Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the Object3D's height value to the corresponding surface position's height
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="anObject3D"> has  Translation.X and Translation.Y values</param>
        public void setSurfaceHeight(Object3D anObject3D)
            float terrainHeight;

            if (!lerp)                  // defaulted to no lerping, regular jerky movement
                terrainHeight = terrain.surfaceHeight(
                    (int)(anObject3D.Translation.X / spacing),
                    (int)(anObject3D.Translation.Z / spacing));
            else                                 // lerping enabled, smooth terrain movement
                Vector3 TL = anObject3D.TopLeft; // all the corner vertices
                Vector3 TR = anObject3D.TopRight;
                Vector3 BL = anObject3D.BottomLeft;
                Vector3 BR = anObject3D.BottomRight;

                // determine if player is on top left triangle bottom right triangle
                // x and z coords used for distance

                if (Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(TL.X, TL.Z), new Vector2(anObject3D.Translation.X, anObject3D.Translation.Z)) <
                    Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(BR.X, BR.Z), new Vector2(anObject3D.Translation.X, anObject3D.Translation.Z)))
                    float xY = TL.Y - Vector3.Lerp(TL, TR, (TL.X - anObject3D.Translation.X) / spacing).Y;
                    float zY = TL.Y - Vector3.Lerp(TL, BL, (TL.Z - anObject3D.Translation.Z) / spacing).Y;
                    terrainHeight = TL.Y + xY + zY;
                    float xY = BR.Y - Vector3.Lerp(BR, BL, (anObject3D.Translation.X - BR.X) / spacing).Y;
                    float zY = BR.Y - Vector3.Lerp(BR, TR, (anObject3D.Translation.Z - BR.Z) / spacing).Y;
                    terrainHeight = BR.Y + xY + zY;
            anObject3D.Translation = new Vector3(anObject3D.Translation.X, terrainHeight, anObject3D.Translation.Z);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a pack with an Object3D leader
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="theStage"> the scene </param>
        /// <param name="label"> name of pack</param>
        /// <param name="meshFile"> model of a pack instance</param>
        /// <param name="xPos, zPos">  approximate position of the pack </param>
        /// <param name="aLeader"> alpha dog can be used for flock center and alignment </param>
        public Pack(Stage theStage, string label, string meshFile, int nDogs, int xPos, int zPos, Object3D theLeader)
            : base(theStage, label, meshFile)
            isCollidable = true;
            random       = new Random();
            leader       = theLeader;
            int spacing = stage.Spacing;

            // initial vertex offset of dogs around (xPos, zPos)
            int[,] position =
                { 0, 11 }, { 1, 10 }, {  2, 9 }, {  3, 8 },
                { 4,  7 }, { 5,  6 }, {  6, 5 }, {  7, 4 },
                { 8,  3 }, { 9,  2 }, { 10, 1 }, { 11, 0 }

            for (int i = 0; i < position.GetLength(0); i++)
                int   x     = xPos + position[i, 0];
                int   z     = zPos + position[i, 1];
                float scale = (float)(0.25 + random.NextDouble());
                addObject(new Vector3(x * spacing, stage.surfaceHeight(x, z), z * spacing),
                          new Vector3(0, 1, 0), 0.0f,
                          new Vector3(scale, scale, scale));
Exemple #3
        public void flocking(Object3D crab)
            Vector3 flockingVector = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 forwardVector;
            Vector3 alignmentVector;
            Vector3 cohesionVector;
            Vector3 seperationVector;
            Vector3 rotationAxis;
            float   turningAngle = 0.1f;

            forwardVector    = crab.Forward;
            alignmentVector  = leader.Forward;
            cohesionVector   = Vector3.Zero;
            seperationVector = Vector3.Zero;

            distance = Vector3.Distance(crab.Translation, leader.Translation);                 //gives you the distance between the agent and the crabs (ESSENTIAL)

            // SEPERATION VECTOR
            if (distance < seperationEnd)
                foreach (Object3D model in instance)
                    if (model == leader)
                        seperationVector = seperationVector - model.Translation - crab.Translation;
                seperationVector = seperationVector - leader.Translation - crab.Translation;

                if (distance > seperationDecline && distance < seperationEnd)
                    weight = weightCalculator(distance, seperationDecline, SAhalf);
                seperationVector = seperationVector * weight;

            // ALIGNMENT VECTOR
            if ((distance > alignmentStart) && (distance < alignmentEnd))
                if (distance > alignmentStart && distance < alignmentPeak)
                    weight = weightCalculator(distance, seperationDecline, SAhalf);
                    weight = InverseWeightCalculator(weight);
                else if (distance > alignmentDecline && distance < alignmentEnd)
                    weight = weightCalculator(distance, alignmentDecline, AChalf);
                alignmentVector = alignmentVector * weight;

            // COHESION VECTOR
            if (distance > cohesionStart)
                cohesionVector = leader.Translation - crab.Translation;

                if (distance > cohesionPeak)
                    weight = 1;
                else if (distance > cohesionStart && distance < cohesionPeak)
                    weight = weightCalculator(distance, alignmentDecline, AChalf);
                    weight = InverseWeightCalculator(weight);

                cohesionVector = cohesionVector * weight;

            // FLOCKING VECTOR
            flockingVector = alignmentVector + cohesionVector + seperationVector;

            rotationAxis = Vector3.Cross(forwardVector, flockingVector);

            if (rotationAxis.X + rotationAxis.Y + rotationAxis.Z < 0)
                turningAngle = -turningAngle;

            crab.Yaw += turningAngle;