public void buildQuoteList() { DBConnection db = new DBConnection(); string cmdString = "SELECT QuoteID from quote"; if (db.OpenConnection()) { MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(cmdString, db.getConnection()); MySqlDataReader dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //loop through results, and pull out the info and save it to the quote object while (dataReader.Read()) { try { string quoteid = dataReader["QuoteID"].ToString(); stringlist.Add(quoteid); } catch (Exception q) { } } //close everything dataReader.Close(); db.CloseConnection(); foreach(string s in stringlist) { Quote newquote = new Quote(s, "load"); quotelist.Add(newquote); } } }
public Job(string pQuoteID, bool revision) { isRevision = revision; QuoteID = pQuoteID; myQuote = new Quote(pQuoteID, "load"); JobID = createJobID(); }
public QuotingPricing(Quote pQUote, string mode) { InitializeComponent(); localQuote = pQUote; if (mode == "save") { saveLocal(); } else { } setValues(); }
//standard initialize-stuff constructor //default for a new quote public NewQuoteInfo(string cust) { InitializeComponent(); localQuote = new Quote(cust); quoteOps = new QuotingOperations(localQuote, "save"); quotePrice = new QuotingPricing(localQuote, "save"); //since this is the form for a new quote, grab the current date to set as the quote date localQuote.QuoteDate = DateTime.Now; //display the date, in "weekday month day year" form. lblQuoteDate.Text = "Quote Date: " + localQuote.QuoteDate.ToLongDateString(); txtCustomer.Text = OrderInfo.getNameFromId(cust); lblQuoteID.Text = "Quote ID: " + localQuote.QuoteID; //can't view pricing until its saved btnViewPricing.Enabled = false; insert = false; }
//quote is the quote object we're loading from or saving to public QuotingOperations(Quote quote, string pmode) { InitializeComponent(); localQuote = quote; mode = pmode; //mode of "display" means display info already in quote if(mode == "display") { populateOperations(); btnAddNewOperation.Visible = false; btnRemoveOperation.Visible = false; btnSaveOperations.Visible = false; btnClose.Visible = true; //set all of the controls to read only so they cant be changed SetReadonlyControls(grpOp1.Controls); SetReadonlyControls(grpOp2.Controls); SetReadonlyControls(grpOp3.Controls); SetReadonlyControls(grpOp4.Controls); SetReadonlyControls(grpOp5.Controls); SetReadonlyControls(grpOp6.Controls); SetReadonlyControls(grpOp7.Controls); } else if(mode == "edit") { populateOperations(); } //otherwise we show blank and save back into the quote object. //build lists of machines and operator levels machines = new List<string>(); levels = new List<string>(); costs = new List<decimal>(); buildLists(); }
private void btnAddJob_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //take selected from listQuotesAndJobs //if job get the quoteid //create new job //if quote then make folder and job try { string target = listQuotesAndJobs.SelectedItem.ToString(); Job newjob; if (target.Substring(0, 1) == "Q" || chkRevision.Checked == true) { newjob = new Job(target, chkRevision.Checked); Quote targetQuote = new Quote(target, "load"); try { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory("C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\AcuTwistJobs\\" + newjob.myQuote.CustID + "\\" + newjob.JobID); } catch (Exception q) { } DBConnection conn = new DBConnection(); if (conn.OpenConnection()) { try { MySqlCommand command = conn.getConnection().CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = "UPDATE quote_info SET FirstJobID = '" + newjob.JobID + "' WHERE InfoID = '" + targetQuote.InfoID + "'"; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception q) { } } conn.CloseConnection(); } else { newjob = new Job(target, "load"); } po.associatedJobs.Add(newjob); listAssociatedJobs.Items.Add(newjob.JobID); listJobs.Items.Add(newjob.JobID); po.PO_Status = cmbPOStatus.Text; po.SaveToDatabase(); DBConnection connect = new DBConnection(); if (connect.OpenConnection()) { foreach (string j in listAssociatedJobs.Items) { try { MySqlCommand command = connect.getConnection().CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO po_job(PO_No, JobID) VALUES(?PO_No, ?JobID)"; command.Parameters.Add("?PO_No", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = po.PO_No; command.Parameters.Add("?JobID", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = j; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception q) { } } connect.CloseConnection(); } buildLists(); } catch (Exception q) { } }
public Job(string pQuoteID) { QuoteID = pQuoteID; myQuote = new Quote(pQuoteID, "load"); JobID = createJobID(); }
//if we pass an id that means we're displaying a quote, not starting a new one. public NewQuoteInfo(string QuoteID, string mode) { InitializeComponent(); insert = true; btnViewTraveler.Enabled = true; btnViewTraveler.Text = "View Traveler Info"; displaying = true; localQuote = new Quote(QuoteID, mode); try { if (mode == "edit") { quoteOps = new QuotingOperations(localQuote, "edit"); quotePrice = new QuotingPricing(localQuote, "edit"); } else { quoteOps = new QuotingOperations(localQuote, "display"); quotePrice = new QuotingPricing(localQuote, "display"); } } catch (Exception q) { btnViewPricing.Enabled = false; btnEditOperations.Enabled = false; } lblQuoteDate.Text = "Quote Date: " + localQuote.QuoteDate.ToLongDateString(); txtCustomer.Text = OrderInfo.getNameFromId(localQuote.CustID); lblQuoteID.Text = "Quote Number: " + localQuote.QuoteID; //tool type string tt = localQuote.ToolType; if (tt == "Drill") { radioDrills.Checked = true; } else if (tt == "Step-Drill") { radioStepDrills.Checked = true; txtNumberSteps.Text = localQuote.NoOfStep; int numsteps = Convert.ToInt32(txtNumberSteps.Text); if(numsteps >= 1) { txtDia1.Text = localQuote.step1Dia; txtLength1.Text = localQuote.step1Length; txtAngle1.Text = localQuote.step1Angle; } if (numsteps >= 2) { txtDia2.Text = localQuote.step2Dia; txtLength2.Text = localQuote.step2Length; txtAngle2.Text = localQuote.step2Angle; } if (numsteps >= 3) { txtDia3.Text = localQuote.step3Dia; txtLength3.Text = localQuote.step3Length; txtAngle3.Text = localQuote.step3Angle; } } else if (tt == "Reamer") { radioReamers.Checked = true; } else if (tt == "Step-Reamer") { radioStepReamers.Checked = true; txtNumberSteps.Text = localQuote.NoOfStep; int numsteps = Convert.ToInt32(txtNumberSteps.Text); if (numsteps >= 1) { txtDia1.Text = localQuote.step1Dia; txtLength1.Text = localQuote.step1Length; txtAngle1.Text = localQuote.step1Angle; } if (numsteps >= 2) { txtDia2.Text = localQuote.step2Dia; txtLength2.Text = localQuote.step2Length; txtAngle2.Text = localQuote.step2Angle; } if (numsteps >= 3) { txtDia3.Text = localQuote.step3Dia; txtLength3.Text = localQuote.step3Length; txtAngle3.Text = localQuote.step3Angle; } } else if (tt == "End-Mill Type") { radioEndMill.Checked = true; } else if (tt == "Profile") { radioProfile.Checked = true; txtNumProfiles.Text = localQuote.NoOfProf; } else { radioOther.Checked = true; txtOtherName.Text = localQuote.OtherToolName; } //tool info if (localQuote.CoolThru == 'Y') { chkCoolant.Checked = true; } txtShankDia.Text = localQuote.ShankDiam; txtFluteLength.Text = localQuote.FluteLength; txtOal.Text = localQuote.OAL; txtNumFlutes.Text = localQuote.NoOfFlute; txtHoursPerDay.Text = localQuote.HrPerDay.ToString(); txtSafeTime.Text = localQuote.SafeT.ToString(); txtDescription.Text = localQuote.Description; txtAdminNotes.Text = localQuote.AdminNote; //image try { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(localQuote.ToolImage); picToolImage.Image = Image.FromStream(stream); picToolImage.SizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; } catch (Exception q) { } //material tab txtMaterialVendor.Text = localQuote.MatVend; txtMaterialDescription.Text = localQuote.MatDesc; txtMaterialSize.Text = localQuote.MatSize; txtMaterialOrderNumber.Text = localQuote.MatOrderNo; txtMaterialGrade.Text = localQuote.MatGrade; txtMaterialLeadtime.Text = localQuote.MatLeadT.ToString(); //qty breaks (only need to set material, changed triggers will handle rest) txtMatQty1.Text = localQuote.BreakDownQty1.ToString(); txtMatQty2.Text = localQuote.BreakDownQty2.ToString(); txtMatQty3.Text = localQuote.BreakDownQty3.ToString(); txtMatQty4.Text = localQuote.BreakDownQty4.ToString(); txtMatQty5.Text = localQuote.BreakDownQty5.ToString(); txtMatQty6.Text = localQuote.BreakDownQty6.ToString(); txtMatQty7.Text = localQuote.BreakDownQty7.ToString(); txtMatCost1.Text = localQuote.matCost1.ToString(); txtMatCost2.Text = localQuote.matCost2.ToString(); txtMatCost3.Text = localQuote.matCost3.ToString(); txtMatCost4.Text = localQuote.matCost4.ToString(); txtMatCost5.Text = localQuote.matCost5.ToString(); txtMatCost6.Text = localQuote.matCost6.ToString(); txtMatCost7.Text = localQuote.matCost7.ToString(); //blank prep txtBlankVendor.Text = localQuote.BPVend; txtBlankDescription.Text = localQuote.BPDesc; txtBlankLeadtime.Text = localQuote.BPLeadT.ToString(); txtBPCost1.Text = localQuote.BPCost1.ToString(); txtBPCost2.Text = localQuote.BPCost2.ToString(); txtBPCost3.Text = localQuote.BPCost3.ToString(); txtBPCost4.Text = localQuote.BPCost4.ToString(); txtBPCost5.Text = localQuote.BPCost5.ToString(); txtBPCost6.Text = localQuote.BPCost6.ToString(); txtBPCost7.Text = localQuote.BPCost7.ToString(); //coating if(localQuote.UseCoating == 'Y') { chkCoating.Checked = true; txtCoatingVendor.Text = localQuote.CoatVend; txtCoatingDescription.Text = localQuote.CoatDesc; txtCoatingLeadtime.Text = localQuote.CoatLeadT.ToString(); txtCoatCost1.Text = localQuote.CoatCost1.ToString(); txtCoatCost2.Text = localQuote.CoatCost2.ToString(); txtCoatCost3.Text = localQuote.CoatCost3.ToString(); txtCoatCost4.Text = localQuote.CoatCost4.ToString(); txtCoatCost5.Text = localQuote.CoatCost5.ToString(); txtCoatCost6.Text = localQuote.CoatCost6.ToString(); txtCoatCost7.Text = localQuote.CoatCost7.ToString(); } //machine operations are handled when we created our operations form. //change button text/remove buttons if (mode != "edit") { btnEditOperations.Text = "View Operations"; btnSaveAndClose.Visible = false; btnSaveQuote.Visible = false; } }