Exemple #1
        private QuadLinkedListNode <int> DestinationCup(ref QuadLinkedListNode <int> currentCup, ref QuadLinkedListNode <int> removedCups)
            QuadLinkedListNode <int> destination = currentCup.AltPrev;
            bool hasBeenRemoved = true;

            while (hasBeenRemoved)
                hasBeenRemoved = false;

                QuadLinkedListNode <int> removedCupsToIterate = removedCups;

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    if (removedCupsToIterate.Value == destination.Value)
                        hasBeenRemoved = true;

                    removedCupsToIterate = removedCupsToIterate.Next;

                if (hasBeenRemoved)
                    destination = destination.AltPrev;

Exemple #2
        public QuadLinkedListNode <T> Add(QuadLinkedListNode <T> node)
            Next      = node;
            node.Prev = this;

Exemple #3
        private List <QuadLinkedListNode <int> > NextValues(ref QuadLinkedListNode <int> node, int numberOfValues)
            List <QuadLinkedListNode <int> > values = new List <QuadLinkedListNode <int> >();

            //LinkedListNode<int> currentValue = list.Find(value);
            //LinkedListNode<int> nextValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfValues; i++)
                if (node.Next != null)

                node = node.Next;

Exemple #4
        private string QuadLinkedToString(QuadLinkedListNode <int> list)
            int startValue = list.Value;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();


            list = list.Next;

            while (list.Value != startValue)

                list = list.Next;


Exemple #5
        protected override String DoSolve(String[] input)
            int numCups       = 1000000;   // 1000000;
            int numIterations = 10000000;  // 10000000;

            //List<int> cups = new List<int>();
            QuadLinkedListNode <int> qlCupsCurrent = null;
            QuadLinkedListNode <int> qlCupsStart   = null;
            QuadLinkedListNode <int> qlCup1        = null;

            //LinkedList<int> llCups = new LinkedList<int>();
            //Dictionary<int, LinkedListNode<int>> dOfLLCups = new Dictionary<int, LinkedListNode<int>>();
            //Dictionary<int, int> cupsByPosition = new Dictionary<int, int>();

            int position = 1;
            QuadLinkedListNode <int> maxCup = null;
            QuadLinkedListNode <int> minCup = null;

            foreach (String line in input)
                foreach (char cup in line)
                    int cupNumber = Convert.ToInt32(cup.ToString());

                    if (qlCupsCurrent == null)
                        qlCupsCurrent = new QuadLinkedListNode <int>(cupNumber);
                        qlCupsStart   = qlCupsCurrent;
                        qlCupsCurrent = qlCupsCurrent.Add(new QuadLinkedListNode <int>(cupNumber));

                    if ((maxCup == null) || (cupNumber > maxCup.Value))
                        maxCup = qlCupsCurrent;

                    if ((minCup == null) || (cupNumber < minCup.Value))
                        minCup = qlCupsCurrent;

                    if (cupNumber == 1)
                        qlCup1 = qlCupsCurrent;

            //setup Alternate Links for the initial input
            QuadLinkedListNode <int> maxNode = null;

            for (int i = minCup.Value; i <= maxCup.Value; i++)
                QuadLinkedListNode <int> current = qlCupsStart.Find(i);
                maxNode = current;

                if (i == minCup.Value)
                    //QuadLinkedListNode<int> altPrev = qlCupsStart.Find(maxCup);
                    QuadLinkedListNode <int> altNext = qlCupsStart.Find(i + 1);

                    //current.AltPrev = altPrev;
                    current.AltNext = altNext;
                else if (i == maxCup.Value)
                    QuadLinkedListNode <int> altPrev = qlCupsStart.Find(i - 1);
                    // QuadLinkedListNode<int> altNext = qlCupsStart.Find(minCup);

                    current.AltPrev = altPrev;
                    //current.AltNext = altNext;
                    QuadLinkedListNode <int> altPrev = qlCupsStart.Find(i - 1);
                    QuadLinkedListNode <int> altNext = qlCupsStart.Find(i + 1);

                    current.AltPrev = altPrev;
                    current.AltNext = altNext;

            //add the extra cups up to the maximum # of cups, also setting up the alternate links
            for (int i = maxCup.Value + 1; i <= numCups; i++)
                QuadLinkedListNode <int> newNode = new QuadLinkedListNode <int>(i);

                maxNode.AltNext = newNode;
                newNode.AltPrev = maxNode;

                qlCupsCurrent = qlCupsCurrent.Add(newNode);
                maxNode       = qlCupsCurrent;

            //Link the first and last nodes making it a circular list
            qlCupsStart.Prev   = qlCupsCurrent;
            qlCupsCurrent.Next = qlCupsStart;

            //link the first and last alternate links making them circular too
            qlCup1.AltPrev        = qlCupsCurrent;
            qlCupsCurrent.AltNext = qlCup1;

            //int currentIndex = 0;
            ////int iterations = 10000000;
            int currentIteration = 0;

            //int min = llCups.Min();
            ////int min = cupsByCup.Min(x => x.Key);
            //int max = llCups.Max();
            ////int max = cupsByCup.Max(x => x.Key);

            //int cupCount = llCups.Count();
            ////int cupCount = cupsByCup.Count();

            //LinkedListNode<int> currentValue = llCups.First;
            ////int currentValue = cupsByPosition[1];
            qlCupsCurrent = qlCupsStart;

            List <string> output = new List <string>();

            //output.Add("New Execution Beginning");
            //WriteToFile("debugging.csv", output);

            while (currentIteration < numIterations)
                //int currentValue = cups[currentIndex];

                //remove the 3 cups after the current cup, save their location
                QuadLinkedListNode <int> removedNodes = qlCupsCurrent.Next;
                qlCupsCurrent.Next      = qlCupsCurrent.Next.Next.Next.Next;
                qlCupsCurrent.Next.Prev = qlCupsCurrent;

                //List<QuadLinkedListNode<int>> next3Values = NextValues(ref qlCupsCurrent, 3);

                //LinkedListNode<int> next1 = dOfLLCups[1].Next;
                //LinkedListNode<int> next2 = next1.Next;
                //long testing = (long)next1.Value * (long)next2.Value;

                //foreach (QuadLinkedListNode<int> cup in next3Values)
                //    cup.n;

                //int cup1 = //cups[CircularIndex(cupCount, currentIndex + 1)];
                //int cup2 = cups[CircularIndex(cupCount, currentIndex + 2)];
                //int cup3 = cups[CircularIndex(cupCount, currentIndex + 3)];


                QuadLinkedListNode <int> qlDestination = DestinationCup(ref qlCupsCurrent, ref removedNodes);
                //LinkedListNode<int> destinationNode = DestinationCupIndex(ref llCups, ref dOfLLCups, currentValue, max);

                //re-insert the removed cups
                QuadLinkedListNode <int> qlCupAfterDestination = qlDestination.Next;
                qlDestination.Next          = removedNodes;
                removedNodes.Next.Next.Next = qlCupAfterDestination;

                removedNodes.Prev          = qlDestination;
                qlCupAfterDestination.Prev = removedNodes.Next.Next;

                //foreach (int cup in next3Values)
                //    LinkedListNode<int> newNode = llCups.AddAfter(destinationNode, cup);

                //    dOfLLCups[newNode.Value] = newNode;

                //    destinationNode = newNode;

                //InsertOrAdd(ref cups, destinationIndex + 1, cup1);
                //InsertOrAdd(ref cups, destinationIndex + 2, cup2);
                //InsertOrAdd(ref cups, destinationIndex + 3, cup3);

                //currentIndex = CircularIndex(cupCount, cups.IndexOf(currentValue) + 1);

                qlCupsCurrent = qlCupsCurrent.Next;
                //currentValue = NextNode(ref llCups, currentValue);


            //List<string> loutput = new List<string>();
            //WriteToFile("debugging.csv", loutput);

            //QuadLinkedListNode<int> qlCup1 = qlCupsStart.Find(1);
            long next1 = (long)qlCup1.Next.Value;
            long next2 = (long)qlCup1.Next.Next.Value;

            long result = next1 * next2;

            //long result = 0;
            return($"Result { result }.");