public DataTable SearchProductCode(string searchText) { if (myCategoryID == 11 || myCategoryID == 12) { TblProduct product = new TblProduct(); if (searchText.Length > 0) { searchText = "%" + searchText + "%"; string cmdText = "Select A.*, C.strDescription as BrandDesc, D.strDescription as ColorDesc, " + " E.strDescription as SizeDesc, F.strDescription as StyleDesc,R.nQty from tblProduct A " + " Inner Join tblProductBranch B On A.strProductCode = B.strProductCode " + " left outer join tblBrand C on A.strBrandCode = C.strBrandCode "+ " left outer join tblColor D on A.strColorCode = D.strColorCode "+ " left outer join tblSize E on A.strSizeCode = E.strSizeCode "+ " left outer join tblStyle F on A.strStyleCode = F.strStyleCode "+ " left outer join tblSCStockRecon R on (A.strProductCode = R.strProductCode AND B.strBranchCode=R.strBranchCode) " + " where nCategoryID = @nCategoryID AND " + " A.dtValidStart <= @today and A.dtValidEnd >= @today AND " + " B.strBranchCode = @strBranchCode AND A.nStatus = 1 AND " + " (A.strProductCode like @Param or A.strDescription like @Param or " + " F.strStyleCode like @Param or F.strDescription like @Param) "; DataTable table = product.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] {"@nCategoryID", "@today", "@strBranchCode", "@Param" }, new object[] {myCategoryID, DateTime.Today.Date, myStrBranchCode, searchText}); return table; } else { string cmdText = "Select A.* from tblProduct A, tblProductBranch B where nCategoryID = @nCategoryID AND " + " A.dtValidStart <= @today and A.dtValidEnd >= @today AND A.strProductCode = B.strProductCode AND " + " B.strBranchCode = @strBranchCode AND A.nStatus = 1"; DataTable table = product.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] {"@nCategoryID", "@today", "@strBranchCode"}, new object[] {myCategoryID, DateTime.Today.Date, myStrBranchCode}); return table; } } else if (myCategoryID == 38) { TblProduct product = new TblProduct(); if (searchText.Length > 0) { searchText = "%" + searchText + "%"; string cmdText = "Select * from tblCashVoucher where strbranchcode=@strBranchCode and fsell=1 and nstatusid=0 and nTerminalID=@nTerminalID and " + " (strSN like @Param or strDescription like @Param ) "; DataTable table = product.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] { "@strBranchCode", "@Param" }, new object[] { myStrBranchCode, myPOS.NTerminalID, searchText }); return table; } else { string cmdText = "Select * from tblCashVoucher where strbranchcode=@strBranchCode and fsell=1 and nstatusid=0 and nTerminalID=@nTerminalID"; DataTable table = product.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] { "@strBranchCode" }, new object[] { myStrBranchCode, myPOS.NTerminalID }); return table; } } else { return null; } }
public DataTable SearchOneProductCode(string strProductCode) { if (myCategoryID == 11 || myCategoryID == 12) { TblProduct product = new TblProduct(); string cmdText = "Select A.* from tblProduct A, tblProductBranch B where nCategoryID = @nCategoryID AND " + " A.dtValidStart <= @today and A.dtValidEnd >= @today AND A.strProductCode = B.strProductCode AND " + " B.strBranchCode = @strBranchCode AND A.nStatus = 1 AND A.strProductCode = @strProductCode"; DataTable table = product.LoadData(cmdText, new string[] {"@nCategoryID", "@today", "@strBranchCode", "@strProductCode"}, new object[] {myCategoryID, DateTime.Today.Date, myStrBranchCode, strProductCode}); return table; } else return null; }