public void Restart()
            // Use the current command line, with a profile command if not specified
            string commandLine = Environment.CommandLine;

            // This selects both /profile and /profiles. In that case we don't specify the profile, otherwise
            // we specify the current profile
            // It seems to be impossible to escape a profile name with a quote, so in that case ignore it
            if (!commandLine.ToLower().Contains("/profile") && !_addIn.ProfileName.Contains("\""))
                commandLine += " /profile " + Util.QuoteCommandLine(_addIn.ProfileName);

            // Custom command line
            foreach (ZPushAccount account in _resyncAccounts)
                string path = account.Account.BackingFilePath;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && System.IO.Path.GetExtension(path) == ".ost")
                    commandLine += " /cleankoe " + Util.QuoteCommandLine(path);
            foreach (KeyValuePair <ZPushAccount, GABUser> share in _shares)
                using (RegistryKey key = OutlookRegistryUtils.OpenProfileOutlookKey(_addIn.ProfileName, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree))
                    int accountId = (int)key.GetValue(OutlookConstants.REG_VAL_NEXT_ACCOUNT_ID);
                    using (RegistryKey accountKey = key.CreateSubKey(string.Format("{0:X8}", accountId)))
                        accountKey.SetValue(OutlookConstants.REG_VAL_ACCOUNTNAME, share.Value.UserName + " through " + share.Key.DisplayName);
                        accountKey.SetValue(OutlookConstants.REG_VAL_DISPLAYNAME, "Share for " + share.Value.DisplayName);
                        accountKey.SetValue(OutlookConstants.REG_VAL_EMAIL, "test" + share.Key.Account.SmtpAddress);
                        accountKey.SetValue(OutlookConstants.REG_VAL_EAS_SERVER, share.Key.Account.ServerURL);
                        accountKey.SetValue(OutlookConstants.REG_VAL_EAS_USERNAME, share.Key.Account.UserName + ".share." + share.Value.UserName);
                        accountKey.SetValue(OutlookConstants.REG_VAL_EAS_PASSWORD, share.Key.Account.EncryptedPassword);
                        //accountKey.SetValue(OutlookConstants.REG_VAL_EAS_DEVICEID, share.Key.Account.DeviceId);
                        accountKey.SetValue("clsid", "{ED475415-B0D6-11D2-8C3B-00104B2A6676}");
                    key.SetValue(OutlookConstants.REG_VAL_NEXT_ACCOUNT_ID, accountId + 1);

            // Run that
            Process process = new Process();

            process.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(RestarterPath, Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id + " " + commandLine);

            // And close us and any other windows
        public void Restart()
            // Use the current command line, with a profile command if not specified
            string commandLine = Environment.CommandLine;

            // This selects both /profile and /profiles. In that case we don't specify the profile, otherwise
            // we specify the current profile
            // It seems to be impossible to escape a profile name with a quote, so in that case ignore it
            if (!commandLine.ToLower().Contains("/profile") && !_addIn.ProfileName.Contains("\""))
                commandLine += " /profile " + Util.QuoteCommandLine(_addIn.ProfileName);

            // Custom command line
            foreach (ZPushAccount account in _resyncAccounts)
                string path = account.Account.BackingFilePath;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && System.IO.Path.GetExtension(path) == ".ost")
                    commandLine += " /cleankoe " + Util.QuoteCommandLine(path);

            if (_shares.Count > 0)
                foreach (Share share in _shares)
                    Logger.Instance.Debug(this, "Adding KOE share: profile={0}, version={1}, accountid={2}, user={3}, email={4}, reminders={5}",
                                          _addIn.ProfileName, _addIn.VersionMajor, share.account.Account.AccountId,,, share.showReminders);
                    // TODO: escaping
                    commandLine += " /sharekoe " + Util.QuoteCommandLine(_addIn.ProfileName + ":" +
                                                                         _addIn.VersionMajor + ":" +
                                                                         share.account.Account.AccountId + ":" +
                                                                + ":" + + ":" +
                                                                + ":1:" + (share.showReminders ? "1" : "0"));

            string arch            = Environment.Is64BitProcess ? "x64" : "x86";
            string fullCommandLine = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id + " " + arch + " " + commandLine;

            Logger.Instance.Debug(this, "Restarting KOE: {0}", fullCommandLine);
            // Run that
            Process process = new Process();

            process.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(RestarterPath, fullCommandLine);

            // And close us and any other windows