/// <summary>
 /// Sets the Controller that the bot represents within a SabberStone Game.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="controller">This bot's Controller.</param>
 public void SetController(Controller controller)
     Player           = controller;
     RandomPlayoutBot = new RandomBot(controller, filterDuplicatePositionTasks: true);
     // Also reset the table of statistics
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="playout">The strategy used to play out a game in simulation.</param>
 /// <param name="evaluation">The evaluation strategy for determining the value of samples.</param>
 /// <param name="gameLogic">The game specific logic required for searching through SabberStoneStates and SabberStoneActions.</param>
 public SabberStoneSideInformationStrategy(IPlayoutStrategy <List <SabberStoneAction>, SabberStoneState, SabberStoneAction, object, SabberStoneAction> playout, IStateEvaluation <List <SabberStoneAction>, SabberStoneState, SabberStoneAction, object, SabberStoneAction, TreeSearchNode <SabberStoneState, SabberStoneAction> > evaluation, IGameLogic <List <SabberStoneAction>, SabberStoneState, SabberStoneAction, object, SabberStoneAction, SabberStoneAction> gameLogic)
     PlayoutBot = new RandomBot();
     Playout    = playout;
     Evaluation = evaluation;
     GameLogic  = gameLogic;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the MASTPlayoutBot.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selection">The type of selection to use.</param>
        /// <param name="evaluation">The EvaluationStrategy used for evaluating a SabberStoneState.</param>
        /// <param name="eGreedyThreshold">[Optional] Threshold for e-greedy selection. Default value is <see cref="Constants.DEFAULT_E_GREEDY_THRESHOLD"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="ucbConstantC">[Optional] Value for the c-constant in the UCB1 formula. Default value is <see cref="Constants.DEFAULT_UCB1_C"/>.</param>
        public MASTPlayoutBot(SelectionType selection, EvaluationStrategyHearthStone evaluation, double eGreedyThreshold = Constants.DEFAULT_E_GREEDY_THRESHOLD, double ucbConstantC = Constants.DEFAULT_UCB1_C)
            Selection        = selection;
            RandomPlayoutBot = new RandomBot(filterDuplicatePositionTasks: true);
            Evaluation       = evaluation;
            EGreedyThreshold = eGreedyThreshold;
            UCBConstantC     = ucbConstantC;

            MASTTable    = new Dictionary <int, PlayerTaskStatistics>();
            ActionsTaken = new List <SabberStoneAction>();
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new instance of LSIBot with default strategies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allowPerfectInformation">[Optional] Whether or not this bot is allowed perfect information about the game state (i.e. no obfuscation and therefore no determinisation). Default value is false.</param>
        /// <param name="ensembleSize">[Optional] The size of the ensemble to use. Default value is 1.</param>
        /// <param name="playoutBotType">[Optional] The type of playout bot to be used during playouts. Default value is <see cref="PlayoutBotType.MAST"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="mastSelectionType">[Optional] The type of selection strategy used by the M.A.S.T. playout. Default value is <see cref="MASTPlayoutBot.SelectionType.EGreedy"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="playoutTurnCutoff">[Optional] The amount of turns after which to stop a simulation. Default value is <see cref="Constants.DEFAULT_PLAYOUT_TURN_CUTOFF"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="budgetType">[Optional] The type of budget that this bot will use. Default value is <see cref="BudgetType.Iterations"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="samples">[Optional] The budget for the amount of iterations LSI can use. Default value is <see cref="Constants.DEFAULT_COMPUTATION_ITERATION_BUDGET"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="time">[Optional] The budget for the amount of milliseconds LSI can spend on searching. Default value is <see cref="Constants.DEFAULT_COMPUTATION_TIME_BUDGET"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="generationBudgetPercentage">[Optional] The percentage of the budget that should be spent during the generation phase. Default value is <see cref="Constants.DEFAULT_LSI_BUDGET_GENERATION_PERCENTAGE"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="budgetEstimationType">[Optional] The type of strategy used to estimate the budget for LSI. Default value is <see cref="BudgetEstimationType.AverageSampleTime"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="useHeuristicEvaluation">[Optional] Whether or not to use the HeuristicBot's evaluation function. Default value is false.</param>
        /// <param name="debugInfoToConsole">[Optional] Whether or not to write debug information to the console. Default value is false.</param>
        public LSIBot(bool allowPerfectInformation  = false,
                      int ensembleSize              = 1,
                      PlayoutBotType playoutBotType = PlayoutBotType.MAST,
                      MASTPlayoutBot.SelectionType mastSelectionType = MASTPlayoutBot.SelectionType.EGreedy,
                      int playoutTurnCutoff                     = Constants.DEFAULT_PLAYOUT_TURN_CUTOFF,
                      BudgetType budgetType                     = BudgetType.Iterations,
                      int samples                               = Constants.DEFAULT_COMPUTATION_ITERATION_BUDGET,
                      long time                                 = Constants.DEFAULT_COMPUTATION_TIME_BUDGET,
                      double generationBudgetPercentage         = Constants.DEFAULT_LSI_BUDGET_GENERATION_PERCENTAGE,
                      BudgetEstimationType budgetEstimationType = BudgetEstimationType.AverageSampleTime,
                      bool useHeuristicEvaluation               = false,
                      bool debugInfoToConsole                   = false)
            PerfectInformation = allowPerfectInformation;
            EnsembleSize       = ensembleSize;
            PlayoutBotType     = playoutBotType;
            MASTSelectionType  = mastSelectionType;
            PlayoutTurnCutoff  = playoutTurnCutoff;
            BudgetType         = budgetType;
            Samples            = samples;
            Time = time;
            GenerationBudgetPercentage = generationBudgetPercentage;
            BudgetEstimation           = budgetEstimationType;
            _debug = debugInfoToConsole;

            // Create the ensemble search
            Ensemble = new EnsembleStrategySabberStone(enableStateObfuscation: true, enablePerfectInformation: PerfectInformation);

            // Adjust sample sizes for use in the Ensemble
            long budgetAllowance;

            switch (BudgetType)
            case BudgetType.Iterations:
                Samples         = EnsembleSize > 0 ? Samples / EnsembleSize : Samples; // Note: Integer division by design.
                budgetAllowance = Samples;

            case BudgetType.Time:
                Time            = EnsembleSize > 0 ? Time / EnsembleSize : Time; // Note: Integer division by design.
                budgetAllowance = Time;

                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException($"BudgetType `{BudgetType}' is not supported.");

            // Simulation will be handled by the Playout.
            var sabberStoneStateEvaluation = new EvaluationStrategyHearthStone(useHeuristicEvaluation);

            Playout = new PlayoutStrategySabberStone();

            // Set the playout bots
            switch (PlayoutBotType)
            case PlayoutBotType.Random:
                MyPlayoutBot       = new RandomBot(filterDuplicatePositionTasks: true);
                OpponentPlayoutBot = new RandomBot(filterDuplicatePositionTasks: true);

            case PlayoutBotType.Heuristic:
                MyPlayoutBot       = new HeuristicBot();
                OpponentPlayoutBot = new HeuristicBot();

            case PlayoutBotType.MAST:
                MyPlayoutBot       = new MASTPlayoutBot(MASTSelectionType, sabberStoneStateEvaluation);
                OpponentPlayoutBot = new MASTPlayoutBot(MASTSelectionType, sabberStoneStateEvaluation);

                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException($"PlayoutBotType `{PlayoutBotType}' is not supported.");

            // Set the budget estimation strategy.
            switch (BudgetEstimation)
            case BudgetEstimationType.AverageSampleTime:
                BudgetEstimationStrategy = new AverageSampleTimeBudgetEstimationStrategy(BudgetType, budgetAllowance, GenerationBudgetPercentage, Playout);

            case BudgetEstimationType.PreviousSearchAverage:
                BudgetEstimationStrategy = new PreviousSearchAverageBudgetEstimationStrategy(BudgetType, budgetAllowance, GenerationBudgetPercentage, Playout);

                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException($"BudgetEstimationType `{budgetEstimationType}' is not supported.");

            // LSI will need a goal-strategy to determine when a simulation is done
            Goal = new GoalStrategyTurnCutoff(PlayoutTurnCutoff);

            // LSI will need an evaluation-strategy to evaluate the strength of samples
            Evaluation = new EvaluationStrategyHearthStone();

            // Application will be handled by the GameLogic
            // Hierarchical Expansion is set to TRUE because of incremental task validation during action sampling.
            GameLogic = new SabberStoneGameLogic(Goal, hierarchicalExpansion: true);

            // The side information strategy needs access to several of these.
            SideInformationStrategy = new SabberStoneSideInformationStrategy(Playout, Evaluation, GameLogic);

            // The sampling strategy used to sample actions during the generation phase.
            SamplingStrategy = new SabberStoneLSISamplingStrategy(GameLogic);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new instance of MCTSBot with default strategies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allowPerfectInformation">[Optional] Whether or not this bot is allowed perfect information about the game state (i.e. no obfuscation and therefore no determinisation). Default value is false.</param>
        /// <param name="ensembleSize">[Optional] The size of the ensemble to use. Default value is 1.</param>
        /// <param name="playoutBotType">[Optional] The type of playout bot to be used during playouts. Default value is <see cref="PlayoutBotType.MAST"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="mastSelectionType">[Optional] The type of selection strategy used by the MAST playout. Default value is <see cref="MASTPlayoutBot.SelectionType.EGreedy"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="retainTaskStatistics">[Optional] Whether or not to retain the PlayerTask statistics between searches. Default value is false.</param>
        /// <param name="budgetType">[Optional] The type of budget that this bot will use. Default value is <see cref="BudgetType.Iterations"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="iterations">[Optional] The budget for the amount of iterations MCTS can use. Default value is <see cref="Constants.DEFAULT_COMPUTATION_ITERATION_BUDGET"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="time">[Optional] The budget for the amount of milliseconds MCTS can spend on searching. Default value is <see cref="Constants.DEFAULT_COMPUTATION_TIME_BUDGET"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="minimumVisitThresholdForExpansion">[Optional] The minimum amount of times a node has to be visited before it can be expanded. Default value is <see cref="Constants.DEFAULT_MCTS_MINIMUM_VISIT_THRESHOLD_FOR_EXPANSION"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="minimumVisitThresholdForSelection">[Optional] The minimum number of visits before using the NodeEvaluation to select the best node. Default value is <see cref="Constants.DEFAULT_MCTS_MINIMUM_VISIT_THRESHOLD_FOR_SELECTION"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="playoutTurnCutoff">[Optional] The amount of turns after which to stop a simulation. Default value is <see cref="Constants.DEFAULT_PLAYOUT_TURN_CUTOFF"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="ucbConstantC">[Optional] Value for the c-constant in the UCB1 formula. Default value is <see cref="Constants.DEFAULT_UCB1_C"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="dimensionalOrdering">[Optional] The ordering for dimensions when using Hierarchical Expansion. Default value is <see cref="DimensionalOrderingType.None"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="useHeuristicEvaluation">[Optional] Whether or not to use the HeuristicBot's evaluation function. Default value is false.</param>
        /// <param name="debugInfoToConsole">[Optional] Whether or not to write debug information to the console. Default value is false.</param>
        public HMCTSBot(bool allowPerfectInformation  = false,
                        int ensembleSize              = 1,
                        PlayoutBotType playoutBotType = PlayoutBotType.MAST,
                        MASTPlayoutBot.SelectionType mastSelectionType = MASTPlayoutBot.SelectionType.EGreedy,
                        bool retainTaskStatistics = false,
                        BudgetType budgetType     = BudgetType.Iterations,
                        int iterations            = Constants.DEFAULT_COMPUTATION_ITERATION_BUDGET,
                        long time = Constants.DEFAULT_COMPUTATION_TIME_BUDGET,
                        int minimumVisitThresholdForExpansion = Constants.DEFAULT_MCTS_MINIMUM_VISIT_THRESHOLD_FOR_EXPANSION,
                        int minimumVisitThresholdForSelection = Constants.DEFAULT_MCTS_MINIMUM_VISIT_THRESHOLD_FOR_SELECTION,
                        int playoutTurnCutoff = Constants.DEFAULT_PLAYOUT_TURN_CUTOFF,
                        double ucbConstantC   = Constants.DEFAULT_UCB1_C,
                        DimensionalOrderingType dimensionalOrdering = DimensionalOrderingType.None,
                        bool useHeuristicEvaluation = false,
                        bool debugInfoToConsole     = false)
            PerfectInformation   = allowPerfectInformation;
            EnsembleSize         = ensembleSize;
            PlayoutBotType       = playoutBotType;
            MASTSelectionType    = mastSelectionType;
            RetainTaskStatistics = retainTaskStatistics;
            BudgetType           = budgetType;
            Iterations           = iterations;
            Time = time;
            MinimumVisitThresholdForExpansion = minimumVisitThresholdForExpansion;
            MinimumVisitThresholdForSelection = minimumVisitThresholdForSelection;
            PlayoutTurnCutoff   = playoutTurnCutoff;
            UCBConstantC        = ucbConstantC;
            DimensionalOrdering = dimensionalOrdering;
            _debug = debugInfoToConsole;

            // Create the ensemble search
            Ensemble = new EnsembleStrategySabberStone(enableStateObfuscation: true, enablePerfectInformation: PerfectInformation);

            // Simulation will be handled by the Playout.
            var sabberStoneStateEvaluation = new EvaluationStrategyHearthStone(useHeuristicEvaluation);

            Playout = new PlayoutStrategySabberStone();

            // Set the playout bots
            switch (PlayoutBotType)
            case PlayoutBotType.Random:
                MyPlayoutBot       = new RandomBot(filterDuplicatePositionTasks: true);
                OpponentPlayoutBot = new RandomBot(filterDuplicatePositionTasks: true);

            case PlayoutBotType.Heuristic:
                MyPlayoutBot       = new HeuristicBot();
                OpponentPlayoutBot = new HeuristicBot();

            case PlayoutBotType.MAST:
                MyPlayoutBot       = new MASTPlayoutBot(MASTSelectionType, sabberStoneStateEvaluation);
                OpponentPlayoutBot = new MASTPlayoutBot(MASTSelectionType, sabberStoneStateEvaluation);

                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException($"PlayoutBotType `{PlayoutBotType}' is not supported.");

            // We'll be cutting off the simulations after X turns, using a GoalStrategy.
            Goal = new GoalStrategyTurnCutoff(PlayoutTurnCutoff);

            // Expansion, Application and Goal will be handled by the GameLogic.
            GameLogic = new SabberStoneGameLogic(Goal, true, DimensionalOrdering);

            // Create the INodeEvaluation strategy used in the selection phase.
            var nodeEvaluation = new ScoreUCB <SabberStoneState, SabberStoneAction>(UCBConstantC);

            // Build MCTS
            Builder = MCTS <List <SabberStoneAction>, SabberStoneState, SabberStoneAction, object, SabberStoneAction> .Builder();

            Builder.ExpansionStrategy  = new MinimumTExpansion <List <SabberStoneAction>, SabberStoneState, SabberStoneAction, object, SabberStoneAction>(MinimumVisitThresholdForExpansion);
            Builder.SelectionStrategy  = new BestNodeSelection <List <SabberStoneAction>, SabberStoneState, SabberStoneAction, object, SabberStoneAction>(MinimumVisitThresholdForSelection, nodeEvaluation);
            Builder.EvaluationStrategy = sabberStoneStateEvaluation;
            switch (BudgetType)
            case BudgetType.Iterations:
                Builder.Iterations = EnsembleSize > 0 ? Iterations / EnsembleSize : Iterations;     // Note: Integer division by design.

            case BudgetType.Time:
                Builder.Time = EnsembleSize > 0 ? Time / EnsembleSize : Time;     // Note: Integer division by design.

                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException($"BudgetType `{BudgetType}' is not supported.");
            Builder.BackPropagationStrategy    = new EvaluateOnceAndColourBackPropagation <List <SabberStoneAction>, SabberStoneState, SabberStoneAction, object, SabberStoneAction>();
            Builder.FinalNodeSelectionStrategy = new BestRatioFinalNodeSelection <List <SabberStoneAction>, SabberStoneState, SabberStoneAction, object, SabberStoneAction>();
            Builder.SolutionStrategy           = new SolutionStrategySabberStone(true, nodeEvaluation);
            Builder.PlayoutStrategy            = Playout;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="naïveBot">The bot to use when creating samples.</param>
 public SabberStoneNMCSamplingStrategy(RandomBot naïveBot)
     NaïveBot = naïveBot;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new instance of NMCTSBot with default strategies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allowPerfectInformation">[Optional] Whether or not this bot is allowed perfect information about the game state (i.e. no obfuscation and therefore no determinisation). Default value is false.</param>
        /// <param name="ensembleSize">[Optional] The size of the ensemble to use. Default value is 1.</param>
        /// <param name="playoutBotType">[Optional] The type of playout bot to be used during playouts. Default value is <see cref="PlayoutBotType.MAST"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="mastSelectionType">[Optional] The type of selection strategy used by the MAST playout. Default value is <see cref="MASTPlayoutBot.SelectionType.EGreedy"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="budgetType">[Optional] The type of budget that this bot will use. Default value is <see cref="BudgetType.Iterations"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="iterations">[Optional] The budget for the amount of iterations NMCTS can use. Default value is <see cref="Constants.DEFAULT_COMPUTATION_ITERATION_BUDGET"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="time">[Optional] The budget for the amount of milliseconds NMCTS can spend on searching. Default value is <see cref="Constants.DEFAULT_COMPUTATION_TIME_BUDGET"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="playoutTurnCutoff">[Optional] The amount of turns after which to stop a simulation. Default value is <see cref="Constants.DEFAULT_PLAYOUT_TURN_CUTOFF"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="globalPolicy">[Optional] The exploration-threshold for the e-greedy global policy. Default value is <see cref="Constants.DEFAULT_NMCTS_GLOBAL_POLICY"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="localPolicy">[Optional] The exploration-threshold for the e-greedy local policy. Default value is <see cref="Constants.DEFAULT_NMCTS_LOCAL_POLICY"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="useHeuristicEvaluation">[Optional] Whether or not to use the HeuristicBot's evaluation function. Default value is false.</param>
        /// <param name="debugInfoToConsole">[Optional] Whether or not to write debug information to the console. Default value is false.</param>
        public NMCTSBot(bool allowPerfectInformation  = false,
                        int ensembleSize              = 1,
                        PlayoutBotType playoutBotType = PlayoutBotType.MAST,
                        MASTPlayoutBot.SelectionType mastSelectionType = MASTPlayoutBot.SelectionType.EGreedy,
                        BudgetType budgetType       = BudgetType.Iterations,
                        int iterations              = Constants.DEFAULT_COMPUTATION_ITERATION_BUDGET,
                        long time                   = Constants.DEFAULT_COMPUTATION_TIME_BUDGET,
                        int playoutTurnCutoff       = Constants.DEFAULT_PLAYOUT_TURN_CUTOFF,
                        double globalPolicy         = Constants.DEFAULT_NMCTS_GLOBAL_POLICY,
                        double localPolicy          = Constants.DEFAULT_NMCTS_LOCAL_POLICY,
                        bool useHeuristicEvaluation = false,
                        bool debugInfoToConsole     = false)
            PerfectInformation = allowPerfectInformation;
            EnsembleSize       = ensembleSize;
            PlayoutBotType     = playoutBotType;
            MASTSelectionType  = mastSelectionType;
            BudgetType         = budgetType;
            Iterations         = iterations;
            Time = time;
            PlayoutTurnCutoff = playoutTurnCutoff;
            GlobalPolicy      = globalPolicy;
            LocalPolicy       = localPolicy;
            _debug            = debugInfoToConsole;

            // Create the ensemble search
            Ensemble = new EnsembleStrategySabberStone(enableStateObfuscation: true, enablePerfectInformation: PerfectInformation);

            // Simulation will be handled by the Playout
            var sabberStoneStateEvaluation = new EvaluationStrategyHearthStone(useHeuristicEvaluation);

            Playout = new PlayoutStrategySabberStone();

            // Set the playout bots
            switch (PlayoutBotType)
            case PlayoutBotType.Random:
                MyPlayoutBot       = new RandomBot(filterDuplicatePositionTasks: true);
                OpponentPlayoutBot = new RandomBot(filterDuplicatePositionTasks: true);

            case PlayoutBotType.Heuristic:
                MyPlayoutBot       = new HeuristicBot();
                OpponentPlayoutBot = new HeuristicBot();

            case PlayoutBotType.MAST:
                MyPlayoutBot       = new MASTPlayoutBot(MASTSelectionType, sabberStoneStateEvaluation);
                OpponentPlayoutBot = new MASTPlayoutBot(MASTSelectionType, sabberStoneStateEvaluation);

                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException($"PlayoutBotType `{PlayoutBotType}' is not supported.");

            // And the random sampling bot
            RandomSamplingBot = new RandomBot(filterDuplicatePositionTasks: true);

            // We'll be cutting off the simulations after X turns, using a GoalStrategy
            Goal = new GoalStrategyTurnCutoff(PlayoutTurnCutoff);

            // Application and Goal will be handled by the GameLogic
            GameLogic = new SabberStoneGameLogic(Goal, false);

            // Build NMCTS
            Builder = NMCTS <List <SabberStoneAction>, SabberStoneState, SabberStoneAction, object, SabberStoneAction> .Builder();

            Builder.ExplorationStrategy = new ChanceExploration <List <SabberStoneAction>, SabberStoneState, SabberStoneAction, object, SabberStoneAction>(LocalPolicy);
            Builder.PlayoutStrategy     = Playout;
            Builder.PolicyGlobal        = GlobalPolicy;
            Builder.SamplingStrategy    = new SabberStoneNMCSamplingStrategy(RandomSamplingBot);
            Builder.SolutionStrategy    = new SolutionStrategySabberStone(false, new AverageScore <SabberStoneState, SabberStoneAction>());
            Builder.EvaluationStrategy  = sabberStoneStateEvaluation;
            switch (BudgetType)
            case BudgetType.Iterations:
                Builder.Iterations = EnsembleSize > 0 ? Iterations / EnsembleSize : Iterations;     // Note: Integer division by design.

            case BudgetType.Time:
                Builder.Time = EnsembleSize > 0 ? Time / EnsembleSize : Time;     // Note: Integer division by design.

                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException($"BudgetType `{BudgetType}' is not supported.");