Exemple #1
        public async Task <bool> PrepareAsync(CookieAwareWebClient client, CancellationToken cancellation)
            var url = await GetRedirectOverrideAsync(_url, client, cancellation);

            if (url == null || cancellation.IsCancellationRequested)

            _url = url;
            Logging.Write($"{GetType().Name} download link: {_url}");

            _innerLoader = await FlexibleLoader.CreateLoaderAsync(_url, this, cancellation);

            if (_innerLoader == null || cancellation.IsCancellationRequested)

            if (_innerLoader.GetType() == GetType())
                throw new Exception(ToolsStrings.DirectLoader_RecursionDetected);
            return(await _innerLoader.PrepareAsync(client, cancellation));
Exemple #2
        private async Task <string> DownloadResumeSupportAsync([NotNull] CookieAwareWebClient client,
                                                               [NotNull] FlexibleLoaderGetPreferredDestinationCallback getPreferredDestination,
                                                               [CanBeNull] FlexibleLoaderReportDestinationCallback reportDestination, [CanBeNull] Func <bool> checkIfPaused,
                                                               IProgress <long> progress, CancellationToken cancellation)
            // Common variables
            string filename = null, selectedDestination = null, actualFootprint = null;
            Stream remoteData = null;
            string loadedData = null;

            var resumeSupported = ResumeSupported;

            try {
                // Read resume-related data and remove it to avoid conflicts
                var resumeDestination             = CacheStorage.Get <string>(_keyDestination);
                var resumePartiallyLoadedFilename = CacheStorage.Get <string>(_keyPartiallyLoadedFilename);
                var resumeLastWriteDate           = CacheStorage.Get <DateTime?>(_keyLastWriteDate);
                var resumePreviousFootprint       = CacheStorage.Get <string>(_keyFootprint);

                // Collect known information for destination callback
                var information = FlexibleLoaderMetaInformation.FromLoader(this);

                // Opening stream to read…
                var headRequest = HeadRequestSupported && resumeDestination != null;
                using (headRequest ? client.SetMethod("HEAD") : null) {
                    Logging.Warning($"Initial request: {(headRequest ? "HEAD" : "GET")}");
                    remoteData = await client.OpenReadTaskAsync(Url);


                // Maybe we’ll be lucky enough to load the most accurate data
                if (client.ResponseHeaders != null)
                    if (long.TryParse(client.ResponseHeaders[HttpResponseHeader.ContentLength] ?? "",
                                      NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var length))
                        if (client.ResponseHeaders[HttpResponseHeader.ContentType]?.StartsWith("text/html") == true &&
                            length < 256 * 1024)
                            Logging.Debug("HTML webpage detected, checking for redirect");
                            if (headRequest)
                                Logging.Warning("Re-open request to be GET");
                                remoteData = await client.OpenReadTaskAsync(Url);

                            loadedData = remoteData.ReadAsStringAndDispose();
                            remoteData = null;
                            var doc = new HtmlDocument();

                            var link = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(@"//meta[contains(@http-equiv, 'refresh')]")?.Attributes[@"content"]?.Value;
                            if (link == null)
                                Logging.Warning("Redirect is missing: " + loadedData);
                                var url = Regex.Match(link, @"\bhttp.+");
                                if (url.Success)
                                    Logging.Debug("Redirect to " + url.Value);
                                    var innerLoader = await FlexibleLoader.CreateLoaderAsync(url.Value, this, cancellation);

                                    if (innerLoader != null)
                                        return(await innerLoader.DownloadAsync(client, getPreferredDestination, reportDestination,
                                                                               checkIfPaused, progress, cancellation));

                        TotalSize = information.TotalSize = length;

                    if (TryGetFileName(client.ResponseHeaders, out var fileName))
                        FileName = information.FileName = fileName;

                    // For example, Google Drive responds with “none” and yet allows to download file partially,
                    // so this header will only be checked if value is not defined.
                    if (resumeSupported == null && loadedData == null)
                        var accept = client.ResponseHeaders[HttpResponseHeader.AcceptRanges] ?? "";
                        if (accept.Contains("bytes"))
                            resumeSupported = true;
                        else if (accept.Contains("none"))
                            resumeSupported = false;


                // Was the file partially loaded before?
                var partiallyLoaded = ResumeSupported != false && resumePartiallyLoadedFilename != null
                        ? new FileInfo(FileUtils.EnsureFilenameIsValid(resumePartiallyLoadedFilename, true)) : null;
                if (partiallyLoaded != null)
                    Logging.Warning("Not finished: " + partiallyLoaded);

                // Does it still exist
                if (partiallyLoaded?.Exists != true)
                    Logging.Warning($"Partially downloaded file “{partiallyLoaded?.FullName}” does not exist");
                    partiallyLoaded = null;

                // If so, wasn’t it changed since the last time?
                if (partiallyLoaded?.LastWriteTime > resumeLastWriteDate + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5))
                    Logging.Warning($"Partially downloaded file is newer that it should be: {partiallyLoaded.LastWriteTime}, expected: {resumeLastWriteDate}");
                    partiallyLoaded = null;

                // Looks like file is partially downloaded, but let’s ensure link still leads to the same content
                actualFootprint = GetFootprint(information, client.ResponseHeaders);
                if (partiallyLoaded != null && resumePreviousFootprint != actualFootprint)
                    Logging.Warning($"Footprints don’t match: {resumePreviousFootprint}≠{actualFootprint}");
                    partiallyLoaded = null;

                // Let’s check where to load data, which is potentially the most actual data at this point
                var destination = getPreferredDestination(Url, information);
                selectedDestination = destination.Filename;
                if (partiallyLoaded != null && (!destination.CanResumeDownload || !FileUtils.ArePathsEqual(selectedDestination, resumeDestination)))
                    Logging.Warning($"Different destination chosen: {selectedDestination} (before: {resumeDestination})");
                    partiallyLoaded = null;

                // TODO: Check that header?

                // Where to write?
                // ReSharper disable once MergeConditionalExpression
                filename = partiallyLoaded != null ? partiallyLoaded.FullName : FileUtils.EnsureUnique(true, destination.Filename);

                // Set cancellation token
                cancellation.Register(o => client.CancelAsync(), null);

                // Open write stream
                if (partiallyLoaded != null && loadedData == null)
                    var rangeFrom = partiallyLoaded.Length;
                    using (client.SetRange(new Tuple <long, long>(rangeFrom, -1))) {
                        Logging.Warning($"Trying to resume download from {rangeFrom} bytes…");

                        remoteData = await client.OpenReadTaskAsync(Url);

                        // client.LogResponseHeaders();

                        // It’s unknown if resume is supported or not at this point
                        if (resumeSupported == null)
                            var bytes      = new byte[16];
                            var firstBytes = await remoteData.ReadAsync(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);


                            if (CouldBeBeginningOfAFile(bytes))
                                using (var file = File.Create(filename)) {
                                    Logging.Warning("File beginning found, restart download");
                                    file.Write(bytes, 0, firstBytes);
                                    await CopyToAsync(remoteData, file, checkIfPaused, progress, cancellation);


                                Logging.Write("Download finished");

                            rangeFrom += firstBytes;

                        using (var file = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write)) {
                            await CopyToAsync(remoteData, file, checkIfPaused, new Progress <long>(v => { progress?.Report(v + rangeFrom); }), cancellation);

                else if (loadedData != null)
                    File.WriteAllText(filename, loadedData);
                    if (headRequest)
                        Logging.Warning("Re-open request to be GET");
                        remoteData = await client.OpenReadTaskAsync(Url);

                    using (var file = File.Create(filename)) {
                        Logging.Debug("Downloading the whole file…");
                        await CopyToAsync(remoteData, file, checkIfPaused, progress, cancellation);


                Logging.Write("Download finished");
            } catch (Exception e) when(e is WebException || e.IsCancelled())
                Logging.Write("Download is interrupted! Saving details to resume later…");
                var download = filename == null ? null : new FileInfo(filename);

                if (download?.Exists == true && filename.Length > 0)
                    CacheStorage.Set(_keyDestination, selectedDestination);
                    CacheStorage.Set(_keyPartiallyLoadedFilename, filename);
                    CacheStorage.Set(_keyFootprint, actualFootprint);
                    CacheStorage.Set(_keyLastWriteDate, download.LastWriteTime);

            } finally {
                if (remoteData != null)