_PathBeginsWithTempPath()
     TempDirectory target = new TempDirectory();
     Assert.IsTrue(target.Path.StartsWith(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath()), "The Path property should point to a location within the user's temp directory.");
 public void Constructor_DisposedSetToFalse()
     TempDirectory target = new TempDirectory();
     Assert.IsFalse(target.Disposed, "The Disposed property should be false after construction.");
 public void Constructor_DirectoryExists()
     TempDirectory target = new TempDirectory();
     Assert.IsTrue(System.IO.Directory.Exists(target.Path), "The directory designated by 'Path' should exist after construction.");
        public void Append_ReturnsStringBuilderWithCorrectPath()
            TempDirectory target = new TempDirectory();

            Assert.AreEqual(System.IO.Path.Combine(target.Path, ""), target.Append(""), "The value of the StringBuilder result is not correct.");