InsertEntry() public méthode

Insert the given text as an Table of contents entry. e.g. You just insert a Headline 1. My headline to the document and want this text also as an Table of contents entry, so you can simply add the text using this method.
public InsertEntry ( string textEntry, int outLineLevel ) : void
textEntry string The text entry.
outLineLevel int The outline level possible 1-10.
Résultat void
Exemple #1
		public void TableOfContentsTest()
		//Create new Document
		TextDocument textDocument		= new TextDocument();
		//Create a new Table of contents
		TableOfContents tableOfContents	= new TableOfContents(
			textDocument, "Table_Of_Contents", false, false, "Table of Contents");
		//Add the toc
		//Create a new heading, there's no need of the chapter number
		string sHeading					= "A first headline";
		//The corresponding text entry, here you need to set the
		//chapter number
		string sTocEntry				= "1. A first headline";
		Header header					= new Header(
			textDocument, Headings.Heading_20_1);
		header.OutLineLevel				= "1";
		header.TextContent.Add(new SimpleText(textDocument,  sHeading));
		//add the header to the content
		//add the toc entry text as entry to the Table of contents
		tableOfContents.InsertEntry(sTocEntry, 1);
		//Add some text to this chapter
		Paragraph paragraph				= ParagraphBuilder.CreateStandardTextParagraph(textDocument);
		paragraph.TextContent.Add(new SimpleText(textDocument, "I'm the text for the first chapter!"));
		//Add a sub header to the first chapter
		//Create a new heading, there's no need of the chapter number
		sHeading						= "A first sub headline";
		//The corresponding text entry, here you need to set the
		//chapter number
		sTocEntry						= "1.1. A first sub headline";
		header							= new Header(
			textDocument, Headings.Heading_20_2);
		header.OutLineLevel				= "2";
		header.TextContent.Add(new SimpleText(textDocument,  sHeading));
		//add the header to the content
		//add the toc entry text as entry to the Table of contents
		tableOfContents.InsertEntry(sTocEntry, 2);
		//Add some text to this sub chapter
			paragraph				= ParagraphBuilder.CreateStandardTextParagraph(textDocument);
			paragraph.TextContent.Add(new SimpleText(textDocument, "I'm the text for the subchapter chapter!"));
//		ListStyle listStyle				= new ListStyle(textDocument, "TOC_LIST");
//		listStyle.AutomaticAddListLevelStyles(ListStyles.Number);
//		textDocument.Styles.Add(listStyle);
		//Save it