Exemple #1
        protected static Tup <PixelFormat, Col.Format> GetStoreFormats(Type type, int channelCount)
            Tup <PixelFormat, Col.Format> format;

            if (s_pixelFormatOfChannelCount.TryGetValue(Tup.Create(type, channelCount), out format))
            throw new ArgumentException("unsupported pixel type");
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Enumerates all types from the specified assembly
 /// decorated with attribute T as tuples of type
 /// and its one or more T-attributes.
 /// </summary>
 public static Tup <Type, T[]>[] GetAllTypesWithAttribute <T>(Assembly a)
     return(GetAll___ <Tup <Type, T[]> >(a, typeof(T).FullName,
                                         lines => lines.Select(s => Type.GetType(s))
                                         .Select(t => Tup.Create(
                                                     TryGetCustomAttributes <T>(t))),
                                         types => from t in types
                                         let attribs = TryGetCustomAttributes <T>(t)
                                                       where attribs.Length > 0
                                                       select Tup.Create(t, attribs.Select(x => (T)x).ToArray()),
                                         result => result.Select(t => t.E0.AssemblyQualifiedName)
Exemple #3
        static Dictionary <Type, Tup <Array, Dictionary <long, int> > > s_valueIndexMapping = new Dictionary <Type, Tup <Array, Dictionary <long, int> > >(); // long = worst case enum value

        static Tup <Array, Dictionary <long, int> > GetValueIndexMapping(Type enumType)

            return(s_valueIndexMapping.GetCreate(enumType, et =>
                var enumValues = Enum.GetValues(et);
                var enumIndices = new Dictionary <long, int>();
                for (int i = 0; i < enumValues.Length; i++)
                    enumIndices.Add(Convert.ToInt64(enumValues.GetValue(i)), i);
                return Tup.Create(enumValues, enumIndices);
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Enumerates all methods from the specified assembly
 /// decorated with attribute T as tuples of MethodInfo
 /// and its one or more T-attributes.
 /// </summary>
 public static Tup <MethodInfo, T[]>[] GetAllMethodsWithAttribute <T>(Assembly a)
     return(GetAll___ <Tup <MethodInfo, T[]> >(a, typeof(T).FullName,
                                               lines => from line in lines
                                               let t = Type.GetType(line)
                                                       from m in t.GetMethods()
                                                       let attribs = m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(T), false)
                                                                     where attribs.Length > 0
                                                                     select Tup.Create(m, attribs.Select(x => (T)x).ToArray()),
                                               types => from t in types
                                               from m in t.GetMethods()
                                               let attribs = m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(T), false)
                                                             where attribs.Length > 0
                                                             select Tup.Create(m, attribs.Select(x => (T)x).ToArray()),
                                               result => result.Select(m => m.E0.DeclaringType.AssemblyQualifiedName)
        public static void Test()
            var r  = new Random();
            var es = from a in Enumerable.Range(1, 1000)
                     from b in Enumerable.Range(a + 1, 1000 - a - 1)
                     let w = r.NextDouble() + 1
                             select Tup.Create(Pair.Create(a, b), w)

            Report.Line("number of edges: {0}", es.Count());

            /* unused variable error under mono:
             * var edges = new Tup<Pair<string>, int>[]
             * {
             *  Tup.Create(Pair.Create("A", "B"), 7),
             *  Tup.Create(Pair.Create("A", "D"), 5),
             *  Tup.Create(Pair.Create("D", "B"), 9),
             *  Tup.Create(Pair.Create("B", "C"), 8),
             *  Tup.Create(Pair.Create("B", "E"), 7),
             *  Tup.Create(Pair.Create("C", "E"), 5),
             *  Tup.Create(Pair.Create("E", "D"), 15),
             *  Tup.Create(Pair.Create("F", "D"), 6),
             *  Tup.Create(Pair.Create("E", "F"), 8),
             *  Tup.Create(Pair.Create("F", "G"), 11),
             *  Tup.Create(Pair.Create("E", "G"), 9),
             * };

            Report.BeginTimed("building mst");
            var mst = MinimumSpanningTree.Create(es).ToArray();


            Report.Line("#edges in mst: {0}", mst.Length);
            //foreach (var e in mst) Console.WriteLine(e);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a minimum spanning tree from a set of weighted edges.
        /// The input are edges ((TVertex, TVertex), TWeight) of a graph.
        /// The output are a subset of these edges which form a minimum spanning tree.
        /// The type of the weight (TWeight) needs to be IComparable.
        /// </summary>
        public static IEnumerable <Tup <Pair <TVertex>, TWeight> > Create <TVertex, TWeight>(
            IEnumerable <Tup <Pair <TVertex>, TWeight> > edges
            where TWeight : IComparable <TWeight>

            Report.BeginTimed("create vertex set");
            var vertexSet = new HashSet <TVertex>(edges.SelectMany(e => e.E0));

            if (vertexSet.Count < 2)
                yield break;

            //compare function
            Func <KeyValuePair <TWeight, TVertex>, KeyValuePair <TWeight, TVertex>, int> compare =
                (kvp0, kvp1) => kvp0.Key.CompareTo(kvp1.Key);

            // init per-vertex edge priority queues
            Report.BeginTimed("init per-vertex edge priority queues");
            //var v2es = new Dictionary<TVertex, PriorityQueue<TWeight, TVertex>>();
            //vertexSet.ForEach(v => v2es[v] = new PriorityQueue<TWeight, TVertex>());
            var v2es = new Dictionary <TVertex, List <KeyValuePair <TWeight, TVertex> > >();

            vertexSet.ForEach(v => v2es[v] = new List <KeyValuePair <TWeight, TVertex> >());
            foreach (var e in edges)
                //v2es[e.E0.E0].Enqueue(e.E1, e.E0.E1);
                //v2es[e.E0.E1].Enqueue(e.E1, e.E0.E0);
                v2es[e.E0.E0].HeapEnqueue(compare, new KeyValuePair <TWeight, TVertex>(e.E1, e.E0.E1));
                v2es[e.E0.E1].HeapEnqueue(compare, new KeyValuePair <TWeight, TVertex>(e.E1, e.E0.E0));

            // mst
            var mst = new HashSet <TVertex>();
            Action <TVertex> move = v => { vertexSet.Remove(v); mst.Add(v); };

            // build minimum spanning tree using Prim's algorithm
            Report.BeginTimed("build mst");
            while (vertexSet.Count > 0)
                var candidateQueues = mst
                                      .Where(v => v2es.ContainsKey(v))
                                      .Select(v => Tup.Create(v, v2es[v])).Where(q => !q.E1.IsEmptyOrNull())
                foreach (var q in candidateQueues)
                    //while (!q.E1.IsEmptyOrNull() && mst.Contains(q.E1.Peek()))
                    while (!q.E1.IsEmptyOrNull() && mst.Contains(q.E1[0].Value))
                    if (q.E1.IsEmptyOrNull())
                var best = candidateQueues
                           //.Select(q => Tup.Create(q.E0, q.E1.PeekKeyAndValue()))
                           .Select(q => Tup.Create(q.E0, q.E1[0]))
                           .Min((a, b) => a.E1.Key.CompareTo(b.E1.Key) < 0)
                yield return(Tup.Create(Pair.Create(best.E0, best.E1.Value), best.E1.Key));