private static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: ConsoleTest [APIKey]"); Console.ReadKey(); return; } Console.WriteLine("Press Any Key to start..."); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); var m2x = new M2XClient(args[0]); TestKeys(m2x); Console.WriteLine(); TestBlueprints(m2x); Console.WriteLine(); TestBatches(m2x); Console.WriteLine(); TestDatasources(m2x); Console.WriteLine(); TestFeeds(m2x); }
private static void TestBatches(M2XClient m2x) { Console.WriteLine("Testing batches..."); var batches = m2x.GetBatches(); Console.WriteLine("Number of batches = " + batches.batches.Count); var batchName = "test-" + Guid.NewGuid(); var batchData = m2x.CreateBatch(batchName, M2XVisibility.Public, "description"); Console.WriteLine("New batch created - id = " +; var bKey = batchData.key; M2XBatch batch = m2x.GetBatch(; Console.WriteLine("Batch name = " + batch.Details().name); batch.Update(batchName + "updated", M2XVisibility.Public); Console.WriteLine("Batch updated"); var dss = batch.GetDataSources(); Console.WriteLine("Number of data sources in the batch = " + dss.datasources.Count); var dsSerial = "serial-" + Guid.NewGuid(); var dsData = batch.AddDataSource(dsSerial); Console.WriteLine("New data source added - id = " +; var dsKey = dsData.key; M2XDataSource ds = m2x.GetDataSource(; ds.Delete(); Console.WriteLine("Data source deleted"); DeleteKey(m2x, dsKey); batch.Delete(); Console.WriteLine("Batch deleted"); DeleteKey(m2x, bKey); }
private M2XStream(M2XClient client, string streamName) : base(client) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(streamName)) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Invalid streamName - {0}", streamName)); } this.StreamName = streamName; }
internal M2XCollection(M2XClient client, string collectionId) : base(client) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(collectionId)) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Invalid collectionId - {0}", collectionId)); } this.CollectionId = collectionId; }
private M2XTrigger(M2XClient client, string triggerId) : base(client) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(triggerId)) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Invalid triggerId - {0}", triggerId)); } this.TriggerId = triggerId; }
internal M2XChart(M2XClient client, string chartId) : base(client) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(chartId)) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Invalid chartId - {0}", chartId)); } this.ChartId = chartId; }
internal M2XKey(M2XClient client, string key) : base(client) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key)) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Invalid key - {0}", key)); } this.KeyId = key; }
internal M2XDistribution(M2XClient client, string distributionId) : base(client) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(distributionId)) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Invalid distributionId - {0}", distributionId)); } this.DistributionId = distributionId; }
internal M2XDevice(M2XClient client, string deviceId, string serial) : base(client) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(deviceId) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serial)) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Invalid deviceId - {0}", deviceId)); } this.DeviceId = deviceId; this.Serial = serial; }
private static void TestBlueprints(M2XClient m2x) { Console.WriteLine("Testing blueprints..."); var blueprints = m2x.GetBlueprints(); Console.WriteLine("Number of blueprints = " + blueprints.blueprints.Count); var blueprintName = "test-" + Guid.NewGuid(); var blueprintData = m2x.CreateBlueprint(blueprintName, M2XVisibility.Public, "description"); Console.WriteLine("New blueprint created - id = " +; var key = blueprintData.key; M2XBlueprint blueprint = m2x.GetBlueprint(; Console.WriteLine("Blueprint name = " + blueprint.Details().name); blueprint.Update(blueprintName + "updated", M2XVisibility.Public); Console.WriteLine("Blueprint updated"); blueprint.Delete(); Console.WriteLine("Blueprint deleted"); DeleteKey(m2x, key); }
internal M2XClassWithMetadata(M2XClient client) : base(client) { }
internal M2XClass(M2XClient client) { this.Client = client; }
private static void TestKeys(M2XClient m2x) { Console.WriteLine("Testing keys..."); var keys = m2x.GetKeys(); Console.WriteLine("Number of keys = " + keys.keys.Count); var keyName = "test-" + Guid.NewGuid(); var keyData = m2x.CreateKey(keyName, new[] { M2XClientMethod.POST, M2XClientMethod.GET }); Console.WriteLine("New key created - id = " + keyData.key); M2XKey key = m2x.GetKey(keyData.key); Console.WriteLine("Key name = " + key.Details().name); key.Regenerate(); Console.WriteLine("Key regenerated. New id = " + key.Details().key); key.Update(new { name = keyName + "updated", permissions = new[] { "POST", "GET" } }); Console.WriteLine("Key updated"); key.Delete(); Console.WriteLine("Key deleted"); }
private static void DeleteKey(M2XClient m2x, string key) { M2XKey k = m2x.GetKey(key); k.Delete(); }
private static void TestFeeds(M2XClient m2x) { Console.WriteLine("Testing feeds..."); var feeds = m2x.GetFeeds(); Console.WriteLine("Number of feeds = " + feeds.feeds.Count); feeds = m2x.GetFeeds(type: M2XFeedType.Blueprint); Console.WriteLine("Number of blueprint feeds = " + feeds.feeds.Count); var dsName = "test feed - " + Guid.NewGuid(); var dsData = m2x.CreateBlueprint(dsName, M2XVisibility.Public, "test feed"); Console.WriteLine("New blueprint feed created - id = " +; var key = dsData.key; M2XBlueprint ds = m2x.GetBlueprint(; M2XFeed feed = ds.GetFeed(); Console.WriteLine("Feed name = " + feed.Details().name); feed.UpdateLocation(-37.9788423562422, -57.5478776916862, "test location", 500); Console.WriteLine("Feed location updated"); var location = feed.GetLocation(); Console.WriteLine("Feed location obtained. latitude = " + location.latitude + "; longitude = " + location.longitude + "; elevation = " + location.elevation); var s1 = feed.GetStream("test1"); var s2 = feed.GetStream("test2"); var s3 = feed.GetStream("test3"); s1.CreateOrUpdate(new { unit = new { label = "random1", symbol = "R1" } }); Console.WriteLine("Stream with name = test1 created."); s2.CreateOrUpdate(new { unit = new { label = "random2", symbol = "R2" } }); Console.WriteLine("Stream with name = test2 created."); s3.CreateOrUpdate(new { unit = new { label = "random3", symbol = "R3" } }); Console.WriteLine("Stream with name = test3 created."); Console.WriteLine("Number of streams = " + feed.GetStreams().streams.Count); Console.WriteLine("Started posting values to all three streams. Go ahead and check your feed on Web UI - Press any key to break."); var r = new Random(1000); while (!Console.KeyAvailable) { s1.PostValues(new[] { new M2XPostedValue { At = DateTime.UtcNow, Value = r.Next(100).ToString() } }); s2.PostValues(new[] { new M2XPostedValue { At = DateTime.UtcNow, Value = r.Next(500).ToString() } }); s3.PostValues(new[] { new M2XPostedValue { At = DateTime.UtcNow, Value = r.Next(1000).ToString() } }); Thread.Sleep(1000); } Console.WriteLine("Number of values in stream test1 = " + s1.GetValues().values.Count); s1.Delete(); Console.WriteLine("Number of values in stream test2 = " + s2.GetValues().values.Count); s2.Delete(); Console.WriteLine("Number of values in stream test3 = " + s3.GetValues().values.Count); s3.Delete(); Console.WriteLine("Data streams deleted"); Console.WriteLine("Number of streams = " + feed.GetStreams().streams.Count); Console.WriteLine("Number of records in log = " + feed.Log().requests.Count); ds.Delete(); Console.WriteLine("Blueprint feed deleted"); DeleteKey(m2x, key); }
private static void TestDatasources(M2XClient m2x) { Console.WriteLine("Testing data sources..."); var dss = m2x.GetDataSources(); Console.WriteLine("Number of data sources = " + dss.datasources.Count); var dsName = "test-" + Guid.NewGuid(); var dsData = m2x.CreateDataSource(dsName, M2XVisibility.Public, "description"); Console.WriteLine("New data source created - id = " +; var key = dsData.key; M2XDataSource ds = m2x.GetDataSource(; Console.WriteLine("Data source name = " + ds.Details().name); ds.Update(dsName + "updated", M2XVisibility.Public); Console.WriteLine("Data source updated"); ds.Delete(); Console.WriteLine("Data source deleted"); DeleteKey(m2x, key); }