// // Constructor - Must be public for COM registration! // public Focuser() { m_Util = new ASCOM.Utilities.Util(); tmrFocus.AutoReset = true; tmrFocus.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(tmrFocus_Elapsed); // Changed to work with new timer interface }
public void init() { if (initialized) { return; } och = new ObservingConditions("ASCOM.OCH.ObservingConditions"); if (tl == null) { tl = new TraceLogger("", "Wise40.SafeToOpen"); } name = "Wise40 SafeToOpen"; driverID = Const.wiseSafeToOperateDriverID; driverDescription = string.Format("ASCOM Wise40.SafeToOpen v{0}", version.ToString()); if (_profile == null) { _profile = new Profile() { DeviceType = "SafetyMonitor" }; } humiditySensor = new HumiditySensor(this); windSensor = new WindSensor(this); sunSensor = new SunSensor(this); cloudsSensor = new CloudsSensor(this); rainSensor = new RainSensor(this); humanInterventionSensor = new HumanInterventionSensor(this); _sensors = new List <Sensor>() { windSensor, cloudsSensor, rainSensor, humiditySensor, sunSensor, humanInterventionSensor }; tl.Enabled = debugger.Tracing; tl.LogMessage("SafetyMonitor", "Starting initialisation"); _connected = false; novas31 = new NOVAS31(); astroutils = new AstroUtils(); ascomutils = new Util(); siteLatitude = ascomutils.DMSToDegrees("30:35:50.43"); siteLongitude = ascomutils.DMSToDegrees("34:45:43.86"); siteElevation = 882.9; novas31.MakeOnSurface(siteLatitude, siteLongitude, siteElevation, 0.0, 0.0, ref onSurface); novas31.MakeObject(0, Convert.ToInt16(Body.Sun), "Sun", new CatEntry3(), ref Sun); ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store initialized = true; tl.LogMessage("SafetyMonitor", "Completed initialisation"); }
private void textBoxLongitude_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ts != null) { var util = new ASCOM.Utilities.Util(); ts.SiteLongitude = util.DMSToDegrees(textBoxLongitude.Text); textBoxLongitude.Text = util.DegreesToDMS(ts.SiteLongitude); } }
// // Constructor - Must be public for COM registration! // public Telescope() { try { driverID = Marshal.GenerateProgIdForType(this.GetType()); m_Util = new ASCOM.Utilities.Util(); // get a unique instance id objectId = TelescopeHardware.GetId(); TelescopeHardware.TL.LogMessage("New", "Instance ID: " + objectId + ", new: " + "Driver ID: " + driverID); TrackingRates = new TrackingRateObject(TelescopeInstance.TrackingRates); } catch (Exception ex) { EventLogCode.LogEvent("ASCOM.SimulatorCore.Telescope", "Exception on New", EventLogEntryType.Error, GlobalConstants.EventLogErrors.TelescopeSimulatorNew, ex.ToString()); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Telescope New: " + ex.ToString()); } }
private void ConnectForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ArrayList DeviceTypes = new ArrayList(); cmbDeviceType.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(cmbDeviceType_SelectedIndexChanged); // Add an event handler for devicetype combo box this.Resize += new EventHandler(ConnectForm_Resize); // Add an event handler for form resize. try { Util = new ASCOM.Utilities.Util(); // Get the currently define device types ASCOM.Utilities.Profile Profile = new ASCOM.Utilities.Profile(); DeviceTypes = Profile.RegisteredDeviceTypes; Profile.Dispose(); DefaultDevices = new SortedList <string, string>(); // Initialise the sorted array of default drivers for each device type foreach (string DeviceType in DeviceTypes) // Populate the sorted array and the UI combo boxwith the default driver values { cmbDeviceType.Items.Add(DeviceType); switch (DeviceType.ToUpperInvariant()) { case "TELESCOPE": DefaultDevices.Add(DeviceType.ToUpperInvariant(), DEFAULT_DEVICE_TELESCOPE); break; case "FOCUSER": DefaultDevices.Add(DeviceType.ToUpperInvariant(), DEFAULT_DEVICE_FOCUSER); break; case "FILTERWHEEL": DefaultDevices.Add(DeviceType.ToUpperInvariant(), DEFAULT_DEVICE_FILTER_WHEEL); break; case "ROTATOR": DefaultDevices.Add(DeviceType.ToUpperInvariant(), DEFAULT_DEVICE_ROTATOR); break; case "DOME": DefaultDevices.Add(DeviceType.ToUpperInvariant(), DEFAULT_DEVICE_DOME); break; case "CAMERA": DefaultDevices.Add(DeviceType.ToUpperInvariant(), DEFAULT_DEVICE_CAMERA); break; case "VIDEO": DefaultDevices.Add(DeviceType.ToUpperInvariant(), DEFAULT_DEVICE_VIDEO); break; case "SWITCH": DefaultDevices.Add(DeviceType.ToUpperInvariant(), DEFAULT_DEVICE_SWITCH); break; case "SAFETYMONITOR": DefaultDevices.Add(DeviceType.ToUpperInvariant(), DEFAULT_DEVICE_SAFETY_MONITOR); break; default: DefaultDevices.Add(DeviceType.ToUpperInvariant(), ""); break; } } CurrentDevice = DEFAULT_DEVICE_TELESCOPE; // Initialise current value variables and UI display CurrentDeviceType = DEFAULT_DEVICE_TYPE; cmbDeviceType.SelectedItem = CurrentDeviceType; txtDevice.Text = CurrentDevice; // Supply an appropriate title for the form depending on the OS and application bitness if (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem) // 64bit OS { if (Environment.Is64BitProcess) // 64bit process { this.Text = "Device Connection Tester - 64bit OS - Operating in 64bit mode"; } else // 32bit process { this.Text = "Device Connection Tester - 64bit OS - Operating in 32bit mode"; } } else // 32bit OS { this.Text = "Device Connection Tester - 32bit OS"; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
public void init() { if (initialized) { return; } name = "Wise40 SafeToOperate"; driverDescription = string.Format("{0} v{1}", driverID, version.ToString()); if (_profile == null) { _profile = new Profile() { DeviceType = "SafetyMonitor" }; } WiseSite.initOCH(); WiseSite.och.Connected = true; humiditySensor = new HumiditySensor(this); windSensor = new WindSensor(this); sunSensor = new SunSensor(this); cloudsSensor = new CloudsSensor(this); rainSensor = new RainSensor(this); humanInterventionSensor = new HumanInterventionSensor(this); computerControlSensor = new ComputerControlSensor(this); platformSensor = new PlatformSensor(this); doorLockSensor = new DoorLockSensor(this); pressureSensor = new PressureSensor(this); temperatureSensor = new TemperatureSensor(this); // // The sensors in priotity order. The first one that: // - is enabled // - not bypassed // - forces decision // - is not safe // causes SafeToOperate to be NOT SAFE // _prioritizedSensors = new List <Sensor>() { humanInterventionSensor, // Immediate sensors computerControlSensor, platformSensor, doorLockSensor, sunSensor, // Weather sensors - affecting isSafe windSensor, cloudsSensor, rainSensor, humiditySensor, pressureSensor, // Weather sensors - NOT affecting isSafe temperatureSensor, }; _cumulativeSensors = new List <Sensor>(); foreach (Sensor s in _prioritizedSensors) { if (!s.HasAttribute(Sensor.SensorAttribute.Immediate)) { _cumulativeSensors.Add(s); } } _connected = false; novas31 = new NOVAS31(); astroutils = new AstroUtils(); ascomutils = new Util(); novas31.MakeObject(0, Convert.ToInt16(Body.Sun), "Sun", new CatEntry3(), ref Sun); ReadProfile(); // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store _safetyState = Event.SafetyEvent.SafetyState.Unknown; activityMonitor.Event(new Event.SafetyEvent() { _safetyState = _safetyState, _details = "WiseSafeToOperate.init()", }); initialized = true; }
/// <summary> /// Atuo constructor /// </summary> static AstroUtilsASCOM() { ASCOMUtils = new Util(); ASCOMAUtils = new ASCOM.Astrometry.AstroUtils.AstroUtils(); }