Exemple #1
        public void PreviewChecks(AVCheckPrintingModel checkInfo, int formNum)
            if (checkInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("checkInfo");
            if (formNum < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("FormNum has to be greater than zero", "formNum");

            var checkForms = this.GetAvailableCheckForms();
            var filePath = checkForms[formNum];

            var wordDocumentPath = new FileInfo(filePath).FullName;

            //Debug.Assert(wordDocumentPath == filePath);

            if (!File.Exists(wordDocumentPath))
                throw new ArgumentException("Word Template not found: " + wordDocumentPath);

            using (var wordAutomation = new WordAutomation())
                wordAutomation.FillOutCheckTemplate(wordDocumentPath, checkInfo);
Exemple #2
            public void FillOutCheckTemplate(string wordDocumentPath, AVCheckPrintingModel checkInfo)
                Func <string, bool> isTemplate = (str) => str.Contains('{') && str.Contains('}');

                Word.Document document = null;
                    if (word == null)
                        word = new Word.Application {
                            Visible = false

                    document = word.Documents.Add(wordDocumentPath, true);

                    const string PASSWORD = "******";
                    if (document.ProtectionType != Word.WdProtectionType.wdNoProtection)

                    var range = document.Range(Start: 0);
                    range.Copy(); // Copy all to clipboard

                    int count = 1;
                    checkInfo.Memo   = "Marks 3 and 3";
                    checkInfo.Amount = 100.33m;
                    var data = new
                        // Property names here have significance in that they should match texbox tokens of same name in the Word template.
                        CheckNum          = checkInfo.CheckNumber,
                        RoutingNum        = checkInfo.RoutingNumber,
                        AccountNum        = checkInfo.AccountNumber,
                        BankName          = "Bank Of America", //checkInfo.BankName,
                        BankPhone         = "(408) 444-4444",  //checkInfo.BankPhone,
                        BankAddress       = "123 Bank Lane",   //checkInfo.BankAddress,
                        BankAddressLine1  = "",                //checkInfo.BankAddressLine1,
                        BankAddressLine2  = "",                //checkInfo.BankAddressLine2,
                        BankCity          = "Pune",            //checkInfo.BankCity,
                        BankState         = "CA",              //checkInfo.BankState,
                        BankZipCode       = "95050",           //checkInfo.BankZipCode,
                        BankCountry       = "USA",             //checkInfo.BankCountry,
                        JournalName       = checkInfo.JournalName,
                        PayeeName         = "InandOut",        //checkInfo.PayeeName,
                        PayorName         = "InandOut",        //checkInfo.PayorName,
                        PayorPhone        = "",                //checkInfo.PayorPhone,
                        PayorAddress      = "123 Burger Ave.", //checkInfo.PayorAddress,
                        PayorAddressLine1 = "",                //checkInfo.PayorAddressLine1,
                        PayorAddressLine2 = "",                //checkInfo.PayorAddressLine2,
                        PayorCity         = "San Jose",        //checkInfo.PayorCity,
                        PayorState        = "CA",              //checkInfo.PayorState,
                        PayorZipCode      = "95123",           //checkInfo.PayorZipCode,
                        PayorCountry      = "USA",             //checkInfo.PayorCountry,
                        Date          = DateTime.Today,        //checkInfo.Date,
                        Amount        = 100.00,                //checkInfo.Amount,
                        AmountInWords = checkInfo.AmountInWords,
                        PayeeAddress  = checkInfo.PayeeAddress,
                        For           = checkInfo.PayFor,
                        Memo          = // memo with prefix
                                ? "Memo: " + checkInfo.Memo
                                : !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(checkInfo.PayFor)
                                ? "For: " + checkInfo.PayFor
                                : "",
                        MemoOnly  = checkInfo.Memo,
                        Summary   = checkInfo.Summary,
                        Signature = ""

                    foreach (Word.Shape shape in range.ShapeRange)
                        if (shape.Type != MsoShapeType.msoTextBox)

                        var fieldTemplate = "";
                        if (isTemplate(shape.AlternativeText))
                            // Get field template from shape's alternative text. In Word 2013 it is at:
                            // Format Shape > Shape Options > Layout & Properties > ALT TEXT > Description
                            fieldTemplate = shape.AlternativeText;
                            // In Word 97-2003 there are no separate fields for Title and Description. So
                            // when opening a document that was created in newer version of Word with Title
                            // and Description, in Word 97-2003 the Alt Text may show as
                            // "Title: {title} - Description: {description}". In this case we extract the
                            // description part:
                            const string descToken = "Description: ";
                            if (fieldTemplate.StartsWith("Title: ") && fieldTemplate.Contains(descToken))
                                fieldTemplate = fieldTemplate.SubstringAfter(descToken);
                            // Use it only if shape's text is not empty, otherwise discard ALT TEXT. Shape
                            // has to have a dummy text in it for it to not become hidden in the template.
                            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(shape.TextFrame.ContainingRange.Text))
                                fieldTemplate = "";
                            // If ALT TEXT does not look like a template then look for it in the TextBox text.
                            fieldTemplate = shape.TextFrame.ContainingRange.Text;
                            if (!isTemplate(fieldTemplate))

                        // If current template contains "{AmountInWords}" token, check if it needs ***padding***.
                        const string AmountInWordsToken = "{AmountInWords"; // intentionally not closed with '}'
                        if (fieldTemplate.Contains(AmountInWordsToken))
                            var text            = fieldTemplate.FormatSmart(data);
                            var trimmedTemplate = fieldTemplate.Trim();
                            // Pad with asterisks if any asterisk character appears around the template
                            if (trimmedTemplate.StartsWith("*") || trimmedTemplate.EndsWith("*"))
                                text = FixPadding(text);
                            shape.TextFrame.ContainingRange.Text = text;

                        //const string SignatureToken = "{Signature}";
                        //if (fieldTemplate.Contains(SignatureToken))
                        //    const string imageMetaData = "data:image/png;base64,";
                        //    if (checkInfo.Base64SignatureImage.StartsWith(imageMetaData))
                        //    {
                        //        var base64Image = checkInfo.Base64SignatureImage.Substring(imageMetaData.Length);
                        //        var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64Image);
                        //        Image image;
                        //        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytes))
                        //        {
                        //            image = Image.FromStream(ms);
                        //        }
                        //        var imageFile = Path.GetTempPath() + "polaris_temp_image.png";
                        //        if (File.Exists(imageFile))
                        //        {
                        //            File.Delete(imageFile);
                        //        }
                        //        try
                        //        {
                        //            image.Save(imageFile);
                        //            var scaling = 1.0;
                        //            //points = pixels * 72 / 96
                        //            var w = scaling * image.Width * 0.75;
                        //            var h = scaling * image.Height * 0.75;
                        //            document.Shapes.AddPicture(
                        //                FileName: imageFile,
                        //                LinkToFile: false,
                        //                SaveWithDocument: true,
                        //                Left: shape.Left - (w - shape.Width) / 2,
                        //                Top: shape.Top - (h - shape.Height) / 2,
                        //                Width: w,
                        //                Height: h,
                        //                Anchor: range);
                        //        }
                        //        finally
                        //        {
                        //            if (File.Exists(imageFile))
                        //            {
                        //                File.Delete(imageFile);
                        //            }
                        //        }
                        //    }

                        //    shape.TextFrame.ContainingRange.Text = "";
                        //    continue;

                        shape.TextFrame.ContainingRange.Text = fieldTemplate.FormatSmart(data);

                        // For some reason changing shape name will adversely affect the performance (makes it twice as slow). Commenting this out.
                        //// change shape's name to make sure it is not modified again
                        //shape.Name += "_" + count;

                    //word.Selection.EndKey(Word.WdUnits.wdStory); // Go to end of doc

                    //range.SetRange(range.End, word.Selection.End);


                    document.SaveAs("c:/users/dcamp/documents/AVCheckPrintingTest/test.doc", Word.WdSaveFormat.wdFormatDocument);
                    // Protect document with password to restrict editing.
                    //document.Protect(Word.WdProtectionType.wdAllowOnlyReading, Password: PASSWORD);

                    // Clear template from clipboard
                    //ClipboardManager clipBoard = new ClipboardManager();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Error on file {0}", wordDocumentPath), ex);

                    if (document != null)