         * CreateTestSet will create or modify and existing Test Set folder structure to conform
         * with the structure specified in the resource file called "folder_structure.xml"
         * A TestProgramSet object instance will be returned for the name specified.
        public static TestProgramSet CreateTestSet( String testSetName )
            Stream stream =
                ProjectManager.Instance.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream( Resources.FileStructure );
            if (stream == null)
                throw new Exception( "Failed to load the File Structure resources." );
            var reader = new XmlTextReader( stream );
            var document = new XmlDocument();
            document.Load( reader );
            XmlElement root = document.DocumentElement;

            string testSetPath = GetTestSetPath();
            testSetName = CleanTestSetName( testSetName );

            String rootPathName = Path.Combine( testSetPath, testSetName );
            var testSet = new TestProgramSet();
            testSet._testSetName = testSetName;
            if (!Directory.Exists( rootPathName ))
                testSet._testSetDirectory = Directory.CreateDirectory( rootPathName );
                testSet._testSetDirectory = new DirectoryInfo( rootPathName );

            ProcessFolderNode( root, rootPathName );
            return testSet;
Exemple #2
         * CreateTestSet will create or modify and existing Test Set folder structure to conform
         * with the structure specified in the resource file called "folder_structure.xml"
         * A TestProgramSet object instance will be returned for the name specified.

        public static TestProgramSet CreateTestSet(String testSetName)
            Stream stream =

            if (stream == null)
                throw new Exception("Failed to load the File Structure resources.");
            var reader   = new XmlTextReader(stream);
            var document = new XmlDocument();

            XmlElement root = document.DocumentElement;

            string testSetPath = GetTestSetPath();

            testSetName = CleanTestSetName(testSetName);

            String rootPathName = Path.Combine(testSetPath, testSetName);
            var    testSet      = new TestProgramSet();

            testSet._testSetName = testSetName;
            if (!Directory.Exists(rootPathName))
                testSet._testSetDirectory = Directory.CreateDirectory(rootPathName);
                testSet._testSetDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(rootPathName);

            ProcessFolderNode(root, rootPathName);
Exemple #3
        public static TestProgramSet OpenTestSet(String testSetName)
            string testSetPath = GetTestSetPath();

            testSetName = CleanTestSetName(testSetName);
            string         fullPath = Path.Combine(testSetPath, testSetName);
            TestProgramSet testSet  = CreateTestSet(testSetName);  //new TestProgramSet();

            testSet._testSetDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(fullPath);
            testSet._testSetName      = testSetName;
Exemple #4
        public static bool SelectTestSet(out TestProgramSet testSet)
            testSet = null;
            string testSetPath = GetTestSetPath();
            //FileManager.OpenFolder(out testSetPath);
            var form = new DirectorySelectionForm(testSetPath);

            form.Text = @"Select Test Program Set Project";
            if (DialogResult.OK == form.ShowDialog())
                using (new HourGlass())
                    string testSetName = form.SelectedFolder;
                    testSet = OpenTestSet(testSetName);
            return(testSet != null);
 private static void SaveProjectInfo( ProjectInfo projectInfo, TestProgramSet currentTestProgramSet )
     FileManager.WriteFile( currentTestProgramSet.TestSetDirectory.FullName + @"\project-info.xml",
                            Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( projectInfo.Serialize() ) );
 public void Close()
     if (CurrentTestProgramSet != null)
         string name = CurrentTestProgramSet.TestSetName;
         CurrentTestProgramSet = null;
         LogManager.Trace( "Project \"{0}\" has been closed", name );
 public static bool SelectTestSet( out TestProgramSet testSet )
     testSet = null;
     string testSetPath = GetTestSetPath();
     //FileManager.OpenFolder(out testSetPath);
     var form = new DirectorySelectionForm( testSetPath );
     form.Text = @"Select Test Program Set Project";
     if (DialogResult.OK == form.ShowDialog())
         using (new HourGlass())
             string testSetName = form.SelectedFolder;
             testSet = OpenTestSet( testSetName );
     return testSet != null;