/// <summary>
        /// TODO summary.
        /// </summary>
        public static __tpolygon__ ConvexClipped(
            this __tpolygon__ polygon, __tbox__ box, double eps = 1e-8)
            var __plane__s = new[]
                //# Meta.VecFields.Take(d).ForEach(axis => {
                new __tplane__(__tvec__.__axis__Axis, box.Min), new __tplane__(-__tvec__.__axis__Axis, box.Max),
                //# });

 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the convex polygon clipped by the set of __plane__s (defined
 /// as __tplane__s), i.e. all parts of the polygon that are at the positive
 /// side of the __plane__s.
 /// </summary>
 public static __tpolygon__ ConvexClipped(
     this __tpolygon__ polygon, __tplane__[] __plane__s, double eps = 1e-8)
     foreach (var c in __plane__s)
         polygon = polygon.ConvexClipped(c, eps);
         if (polygon.PointCount == 0)
 public static bool ApproximateEquals(this __tpolygon__ a, __tpolygon__ b, double tolerance)
     if (a.m_pointCount != b.m_pointCount)
     for (int pi = 0; pi < a.m_pointCount; pi++)
         if (!ApproximateEquals(a.m_pointArray[pi], b.m_pointArray[pi], tolerance))
 public bool Equals(__tpolygon__ other)
     if (m_pointCount != other.m_pointCount)
     for (int pi = 0; pi < m_pointCount; pi++)
         if (!m_pointArray[pi].Equals(other.m_pointArray[pi]))
        public static __tpolygon__ WithoutMultiplePoints(
            this __tpolygon__ polygon, double eps = 1e-8)
            eps *= eps;
            var opc = polygon.PointCount;
            var pa  = new __tvec__[opc];
            var pc  = 0;

            pa[0] = polygon[0];
            for (int pi = 1; pi < opc; pi++)
                if (__tvec__.DistanceSquared(pa[pc], polygon[pi]) > eps)
                    pa[++pc] = polygon[pi];
            if (__tvec__.DistanceSquared(pa[pc], polygon[0]) > eps)
            return(new __tpolygon__(pa, pc));
        /// <summary>
        /// Clip the supplied polygon at the supplied __plane__. The method should
        /// work with all non-selfintersecting polygons. Returns all parts of
        /// the polygon that are at the positive side of the __plane__.
        /// </summary>
        public static __tpolygon__ ConvexClipped(
            this __tpolygon__ polygon, __tplane__ __plane__, double eps = 1e-8)
            var opc = polygon.PointCount;

            __tvec__[] pa = new __tvec__[opc + 1];
            var        pc = 0;
            var        pf = polygon[0];
            var        hf = __plane__.Height(pf); bool hfp = hf > eps, hfn = hf < -eps;

            if (hf >= -eps)
                pa[pc++] = pf;
            var p0 = pf; var h0 = hf; var h0p = hfp; var h0n = hfn;

            for (int vi = 1; vi < opc; vi++)
                var p1 = polygon[vi];
                var h1 = __plane__.Height(p1); bool h1p = h1 > eps, h1n = h1 < -eps;
                if (h0p && h1n || h0n && h1p)
                    pa[pc++] = p0 + (p1 - p0) * (h0 / (h0 - h1));
                if (h1 >= -eps)
                    pa[pc++] = p1;
                p0 = p1; h0 = h1; h0p = h1p; h0n = h1n;
            if (h0p && hfn || h0n && hfp)
                pa[pc++] = p0 + (pf - p0) * (h0 / (h0 - hf));
            return(new __tpolygon__(pa, pc));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the polygon clipped by the hull, i.e. all parts of the
 /// polygon that are at the positive side of the hull __plane__s.
 /// </summary>
 public static __tpolygon__ ConvexClipped(
     this __tpolygon__ polygon, __thull__ hull, double eps = 1e-8)
     return(polygon.ConvexClipped(hull.PlaneArray, eps));
 public static __tpolygon__ Transformed(
     this __tpolygon__ polygon, __tmat1__ m)
     return(polygon.Map(p => m.TransformPos(p)));
 public static __tpolygon__ ScaledAboutVertexCentroid(
     this __tpolygon__ polygon, __tvec__ scale)
     return(polygon.Scaled(polygon.ComputeVertexCentroid(), scale));
 public static __tpolygon__ Scaled(
     this __tpolygon__ polygon, __tvec__ center, __tvec__ scale)
     return(polygon.Map(p => center + (p - center) * scale));
 public static __tpolygon__ Scaled(
     this __tpolygon__ polygon, __tvec__ scale)
     return(polygon.Map(p => p * scale));
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy constructor.
 /// Performs deep copy of original.
 /// </summary>
 public __tpolygon__(__tpolygon__ original)
     : this(original.GetPointArray())
 public static bool ApproximateEquals(this __tpolygon__ a, __tpolygon__ b)
 => ApproximateEquals(a, b, Constant <double> .PositiveTinyValue);