Exemple #1
        // The DLLEntry method must receive two arguments as shown below
        public void DLLEntry(string[] ClipboardText, string dllCfgFilePath)
            XMLRecord xrec = new XMLRecord(dllCfgFilePath);

            ADObjectSearcherWindow MainDLLWindow = new ADObjectSearcherWindow(ClipboardText, xrec)
                // Set display parameters of the new DLL window
                //MainDLLWindow.Left = 0;
                //MainDLLWindow.Top = 0;
                //MainDLLWindow.Topmost = true;
                Owner         = Application.Current.MainWindow,
                ShowInTaskbar = false

            // NOTE: Do not call any GUI stuff here, it will break the loading of the DLL
            //MessageBox.Show("dllCfgFilePath: " + dllCfgFilePath);

            // Show the window of the DLL as a dialog instead of a regular window
        public ADObjectSearcherWindow(string[] ClipboardText, XMLRecord xmlRecord)

            textBlockWildcardWarning.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

            // Put the domain name into the textbox
            textBoxDomainName.Text = SearchADO.GetCurrentDomain();

            foreach (string cs in ClipboardText)
                //MainDataGridEntry tempData = new MainDataGridEntry { LookupName = cs, LdapQueryString = $"(samaccountname={cs})" };
                MainDataGridEntry tempData = new MainDataGridEntry {
                    LookupName = cs, LdapQueryString = $"(|(sAMAccountName={cs})(cn={cs})(mail={cs}))"

            dataGrid.ItemsSource = gridDataEntries;

            dataGrid.SelectionMode = DataGridSelectionMode.Extended;
            dataGrid.SelectionUnit = DataGridSelectionUnit.CellOrRowHeader;