private void FOLV_Masks_CellRightClick(object sender, BrightIdeasSoftware.CellRightClickEventArgs e) { if (e.Model != null) { this.contextMenuPosObj = (ObjectPosition)e.Model; } }
private void FormatRow(object Sender, BrightIdeasSoftware.FormatRowEventArgs e) { try { ObjectPosition OP = (ObjectPosition)e.Model; // If SPI IsNot Nothing Then if (OP.IsStatic && e.Item.ForeColor != Color.Blue) { e.Item.ForeColor = Color.Blue; } else if (!OP.IsStatic && e.Item.ForeColor != Color.Black) { e.Item.ForeColor = Color.Black; } } catch (Exception) { } // Log("Error: " & ExMsg(ex)) finally { } }
//remove objects from history if they have not been detected in defined time (history_save_mins) and found counter < history_threshold_count public void CleanUpExpiredHistory(String cameraName) { try { List <ObjectPosition> historyList = last_positions_history; //Global.Log("### History objects summary for camera " + cameraName + " ###"); if (historyList != null && historyList.Count > 0) { //scan backward through the list and remove by index. Not as easy to read but the faster for removals for (int x = historyList.Count - 1; x >= 0; x--) { ObjectPosition historyObject = historyList[x]; TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - historyObject.createDate; int minutes = ts.Minutes; //Global.Log("\t" + historyObject.ToString() + " existed for: " + ts.Minutes + " minutes"); if (minutes >= history_save_mins) { Global.Log("Removing expired history: " + historyObject.ToString() + " for camera " + cameraName + " which existed for " + ts.Minutes + " minutes."); historyList.RemoveAt(x); } } } else if (historyList == null) { Global.Log("Error: historyList is null?"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Global.Log("Error: " + Global.ExMsg(ex)); } }
public void CleanUpExpiredMasks(String cameraName) { List <ObjectPosition> maskedList = masked_positions; if (maskedList != null && maskedList.Count > 0) { //Global.Log("Searching for object masks to remove on Camera: " + cameraName); //scan backward through the list and remove by index. Not as easy to read as find by object but the faster for removals for (int x = maskedList.Count - 1; x >= 0; x--) { ObjectPosition maskedObject = maskedList[x]; if (!maskedObject.isVisible && !maskedObject.isStatic) { Global.Log("Masked object NOT visible - " + maskedObject.ToString()); maskedObject.counter--; if (maskedObject.counter <= 0) { Global.Log("Removing expired masked object: " + maskedObject.ToString() + " for camera " + cameraName); maskedList.RemoveAt(x); } } else { Global.Log("Masked object VISIBLE - " + maskedObject.ToString()); maskedObject.isVisible = false; //reset flag } } } }
private void FOLV_MaskHistory_CellRightClick(object sender, BrightIdeasSoftware.CellRightClickEventArgs e) { if (e.Model != null) { this.contextMenuPosObj = (ObjectPosition)e.Model; = AITOOL.GetCamera(this.contextMenuPosObj.CameraName); } }
private void removeMaskToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (contextMenuPosObj != null) { cam.maskManager.masked_positions.Remove(contextMenuPosObj); contextMenuPosObj = null; Refresh(); AppSettings.Save(); } }
private void createStaticMaskToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (contextMenuPosObj != null) { contextMenuPosObj.isStatic = true; contextMenuPosObj.counter = 0; contextMenuPosObj = null; Refresh(); AppSettings.Save(); } }
public bool CreateDynamicMask(ObjectPosition currentObject) { bool maskExists = false; Global.Log("*** Starting new object mask processing ***"); Global.Log("Current object detected: " + currentObject.ToString() + " on camera " + currentObject.cameraName); currentObject.thresholdPercent = thresholdPercent; if (last_positions_history.Contains(currentObject)) { //get index to prevent another search for removal if needed int indexLoc = last_positions_history.IndexOf(currentObject); ObjectPosition foundObject = last_positions_history[indexLoc]; Global.Log("Found in last_positions_history: " + foundObject.ToString() + " for camera: " + currentObject.cameraName); if (foundObject.counter < history_threshold_count) { foundObject.counter++; } else { Global.Log("History Threshold reached. Moving " + foundObject.ToString() + " to masked object list for camera: " + currentObject.cameraName); last_positions_history.RemoveAt(indexLoc); foundObject.isVisible = true; foundObject.counter = mask_counter_default; masked_positions.Add(foundObject); } } else if (masked_positions.Contains(currentObject)) { ObjectPosition maskedObject = (ObjectPosition)masked_positions[masked_positions.IndexOf(currentObject)]; if (maskedObject.counter < mask_counter_default) { maskedObject.counter++; } Global.Log("Found in masked_positions " + maskedObject.ToString() + " for camera " + currentObject.cameraName); maskedObject.isVisible = true; maskExists = true; } else { Global.Log("+ New object found: " + currentObject.ToString() + ". Adding to last_positions_history for camera: " + currentObject.cameraName); last_positions_history.Add(currentObject); } return(maskExists); }
private void createStaticMaskToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (contextMenuPosObj != null) { contextMenuPosObj.isStatic = true; contextMenuPosObj.counter = 0; cam.maskManager.masked_positions.Add(contextMenuPosObj); cam.maskManager.last_positions_history.Remove(contextMenuPosObj); contextMenuPosObj = null; Refresh(); AppSettings.Save(); } }
private void FOLV_Masks_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.CurObjPosLst.Clear(); if (FOLV_Masks.SelectedObjects != null && FOLV_Masks.SelectedObjects.Count > 0) { contextMenuPosObj = (ObjectPosition)FOLV_Masks.SelectedObject; ShowMaskImage(); foreach (object obj in FOLV_Masks.SelectedObjects) { CurObjPosLst.Add((ObjectPosition)obj); } } pictureBox1.Refresh(); }
private void FOLV_MaskHistory_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.CurObjPosLst.Clear(); if (this.FOLV_MaskHistory.SelectedObjects != null && this.FOLV_MaskHistory.SelectedObjects.Count > 0) { this.contextMenuPosObj = (ObjectPosition)this.FOLV_MaskHistory.SelectedObjects[0]; = AITOOL.GetCamera(this.contextMenuPosObj.CameraName); this.ShowMaskImage(); foreach (object obj in this.FOLV_MaskHistory.SelectedObjects) { this.CurObjPosLst.Add((ObjectPosition)obj); } } this.pictureBox1.Refresh(); }
private void createStaticMasksToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int cnt = 0; if (this.folv_ObjectDetail.SelectedObjects != null && this.folv_ObjectDetail.SelectedObjects.Count > 0) { foreach (ClsPrediction CP in this.folv_ObjectDetail.SelectedObjects) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CP.Camera)) { Log("Error: Can only add newer history prediction items that include cameraname, imagewidth, imageheight."); } else { ObjectPosition OP = new ObjectPosition(CP.XMin, CP.XMax, CP.YMin, CP.YMax, CP.Label, CP.ImageHeight, CP.ImageWidth, CP.Camera, CP.Filename); Camera cam = GetCamera(CP.Camera); cam.maskManager.CreateDynamicMask(OP, true); cnt++; } } } Log($"Added/updated {cnt} masks."); }
public void AnalyzePrediction() { using var Trace = new Trace(); //This c# 8.0 using feature will auto dispose when the function is done. MaskResultInfo result = new MaskResultInfo(); try { if (this._cam.enabled) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this._cam.triggering_objects_as_string)) { if (this._cam.IsRelevant(this.Label)) { // -> OBJECT IS RELEVANT //if confidence limits are satisfied bool OverrideThreshold = this._cururl != null && (this._cururl.Threshold_Lower > 0 || (this._cururl.Threshold_Upper > 0 && this._cururl.Threshold_Upper < 100)); if ((!OverrideThreshold && this.Confidence >= this._cam.threshold_lower && this.Confidence <= this._cam.threshold_upper) || (OverrideThreshold && this.Confidence >= this._cururl.Threshold_Lower && this.Confidence <= this._cururl.Threshold_Upper)) { // -> OBJECT IS WITHIN CONFIDENCE LIMITS //only if the object is outside of the masked area result = AITOOL.Outsidemask(this._cam, this.XMin, this.XMax, this.YMin, this.YMax, this._curimg.Width, this._curimg.Height); this.ImgMaskResult = result.Result; this.ImgMaskType = result.MaskType; this.ImagePointsOutsideMask = result.ImagePointsOutsideMask; if (!result.IsMasked) { this.Result = ResultType.Relevant; } else if (result.MaskType == MaskType.None) //if the object is in a masked area { this.Result = ResultType.NoMask; } else if (result.MaskType == MaskType.Image) //if the object is in a masked area { this.Result = ResultType.ImageMasked; } //check the mask manager if the image mask didnt flag anything if (!result.IsMasked) { //check the dynamic or static masks if (this._cam.maskManager.MaskingEnabled) { ObjectPosition currentObject = new ObjectPosition(this.XMin, this.XMax, this.YMin, this.YMax, this.Label, this._curimg.Width, this._curimg.Height, this._cam.Name, this._curimg.image_path); //creates history and masked lists for objects returned result = this._cam.maskManager.CreateDynamicMask(currentObject); this.DynMaskResult = result.Result; this.DynMaskType = result.MaskType; this.DynamicThresholdCount = result.DynamicThresholdCount; this.PercentMatch = result.PercentMatch; //there is a dynamic or static mask if (result.MaskType == MaskType.Dynamic) { this.Result = ResultType.DynamicMasked; } else if (result.MaskType == MaskType.Static) { this.Result = ResultType.StaticMasked; } } } if (result.Result == MaskResult.Error || result.Result == MaskResult.Unknown) { this.Result = ResultType.Error; Log($"Error: Masking error? '{this._cam.Name}' ('{this.Label}') - DynMaskResult={this.DynMaskResult}, ImgMaskResult={this.ImgMaskResult}", "", this._cam.Name, this._curimg.image_path); } } else //if confidence limits are not satisfied { this.Result = ResultType.NoConfidence; } } else { this.Result = ResultType.UnwantedObject; } } else { Log($"Error: Camera does not have any objects enabled '{this._cam.Name}' ('{this.Label}')", "", this._cam.Name, this._curimg.image_path); this.Result = ResultType.Error; } } else { Log($"Debug: Camera not enabled '{this._cam.Name}' ('{this.Label}')", "", this._cam.Name, this._curimg.image_path); this.Result = ResultType.CameraNotEnabled; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log($"Error: Label '{this.Label}', Camera '{this._cam.Name}': {Global.ExMsg(ex)}", "", this._cam.Name, this._curimg.image_path); this.Result = ResultType.Error; } }