public ServiceRequest LookupSR(string incident_id, int _logIncidentId = 0, int _logContactId = 0)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SRURL) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SRServiceUsername) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SRServicePassword))
                throw new Exception("Provider's InitForSR not run.");
            string request, response, logMessage, logNote;

            SRSVC.WC_Service_Request_BSClient client = new SRSVC.WC_Service_Request_BSClient(binding, addr);
            MyEndpointBehavior eBehavior = new MyEndpointBehavior();
            if(SRServiceTimeout > 0)
                client.InnerChannel.OperationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(SRServiceTimeout );

            SRSVC.WC_Service_Request_BSQueryPage_Input ip = new SRSVC.WC_Service_Request_BSQueryPage_Input();

            ServiceRequest sr = new ServiceRequest();

            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io = new SRSVC.ListOfWc_Service_Request_IoQuery();
            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest = new SRSVC.ServiceRequestQuery();
            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.Id = new SRSVC.queryType();
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(incident_id))
                ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.Id.Value = "='" + incident_id + "'";
                throw new Exception("Service Request ID is empty.");

            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.Description = new SRSVC.queryType();
            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.Description.Value = String.Empty;

            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.ContactId = new SRSVC.queryType();
            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.ContactId.Value = String.Empty;

            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.OwnedById = new SRSVC.queryType();
            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.OwnedById.Value = String.Empty;

            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.Owner = new SRSVC.queryType();
            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.Owner.Value = String.Empty;

            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.Priority = new SRSVC.queryType();
            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.Priority.Value = String.Empty;

            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.SRNumber = new SRSVC.queryType();
            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.SRNumber.Value = String.Empty;

            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.SRType = new SRSVC.queryType();
            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.SRType.Value = String.Empty;

            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.SerialNumber = new SRSVC.queryType();
            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.SerialNumber.Value = String.Empty;

            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.Severity = new SRSVC.queryType();
            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.Severity.Value = String.Empty;

            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.Status = new SRSVC.queryType();
            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.Status.Value = String.Empty;

            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.Type = new SRSVC.queryType();
            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.Type.Value = String.Empty;

            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.ProductId = new SRSVC.queryType();
            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.ProductId.Value = String.Empty;

            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.Product = new SRSVC.queryType();
            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest.Product.Value = String.Empty;

            ip.LOVLanguageMode = "LIC";
            ip.ViewMode = "All";
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
                SRSVC.WC_Service_Request_BSQueryPage_Output op;
                using (new OperationContextScope(client.InnerChannel))
                    MessageHeader usrMsgHdr = MessageHeader.CreateHeader("UsernameToken", "", SRServiceUsername);
                    MessageHeader pwdMsgHdr = MessageHeader.CreateHeader("PasswordText", "", SRServicePassword);
                    op = client.WC_Service_Request_BSQueryPage(ip);
                    request = eBehavior.msgInspector.reqPayload;
                    response = eBehavior.msgInspector.resPayload;

                    SRSVC.ServiceRequestData opData = op.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest[0];
                    sr.RequestID = opData.Id;
                    sr.RequestNumber = opData.SRNumber;
                    sr.Status = opData.Status;
                    sr.Severity = opData.Severity;
                    sr.RequestType = opData.SRType;
                    sr.Summary = opData.Description;
                    sr.SerialNumber = opData.SerialNumber;
                    sr.Owner = opData.Owner;
                    sr.OwnerID = opData.OwnedById;
                    sr.Product = opData.ProductId;
                    sr.ProductDescription = opData.Product;

                logMessage = "Request of loading Service Request (Success). SR ID = " + incident_id;
                logNote = "Request Payload: " + request;
                log.DebugLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);

                logMessage = "Response of loading Service Request (Success). SR ID = " + incident_id;
                logNote = "Response Payload: " + response;
                log.DebugLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote, (int)stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            catch (Exception ex)
                request = eBehavior.msgInspector.reqPayload;
                response = eBehavior.msgInspector.resPayload;

                sr.ErrorMessage = "There has been an error communicating with Siebel. Please check log for detail.";
                logMessage = "Request of loading Service Request (Failure). SR ID = " + incident_id + " Error: " + ex.Message;
                logNote = "Request Payload: " + request;
                log.ErrorLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);

                logMessage = "Response of loading Service Request (Failure). SR ID = " + incident_id + " Error: " + ex.Message;
                logNote = "Response Payload: " + response;
                log.ErrorLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);

                handleSiebelException(ex, "Lookup Service Request", _logIncidentId, _logContactId);
            return sr;
        public ServiceRequest UpdateSR(ServiceRequest sr, int _logIncidentId = 0, int _logContactId = 0)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SRURL) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SRServiceUsername) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SRServicePassword))
                throw new Exception("Provider's InitForSR not run.");

            string request, response, logMessage, logNote;

            SRSVC.WC_Service_Request_BSClient client = new SRSVC.WC_Service_Request_BSClient(binding, addr);
            MyEndpointBehavior eBehavior = new MyEndpointBehavior();
            if(SRServiceTimeout > 0)
                client.InnerChannel.OperationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(SRServiceTimeout );

            SRSVC.WC_Service_Request_BSUpdate_Input ip = new SRSVC.WC_Service_Request_BSUpdate_Input();

            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io = new SRSVC.ListOfWc_Service_Request_IoData();
            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest = new SRSVC.ServiceRequestData[1];
            ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest[0] = new SRSVC.ServiceRequestData();
            if (sr.RequestID != null)
                ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest[0].Id = sr.RequestID;
                sr.ErrorMessage = "The following error occurred when doing the Create: SR ID is empty";
                return sr;

            if (sr.Summary != null)
                ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest[0].Description = sr.Summary;
                ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest[0].Description = String.Empty;

            if (sr.ContactID != null)
                ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest[0].ContactId = sr.ContactID;
                ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest[0].ContactId = String.Empty;

            if (sr.Severity != null)
                ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest[0].Severity = sr.Severity;
                ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest[0].Severity = String.Empty;

            if (sr.RequestType != null)
                ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest[0].SRType = sr.RequestType;
                ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest[0].SRType = String.Empty;

            if (sr.SerialNumber != null)
                ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest[0].SerialNumber = sr.SerialNumber;
                ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest[0].SerialNumber = String.Empty;

            if (sr.Status != null)
                ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest[0].Status = sr.Status;
                ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest[0].Status = String.Empty;

            if (sr.IncidentID != null || sr.IncidentRef != null)
                ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest[0].IntegrationId = sr.IncidentID + "," + sr.IncidentRef;

            if (sr.RnowHost != null)
                ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest[0].IntegrationSite = sr.RnowHost;
                ip.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io.ServiceRequest[0].IntegrationSite = String.Empty;

            ip.LOVLanguageMode = "LIC";
            ip.ViewMode = "All";
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
                SRSVC.WC_Service_Request_BSUpdate_Output op;
                using (new OperationContextScope(client.InnerChannel))
                    MessageHeader usrMsgHdr = MessageHeader.CreateHeader("UsernameToken", "", SRServiceUsername);
                    MessageHeader pwdMsgHdr = MessageHeader.CreateHeader("PasswordText", "", SRServicePassword);
                    op = client.WC_Service_Request_BSUpdate(ip);
                    request = eBehavior.msgInspector.reqPayload;
                    response = eBehavior.msgInspector.resPayload;

                    SRSVC.ServiceRequestId opData = op.ListOfWc_Service_Request_Io[0];
                    sr.RequestID = opData.Id;

                logMessage = "Request of updating Service Request (Success). SR ID = " + sr.RequestID;
                logNote = "Request Payload: " + request;
                log.DebugLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);

                logMessage = "Response of updating Service Request (Success). SR ID = " + sr.RequestID;
                logNote = "Response Payload: " + response;
                log.DebugLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote, (int)stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            catch (Exception ex)
                request = eBehavior.msgInspector.reqPayload;
                response = eBehavior.msgInspector.resPayload;
                sr.ErrorMessage = "There has been an error communicating with Siebel. Please check log for detail.";

                logMessage = "Request of updating Service Request (Failure). SR ID = " + sr.RequestID + " Error: " + ex.Message;
                logNote = "Request Payload: " + request;
                log.ErrorLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);

                logMessage = "Response of updating Service Request (Failure). SR ID = " + sr.RequestID + " Error: " + ex.Message;
                logNote = "Response Payload: " + response;
                log.ErrorLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);

                handleSiebelException(ex, "Update Service Request", _logIncidentId, _logContactId);
            return sr;
        private Boolean checkSRStatus(string sr_id)

            string logMessage, logNote;

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sr_id))
                return false;

            // load SR
            ServiceRequest sr = new ServiceRequest();
                sr = sr.Lookup(sr_id, _logIncidentId, 0);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string message = ex.Message;
                MessageBox.Show(message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                logMessage = "Error in loading Service Request. Error: " + ex.Message;
                logNote = "";
                _log.ErrorLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage, logNote: logNote);
                return false;

            if (sr.ErrorMessage != null)
                logMessage = "Loading Service Request is failed. SR ID = " + sr_id;
                logNote = "Response shows error code when loading service request. Response's error message: " + sr.ErrorMessage;
                _log.ErrorLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage, logNote: logNote);

                return false;

            if (sr.Status == "Closed")
                String message = "Activity cannot be saved in Siebel because the Service Request is closed.";
                MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK;
                DialogResult result;

                result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(this, message, "Warning", buttons, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                logMessage = "Cannot propagate the activity to Siebel.";
                logNote = message;
                _log.ErrorLog(logMessage: logMessage, logNote: logNote, incidentId: _logIncidentId);

                return false;
                return true;
        /*  This method calls
         *  WC_Contacts_BSClient : WC_Contacts_BSQueryPage
         *  Called by SRlistVirtualTable GetRows() to display Service Requests for a contact
        public ServiceRequest[] LookupSRbyContactPartyID(IList<string> columns, string contact_id, int _logIncidentId = 0, int _logContactId = 0)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SRURL) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SRServiceUsername) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SRServicePassword))
                throw new Exception("Provider's InitForSR is not run.");
            string request, response, logMessage, logNote;
            binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = 2147483647;
            CONTACTSVC.WC_Contacts_BSClient client = new CONTACTSVC.WC_Contacts_BSClient(binding, addr);
            MyEndpointBehavior eBehavior = new MyEndpointBehavior();
            if(SRServiceTimeout > 0)
                client.InnerChannel.OperationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(SRServiceTimeout );
            CONTACTSVC.WC_Contacts_BSQueryPage_Input ip = new CONTACTSVC.WC_Contacts_BSQueryPage_Input();

            ip.ListOfWc_Contacts_Io = new CONTACTSVC.ListOfWc_Contacts_IoQuery();
            ip.ListOfWc_Contacts_Io.Contact = new CONTACTSVC.ContactQuery();

            ip.ListOfWc_Contacts_Io.Contact.Id = new CONTACTSVC.queryType();
            ip.ListOfWc_Contacts_Io.Contact.Id.Value = "='" + contact_id + "'";

            ip.ListOfWc_Contacts_Io.Contact.ListOfServiceRequest = new CONTACTSVC.ListOfServiceRequestQuery();
            ip.ListOfWc_Contacts_Io.Contact.ListOfServiceRequest.ServiceRequest = new CONTACTSVC.ServiceRequestQuery();
            ip.ListOfWc_Contacts_Io.Contact.ListOfServiceRequest.ServiceRequest.SRNumber = new CONTACTSVC.queryType();
            foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in ip.ListOfWc_Contacts_Io.Contact.ListOfServiceRequest.ServiceRequest.GetType().GetProperties())
                /* bc Incident/SR report tab is a special case, the columns are hard coded and fixed
                 * to show the combined rnow and siebel rows, IntegratrionId, summary, Id
                 * are diffent name
                foreach (string column in columns)
                    if (propertyInfo.Name == column.Split('.')[1] ||
                        propertyInfo.Name == "IntegrationId" ||
                        propertyInfo.Name == "Id" ||
                        propertyInfo.Name == "Abstract"
                        if (propertyInfo.PropertyType == typeof(CONTACTSVC.queryType))
                            CONTACTSVC.queryType queryType = new CONTACTSVC.queryType();
                            propertyInfo.SetValue(ip.ListOfWc_Contacts_Io.Contact.ListOfServiceRequest.ServiceRequest, queryType, null);

            ip.LOVLanguageMode = "LIC";
            ip.ViewMode = "All";

            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            CONTACTSVC.WC_Contacts_BSQueryPage_Output opList;
                using (new OperationContextScope(client.InnerChannel))
                    MessageHeader usrMsgHdr = MessageHeader.CreateHeader("UsernameToken", "", SRServiceUsername);
                    MessageHeader pwdMsgHdr = MessageHeader.CreateHeader("PasswordText", "", SRServicePassword);
                    opList = client.WC_Contacts_BSQueryPage(ip);
                    request = eBehavior.msgInspector.reqPayload;
                    logMessage = "Request of SRs by contactID (Success). Siebel Contact ID = " + contact_id;
                    logNote = "Request Payload: " + request;
                    log.DebugLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);
                    response = eBehavior.msgInspector.resPayload;
                    logMessage = "Response of SRs by contactID (Success). Siebel Contact ID = " + contact_id;
                    logNote = "Response Payload: " + response;
                    log.DebugLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote, (int)stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            catch (Exception ex)
                request = eBehavior.msgInspector.reqPayload;
                logMessage = "Request of SRs by contactID (Failure). Siebel Contact ID = " + contact_id;
                logNote = "Request Payload: " + request;
                log.DebugLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);
                response = eBehavior.msgInspector.resPayload;
                logMessage = "Response of SRs by contactID (Failure). Siebel Contact ID = " + contact_id;
                logNote = "Response Payload: " + response;
                log.DebugLog(_logIncidentId, _logContactId, logMessage, logNote);
                handleSiebelException(ex, "LookupSRbyContactPartyID");
                throw ex;

            CONTACTSVC.ContactData contactData = opList.ListOfWc_Contacts_Io.Contact[0];
            if (contactData.ListOfServiceRequest.ServiceRequest == null)
                return null;

            ServiceRequest[] retvals = new ServiceRequest[contactData.ListOfServiceRequest.ServiceRequest.Length];
            int i = 0;
            foreach (CONTACTSVC.ServiceRequestData sr in contactData.ListOfServiceRequest.ServiceRequest)
                if (sr.IntegrationId == null || sr.IntegrationId == "")
                    ServiceRequest req = new ServiceRequest();
                    req.RequestID = sr.Id;
                    req.RequestNumber = sr.SRNumber;
                    req.Status = sr.Status;
                    req.Summary = sr.Abstract;
                    req.RequestDate = (DateTime)sr.Created;
                    retvals[i] = req;

            return retvals;
        private void SaveToSiebel(bool isCreate)
            bool sr_saved;
            ServiceRequest sr = null;
            string logMessage, logNote;

            // Make sure we actually have an asset and a saved incident
            if (Contact != null)
                //Compose Service Request
                sr = new ServiceRequest();

                // Set Service Request attributes - severity, status, request type, contact party id, etc. 
                KeyValuePair<String, String> severityKeyPair = sr.rnSeverityToServerSeverity(selected_rn_severity_id);
                selected_server_severity = severityKeyPair.Key;
                sr.Severity = severityKeyPair.Key;

                KeyValuePair<String, String> statusKeyPair = sr.rnStatusToServerStatus(selected_rn_request_status_id);
                selected_server_request_status = statusKeyPair.Key;
                sr.Status = statusKeyPair.Key;

                KeyValuePair<String, String> requestTypeKeyPair = sr.rnRequestTypeToServerRequestType(selected_rn_request_type_id);
                selected_server_request_type = requestTypeKeyPair.Key;
                sr.RequestType = requestTypeKeyPair.Key;

                sr.ContactID = selectedContactPartyId;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedContactOrgId) || selectedContactOrgId == "0")
                    sr.ContactOrgID = null;
                    sr.ContactOrgID = selectedContactOrgId;
                sr.Summary = Incident.Subject;
                sr.RequestDate = (Incident.Created.HasValue) ? Incident.Created.Value : DateTime.Now;
                sr.IncidentOccurredDate = (Incident.Created.HasValue) ? Incident.Created.Value : DateTime.Now;

                sr.IncidentRef = Incident.RefNo;
                sr.IncidentID = Incident.ID.ToString();

                sr.SerialNumber = current_serial_num;

                    sr.ProductID = currentProductID;
                    sr.ProductID = null;

                if (_siebelDefaultSrOwnerId != null)
                    sr.OwnerID = _siebelDefaultSrOwnerId;

                    if (isCreate)
                        //Create Service Request
                        sr.RnowHost = ConfigurationSetting.rnt_host;
                        logMessage = "Ready to create Service Request";
                        _log.DebugLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage);
                        sr_saved = sr.Create(_logIncidentId, 0);
                        //Update Service Request
                        //Set custom attribute fields for update
                        var sr_id = "";
                        var sr_num = "";
                        var sr_owner_id = "";
                        IList<ICustomAttribute> incCustomAttributes = Incident.CustomAttributes;
                        string[] incCustomAttrs = { "Accelerator$siebel_sr_id", "Accelerator$siebel_sr_num", "Accelerator$siebel_sr_owner_id"};
                        Dictionary<String, Object> incCustomAttrsResults = CustomAttrHelper.fetchCustomAttrValue(incCustomAttributes, incCustomAttrs, this._logIncidentId, 0);
                        sr_id = incCustomAttrsResults["Accelerator$siebel_sr_id"] != null ? incCustomAttrsResults["Accelerator$siebel_sr_id"].ToString() : "";
                        sr_num = incCustomAttrsResults["Accelerator$siebel_sr_num"] != null ? incCustomAttrsResults["Accelerator$siebel_sr_num"].ToString() : "";
                        sr_owner_id = incCustomAttrsResults["Accelerator$siebel_sr_owner_id"] != null ? incCustomAttrsResults["Accelerator$siebel_sr_owner_id"].ToString() : "";

                        sr.RequestID = sr_id;
                        sr.RequestNumber = sr_num;
                        sr.RnowHost = ConfigurationSetting.rnt_host;
                        if (sr_owner_id != "")
                            sr.OwnerID = sr_owner_id;

                        logMessage = "Ready to update Service Request. SR ID = " + sr_id;
                        logNote = "";
                        _log.DebugLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage, logNote: logNote);

                        sr_saved = sr.Update(_logIncidentId, 0);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    logMessage = "Error in creating/updating Service Request.Error Message: " + ex.Message;
                    logNote = "";
                    _log.ErrorLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage, logNote: logNote);

                    string message = ex.Message;
                    MessageBox.Show(message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                if (!sr_saved)
                    // If Service Request is not saved successfully, show error.
                    string message = "There has been an error communicating with Siebel. Please check log for detail.";
                    MessageBox.Show(message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                    logMessage = "Error in creating/updating Service Request.";
                    logNote = "Response shows error code. Response's error message: " + sr.ErrorMessage;
                    _log.ErrorLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage, logNote: logNote);

                    logMessage = "Created/Updated Service Request successfully. SR ID = " + sr.RequestID;
                    logNote = "";
                    _log.DebugLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage, logNote: logNote);

                    // After update successfully, update the values which are stored information from Siebel side
                        storedRequestType = selected_server_request_type;
                        storedRequestStatus = selected_server_request_status;
                        storedSeverity = selected_server_severity;
                        siebelStoredSerialNum = current_serial_num;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        logMessage = "Error in updating incident fields with Service Request information, after created/updated SR. Error Message: " + ex.Message;
                        _log.ErrorLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage);

                    if (isCreate)
                        //Check the interaction, we need created, after created a new service request
                        string sr_id = sr.RequestID;
                        int currentThreadCount = Incident.Threads.Count == 0 ? 0 : Incident.Threads[0].ID;
                        int storedThreadsCount = 0;
                        IList<ICustomAttribute> incCustomAttributes = Incident.CustomAttributes;
                        string[] incCustomAttrThread = { "Accelerator$siebel_max_thread_id" };
                        Dictionary<String, Object> incCustomAttrResultThread = CustomAttrHelper.fetchCustomAttrValue(incCustomAttributes, incCustomAttrThread, this._logIncidentId, 0);
                        storedThreadsCount = incCustomAttrResultThread["Accelerator$siebel_max_thread_id"] != null ? (int)incCustomAttrResultThread["Accelerator$siebel_max_thread_id"] : 0;

                        // If have new thread, then call function SaveInteractionToSiebel to create interaction
                        if (currentThreadCount != storedThreadsCount && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sr_id))
                            logMessage = "After created new SR, need to store new threads to Siebel System. Stored Thread Count = " + storedThreadsCount + "; Current Thread Count = " + currentThreadCount;
                            logNote = "";
                            _log.DebugLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage, logNote: logNote);

                            SaveNoteToSiebel(sr_id, currentThreadCount, storedThreadsCount, true);

                        // Iterate through the incident custom attributes and set values
                            bool sr_id_found = false;
                            bool sr_num_found = false;
                            bool sr_owner_id_found = false;
                            foreach (ICustomAttribute cusAttr in incCustomAttributes)
                                if (cusAttr.PackageName == "Accelerator" && cusAttr.GenericField.Name == "Accelerator$siebel_sr_id")
                                    sr_id_found = true;
                                    cusAttr.GenericField.DataValue.Value = sr.RequestID;
                                    UpdateIncCustomAttr(Incident.ID, "siebel_sr_id", sr.RequestID);
                                if (cusAttr.PackageName == "Accelerator" && cusAttr.GenericField.Name == "Accelerator$siebel_sr_num")
                                    ServiceRequest createdSR = sr.Lookup(sr.RequestID, _logIncidentId);
                                    sr_num_found = true;
                                    if (createdSR != null)
                                        cusAttr.GenericField.DataValue.Value = createdSR.RequestNumber;
                                        UpdateIncCustomAttr(Incident.ID, "siebel_sr_num", createdSR.RequestNumber);
                                if (cusAttr.PackageName == "Accelerator" && cusAttr.GenericField.Name == "Accelerator$siebel_sr_owner_id")
                                    sr_owner_id_found = true;
                                    cusAttr.GenericField.DataValue.Value = sr.OwnerID;
                                    UpdateIncCustomAttr(Incident.ID, "siebel_sr_owner_id", sr.OwnerID);

                            if (sr_id_found == false)
                                logMessage = "Custom attribute is not defined. Cannot get Accelerator$siebel_sr_id.";
                                _log.ErrorLog(incidentId:_logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage);

                            if (sr_num_found == false)
                                logMessage = "Custom attribute is not defined. Cannot get Accelerator$siebel_sr_num.";
                                _log.ErrorLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage);

                            if (sr_owner_id_found == false)
                                logMessage = "Custom attribute is not defined. Cannot get Accelerator$siebel_sr_owner_id.";
                                _log.ErrorLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage);

                            if (sr_id_found == false || sr_num_found == false || sr_owner_id_found == false)
                                MessageBox.Show("Custom Attribute configuration missing. Please check log for detail.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            logMessage = "Error in updating incident fields with Service Request information, after created new SR.Error Message: " + ex.Message;
                            _log.ErrorLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage);

                        logMessage = " Updating incident fields with Service Request information, after created new SR successfully.siebel_sr_id = " + sr.RequestID.ToString() + "; siebel_sr_num = " + sr.RequestNumber + "; siebel_sr_owner_id = " + sr.OwnerID.ToString() + ".";
                        _log.DebugLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage);
        void _recordContext_Saving(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
            string logMessage, logNote;
            storedContactPartyId = _serviceRequestControl.storedContactPartyId;
            storedSeverity = _serviceRequestControl.storedSeverity;
            storedRequestStatus = _serviceRequestControl.storedRequestStatus;
            storedRequestType = _serviceRequestControl.storedRequestType;
            storedSubject = _serviceRequestControl.storedSubject;
            siebelStoredSerialNum = _serviceRequestControl.siebelStoredSerialNum;
            siebelStoredProductID = _serviceRequestControl.siebelStoredProductID;


            Contact = _recordContext.GetWorkspaceRecord(RightNow.AddIns.Common.WorkspaceRecordType.Contact) as IContact;
            if (Contact == null)
                _serviceRequestControl.tbSerialNo.Enabled = true;
                DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Contact is empty. Cannot do the serial number validation. ", "Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                    logMessage = "Contact is empty. Cannot do the serial number validation. ";
                    logNote = "";
                    _log.DebugLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage, logNote: logNote);
                    e.Cancel = true;

            // get custom attribute Accelerator$siebel_sr_id value
            var sr_id = "";

            IList<ICustomAttribute> incCustomAttributes = Incident.CustomAttributes;
            string[] incCustomAttrSrId = { "Accelerator$siebel_sr_id", "Accelerator$siebel_serial_number"};
            Dictionary<String, Object> incCustomAttrSrIdResult = CustomAttrHelper.fetchCustomAttrValue(incCustomAttributes, incCustomAttrSrId, this._logIncidentId, 0);
            sr_id = incCustomAttrSrIdResult["Accelerator$siebel_sr_id"] != null ? incCustomAttrSrIdResult["Accelerator$siebel_sr_id"].ToString() : "";
            rnStoredSerialNum = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)incCustomAttrSrIdResult["Accelerator$siebel_serial_number"])? incCustomAttrSrIdResult["Accelerator$siebel_serial_number"].ToString() : "";

            // If Incident's Contact has associated to an Siebel Contact, it does not support to edit it.
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sr_id) && currentContactID != Contact.ID)
                string message = "This incident has been associated to a Siebel Contact, we cannot allow changing the contact via this addin. Please change the primary contact back.";
                MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK;
                DialogResult result;

                // Show message box to mention the assigned contact party id
                result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(this, message, "Message", buttons, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                logMessage = "Cannot changing incident's primary contact. This incident has been associated to an Siebel Contact, Contact ID = " + Contact.ID;
                logNote = "";
                _log.DebugLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage, logNote: logNote);

                if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                    e.Cancel = true;

            current_serial_num = _serviceRequestControl.tbSerialNo.Text;
            //Validate serial number
            bool isValidSerial;
            if (current_serial_num != "")
                    isValidSerial = this.validateSerialNumber(current_serial_num);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    logMessage = "Incident saving is cancelled, because error: " + ex.Message;
                    _log.ErrorLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage);
                    e.Cancel = true;

                if (isValidSerial)
                    currentProductID = _serviceRequestControl.siebelProductId;
                    //Invalid Error
                    logMessage = "The serial number (" + current_serial_num + ") is invalid. It does not belong to current contact's organization.";
                    logNote = "";
                    _log.NoticeLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage, logNote: logNote);
                    string message = "The serial number is invalid. It does not belong to current contact's organization.";
                    MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK;
                    DialogResult result;

                    // Show message box to mention the assigned contact party id
                    result = MessageBox.Show(this, message, "Error", buttons, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                        //current_serial_num = siebelStoredSerialNum;
                        //currentInstanceID = siebelStoredInstanceID;
                        e.Cancel = true;
                currentProductID = "";
            //Update current incident's serial number
            if (current_serial_num != rnStoredSerialNum)

            //Get Oracle Service Clould product ID according to Siebel product information
            string rnProductId = null;
            if (currentProductID != null)
                rnProductId = this.getProductId(currentProductID);

            //Set current incident's product
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(rnProductId))
                Incident.ProductID = Convert.ToInt32(rnProductId);
                Incident.ProductID = null;

            ServiceRequest sr = new ServiceRequest();
            current_subject = Incident.Subject;
            //get current incident status id and convert to Siebel status id
            selected_rn_request_status_id = Incident.Status.StatusID;
            selected_server_request_status = sr.rnStatusToServerStatus(selected_rn_request_status_id).Key;

            //get current incident severity id and convert to Siebel severity id
            if (!Incident.SeverityID.Equals(null))
                selected_rn_severity_id = (int)Incident.SeverityID;
                selected_rn_severity_id = 0;
            selected_server_severity = sr.rnSeverityToServerSeverity(selected_rn_severity_id).Key;

            //get current incident type id and serial number
            selected_rn_request_type_id = 0;

            string[] incCustomAttrs = { "Accelerator$siebel_sr_request_type"};
            Dictionary<String, Object> incCustomAttrsResults = CustomAttrHelper.fetchCustomAttrValue(incCustomAttributes, incCustomAttrs, this._logIncidentId, 0);
            selected_rn_request_type_id = incCustomAttrsResults["Accelerator$siebel_sr_request_type"] != null ? (int)incCustomAttrsResults["Accelerator$siebel_sr_request_type"] : 0;   
            //convert to Siebel type id 
            selected_server_request_type = sr.rnRequestTypeToServerRequestType(selected_rn_request_type_id).Key;

            logMessage = "In CheckIncidentUpdates, get all current value.";
            logNote = "incident status id = " + selected_rn_request_status_id + ", sr status id = " + selected_server_request_status +
                "incident severity id = " + selected_rn_request_type_id + ", sr severity id = " + selected_server_severity +
                "incident type id = " + selected_rn_request_type_id + ", sr type id = " + selected_server_request_type +
                "incident serial num = " + current_serial_num + ", incident subject = " + current_subject;
            _log.DebugLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage, logNote: logNote);

        private void bw_LoadSRDetails(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            var sr_id = "";
            var sr_num = "";
            string logMessage, logNote;
            IList<ICustomAttribute> customAttributes = incident.CustomAttributes;
            string[] incCustomAttrs = { "Accelerator$siebel_sr_id", "Accelerator$siebel_sr_num", "Accelerator$siebel_serial_number" };
            Dictionary<String, Object> incCustomAttrsResults = CustomAttrHelper.fetchCustomAttrValue(customAttributes, incCustomAttrs, this._logIncidentId, 0);
            sr_id = incCustomAttrsResults["Accelerator$siebel_sr_id"] != null ? incCustomAttrsResults["Accelerator$siebel_sr_id"].ToString() : "";
            sr_num = incCustomAttrsResults["Accelerator$siebel_sr_num"] != null ? incCustomAttrsResults["Accelerator$siebel_sr_num"].ToString() : "";

            e.Result = null;
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sr_id))
                // Call to SR Lookup and Display SR Details
                ServiceRequest sr = new ServiceRequest();
                    sr = sr.Lookup(sr_id,  _logIncidentId, 0);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string message = ex.Message;
                    MessageBox.Show(message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                    e.Cancel = true;
                    logMessage = "Error in loading Service Request. Error: " + ex.Message;
                    logNote = "";
                    _log.ErrorLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage, logNote: logNote);

                if (sr.ErrorMessage != null)
                    e.Cancel = true;
                    logMessage = "Loading Service Request is failed. SR ID = " + sr_id;
                    logNote = "Response shows error code when loading service request. Response's error message: " + sr.ErrorMessage;
                    _log.ErrorLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage, logNote: logNote);


                e.Result = sr;

                //Set stored value (need them to decide whether field is changed)
                storedContactPartyId = (sr.ContactID == "0") ? "" : sr.ContactID;
                storedSeverity = sr.Severity;
                storedRequestStatus = sr.Status;
                storedRequestType =  sr.RequestType;
                storedSubject = sr.Summary;
                siebelStoredSerialNum = (sr.SerialNumber == null ? "" : sr.SerialNumber);
                siebelStoredProductID = (sr.ProductID == null ? "" : sr.ProductID);

                bool sr_owner_id = false;
                bool sr_num_ca = false;
                foreach (ICustomAttribute cusAttr in customAttributes)
                    if (cusAttr.PackageName == "Accelerator" && cusAttr.GenericField.Name == "Accelerator$siebel_sr_owner_id")
                        sr_owner_id = true;
                        cusAttr.GenericField.DataValue.Value = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(sr.OwnerID)? sr.OwnerID : "";
                    if (cusAttr.PackageName == "Accelerator" && cusAttr.GenericField.Name == "Accelerator$siebel_sr_num")
                        sr_num_ca = true;
                        cusAttr.GenericField.DataValue.Value = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(sr.RequestNumber) ? sr.RequestNumber : "";

                if (sr_num_ca == false)
                    logMessage = "Custom attribute is not defined. Cannot get Accelerator$siebel_sr_num.";
                    ConfigurationSetting.logWrap.ErrorLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage);

                if (sr_owner_id == false)
                    logMessage = "Custom attribute is not defined. Cannot get Accelerator$siebel_sr_owner_id.";
                    ConfigurationSetting.logWrap.ErrorLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage);

                if (sr_owner_id == false||sr_num_ca == false)
                    MessageBox.Show("Custom Attribute configuration missing. Please check log for detail.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                logMessage = "Loaded Service Request. SR ID = " + sr_id;
                _log.DebugLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage);

                //Display Empty page if no Service Request associated
                logMessage = "No Service Request associated. Show empty form.";
                logNote = "";
                _log.DebugLog(incidentId: _logIncidentId, logMessage: logMessage, logNote: logNote);
        // Add Siebel Service Request row
        private void addSiebelSrRow(ref IList<string> columns, ref ReportDataRow reportDataRow, ref  IList<IReportRow> reportRows, ServiceRequest req)
            foreach (var column in columns)
                ReportDataCell reportDataCell = new ReportDataCell();

                switch (column)
                    case "Siebel$SRlistTable.SrNumber":
                        reportDataCell.GenericValue = req.RequestNumber;
                    case "Siebel$SRlistTable.Status":
                        reportDataCell.GenericValue = req.Status;
                    case "Siebel$SRlistTable.Summary":
                        reportDataCell.GenericValue = req.Summary;
                    case "Siebel$SRlistTable.Created":
                        reportDataCell.GenericValue = req.RequestDate;
                    case "Siebel$SRlistTable.IncidentRef":
                        reportDataCell.GenericValue = "";
                    case "Siebel$SRlistTable.HiddenSRconcatIncident_ID":
                        reportDataCell.GenericValue = req.RequestID + "_";
        // Add Siebel Service Request row
        private void addSiebelSrRow(ref IList<string> columns, ref ReportDataRow reportDataRow, ref  IList<IReportRow> reportRows, Hashtable srHashtable, ServiceRequest req)
            bool srInRnow = false;

            foreach (var column in columns)
                ReportDataCell reportDataCell = new ReportDataCell();

                switch (column)
                    case "Siebel$SRlistTable.SrNumber":
                        reportDataCell.GenericValue = req.RequestNumber;
                        if (srHashtable.ContainsKey(req.RequestNumber))
                            srInRnow = true;
                    case "Siebel$SRlistTable.Status":
                        reportDataCell.GenericValue = req.Status;
                    case "Siebel$SRlistTable.Summary":
                        reportDataCell.GenericValue = req.Summary;
                    case "Siebel$SRlistTable.Created":
                        reportDataCell.GenericValue = req.RequestDate;
                    case "Siebel$SRlistTable.IncidentRef":
                        reportDataCell.GenericValue = "";
                    case "Siebel$SRlistTable.HiddenSRconcatIncident_ID":
                        reportDataCell.GenericValue = req.RequestID + "_";
            if (!srInRnow)
                srInRnow = false;