public static bool IsReadOnly(ShowInEditor attribute, FieldInfo info)
     if (attribute.Flags == ShowInEditorFlags.Default)
     return(attribute.Flags == ShowInEditorFlags.ReadOnly);
            public PropertyField(System.Object instance, ShowInEditor attribute, SerializedPropertyType type, PropertyInfo info)
                : base(instance, attribute, type)
                _info = info;

                _getter = _info.GetGetMethod();
                _setter = _info.GetSetMethod();
 public ArrayObjectReferenceField(System.Object instance, ShowInEditor attribute, SerializedPropertyType type, FieldInfo info, MemberField[] members)
     : base(instance, attribute, type, info)
     _members = members;
 public static bool IsReadOnly(ShowInEditor attribute, MethodInfo info)
 public MethodField(System.Object instance, ShowInEditor attribute, SerializedPropertyType type, MethodInfo info)
     : base(instance, attribute, type)
     _info = info;
 public ArrayFieldField(System.Object instance, ShowInEditor attribute, SerializedPropertyType type, FieldInfo info)
     : base(instance, attribute, type, info)
 public static bool IsReadOnly(ShowInEditor attribute, PropertyInfo info)
     return(attribute.Flags == ShowInEditorFlags.ReadOnly || !info.CanWrite);
 public MemberField(System.Object obj, ShowInEditor attr, SerializedPropertyType type)
     _obj            = obj;
     _attribute      = attr;
     _serializedType = type;
        public static MemberField[] GetFieldsFromType(System.Type type, System.Object obj, int level = 0)
            List <MemberField> fields = new List <MemberField>();
            Dictionary <int, List <MethodField> > buttonFields = new Dictionary <int, List <MethodField> >();

            BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static;

            foreach (MemberInfo member in type.GetMembers(bindingFlags))
                ShowInEditor attribute = member.GetCustomAttributes(false).OfType <ShowInEditor>().FirstOrDefault();

                if (level > 0 &&
                    attribute == null &&
                    (member is FieldInfo) &&
                    attribute = new ShowInEditor();

                if (attribute != null)
                    if (member is PropertyInfo)
                        PropertyInfo property = member as PropertyInfo;
                        if (!property.CanRead)

                        // skip array property, to do (or is it neccessary?)
                        if (property.PropertyType.IsArray)

                        if (attribute != null)
                            SerializedPropertyType serializedType = SerializedPropertyType.Integer;
                            bool isKnownType = PropertyField.GetSerializedType(property, out serializedType);

                            if (!isKnownType)
                                attribute.Flags = ShowInEditorFlags.ReadOnly;

                            fields.Add(new PropertyField(obj, attribute, serializedType, property));
                    else if (member is FieldInfo)
                        FieldInfo field = member as FieldInfo;

                        System.Type realType = field.FieldType;
                        if (realType.IsArray)
                            realType = field.FieldType.GetElementType();

                        bool isObjectRef = !FieldField.IsReadOnly(attribute, field);

                        isObjectRef &= (realType.IsClass ||
                                        (realType.IsValueType && !realType.IsEnum && !realType.IsPrimitive));

                        if (isObjectRef)
                            ShowInEditor showInEditor = realType.GetCustomAttributes(false).OfType <ShowInEditor>().FirstOrDefault();

                            isObjectRef &= (showInEditor != null);

                        MemberField mf;
                        if (isObjectRef)
                            MemberField[] memberFields = GetFieldsFromType(realType, null, level + 2);

                            if (!field.FieldType.IsArray)
                                mf = (new ObjectReferenceField(obj, attribute, SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference, field, memberFields));
                                mf = (new ArrayObjectReferenceField(obj, attribute, SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference, field, memberFields));
                            SerializedPropertyType serializedType = SerializedPropertyType.Integer;
                            bool isKnownType = FieldField.GetSerializedType(field, out serializedType);

                            if (!isKnownType)
                                attribute.Flags = ShowInEditorFlags.ReadOnly;

                            if (!field.FieldType.IsArray)
                                mf = new FieldField(obj, attribute, serializedType, field);
                                mf = new ArrayFieldField(obj, attribute, serializedType, field);

                        if (field.IsPublic)
                            attribute.CanModifyArrayLength = true;

                        if (mf != null)
                            if (mf.IndentLevel == 0)
                                mf.IndentLevel = level;

                    else if (member is MethodInfo)
                        MethodInfo method = member as MethodInfo;

                        if (method.GetParameters().Length == 0)
                            if (method.ReturnType != typeof(void))
                                fields.Add(new MethodField(obj, attribute, SerializedPropertyType.Generic, method));
                            else if (attribute.Style == ShowInEditorStyle.Button)
                                if (attribute.Group == -1)
                                    fields.Add(new MethodField(obj, attribute, SerializedPropertyType.Generic, method));
                                    List <MethodField> group;
                                    if (!buttonFields.TryGetValue(attribute.Group, out group))
                                        group = new List <MethodField>();
                                        buttonFields.Add(attribute.Group, group);
                                    group.Add(new MethodField(obj, attribute, SerializedPropertyType.Generic, method));
                                Debug.LogError("[ShowInEditor] Method that returns nothing cannot be shown in the editor");
                            Debug.LogError("[ShowInEditor] Method with arguments cannot be shown in the editor");

            foreach (List <MethodField> buttonGroup in buttonFields.Values)
                fields.Add(new ButtonGroupField(buttonGroup.ToArray()));