Exemple #1
        public virtual CrawlDecision ShouldCrawlPage(PageToCrawl pageToCrawl, CrawlContext crawlContext)
            if(pageToCrawl == null)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Null page to crawl" };

            if (crawlContext == null)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Null crawl context" };

            if(pageToCrawl.CrawlDepth > crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxCrawlDepth)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Crawl depth is above max" };

            if (!pageToCrawl.Uri.Scheme.StartsWith("http"))
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Scheme does not begin with http" };

            if (crawlContext.CrawledCount + 1 > crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPagesToCrawl)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = string.Format("MaxPagesToCrawl limit of [{0}] has been reached", crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPagesToCrawl) };

            int pagesCrawledInThisDomain = 0;
            if (crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPagesToCrawlPerDomain > 0 &&
                crawlContext.CrawlCountByDomain.TryGetValue(pageToCrawl.Uri.Authority, out pagesCrawledInThisDomain) &&
                pagesCrawledInThisDomain > 0)
                if(pagesCrawledInThisDomain >= crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPagesToCrawlPerDomain)
                    return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = string.Format("MaxPagesToCrawlPerDomain limit of [{0}] has been reached for domain [{1}]", crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPagesToCrawlPerDomain, pageToCrawl.Uri.Authority) };

            if(!crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.IsExternalPageCrawlingEnabled && !pageToCrawl.IsInternal)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Link is external" };

            return new CrawlDecision { Allow = true };
Exemple #2
        public CrawlArgs(CrawlContext crawlContext)
            if (crawlContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("crawlContext");

            CrawlContext = crawlContext;
        public PageCrawlDisallowedArgs(CrawlContext crawlContext, PageToCrawl pageToCrawl, string disallowedReason)
            : base(crawlContext, pageToCrawl)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(disallowedReason))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("disallowedReason");

            DisallowedReason = disallowedReason;
        public PageCrawlStartingArgs(CrawlContext crawlContext, PageToCrawl pageToCrawl)
            : base(crawlContext)
            if (pageToCrawl == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("pageToCrawl");

            PageToCrawl = pageToCrawl;
        public PageLinksCrawlDisallowedArgs(CrawlContext crawlContext, CrawledPage crawledPage, string disallowedReason)
            : base(crawlContext, crawledPage)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(disallowedReason))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("disallowedReason");

            DisallowedReason = disallowedReason;
        public PageCrawlCompletedArgs(CrawlContext crawlContext, CrawledPage crawledPage)
            : base(crawlContext)
            if (crawledPage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("crawledPage");

            CrawledPage = crawledPage;
Exemple #7
        public void Constructor_ValidArg_SetsPublicProperty()
            CrawledPage page = new CrawledPage(new Uri("http://aaa.com/"));
            CrawlContext context = new CrawlContext();
            CrawlArgs args = new CrawlArgs(context);

            Assert.AreSame(context, args.CrawlContext);
 public void SetUp()
     _fakeScheduler = new Mock<IScheduler>();
     _crawlContext = new CrawlContext();
     _crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration = new CrawlConfiguration { UserAgentString = "aaa" };
     _crawlContext.Scheduler = _fakeScheduler.Object;
     _unitUnderTest = new CrawlDecisionMaker();
 public void Constructor_ValidUri_CreatesInstance()
     CrawlContext unitUnderTest = new CrawlContext();
     Assert.AreEqual(null, unitUnderTest.RootUri);
     Assert.AreEqual(0, unitUnderTest.CrawledUrls.Count);
     Assert.AreEqual(0, unitUnderTest.CrawlCountByDomain.Count);
     Assert.AreEqual(false, unitUnderTest.IsCrawlStopRequested);
        public void CrawlBag()
            CrawlContext unitUnderTest = new CrawlContext();
            unitUnderTest.CrawlBag.SomeVal = "someval";
            unitUnderTest.CrawlBag.SomeQueue = new Queue<string>();

            Assert.AreEqual("someval", unitUnderTest.CrawlBag.SomeVal);
            Assert.AreEqual("aaa", unitUnderTest.CrawlBag.SomeQueue.Dequeue());
            Assert.AreEqual("bbb", unitUnderTest.CrawlBag.SomeQueue.Dequeue());
        public virtual CrawlDecision ShouldCrawlPageLinks(CrawledPage crawledPage, CrawlContext crawlContext)
            if (crawledPage == null)
                return new CrawlDecision{Allow = false, Reason = "Null crawled page"};

            if (crawlContext == null)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Null crawl context" };

                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Page has no content" };

            if (!crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.IsExternalPageLinksCrawlingEnabled && !crawledPage.IsInternal)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Link is external" };

            if (crawledPage.CrawlDepth >= crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxCrawlDepth)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Crawl depth is above max" };

            return new CrawlDecision{Allow = true};
        public virtual CrawlDecision ShouldCrawlPage(PageToCrawl pageToCrawl, CrawlContext crawlContext)
            if(pageToCrawl == null)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Null page to crawl" };

            if (crawlContext == null)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Null crawl context" };

            if (pageToCrawl.RedirectedFrom != null && pageToCrawl.RedirectPosition > crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.HttpRequestMaxAutoRedirects)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = string.Format("HttpRequestMaxAutoRedirects limit of [{0}] has been reached", crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.HttpRequestMaxAutoRedirects) };

            if(pageToCrawl.CrawlDepth > crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxCrawlDepth)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Crawl depth is above max" };

            if (!pageToCrawl.Uri.Scheme.StartsWith("http"))
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Scheme does not begin with http" };

            //TODO Do we want to ignore redirect chains (ie.. do not treat them as seperate page crawls)?
            if (!pageToCrawl.IsRetry &&
                crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPagesToCrawl > 0 &&
                crawlContext.CrawledCount + crawlContext.Scheduler.Count + 1 > crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPagesToCrawl)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = string.Format("MaxPagesToCrawl limit of [{0}] has been reached", crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPagesToCrawl) };

            int pagesCrawledInThisDomain = 0;
            if (!pageToCrawl.IsRetry &&
                crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPagesToCrawlPerDomain > 0 &&
                crawlContext.CrawlCountByDomain.TryGetValue(pageToCrawl.Uri.Authority, out pagesCrawledInThisDomain) &&
                pagesCrawledInThisDomain > 0)
                if (pagesCrawledInThisDomain >= crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPagesToCrawlPerDomain)
                    return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = string.Format("MaxPagesToCrawlPerDomain limit of [{0}] has been reached for domain [{1}]", crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPagesToCrawlPerDomain, pageToCrawl.Uri.Authority) };

            if(!crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.IsExternalPageCrawlingEnabled && !pageToCrawl.IsInternal)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Link is external" };

            return new CrawlDecision { Allow = true };
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a crawler instance with custom settings or implementation. Passing in null for all params is the equivalent of the empty constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="threadManager">Distributes http requests over multiple threads</param>
        /// <param name="scheduler">Decides what link should be crawled next</param>
        /// <param name="pageRequester">Makes the raw http requests</param>
        /// <param name="hyperLinkParser">Parses a crawled page for it's hyperlinks</param>
        /// <param name="crawlDecisionMaker">Decides whether or not to crawl a page or that page's links</param>
        /// <param name="crawlConfiguration">Configurable crawl values</param>
        /// <param name="memoryManager">Checks the memory usage of the host process</param>
        public WebCrawler(
            CrawlConfiguration crawlConfiguration,
            ICrawlDecisionMaker crawlDecisionMaker,
            IThreadManager threadManager,
            IScheduler scheduler,
            IPageRequester pageRequester,
            IHyperLinkParser hyperLinkParser,
            IMemoryManager memoryManager)
            _crawlContext = new CrawlContext();
            _crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration = crawlConfiguration ?? GetCrawlConfigurationFromConfigFile();
            CrawlBag = _crawlContext.CrawlBag;

            _threadManager = threadManager ?? new TaskThreadManager(_crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxConcurrentThreads > 0 ? _crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxConcurrentThreads : Environment.ProcessorCount);
            _scheduler = scheduler ?? new Scheduler(_crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.IsUriRecrawlingEnabled, null, null);
            _pageRequester = pageRequester ?? new PageRequester(_crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration);
            _crawlDecisionMaker = crawlDecisionMaker ?? new CrawlDecisionMaker();

            if (_crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxMemoryUsageInMb > 0
                || _crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MinAvailableMemoryRequiredInMb > 0)
                _memoryManager = memoryManager ?? new MemoryManager(new CachedMemoryMonitor(new GcMemoryMonitor(), _crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxMemoryUsageCacheTimeInSeconds));

            _hyperLinkParser = hyperLinkParser ?? new HapHyperLinkParser(_crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.IsRespectMetaRobotsNoFollowEnabled, _crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.IsRespectAnchorRelNoFollowEnabled, null, _crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.IsRespectUrlNamedAnchorOrHashbangEnabled);

            _crawlContext.Scheduler = _scheduler;
Exemple #14
 public void SetUp()
     _crawlContext = new CrawlContext();
     _crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration = new CrawlConfiguration { UserAgentString = "aaa" };
     _unitUnderTest = new CrawlDecisionMaker();
        public virtual CrawlDecision ShouldDownloadPageContent(CrawledPage crawledPage, CrawlContext crawlContext)
            if (crawledPage == null)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Null crawled page" };

            if (crawlContext == null)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Null crawl context" };            

            if (crawledPage.HttpWebResponse == null)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Null HttpWebResponse" };
            if (crawledPage.HttpWebResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "HttpStatusCode is not 200" };
            string pageContentType = crawledPage.HttpWebResponse.ContentType.ToLower().Trim();
            bool isDownloadable = false;
            List<string> cleanDownloadableContentTypes = crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.DownloadableContentTypes
                .Select(t => t.Trim())
                .Where(t => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(t))

            foreach (string downloadableContentType in cleanDownloadableContentTypes)
                if (pageContentType.Contains(downloadableContentType.ToLower().Trim()))
                    isDownloadable = true;
            if (!isDownloadable)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Content type is not any of the following: " + string.Join(",", cleanDownloadableContentTypes) };

            if (crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPageSizeInBytes > 0 && crawledPage.HttpWebResponse.ContentLength > crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPageSizeInBytes)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = string.Format("Page size of [{0}] bytes is above the max allowable of [{1}] bytes", crawledPage.HttpWebResponse.ContentLength, crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxPageSizeInBytes) };

            return new CrawlDecision { Allow = true };            
        public virtual CrawlDecision ShouldRecrawlPage(CrawledPage crawledPage, CrawlContext crawlContext)
            if (crawledPage == null)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Null crawled page" };

            if (crawlContext == null)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "Null crawl context" };

            if (crawledPage.WebException == null)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "WebException did not occur"};
            if (crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxRetryCount < 1)
                return new CrawlDecision { Allow = false, Reason = "MaxRetryCount is less than 1"};

            if (crawledPage.RetryCount >= crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxRetryCount)
                return new CrawlDecision {Allow = false, Reason = "MaxRetryCount has been reached"};

            return new CrawlDecision { Allow = true };
        public void ShouldCrawlPage_OverMaxPagesToCrawlPerDomain_IsRetry_ReturnsTrue()
            Uri uri = new Uri("http://a.com/");
            CrawlConfiguration config = new CrawlConfiguration
                MaxPagesToCrawlPerDomain = 100
            ConcurrentDictionary<string, int> countByDomain = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, int>();
            countByDomain.TryAdd(uri.Authority, 100);
            CrawlContext crawlContext = new CrawlContext
                CrawlConfiguration = config,
                CrawlStartDate = DateTime.Now,
                CrawlCountByDomain = countByDomain

            CrawlDecision result = _unitUnderTest.ShouldCrawlPage(
                new PageToCrawl(new Uri(uri.AbsoluteUri + "anotherpage"))
                    IsRetry = true,
                    IsInternal = true

Exemple #18
        public void ShouldCrawlPage_NonDuplicate_ReturnsTrue()
            CrawlContext crawlContext = new CrawlContext
                CrawlConfiguration = new CrawlConfiguration(),
                CrawlStartDate = DateTime.Now

            CrawlDecision result = _unitUnderTest.ShouldCrawlPage(
                new PageToCrawl(new Uri("http://a.com/"))
                    IsInternal = true

            Assert.AreEqual("", result.Reason);
        public void ShouldCrawlPage_OverMaxPagesToCrawlPerDomain_ReturnsFalse()
            Uri uri = new Uri("http://a.com/");
            CrawlConfiguration config = new CrawlConfiguration
                MaxPagesToCrawlPerDomain = 100
            ConcurrentDictionary<string,int> countByDomain = new ConcurrentDictionary<string,int>();
            countByDomain.TryAdd(uri.Authority, 100);
            CrawlContext crawlContext = new CrawlContext
                    CrawlConfiguration = config,
                    CrawlStartDate = DateTime.Now,
                    CrawlCountByDomain = countByDomain

            CrawlDecision result = _unitUnderTest.ShouldCrawlPage(
                new PageToCrawl(new Uri(uri.AbsoluteUri + "anotherpage"))
                    IsInternal = true

            Assert.AreEqual("MaxPagesToCrawlPerDomain limit of [100] has been reached for domain [a.com]", result.Reason);
        public void ShouldCrawlPage_OverMaxCrawlDepth_ReturnsFalse()
            CrawlContext crawlContext = new CrawlContext
                CrawlConfiguration = new CrawlConfiguration
                    MaxCrawlDepth = 2

            CrawlDecision result = _unitUnderTest.ShouldCrawlPage(
                new PageToCrawl(new Uri("http://a.com/"))
                    IsInternal = true,
                    CrawlDepth = 3

            Assert.AreEqual("Crawl depth is above max", result.Reason);
Exemple #21
 //Delegates for the Abot WebCrawler instance
 /// <summary>
 /// Delegate passed to WebCrawler to determine if any parsed links should be 
 /// scheduled or not.  Always returns false to override specific Abot.WebCrawler.cs
 /// behavior (see remarks) allowing total control of scheduled links external to Abot.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>false</returns>
 /// <remarks>This will always return false as it prevents the abot crawler from adding links
 /// and instead we add the links when each crawled page is processed in the 
 /// crawler_ProcessPageCrawlCompleted handler. see line ~795 in Abot.Crawler.WebCrawler.cs
 /// </remarks>
 public bool ShouldScheduleLink(Uri uri, CrawledPage page, CrawlContext context)
     return false;
Exemple #22
        public void ShouldCrawlPage_IsExternalPageCrawlingEnabledFalse_PageIsExternal_ReturnsFalse()
            CrawlContext crawlContext = new CrawlContext
                CrawlStartDate = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-100),
                CrawlConfiguration = new CrawlConfiguration
                    CrawlTimeoutSeconds = 0 //equivalent to infinity
            CrawlDecision result = _unitUnderTest.ShouldCrawlPage(
                new PageToCrawl(new Uri("http://a.com/"))
                    IsInternal = false

            Assert.AreEqual("Link is external", result.Reason);
Exemple #23
        public void ShouldCrawlPage_OverMaxPageToCrawlLimit_ReturnsFalse()
            CrawlContext crawlContext = new CrawlContext
                    CrawlConfiguration = new CrawlConfiguration
                        MaxPagesToCrawl = 0

            CrawlDecision result = _unitUnderTest.ShouldCrawlPage(new PageToCrawl(new Uri("http://a.com/")), crawlContext);

            Assert.AreEqual("MaxPagesToCrawl limit of [0] has been reached", result.Reason);
Exemple #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Delegate passed to WebCrawler which calls functionaltiy to look at 
        /// blacklisted urls when deciding whether a page should be crawled or not. 
        /// If the <paramref name="pageToCrawl"/> Domain is blacklisted, then the 
        /// CrawlDecision.Allow is set to false.  This delegate is called after the default
        /// CrawlDecisionMaker.ShouldCrawlPage() method is called.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>CrawlDecision</returns>
        /// <remarks>The default CrawlDecisionMaker.ShouldCrawlPage() method is called first, but then
        /// this method will be called.  No reason to override the default CrawlDecisionMaker, see
        /// about line ~721 in WebCrawler.cs</remarks>
        public CrawlDecision ShouldCrawlPage(PageToCrawl pageToCrawl, CrawlContext crawlContext)
            CrawlDecision decision = null;

            var domain = pageToCrawl.Uri.GetBaseDomain();
            if (_repo.IsBlackListed(domain))
                decision = new CrawlDecision
                    Allow = false,
                    Reason = string.Format("The domain {0} is blacklisted", domain)
                decision = new CrawlDecision() { Allow = true };

            return decision;
        public void ShouldCrawlPage_ZeroMaxPageToCrawlLimit_ReturnsTrue()
            CrawlContext crawlContext = new CrawlContext
                CrawlConfiguration = new CrawlConfiguration
                    MaxPagesToCrawl = 0
                CrawledCount = 100

            CrawlDecision result = _unitUnderTest.ShouldCrawlPage(new PageToCrawl(new Uri("http://a.com/")) { IsInternal = true }, crawlContext);

        public void ShouldCrawlPage_EqualToMaxCrawlDepth_ReturnsTrue()
            CrawlContext crawlContext = new CrawlContext
                CrawlConfiguration = new CrawlConfiguration
                    MaxCrawlDepth = 2

            CrawlDecision result = _unitUnderTest.ShouldCrawlPage(
                new PageToCrawl(new Uri("http://a.com/"))
                    IsInternal = true,
                    CrawlDepth = 2

Exemple #27
        public void ShouldCrawlPage_IsExternalPageCrawlingEnabledTrue_PageIsExternal_ReturnsTrue()
            CrawlContext crawlContext = new CrawlContext
                    CrawlConfiguration = new CrawlConfiguration
                        IsExternalPageCrawlingEnabled = true
                    CrawlStartDate = DateTime.Now,

            CrawlDecision result = _unitUnderTest.ShouldCrawlPage(
                new PageToCrawl(new Uri("http://a.com/"))
                    IsInternal = false

            Assert.AreEqual("", result.Reason);
Exemple #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a crawler instance with custom settings or implementation. Passing in null for all params is the equivalent of the empty constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="threadManager">Distributes http requests over multiple threads</param>
        /// <param name="scheduler">Decides what link should be crawled next</param>
        /// <param name="httpRequester">Makes the raw http requests</param>
        /// <param name="hyperLinkParser">Parses a crawled page for it's hyperlinks</param>
        /// <param name="crawlDecisionMaker">Decides whether or not to crawl a page or that page's links</param>
        /// <param name="crawlConfiguration">Configurable crawl values</param>
        public WebCrawler(
            CrawlConfiguration crawlConfiguration, 
            ICrawlDecisionMaker crawlDecisionMaker, 
            IThreadManager threadManager, 
            IScheduler scheduler, 
            IPageRequester httpRequester, 
            IHyperLinkParser hyperLinkParser, 
            IMemoryManager memoryManager)
            _crawlContext = new CrawlContext();
            _crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration = crawlConfiguration ?? GetCrawlConfigurationFromConfigFile() ?? new CrawlConfiguration();
            CrawlBag = _crawlContext.CrawlBag;

            _threadManager = threadManager ?? new ManualThreadManager(_crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxConcurrentThreads);
            _scheduler = scheduler ?? new FifoScheduler(_crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.IsUriRecrawlingEnabled);
            _httpRequester = httpRequester ?? new PageRequester(_crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration);
            _crawlDecisionMaker = crawlDecisionMaker ?? new CrawlDecisionMaker();

            if(_crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxMemoryUsageInMb > 0
                || _crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MinAvailableMemoryRequiredInMb > 0)
                _memoryManager = memoryManager ?? new MemoryManager(new CachedMemoryMonitor(new GcMemoryMonitor(), _crawlContext.CrawlConfiguration.MaxMemoryUsageCacheTimeInSeconds));

            _hyperLinkParser = hyperLinkParser ?? new HapHyperLinkParser();

            _crawlContext.Scheduler = _scheduler;
 /// <summary>
 /// Contructor to be used to create an object which will path arugments when robots txt is parsed
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="crawlContext"></param>
 /// <param name="robots"></param>
 public RobotsDotTextParseCompletedArgs(CrawlContext crawlContext, IRobots robots)
     : base(crawlContext)
     Robots = robots;