public MultiSetter(Creature creatureSettings, List<bool> appliedSettings, List<Creature>[] parents)
            if (appliedSettings.Count != 13)
                DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; // invalid parameters
            this.appliedSettings = appliedSettings;
            this.c = creatureSettings;
            parentComboBoxMother.naLabel = " - Mother n/a";
            parentComboBoxFather.naLabel = " - Father n/a";
            if (parents == null)
                // disable parents, probably multiple species selected
                checkBoxMother.Enabled = false;
                checkBoxFather.Enabled = false;
                parentComboBoxMother.Enabled = false;
                parentComboBoxFather.Enabled = false;
                parentComboBoxMother.ParentList = parents[0];
                parentComboBoxFather.ParentList = parents[1];
                uniqueSpecies = true;
            checkBoxMother.Checked = false;
            checkBoxFather.Checked = false;

            pictureBox1.Image = CreatureColored.getColoredCreature(c.colors, (uniqueSpecies ? c.species : ""), new bool[] { true, true, true, true, true, true });
 public PedigreeCreature(Creature creature, bool[] enabledColorRegions, int comboId = -1)
     this.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
     this.enabledColorRegions = enabledColorRegions;
     this.comboId = comboId;
Exemple #3
 public void Clear()
     creature = null;
Exemple #4
 private bool createParentsChild(Creature creature, int x, int y, bool drawWithNoParents = false, bool highlightCreature = false)
     if (creature != null && (drawWithNoParents || creature.Mother != null || creature.Father != null))
         // scrolloffset for control-locations (not for lines)
         int xS = AutoScrollPosition.X;
         int yS = AutoScrollPosition.Y;
         // creature
         PedigreeCreature pc = new PedigreeCreature(creature, enabledColorRegions);
         if (highlightCreature)
             pc.highlight = true;
         pc.Location = new Point(x + xS, y + yS + 40);
         pc.CreatureClicked += new PedigreeCreature.CreatureChangedEventHandler(CreatureClicked);
         pc.CreatureEdit += new PedigreeCreature.CreatureEditEventHandler(CreatureEdit);
         pc.BestBreedingPartners += new PedigreeCreature.CreaturePartnerEventHandler(BestBreedingPartners);
         // mother
         if (creature.Mother != null)
             pc = new PedigreeCreature(creature.Mother, enabledColorRegions);
             pc.Location = new Point(x + xS, y + yS);
             pc.CreatureClicked += new PedigreeCreature.CreatureChangedEventHandler(CreatureClicked);
             pc.CreatureEdit += new PedigreeCreature.CreatureEditEventHandler(CreatureEdit);
             pc.BestBreedingPartners += new PedigreeCreature.CreaturePartnerEventHandler(BestBreedingPartners);
         // father
         if (creature.Father != null)
             pc = new PedigreeCreature(creature.Father, enabledColorRegions);
             pc.Location = new Point(x + xS, y + yS + 80);
             pc.CreatureClicked += new PedigreeCreature.CreatureChangedEventHandler(CreatureClicked);
             pc.CreatureEdit += new PedigreeCreature.CreatureEditEventHandler(CreatureEdit);
             pc.BestBreedingPartners += new PedigreeCreature.CreaturePartnerEventHandler(BestBreedingPartners);
         // gene-inheritance-lines
         // better: if father < mother: 1, if mother < father: -1
         int better;
         for (int s = 0; s < 7; s++)
             better = 0;
             if (creature.Mother != null && creature.Father != null)
                 if (creature.Mother.levelsWild[s] < creature.Father.levelsWild[s])
                     better = -1;
                 else if (creature.Mother.levelsWild[s] > creature.Father.levelsWild[s])
                     better = 1;
             if (creature.Mother != null && creature.levelsWild[s] >= 0 && creature.levelsWild[s] == creature.Mother.levelsWild[s])
                 lines[0].Add(new int[] { 38 + x + 28 * s, y + 33, 38 + x + 28 * s, y + 42, (better == -1 ? 1 : 2) });
             if (creature.Father != null && creature.levelsWild[s] >= 0 && creature.levelsWild[s] == creature.Father.levelsWild[s])
                 lines[0].Add(new int[] { 38 + x + 28 * s, y + 83, 38 + x + 28 * s, y + 74, (better == 1 ? 1 : 2) });
         return true;
     return false;
Exemple #5
        private ListViewItem createCreatureLVItem(Creature cr, ListViewGroup g)
            int topStatsCount = cr.topStatsCount;
            string[] subItems = (new string[] { + (cr.status != CreatureStatus.Available ? " (" + Utils.statusSymbol(cr.status) + ")" : ""), cr.owner, Utils.genderSymbol(cr.gender), cr.domesticatedAt.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm"), cr.topness.ToString(), topStatsCount.ToString(), cr.generation.ToString(), cr.levelFound.ToString() }).Concat(cr.levelsWild.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()).ToArray();
            ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(subItems, g);
            for (int s = 0; s < 8; s++)
                // color unknown levels
                if (cr.levelsWild[s] < 0)
                    lvi.SubItems[s + 8].ForeColor = Color.WhiteSmoke;
                    lvi.SubItems[s + 8].BackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke;
                    lvi.SubItems[s + 8].BackColor = Utils.getColorFromPercent((int)(cr.levelsWild[s] * (s == 7 ? .357 : 2.5)), (considerStatHighlight[s] ? (cr.topBreedingStats[s] ? 0.2 : 0.7) : 0.93));
            lvi.SubItems[2].BackColor = cr.neutered ? SystemColors.GrayText : (cr.gender == Gender.Female ? Color.FromArgb(255, 230, 255) : (cr.gender == Gender.Male ? Color.FromArgb(220, 235, 255) : SystemColors.Window));
            if (cr.status == CreatureStatus.Dead)
                lvi.SubItems[0].ForeColor = SystemColors.GrayText;
                lvi.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 250, 240);
            if (cr.status == CreatureStatus.Unavailable)
                lvi.SubItems[0].ForeColor = SystemColors.GrayText;

            lvi.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false;

            // color for top-stats-nr
            if (topStatsCount > 0)
                if (cr.topBreedingCreature)
                    lvi.BackColor = Color.LightGreen;
                lvi.SubItems[5].BackColor = Utils.getColorFromPercent(topStatsCount * 8 + 44, 0.7);
                lvi.SubItems[5].ForeColor = Color.LightGray;

            // color for timestamp added
            if (cr.domesticatedAt.Year < 2015)
                lvi.SubItems[3].Text = "n/a";
                lvi.SubItems[3].ForeColor = Color.LightGray;

            // color for topness
            lvi.SubItems[4].BackColor = Utils.getColorFromPercent(cr.topness * 2 - 100, 0.8); // topness is in percent. gradient from 50-100

            // color for generation
            if (cr.generation == 0)
                lvi.SubItems[6].ForeColor = Color.LightGray;

            // color of WildLevelColumn
            if (cr.levelFound == 0)
                lvi.SubItems[7].ForeColor = Color.LightGray;

            lvi.Tag = cr;
            return lvi;
Exemple #6
 private void setTesterEditCreature(Creature c = null, bool virtualCreature = false)
     bool enable = (c != null); // set to a creature, or clear
     creatureInfoInputTester.ShowSaveButton = enable && !virtualCreature;
     labelCurrentTesterCreature.Text = (enable ? "Current Creature: " + : "");
     if (enable)
         creatureInfoInputTester.mother = c.Mother;
         creatureInfoInputTester.father = c.Father;
         creatureInfoInputTester.CreatureName =;
         creatureInfoInputTester.CreatureGender = c.gender;
         creatureInfoInputTester.CreatureOwner = c.owner;
         creatureInfoInputTester.CreatureStatus = c.status;
         creatureInfoInputTester.CreatureNote = c.note;
         creatureInfoInputTester.Cooldown = c.cooldownUntil;
         creatureInfoInputTester.Grown = c.growingUntil;
         creatureInfoInputTester.domesticatedAt = c.domesticatedAt;
         creatureInfoInputTester.Neutered = c.neutered;
         creatureInfoInputTester.mother = null;
         creatureInfoInputTester.father = null;
         creatureInfoInputTester.CreatureName = "";
         creatureInfoInputTester.CreatureGender = Gender.Unknown;
         creatureInfoInputTester.CreatureStatus = CreatureStatus.Available;
         creatureInfoInputTester.Cooldown = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1);
         creatureInfoInputTester.Grown = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1);
         creatureInfoInputTester.domesticatedAt = DateTime.Now;
         creatureInfoInputTester.Neutered = false;
     creatureTesterEdit = c;
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Call this function to update the displayed values of a creature. Usually called after a creature was edited.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="cr">Creature that was changed</param>
 /// <param name="creatureStatusChanged"></param>
 private void updateCreatureValues(Creature cr, bool creatureStatusChanged)
     // data of the selected creature changed, update listview
     // if creaturestatus (available/dead) changed, recalculate topstats (dead creatures are not considered there)
     if (creatureStatusChanged)
         calculateTopStats(creatureCollection.creatures.Where(c => c.species == cr.species).ToList());
         // int listViewLibrary replace old row with new one
         int ci = -1;
         for (int i = 0; i < listViewLibrary.Items.Count; i++)
             if ((Creature)listViewLibrary.Items[i].Tag == cr)
                 ci = i;
         if (ci >= 0)
             listViewLibrary.Items[ci] = createCreatureLVItem(cr, listViewLibrary.Items[ci].Group);
     // recreate ownerlist
     setCollectionChanged(true, cr.species);
Exemple #8
 private void CreatureClicked(Creature c, int comboIndex, MouseEventArgs e)
Exemple #9
 private void CreatureEdit(Creature c, bool isVirtual)
     EditCreature?.Invoke(c, isVirtual);
 public CreatureBox(Creature creature)
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the controls that display a creature and its parents.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="creature"></param>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="y"></param>
        /// <param name="drawWithNoParents"></param>
        /// <param name="highlightCreature"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool CreateParentsChild(Creature creature, int x, int y, bool drawWithNoParents = false, bool highlightCreature = false)
            if (creature == null || (!drawWithNoParents && creature.Mother == null && creature.Father == null))

            // scrolloffset for control-locations (not for lines)
            int xS = AutoScrollPosition.X;
            int yS = AutoScrollPosition.Y;

            // creature
            AddCreatureControl(new PedigreeCreature(creature, enabledColorRegions)
                Location  = new Point(x + xS, y + yS + 40),
                Highlight = highlightCreature

            void AddCreatureControl(PedigreeCreature _pc)
                _pc.CreatureClicked      += CreatureClicked;
                _pc.CreatureEdit         += CreatureEdit;
                _pc.BestBreedingPartners += BestBreedingPartners;
                _pc.ExportToClipboard    += exportToClipboard;

            // mother
            if (creature.Mother != null)
                AddCreatureControl(new PedigreeCreature(creature.Mother, enabledColorRegions)
                    Location = new Point(x + xS, y + yS)
            // father
            if (creature.Father != null)
                AddCreatureControl(new PedigreeCreature(creature.Father, enabledColorRegions)
                    Location = new Point(x + xS, y + yS + 80)
            // gene-inheritance-lines
            // better: if father < mother: 1, if mother < father: -1
            for (int s = 0; s < PedigreeCreature.displayedStatsCount; s++)
                int si = PedigreeCreature.displayedStats[s];
                if (creature.valuesDom[si] <= 0)
                    continue;                              // don't display arrows for non used stats
                int better = 0;
                if (creature.Mother != null && creature.Father != null)
                    if (creature.Mother.levelsWild[si] < creature.Father.levelsWild[si])
                        better = -1;
                    else if (creature.Mother.levelsWild[si] > creature.Father.levelsWild[si])
                        better = 1;
                // offspring can have stats that are up to 2 levels higher due to mutations. currently there are no decreasing levels due to mutations
                if (creature.Mother != null && creature.levelsWild[si] >= 0 && (creature.levelsWild[si] == creature.Mother.levelsWild[si] || creature.levelsWild[si] == creature.Mother.levelsWild[si] + 2))
                    lines[0].Add(new[] { 38 + x + 29 * s, y + 33, 38 + x + 29 * s, y + 42, (better == -1 ? 1 : 2), (creature.levelsWild[si] > creature.Mother.levelsWild[si] ? 1 : 0) });
                if (creature.Father != null && creature.levelsWild[si] >= 0 && (creature.levelsWild[si] == creature.Father.levelsWild[si] || creature.levelsWild[si] == creature.Father.levelsWild[si] + 2))
                    lines[0].Add(new[] { 38 + x + 29 * s, y + 83, 38 + x + 29 * s, y + 74, (better == 1 ? 1 : 2), (creature.levelsWild[si] > creature.Father.levelsWild[si] ? 1 : 0) });
        private void initializeVars()
            this.creature = null;
            stats = new StatDisplay[] { statDisplayHP, statDisplaySt, statDisplayOx, statDisplayFo, statDisplayWe, statDisplayDm, statDisplaySp, statDisplayTo };
            numUDLevelsDom = new NumericUpDown[] { numericUpDown1, numericUpDown2, numericUpDown3, numericUpDown4, numericUpDown5, numericUpDown6, numericUpDown7 };
            stats[0].Title = "HP";
            stats[1].Title = "St";
            stats[2].Title = "Ox";
            stats[3].Title = "Fo";
            stats[4].Title = "We";
            stats[5].Title = "Dm";
            stats[6].Title = "Sp";
            stats[7].Title = "To";
            stats[5].Percent = true;
            stats[6].Percent = true;
            statDisplayTo.ShowBars = false;
            colorButtons = new Button[] { buttonColor1, buttonColor2, buttonColor3, buttonColor4, buttonColor5, buttonColor6 };
            parentComboBoxMother.naLabel = "- Mother n/a";
            parentComboBoxFather.naLabel = "- Father n/a";

            // tooltips
            tt.SetToolTip(this.labelHeaderDomLevelSet, "Set the spend domesticated Levels here");
            tt.SetToolTip(labelGender, "Gender of the Creature");
            tt.SetToolTip(labelStatHeader, "Wild-levels, Domesticated-levels, Value that is inherited, Current Value of the Creature");
            tt.SetToolTip(buttonEdit, "Edit");
            tt.SetToolTip(labelM, "Mother");
            tt.SetToolTip(labelF, "Father");
            tt.SetToolTip(textBoxNote, "Note");
            tt.SetToolTip(labelParents, "Mother and Father (if bred and choosen)");
            tt.SetToolTip(buttonGender, "Gender");
            tt.SetToolTip(buttonStatus, "Status: Available, Unavailable, Dead");
            cp = new MyColorPicker();
 public void setCreature(Creature creature)
     this.creature = creature;
     int si = Values.V.speciesNames.IndexOf(creature.species);
     if (si >= 0)
         colorRegions = Values.V.species[si].colors;
         colorRegions = new List<ColorRegion>();
         for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
             colorRegions.Add(new ColorRegion());
             colorRegions[i].name = "n/a";
     colorRegionUseds = colorRegions.Select(c => != null).ToArray();
     renewLargeImage = true;
 // call this function to clear all contents of this element
 public void Clear()
     parentList = new List<Creature>[2];
     labelGender.Text = "";
     groupBox1.Text = "";
     creature = null;
     for (int s = 0; s < 8; s++)
         stats[s].setNumbers(0, 0, 0, 0);
     pictureBox1.Visible = false;
     for (int b = 0; b < 6; b++)
         colorButtons[b].Visible = false;
 private void CreatureEdit(Creature c, bool isVirtual)
     if (EditCreature != null)
         EditCreature(c, isVirtual);
Exemple #16
 public void Clear()
     creature = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts possible level combinations for the given values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="species"></param>
        /// <param name="level">Total level of the creature.</param>
        /// <param name="statIOs">Controls that display the stats</param>
        /// <param name="lowerTEBound">Lowest possible taming effectiveness</param>
        /// <param name="upperTEBound">Highest possible taming effectiveness</param>
        /// <param name="tamed"></param>
        /// <param name="bred"></param>
        /// <param name="imprintingBonusRounded"></param>
        /// <param name="adjustImprinting"></param>
        /// <param name="allowMoreThanHundredImprinting"></param>
        /// <param name="imprintingBonusMultiplier"></param>
        /// <param name="cuddleIntervalMultiplier"></param>
        /// <param name="considerWildLevelSteps"></param>
        /// <param name="wildLevelSteps"></param>
        /// <param name="highPrecisionInputs">If true, the input is expected to be a float value from an export file.
        /// If false, it's assumed to be a displayed value from the game with one decimal digit.</param>
        /// <param name="imprintingChanged"></param>
        public void ExtractLevels(Species species, int level, List<StatIO> statIOs, double lowerTEBound, double upperTEBound,
            bool tamed, bool bred, double imprintingBonusRounded, bool adjustImprinting, bool allowMoreThanHundredImprinting, double imprintingBonusMultiplier, double cuddleIntervalMultiplier,
            bool considerWildLevelSteps, int wildLevelSteps, bool highPrecisionInputs, out bool imprintingChanged)
            List<CreatureStat> stats = species.stats;
            validResults = true;
            imprintingChanged = false;
            considerWildLevelSteps = considerWildLevelSteps
                && !bred
                &&, 3) != "Tek"
                && != "Jerboa"

            this.bred = bred;
            postTamed = bred || tamed;

            List<MinMaxDouble> imprintingBonusList = new List<MinMaxDouble> { new MinMaxDouble(0) };
            if (bred)
                if (!adjustImprinting)
                    imprintingBonusList[0] = new MinMaxDouble(imprintingBonusRounded);
                    imprintingBonusList = CalculateImprintingBonus(species, imprintingBonusRounded, imprintingBonusMultiplier, cuddleIntervalMultiplier, statIOs[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].Input, statIOs[(int)StatNames.Food].Input);

            for (int IBi = 0; IBi < imprintingBonusList.Count; IBi++)
                imprintingBonusRange = imprintingBonusList[IBi];
                imprintingBonusRange.SetToIntersectionWith(0, (allowMoreThanHundredImprinting ? 5 : 1)); // it's assumed that a valid IB will not be larger than 500%

                var imprintingMultiplierRanges = new MinMaxDouble[Values.STATS_COUNT];
                for (int s = 0; s < Values.STATS_COUNT; s++)
                    imprintingMultiplierRanges[s] = species.statImprintMult[s] != 0
                        ? new MinMaxDouble(1 + imprintingBonusRange.Min * imprintingBonusMultiplier * species.statImprintMult[s],
                                           1 + imprintingBonusRange.Max * imprintingBonusMultiplier * species.statImprintMult[s])
                        : new MinMaxDouble(1);

                var levelWildSumRange = new MinMaxInt((int)Math.Round((statIOs[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].Input / imprintingMultiplierRanges[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].Max - (postTamed ? stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].AddWhenTamed : 0) - stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].BaseValue) / (stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].BaseValue * stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].IncPerWildLevel)),
                                                      (int)Math.Round((statIOs[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].Input / imprintingMultiplierRanges[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].Min - (postTamed ? stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].AddWhenTamed : 0) - stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].BaseValue) / (stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].BaseValue * stats[(int)StatNames.Torpidity].IncPerWildLevel)));
                var levelDomSumRange = new MinMaxInt(Math.Max(0, level - 1 - levelWildSumRange.Max),
                                                     Math.Max(0, level - 1 - levelWildSumRange.Min));

                levelWildSum = levelWildSumRange.Min;
                levelDomSum = levelDomSumRange.Min; // TODO implement range-mechanic

                levelsUndeterminedWild = levelWildSum;
                levelsUndeterminedDom = levelDomSum;

                if (bred)
                    // bred creatures always have 100% TE
                    lowerTEBound = 1;
                    upperTEBound = 1;
                    // sometimes it fails due to double-precision errors, e.g.
                    // Pteranodon (Lvl 34, TE: 80%): HP: 415.9 (6, 0); St: 195 (6, 0); Ox: 240 (6, 0); Fo: 2150.4 (6, 0); We: 134.4 (6, 0); Dm: 141.6% (3, 0); Sp: 135% (0, 0); To: 358.1 (33);
                    // will fail the extraction with a lowerTEBound of 0.8, it only extracts with a lowerTEBound of 0.79, then displays 0.8 as result for the TE. Adding these margins make it work as expected.
                    lowerTEBound -= 0.0006;
                    if (lowerTEBound < 0) lowerTEBound = 0;
                    upperTEBound += 0.0006;

                // check all possible level-combinations
                for (int s = 0; s < Values.STATS_COUNT; s++)
                    if (!species.UsesStat(s))
                        results[s].Add(new StatResult(0, 0));
                    if (statIOs[s].Input <= 0) // if stat is unknown (e.g. oxygen sometimes is not shown)
                        results[s].Add(new StatResult(-1, 0));

                    statIOs[s].postTame = postTamed;

                    // determine the precision of the input value
                    // ARK displays one decimal digit, so the minimal error of a given number is assumed to be 0.06.
                    // the theoretical value of a maximal error of 0.05 is too low.
                    const float ARKDISPLAYVALUEERROR = 0.06f;
                    // If an export file is used, the full float precision of the stat value is given, the precision is calculated then.
                    // For values > 1e6 the float precision error is larger than 0.06

                    // always consider at least an error of. When using only the float-precision often the stat-calculations increase the resulting error to be much larger.
                    const float MINVALUEERROR = 0.001f;

                    // the error can increase due to the stat-calculation. Assume a factor of 10 for now, values lower than 6 were too low.
                    const float CALCULATIONERRORFACTOR = 10f;

                    float toleranceForThisStat = highPrecisionInputs || statIOs[s].Input * (Utils.precision(s) == 3 ? 100 : 1) > 1e6
                            ? Math.Max(MINVALUEERROR, ((float)statIOs[s].Input).FloatPrecision() * CALCULATIONERRORFACTOR)
                            : ARKDISPLAYVALUEERROR * (Utils.precision(s) == 3 ? .01f : 1)
                    //Console.WriteLine($"Precision stat {s}: {toleranceForThisStat}");

                    MinMaxDouble inputValue = new MinMaxDouble(statIOs[s].Input - toleranceForThisStat, statIOs[s].Input + toleranceForThisStat);
                    double statBaseValue = stats[s].BaseValue;
                    if (postTamed && s == (int)StatNames.Health) statBaseValue *= (double)species.TamedBaseHealthMultiplier;// + 0.00000000001; // todo double-precision handling

                    bool withTEff = (postTamed && stats[s].MultAffinity > 0);
                    if (withTEff) { statsWithTE.Add(s); }

                    int minLW = 0;
                    int maxLW;
                    if (stats[s].IncPerWildLevel > 0)
                        double multAffinityFactor = stats[s].MultAffinity;
                        if (postTamed)
                            // the multiplicative bonus is only multiplied with the TE if it is positive (i.e. negative boni won't get less bad if the TE is low)
                            if (multAffinityFactor > 0)
                                multAffinityFactor *= lowerTEBound;
                            multAffinityFactor += 1;
                            multAffinityFactor = 1;
                        maxLW = (int)Math.Round(((inputValue.Max / multAffinityFactor - (postTamed ? stats[s].AddWhenTamed : 0)) / statBaseValue - 1) / stats[s].IncPerWildLevel); // floor is too unprecise
                        minLW = -1;
                        maxLW = -1;
                    if (maxLW > levelWildSum) { maxLW = levelWildSum; }

                    double maxLD = 0;
                    if (!statIOs[s].DomLevelLockedZero && postTamed && species.DisplaysStat(s) && stats[s].IncPerTamedLevel > 0)
                        int ww = 0; // base wild level for the tamed creature needed to be alive
                        if (statBaseValue + stats[s].AddWhenTamed < 0)
                            // e.g. Griffin
                            // get lowest wild level at which the creature is alive
                            while (StatValueCalculation.CalculateValue(species, s, ww, 0, true, lowerTEBound, 0, false) <= 0)
                        maxLD = Math.Round((inputValue.Max / ((statBaseValue * (1 + stats[s].IncPerWildLevel * ww) + stats[s].AddWhenTamed) * (1 + lowerTEBound * stats[s].MultAffinity)) - 1) / stats[s].IncPerTamedLevel); //floor is sometimes too low
                    if (maxLD > levelsUndeterminedDom) maxLD = levelsUndeterminedDom;
                    if (maxLD < 0) maxLD = 0;

                    MinMaxDouble statImprintingMultiplierRange = new MinMaxDouble(1);
                    // only use imprintingMultiplier for stats that use them. Stamina and Oxygen don't use ist. Sometimes speed neither.
                    if (bred && species.statImprintMult[s] != 0)
                        statImprintingMultiplierRange = imprintingMultiplierRanges[s].Clone();

                    // if dom levels have no effect, just calculate the wild level
                    // for flyers (without mods) this means for speed no wild levels at all (i.e. not unknown, but 0)
                    // for the Diplodocus this means 0 wild levels in melee
                    if (stats[s].IncPerTamedLevel == 0)
                        if (stats[s].IncPerWildLevel == 0)
                            // check if the input value is valid
                            MinMaxDouble possibleStatValues = new MinMaxDouble(StatValueCalculation.CalculateValue(species, s, 0, 0, postTamed, lowerTEBound, imprintingBonusRange.Min, false),
                                StatValueCalculation.CalculateValue(species, s, 0, 0, postTamed, upperTEBound, imprintingBonusRange.Max, false));
                            if (inputValue.Overlaps(possibleStatValues))
                                results[s].Add(new StatResult(0, 0, inputValue.Mean));
                            MinMaxDouble lwRange = new MinMaxDouble(((inputValue.Min / (postTamed ? 1 + stats[s].MultAffinity : 1) - (postTamed ? stats[s].AddWhenTamed : 0)) / (statBaseValue * statImprintingMultiplierRange.Max) - 1) / stats[s].IncPerWildLevel,
                                                                    ((inputValue.Max / (postTamed ? 1 + stats[s].MultAffinity : 1) - (postTamed ? stats[s].AddWhenTamed : 0)) / (statBaseValue * statImprintingMultiplierRange.Min) - 1) / stats[s].IncPerWildLevel);
                            int lw = (int)Math.Round(lwRange.Mean);
                            if (lwRange.Includes(lw) && lw >= 0 && lw <= maxLW)
                                results[s].Add(new StatResult(lw, 0, inputValue.Mean));
                        // even if no result was found, there is no other valid

                    for (int lw = minLW; lw < maxLW + 1; lw++)
                        // imprinting bonus is applied to all stats except stamina (s==1) and oxygen (s==2) and speed (s==6)
                        MinMaxDouble valueWODomRange = new MinMaxDouble(statBaseValue * (1 + stats[s].IncPerWildLevel * lw) * statImprintingMultiplierRange.Min + (postTamed ? stats[s].AddWhenTamed : 0),
                                                                        statBaseValue * (1 + stats[s].IncPerWildLevel * lw) * statImprintingMultiplierRange.Max + (postTamed ? stats[s].AddWhenTamed : 0)); // value without domesticated levels
                        if (!withTEff)
                            // calculate the only possible Ld, if it's an integer, take it.
                            if (stats[s].IncPerTamedLevel > 0)
                                MinMaxDouble ldRange = new MinMaxDouble((inputValue.Min / (valueWODomRange.Max * (postTamed ? 1 + stats[s].MultAffinity : 1)) - 1) / stats[s].IncPerTamedLevel,
                                                                        (inputValue.Max / (valueWODomRange.Min * (postTamed ? 1 + stats[s].MultAffinity : 1)) - 1) / stats[s].IncPerTamedLevel);
                                int ld = (int)Math.Round(ldRange.Mean);
                                if (ldRange.Includes(ld) && ld >= 0 && ld <= maxLD)
                                    results[s].Add(new StatResult(lw, ld, inputValue.Mean));
                                results[s].Add(new StatResult(lw, 0, inputValue.Mean));
                            for (int ld = 0; ld <= maxLD; ld++)
                                // taming bonus is dependant on taming-effectiveness
                                // get tamingEffectiveness-possibility
                                // calculate rounding-error thresholds. Here it's assumed that the displayed ingame value is maximal 0.5 off of the true ingame value
                                MinMaxDouble tamingEffectiveness = new MinMaxDouble((inputValue.Min / (1 + stats[s].IncPerTamedLevel * ld) - valueWODomRange.Max) / (valueWODomRange.Max * stats[s].MultAffinity),
                                                                                    (inputValue.Max / (1 + stats[s].IncPerTamedLevel * ld) - valueWODomRange.Min) / (valueWODomRange.Min * stats[s].MultAffinity));

                                if (tamingEffectiveness.Min > upperTEBound)
                                if (tamingEffectiveness.Max < lowerTEBound)
                                    break; // if tamingEff < lowerBound: break, in this d-loop it's getting only smaller

                                // here it's ensured the TE overlaps the bounds, so we can clamp it to the bounds
                                if (tamingEffectiveness.Min < lowerTEBound) tamingEffectiveness.Min = lowerTEBound;
                                if (tamingEffectiveness.Max > upperTEBound) tamingEffectiveness.Max = upperTEBound;

                                if (!bred)
                                    // check if the totalLevel and the TE is possible by using the TE-levelbonus (credits for this check which sorts out more impossible results: , thanks!)
                                    int levelPostTame = levelWildSum + 1;
                                    MinMaxInt levelPreTameRange = new MinMaxInt(Creature.CalculatePreTameWildLevel(levelPostTame, tamingEffectiveness.Max),
                                                                           Creature.CalculatePreTameWildLevel(levelPostTame, tamingEffectiveness.Min));

                                    bool impossibleTE = true;
                                    for (int wildLevel = levelPreTameRange.Min; wildLevel <= levelPreTameRange.Max; wildLevel++)
                                        MinMaxInt levelPostTameRange = new MinMaxInt((int)Math.Floor(wildLevel * (1 + tamingEffectiveness.Min / 2)),
                                                                                (int)Math.Floor(wildLevel * (1 + tamingEffectiveness.Max / 2)));
                                        if (levelPostTameRange.Includes(levelPostTame))
                                            impossibleTE = false;
                                    if (impossibleTE) continue;

                                    // test if TE with torpor-level of tamed-creatures results in a valid wild-level according to the possible levelSteps
                                    if (considerWildLevelSteps)
                                        bool validWildLevel = false;
                                        for (int wildLevel = levelPreTameRange.Min; wildLevel <= levelPreTameRange.Max; wildLevel++)
                                            if (wildLevel % wildLevelSteps == 0)
                                                validWildLevel = true;
                                        if (!validWildLevel) continue;

                                    // if another stat already is dependant on TE, check if this TE overlaps any of their TE-ranges. If not, TE is not possible (a creature can only have the same TE for all TE-dependant stats)
                                    if (statsWithTE.Count > 1)
                                        bool TEExistant = false;
                                        for (int er = 0; er < results[statsWithTE[0]].Count; er++)
                                            if (tamingEffectiveness.Overlaps(results[statsWithTE[0]][er].TE))
                                                TEExistant = true;
                                        if (!TEExistant) continue;

                                results[s].Add(new StatResult(lw, ld, inputValue.Mean, tamingEffectiveness));
                if (bred)
                    // if each stat has at least one result, assume the extraction was valid with the chosen IB
                    if (EveryStatHasAtLeastOneResult)
                        // all stats have a result, don't test the other possible IBs
                        imprintingChanged = (Math.Abs(imprintingBonusRounded - ImprintingBonus) > 0.01);
                    else if (IBi < imprintingBonusList.Count - 1)
                        // not all stats got a result, clear results for the next round
                        validResults = true;
Exemple #18
        private void determineBestBreeding(Creature chosenCreature = null)
            string selectedSpecies = (chosenCreature != null ? chosenCreature.species : "");
            bool newSpecies = false;
            if (selectedSpecies.Length == 0 && listViewSpeciesBP.SelectedIndices.Count > 0)
                selectedSpecies = (string)listViewSpeciesBP.SelectedItems[0].Tag;
            if (selectedSpecies.Length > 0 && breedingPlan1.currentSpecies != selectedSpecies)
                breedingPlan1.currentSpecies = selectedSpecies;
                breedingPlan1.speciesIndex = Values.V.speciesNames.IndexOf(selectedSpecies);
                newSpecies = true;

                int s = Values.V.speciesNames.IndexOf(selectedSpecies);
                breedingPlan1.EnabledColorRegions = (s >= 0 ? Values.V.species[s].colors.Select(n => != "").ToArray() : new bool[6] { true, true, true, true, true, true });

                breedingPlanNeedsUpdate = true;
            if (breedingPlanNeedsUpdate)
                breedingPlan1.Creatures = creatureCollection.creatures.Where(c => c.species == selectedSpecies && c.status == CreatureStatus.Available && !c.neutered && c.cooldownUntil < DateTime.Now && c.growingUntil < DateTime.Now).ToList();

            breedingPlan1.statWeights = statWeighting1.Weightings;
            BreedingPlan.BreedingMode bm = BreedingPlan.BreedingMode.TopStatsConservative;
            if (radioButtonBPTopStats.Checked)
                bm = BreedingPlan.BreedingMode.TopStatsLucky;
            else if (radioButtonBPHighStats.Checked)
                bm = BreedingPlan.BreedingMode.BestNextGen;

            breedingPlan1.chosenCreature = chosenCreature;
            breedingPlan1.drawBestParents(bm, newSpecies);
            breedingPlanNeedsUpdate = false;
Exemple #19
 private void showBestBreedingPartner(Creature c)
     if (c.status != CreatureStatus.Available)
         if (MessageBox.Show("Selected Creature is currently not marked as \"Available\" and thus cannot be considered for breeding. Do you want to change its status to \"Available\"?", "Selected Creature not Available", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
             setStatus(new List<Creature>() { c }, CreatureStatus.Available);
     tabControlMain.SelectedTab = tabPageBreedingPlan;
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Call this function with a creature c to put all its stats in the levelup-tester (and go to the tester-tab) to see what it could become
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c">the creature to test</param>
        /// <param name="virtualCreature">set to true if the creature is not in the library</param>
        private void editCreatureInTester(Creature c, bool virtualCreature = false)
            if (c != null)
                cbbStatTestingSpecies.SelectedIndex = Values.V.speciesNames.IndexOf(c.species);
                NumericUpDownTestingTE.Value = (c.tamingEff >= 0 ? (decimal)c.tamingEff * 100 : 0);
                numericUpDownImprintingBonusTester.Value = (decimal)c.imprintingBonus * 100;
                checkBoxStatTestingBred.Checked = c.isBred;

                for (int s = 0; s < 7; s++)
                    testingIOs[s].LevelWild = c.levelsWild[s];
                    testingIOs[s].LevelDom = c.levelsDom[s];
                tabControlMain.SelectedTab = tabPageStatTesting;
                setTesterEditCreature(c, virtualCreature);
Exemple #21
 private void updateParentListInput(CreatureInfoInput input)
     // set possible parents
     bool fromExtractor = input == creatureInfoInputExtractor;
     string species = (fromExtractor ? Values.V.speciesNames[sE] : cbbStatTestingSpecies.SelectedItem.ToString());
     Creature creature = new Creature(species, "", "", 0, getCurrentWildLevels(fromExtractor));
     List<Creature>[] parents = findParents(creature);
     input.ParentsSimilarities = findParentSimilarities(parents, creature);
     input.Parents = parents;
     input.parentListValid = true;
Exemple #22
        private List<Creature>[] findParents(Creature creature)
            var fatherList = from cr in creatureCollection.creatures
                             where cr.species == creature.species
                                        && cr.gender == Gender.Male
                                        && cr != creature
                             orderby ascending
                             select cr;
            var motherList = from cr in creatureCollection.creatures
                             where cr.species == creature.species
                                        && cr.gender == Gender.Female
                                        && cr != creature
                             orderby ascending
                             select cr;

            // display new results
            return new List<Creature>[2] { motherList.ToList(), fatherList.ToList() };
Exemple #23
 /// <summary>
 /// this function is called if the user enters the settings of a creature. Finds the possible parents and saves them in the creatureBox
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="creature"></param>
 private void creatureBoxListView_FindParents(object sender, Creature creature)
     List<Creature>[] parents = findParents(creature);
     creatureBoxListView.parentListSimilarity = findParentSimilarities(parents, creature);
     creatureBoxListView.parentList = parents;
Exemple #24
        private List<int>[] findParentSimilarities(List<Creature>[] parents, Creature creature)
            // similarities (number of equal wildlevels as creature, to find parents easier)
            int e;// number of equal wildlevels
            List<int> motherListSimilarities = new List<int>();
            List<int> fatherListSimilarities = new List<int>();
            List<int>[] parentListSimilarities = new List<int>[2] { motherListSimilarities, fatherListSimilarities };

            if (parents[0] != null && parents[1] != null)
                for (int ps = 0; ps < 2; ps++)
                    foreach (Creature c in parents[ps])
                        e = 0;
                        for (int s = 0; s < 7; s++)
                            if (creature.levelsWild[s] >= 0 && creature.levelsWild[s] == c.levelsWild[s])
                    // sort parents: put all creatures not available to the end, then the ones with 0 common stats to the end
                    int moved = 0;
                    for (int p = 0; p < parents[ps].Count - moved; p++)
                        if (parents[ps][p].status != CreatureStatus.Available)
                    moved = 0;
                    for (int p = 0; p < parents[ps].Count - moved; p++)
                        if (parentListSimilarities[ps][p] == 0)
            return parentListSimilarities;
Exemple #25
 public void setCreature(Creature centralCreature, bool forceUpdate = false)
     if (centralCreature == null)
         creature = null;
     else if (creatures != null && (centralCreature != creature || forceUpdate))
         creature = centralCreature;
         // set children
         var children = from cr in creatures
                        where cr.motherGuid == creature.guid
                        || cr.fatherGuid == creature.guid
                        orderby ascending
                        select cr;
         this.children = children.ToList();
Exemple #26
        private void add2Lib(bool fromExtractor = true)
            CreatureInfoInput input;
            bool bred;
            double te;
            string species;
            if (fromExtractor)
                input = creatureInfoInputExtractor;
                species = Values.V.speciesNames[sE];
                bred = checkBoxAlreadyBred.Checked;
                te = Extraction.E.uniqueTE();
                input = creatureInfoInputTester;
                species = Values.V.speciesNames[cbbStatTestingSpecies.SelectedIndex];
                bred = checkBoxStatTestingBred.Checked;
                te = (double)NumericUpDownTestingTE.Value / 100;

            Creature creature = new Creature(species, input.CreatureName, input.CreatureOwner, input.CreatureGender, getCurrentWildLevels(fromExtractor), getCurrentDomLevels(fromExtractor), te, bred);

            // set parents
            creature.Mother = input.mother;
            creature.Father = input.father;

            // cooldown-, growing-time
            creature.cooldownUntil = input.Cooldown;
            creature.growingUntil = input.Grown;

            creature.domesticatedAt = input.domesticatedAt;

            creature.guid = Guid.NewGuid();
            setCollectionChanged(true, species);
            // show only the added creatures' species
            listBoxSpeciesLib.SelectedIndex = listBoxSpeciesLib.Items.IndexOf(creature.species);
            tabControlMain.SelectedTab = tabPageLibrary;

            creatureInfoInputExtractor.parentListValid = false;
            creatureInfoInputTester.parentListValid = false;
Exemple #27
 private void CreatureClicked(Creature c, int comboIndex, MouseEventArgs e)
     setCreature(c, false);
Exemple #28
        private void multiSetterToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // shows a dialog to set multiple settings to all selected creatures
            if (listViewLibrary.SelectedIndices.Count > 0)
                Creature c = new Creature();
                List<bool> appliedSettings = new List<bool>();
                for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
                List<Creature> selectedCreatures = new List<Creature>();

                // check if multiple species are selected
                bool multipleSpecies = false;
                string sp = ((Creature)listViewLibrary.SelectedItems[0].Tag).species;
                c.species = sp;
                foreach (ListViewItem i in listViewLibrary.SelectedItems)
                    if (((Creature)i.Tag).species != sp)
                        multipleSpecies = true;
                List<Creature>[] parents = null;
                if (!multipleSpecies) parents = findParents(c);

                MultiSetter ms = new MultiSetter(c, appliedSettings, parents);

                if (ms.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    foreach (Creature sc in selectedCreatures)
                        if (appliedSettings[0])
                            sc.owner = c.owner;
                        if (appliedSettings[1])
                            sc.status = c.status;
                        if (appliedSettings[2])
                            sc.gender = c.gender;
                        if (appliedSettings[3])
                            sc.isBred = c.isBred;
                        if (appliedSettings[4])
                            sc.motherGuid = c.motherGuid;
                        if (appliedSettings[5])
                            sc.fatherGuid = c.fatherGuid;
                        if (appliedSettings[6])
                            sc.note = c.note;
                        if (appliedSettings[7])
                            sc.colors[0] = c.colors[0];
                        if (appliedSettings[8])
                            sc.colors[1] = c.colors[1];
                        if (appliedSettings[9])
                            sc.colors[2] = c.colors[2];
                        if (appliedSettings[10])
                            sc.colors[3] = c.colors[3];
                        if (appliedSettings[11])
                            sc.colors[4] = c.colors[4];
                        if (appliedSettings[12])
                            sc.colors[5] = c.colors[5];
                    if (appliedSettings[4] || appliedSettings[5])
                    setCollectionChanged(true, (!multipleSpecies ? sp : null));
        public void setCreature(Creature creature)
            this.creature = creature;
            groupBox1.Text = (!onlyLevels && creature.status != CreatureStatus.Available ? "(" + Utils.statusSymbol(creature.status) + ") " : "") +;
            if (!onlyLevels && creature.status == CreatureStatus.Dead)
                groupBox1.ForeColor = SystemColors.GrayText;
                tt.SetToolTip(groupBox1, "Creature has passed away");
            else if (!onlyLevels && creature.status == CreatureStatus.Unavailable)
                groupBox1.ForeColor = SystemColors.GrayText;
                tt.SetToolTip(groupBox1, "Creature is currently not available");

            for (int s = 0; s < 7; s++)
                if (creature.levelsWild[s] < 0)
                    labels[s].Text = "?";
                    labels[s].BackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke;
                    labels[s].ForeColor = Color.LightGray;
                    labels[s].Text = creature.levelsWild[s].ToString();
                    labels[s].BackColor = Utils.getColorFromPercent((int)(creature.levelsWild[s] * 2.5), (creature.topBreedingStats[s] ? 0.2 : 0.7));
                    labels[s].ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
                    tt.SetToolTip(labels[s], Utils.statName(s) + ": " + (creature.valuesBreeding[s] * (Utils.precision(s) == 3 ? 100 : 1)).ToString() + (Utils.precision(s) == 3 ? "%" : ""));
                labels[s].Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, (creature.topBreedingStats[s] ? System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold : System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));
            if (onlyLevels)
                labelGender.Visible = false;
                pictureBox1.Visible = false;
                labelGender.Visible = true;
                labelGender.Text = Utils.genderSymbol(creature.gender);
                labelGender.BackColor = Utils.genderColor(creature.gender);
                // creature Colors
                pictureBox1.Image = CreatureColored.getColoredCreature(creature.colors, "", enabledColorRegions, 24, 22, true);
                labelGender.Visible = true;
                pictureBox1.Visible = true;
Exemple #30
 /// <summary>
 /// call this function to recalculate all stat-values of Creature c according to its levels
 /// </summary>
 private void recalculateCreatureValues(Creature c)
     int speciesIndex = Values.V.speciesNames.IndexOf(c.species);
     if (speciesIndex >= 0)
         for (int s = 0; s < 8; s++)
             c.valuesBreeding[s] = Stats.calculateValue(speciesIndex, s, c.levelsWild[s], 0, true, 1, 0);
             c.valuesDom[s] = Stats.calculateValue(speciesIndex, s, c.levelsWild[s], c.levelsDom[s], true, c.tamingEff, c.imprintingBonus);
 private void CreatureClicked(Creature c, int comboIndex, MouseEventArgs e)
     if (comboIndex >= 0)
Exemple #32
        private void setCreatureValuesToExtractor(Creature c, bool onlyWild = false)
            if (c != null)
                int speciesIndex = Values.V.speciesNames.IndexOf(c.species);
                if (speciesIndex >= 0)
                    // copy values over to extractor
                    for (int s = 0; s < 8; s++)
                        statIOs[s].Input = (onlyWild ? Stats.calculateValue(speciesIndex, s, c.levelsWild[s], 0, true, c.tamingEff, c.imprintingBonus) : c.valuesDom[s]);
                    comboBoxSpeciesExtractor.SelectedIndex = speciesIndex;
                    checkBoxAlreadyBred.Checked = c.isBred;
                    numericUpDownImprintingBonusExtractor.Value = (decimal)c.imprintingBonus * 100;
                    // set total level
                    int level = (onlyWild ? c.levelsWild[7] : c.level);
                    if (level >= 0 && level <= numericUpDownLevel.Maximum)
                        numericUpDownLevel.Value = level;
                    else numericUpDownLevel.Value = 0;

                    tabControlMain.SelectedTab = tabPageExtractor;
                    MessageBox.Show("Unknown Species. Try to update the species-stats, or redownload the tool.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        private void setParents(int comboIndex)
            if (comboIndex < 0 || comboIndex > combinedTops[0].Count)
                labelInfo.Visible = false;
                labelProbabilityBest.Text = "";

            Creature crB = new Creature(currentSpecies, "", "", 0, new int[8], null, 100, true);
            Creature crW = new Creature(currentSpecies, "", "", 0, new int[8], null, 100, true);
            Creature mother = females[combinedTops[0][comboIndex]];
            Creature father = males[combinedTops[1][comboIndex]];
            crB.Mother = mother;
            crB.Father = father;
            crW.Mother = mother;
            crW.Father = father;
            double probabilityBest = 1;
            bool totalLevelUnknown = false; // if stats are unknown, total level is as well (==> oxygen, speed)
            for (int s = 0; s < 7; s++)
                crB.levelsWild[s] = Math.Max(mother.levelsWild[s], father.levelsWild[s]);
                crB.valuesBreeding[s] = Stats.calculateValue(speciesIndex, s, crB.levelsWild[s], 0, true, 1, 0);
                crB.topBreedingStats[s] = (crB.levelsWild[s] == bestLevels[s]);
                crW.levelsWild[s] = Math.Min(mother.levelsWild[s], father.levelsWild[s]);
                crW.valuesBreeding[s] = Stats.calculateValue(speciesIndex, s, crW.levelsWild[s], 0, true, 1, 0);
                crW.topBreedingStats[s] = (crW.levelsWild[s] == bestLevels[s]);
                if (crB.levelsWild[s] == -1 || crW.levelsWild[s] == -1)
                    totalLevelUnknown = true;
                if (crB.levelsWild[s] > crW.levelsWild[s])
                    probabilityBest *= .7;
            crB.levelsWild[7] = crB.levelsWild.Sum();
            crW.levelsWild[7] = crW.levelsWild.Sum();
   = "Best Possible (" + crB.levelHatched + (totalLevelUnknown ? "+" : "") + ")";
   = "Worst Possible (" + crW.levelHatched + (totalLevelUnknown ? "+" : "") + ")";
            labelProbabilityBest.Text = "Probability for this Best Possible outcome: " + Math.Round(100 * probabilityBest, 1).ToString() + "%";
            // highlight parents
            int hiliId = comboOrder.IndexOf(comboIndex) * 2;
            for (int i = 0; i < pcs.Count; i++)
                pcs[i].highlight = (i == hiliId || i == hiliId + 1);
Exemple #34
 public CreatureBox(Creature creature)