Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns spherical direction (phi, theta) from Cartesian direction.
 /// </summary>
 public static V2d SphericalFromCartesian(this V3d v)
     return(new V2d(
                Fun.Atan2(v.Y, v.X),        // phi
                Fun.Atan2(v.Z, v.XY.Length) // theta
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct ellipse from two conjugate diameters, and set
        /// Axis0 to the major axis and Axis1 to the minor axis.
        /// The algorithm was constructed from first principles.
        /// Also computes the squared lengths of the major and minor
        /// half axis.
        /// </summary>
        public static __et__ FromConjugateDiameters(__vt__ center, /*# if (d == 3) { */ __vt__ normal, /*# } */ __vt__ a, __vt__ b,
                                                    out double major2, out double minor2)
            var    ab = __vt__.Dot(a, b);
            double a2 = a.LengthSquared, b2 = b.LengthSquared;

            if (ab.IsTiny())
                if (a2 >= b2)
                    major2 = a2; minor2 = b2; return(new __et__(center, /*# if (d == 3) { */ normal, /*# } */ a, b));
                    major2 = b2; minor2 = a2; return(new __et__(center, /*# if (d == 3) { */ normal, /*# } */ b, a));
                var    t = 0.5 * Fun.Atan2(2 * ab, a2 - b2);
                double ct = Fun.Cos(t), st = Fun.Sin(t);
                __vt__ v0 = a * ct + b * st, v1 = b * ct - a * st;
                a2 = v0.LengthSquared; b2 = v1.LengthSquared;
                if (a2 >= b2)
                    major2 = a2; minor2 = b2; return(new __et__(center, /*# if (d == 3) { */ normal, /*# } */ v0, v1));
                    major2 = b2; minor2 = a2; return(new __et__(center, /*# if (d == 3) { */ normal, /*# } */ v1, v0));
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the Euler-Angles from the quatarnion.
        /// </summary>
        public V3d GetEulerAngles()
            var test = W * Y - X * Z;

            if (test > 0.49999) // singularity at north pole
                return(new V3d(
                           -2 * Fun.Atan2(X, W),
            if (test < -0.49999) // singularity at south pole
                return(new V3d(
                           2 * Fun.Atan2(X, W),
            // From Wikipedia, conversion between quaternions and Euler angles.
            return(new V3d(
                       Fun.Atan2(2 * (W * X + Y * Z),
                                 1 - 2 * (X * X + Y * Y)),
                       Fun.AsinC(2 * test),
                       Fun.Atan2(2 * (W * Z + X * Y),
                                 1 - 2 * (Y * Y + Z * Z))));
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the minimal distance between the polygon and the non-
        /// overlapping other supplied polygon. The minimal distance is
        /// always computed as the distance between a line segment and a
        /// point. The indices of the minimal distance configuration are
        /// returned in the out parameter, as the indices of points on the
        /// two polygons, and wether the line segement was on this or the
        /// other polygon. O(n). The returned index of the line segment is
        /// the lower point index (except in case of wraparound).
        /// </summary>
        public static double MinDistanceTo(
            this Polygon2d polygon, Polygon2d polygon1,
            out int pi0, out int pi1, out bool lineOnThis)
            var p0a = polygon.m_pointArray;
            var p1a = polygon1.m_pointArray;
            var p0c = polygon.m_pointCount;
            var p1c = polygon1.m_pointCount;
            var e0a = polygon.GetEdgeArray();
            var e1a = polygon1.GetEdgeArray();
            int i0 = p0a.IndexOfMinY(p0c), i1 = p1a.IndexOfMaxY(p1c);
            V2d p0 = p0a[i0], e0 = e0a[i0], p1 = p1a[i1], e1 = e1a[i1];

            int start0 = i0, start1 = i1;
            var dir = V2d.XAxis;
            var d   = V2d.Distance(p0, p1);

            var bestValue = double.MaxValue;
            int bpi0 = -1, bpi1 = -1;
            var bLineOnThis = true;

                var s0 = Fun.Atan2(e0.Dot90(dir), e0.Dot(dir));
                var s1 = Fun.Atan2(e1.Dot270(dir), e1.Dot180(dir));
                if (s0 <= s1)
                    dir = e0a[i0];
                    int i0n = (i0 + 1) % p0c; var p0n = p0a[i0];
                    var dn   = V2d.Distance(p0n, p1);
                    var dist = DistanceToLine(p1, p0, p0n, d, dn);
                    if (dist < bestValue)
                        bestValue   = dist;
                        bLineOnThis = true; bpi0 = i0; bpi1 = i1;
                    i0 = i0n; p0 = p0n; e0 = e0a[i0]; d = dn;
                    dir = e0a[i1].Rot180;
                    int i1n = (i1 + 1) % p1c; var p1n = p1a[i1];
                    var dn   = V2d.Distance(p0, p1n);
                    var dist = DistanceToLine(p0, p1, p1n, d, dn);
                    if (dist < bestValue)
                        bestValue   = dist;
                        bLineOnThis = false; bpi0 = i0; bpi1 = i1;
                    i1 = i1n; p1 = p1n; e1 = e1a[i1]; d = dn;
            }while (i0 != start0 || i1 != start1);
            lineOnThis = bLineOnThis; pi0 = bpi0; pi1 = bpi1;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the Rodrigues angle-axis vector of the quaternion.
        /// </summary>
        public __v3t__ ToAngleAxis()
            var sinTheta2 = V.LengthSquared;

            if (sinTheta2 > Constant <__ft__> .PositiveTinyValue)
                __ft__ sinTheta = Fun.Sqrt(sinTheta2);
                __ft__ cosTheta = W;
                __ft__ twoTheta = 2 * (cosTheta < 0 ? Fun.Atan2(-sinTheta, -cosTheta)
                                                    : Fun.Atan2(sinTheta, cosTheta));
                return(V * (twoTheta / sinTheta));
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the winding number of the polyon.
        /// The winding number is positive for counter-
        /// clockwise polygons, negative for clockwise polygons.
        /// </summary>
        public static int ComputeWindingNumber(this Polygon2d polygon)
            int pc      = polygon.PointCount;
            V2d e       = polygon[0] - polygon[pc - 1];
            var a       = Fun.Atan2(e.Y, e.X);
            var a0      = a;
            var radians = 0.0;

            for (int pi = 0; pi < pc - 1; pi++)
                V2d e1    = polygon[pi + 1] - polygon[pi];
                var a1    = Fun.Atan2(e1.Y, e1.X);
                var alpha = a1 - a0;
                if (alpha >= Constant.Pi)
                    alpha -= Constant.PiTimesTwo;
                else if (alpha < -Constant.Pi)
                    alpha += Constant.PiTimesTwo;
                radians += alpha;
                a0       = a1;
            var alpha0 = a - a0;

            if (alpha0 >= Constant.Pi)
                alpha0 -= Constant.PiTimesTwo;
            else if (alpha0 < -Constant.Pi)
                alpha0 += Constant.PiTimesTwo;
            radians += alpha0;

            var winding = radians >= 0.0
                ? (int)((Constant.Pi + radians) / Constant.PiTimesTwo)
                : -(int)((Constant.Pi - radians) / Constant.PiTimesTwo);

Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns spherical direction (phi) from Cartesian direction.
 /// </summary>
 public static double SphericalFromCartesian(this V2d v)
     return(Fun.Atan2(v.Y, v.X));