public InvItem (InvItem assetItem) { count = assetItem.count; tex = assetItem.tex; activeTex = assetItem.activeTex; carryOnStart = assetItem.carryOnStart; canCarryMultiple = assetItem.canCarryMultiple; label = assetItem.label; altLabel = assetItem.altLabel; id =; lineID = assetItem.lineID; useIconID = assetItem.useIconID; binID = assetItem.binID; useSeparateSlots = assetItem.useSeparateSlots; isEditing = false; recipeSlot = -1; useActionList = assetItem.useActionList; lookActionList = assetItem.lookActionList; interactions = assetItem.interactions; combineActionList = assetItem.combineActionList; unhandledActionList = assetItem.unhandledActionList; unhandledCombineActionList = assetItem.unhandledCombineActionList; combineID = assetItem.combineID; }
private void ShowContextIcons(InvItem invItem) { if (KickStarter.cursorManager.cursorIcons.Count > 0) { if (invItem.lookActionList != null && CanDisplayIconsSideBySide()) { if (invItem.useIconID < 0) { // Hide use if (invItem.lookActionList != null) { CursorIcon icon = KickStarter.cursorManager.GetCursorIconFromID(KickStarter.cursorManager.lookCursor_ID); DrawIcon(icon, true); } return; } else { CursorIcon icon = KickStarter.cursorManager.GetCursorIconFromID(invItem.useIconID); DrawIcon(new Vector2(-icon.size * Screen.width / 2f, 0f), icon, false); } } else if (CanCycleContextSensitiveMode() && contextCycleExamine && invItem.lookActionList != null) { } else { DrawIcon(KickStarter.cursorManager.GetCursorIconFromID(invItem.useIconID), false); } if (invItem.lookActionList != null) { CursorIcon lookIcon = KickStarter.cursorManager.GetCursorIconFromID(KickStarter.cursorManager.lookCursor_ID); if (invItem.lookActionList != null && CanDisplayIconsSideBySide()) { DrawIcon(new Vector2(lookIcon.size * Screen.width / 2f, 0f), lookIcon, true); } else if (CanCycleContextSensitiveMode()) { if (contextCycleExamine) { DrawIcon(, lookIcon, true); } } else { DrawIcon(lookIcon, true); } } } }
public string GetLabel(InvItem item, int languageNumber) { if (languageNumber > 0) { return(SpeechManager.GetTranslation(item.label, item.lineID, languageNumber)); } else if (item.altLabel != "") { return(item.altLabel); } return(item.label); }
/** * <summary>Generates a label that represents the name of the parameter's value, if appropriate<summary> * <returns>A label that represents the name of the parameter's value<summary> */ public string GetLabel() { switch (parameterType) { case ParameterType.GameObject: if (gameObject != null) { Hotspot _hotspot = gameObject.GetComponent <Hotspot>(); if (_hotspot) { return(_hotspot.GetName(Options.GetLanguage())); } Char _char = gameObject.GetComponent <Char>(); if (_char) { return(_char.GetName(Options.GetLanguage())); } return(; } return(string.Empty); case ParameterType.InventoryItem: InvItem invItem = KickStarter.inventoryManager.GetItem(intValue); if (invItem != null) { return(invItem.GetLabel(Options.GetLanguage())); } return(GetSaveData()); case ParameterType.GlobalVariable: GVar gVar = KickStarter.variablesManager.GetVariable(intValue); if (gVar != null) { return(gVar.label); } return(GetSaveData()); case ParameterType.LocalVariable: GVar lVar = LocalVariables.GetVariable(intValue); if (lVar != null) { return(lVar.label); } return(GetSaveData()); default: return(GetSaveData()); } }
private string GetCount(int i) { InvItem item = GetItem(i); if (item != null) { if (GetItem(i).count < 2) { return(""); } return(GetItem(i).count.ToString()); } return(""); }
public void SelectItem(InvItem item, SelectItemMode _mode) { if (selectedItem == item) { selectedItem = null; KickStarter.playerCursor.ResetSelectedCursor(); } else { SetSelectItemMode(_mode); selectedItem = item; } PlayerMenus.ResetInventoryBoxes(); }
public void TransferLocalToCrafting(InvItem _item, int _slot) { if (_item != null && localItems.Contains(_item)) { _item.recipeSlot = _slot; craftingItems.Add(_item); localItems [localItems.IndexOf(_item)] = null; localItems = ReorderItems(localItems); localItems = RemoveEmptySlots(localItems); SetNull(); } }
override public ActionEnd End(List <AC.Action> actions) { if (_parameter == null) { return(GenerateStopActionEnd()); } GVar compareVar = null; InvItem compareItem = null; Document compareDoc = null; if (_parameter.parameterType == ParameterType.GlobalVariable || _parameter.parameterType == ParameterType.LocalVariable || _parameter.parameterType == ParameterType.ComponentVariable || _parameter.parameterType == ParameterType.InventoryItem || _parameter.parameterType == ParameterType.Document) { if (compareVariableID == -1) { return(GenerateStopActionEnd()); } if (_parameter.parameterType == ParameterType.GlobalVariable) { compareVar = GlobalVariables.GetVariable(compareVariableID, true); } else if (_parameter.parameterType == ParameterType.LocalVariable && !isAssetFile) { compareVar = LocalVariables.GetVariable(compareVariableID); } else if (_parameter.parameterType == ParameterType.ComponentVariable) { runtimeCompareVariables = AssignFile <Variables> (compareObjectConstantID, compareVariables); if (runtimeCompareVariables != null) { compareVar = runtimeCompareVariables.GetVariable(compareVariableID); } } else if (_parameter.parameterType == ParameterType.InventoryItem) { compareItem = KickStarter.inventoryManager.GetItem(compareVariableID); } else if (_parameter.parameterType == ParameterType.Document) { compareDoc = KickStarter.inventoryManager.GetDocument(compareVariableID); } } return(ProcessResult(CheckCondition(compareItem, compareVar, compareDoc), actions)); }
/** * <summary>A Constructor that sets all its values by copying another InvItem.</summary> * <param name = "assetItem">The InvItem to copy</param> */ public InvItem(InvItem assetItem) { count = assetItem.count; tex = assetItem.tex; activeTex = assetItem.activeTex; selectedTex = assetItem.selectedTex; //cursorIcon = assetItem.cursorIcon; cursorIcon = new CursorIcon(); cursorIcon.Copy(assetItem.cursorIcon); carryOnStart = assetItem.carryOnStart; carryOnStartNotDefault = assetItem.carryOnStartNotDefault; carryOnStartID = assetItem.carryOnStartID; canCarryMultiple = assetItem.canCarryMultiple; label = assetItem.label; altLabel = assetItem.altLabel; id =; lineID = assetItem.lineID; useIconID = assetItem.useIconID; binID = assetItem.binID; if (binID == -1 && KickStarter.inventoryManager != null && KickStarter.inventoryManager.bins != null && KickStarter.inventoryManager.bins.Count > 0) { // Place item in first available cateogry if undefined binID = KickStarter.inventoryManager.bins[0].id; } useSeparateSlots = assetItem.useSeparateSlots; selectSingle = assetItem.selectSingle; isEditing = false; recipeSlot = -1; overrideUseSyntax = assetItem.overrideUseSyntax; hotspotPrefix1 = assetItem.hotspotPrefix1; hotspotPrefix2 = assetItem.hotspotPrefix2; useActionList = assetItem.useActionList; lookActionList = assetItem.lookActionList; interactions = assetItem.interactions; combineActionList = assetItem.combineActionList; unhandledActionList = assetItem.unhandledActionList; unhandledCombineActionList = assetItem.unhandledCombineActionList; combineID = assetItem.combineID; vars = assetItem.vars; linkedPrefab = assetItem.linkedPrefab; canBeAnimated = DetermineCanBeAnimated(); }
/** * <summary>Deletes a set number of inventory item instances</summary> * <param name="itemID">The ID of the inventory item to delete</param> * <param name="amount">The amount to delete</param> */ public void Delete(int itemID, int amount) { if (KickStarter.inventoryManager == null) { return; } InvItem itemToRemove = KickStarter.inventoryManager.GetItem(itemID); if (itemToRemove == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < invInstances.Count; i++) { if (InvInstance.IsValid(invInstances[i]) && invInstances[i].ItemID == itemID) { // Count check if (itemToRemove.canCarryMultiple) { int diff = invInstances[i].Count - amount; if (diff >= 0) { invInstances[i].Clear(amount); amount = 0; } else { amount -= invInstances[i].Count; invInstances[i].Clear(); } } if (!itemToRemove.canCarryMultiple || invInstances[i].Count <= 0) { invInstances[i].Clear(); } if (!itemToRemove.canCarryMultiple || amount <= 0) { break; } } } Clean(); PlayerMenus.ResetInventoryBoxes(); }
/** * <summary>A Constructor based on the linked InvItem</summary> * <param name="_itemID">The associated InvItem</param> * <param name="_count">The amount of that item to reference</param> */ public InvInstance(InvItem _invItem, int _count = 1) { invItem = _invItem; if (invItem != null) { invItem.Upgrade(); } itemID = (invItem != null) ? : -1; Count = _count; invVars = new List <InvVar>(); cursorIcon = (invItem != null) ? new CursorIcon(invItem.cursorIcon) : null; matchingInvInteractionData = null; lastInteractionIndex = 0; GenerateDefaultProperties(); }
public void Remove(InvItem _item) { if (_item != null && localItems.Contains(_item)) { if (_item == selectedItem) { SetNull(); } localItems [localItems.IndexOf(_item)] = null; localItems = ReorderItems(localItems); localItems = RemoveEmptySlots(localItems); } }
/** * <summary>A Constructor based on the linked InvItem's ID</summary> * <param name="_itemID">The ID number of the associated InvItem</param> * <param name="_count">The amount of that item to reference</param> */ public InvInstance(int _itemID, int _count = 1) { itemID = _itemID; invItem = (KickStarter.inventoryManager) ? KickStarter.inventoryManager.GetItem(itemID) : null; if (invItem != null) { invItem.Upgrade(); } Count = _count; invVars = new List <InvVar>(); cursorIcon = (invItem != null) ? new CursorIcon(invItem.cursorIcon) : null; matchingInvInteractionData = null; lastInteractionIndex = 0; GenerateDefaultProperties(); }
/** * <summary>Recalculates display for a particular inventory item.</summary> * <param name = "item">The InvItem to recalculate the Menus's display for</param> */ public void MatchInteractions(InvItem item) { bool match = false; foreach (InvInteraction interaction in item.interactions) { if ( == iconID) { match = true; break; } } isVisible = match; }
/** * <summary>Adds an inventory item to the Container's contents, at a particular index.</summary> * <param name = "_item">The InvItem to place within the Container</param> * <param name = "_index">The index number within the Container's current contents to insert the new item</param> */ public void InsertAt(InvItem _item, int _index) { ContainerItem newContainerItem = new ContainerItem(, GetIDArray()); newContainerItem.count = _item.count; if (items.Count <= _index) { items.Add(newContainerItem); } else { items.Insert(_index, newContainerItem); } }
private void RemoveWrongItems() { if (limitToCategory && categoryIDs.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { InvItem listedItem = KickStarter.inventoryManager.GetItem(items[i].linkedID); if (!categoryIDs.Contains(listedItem.binID)) { items.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } } }
/** * <summary>Checks if the item has an InvInteraction combine interaction for a specific InvItem.</summary> * <param name = "invItem">The InvITem to check for</param> * <returns>True if the item has an InvInteraction combine interaction for the InvItem.</returns> */ public bool DoesHaveInventoryInteraction(InvItem invItem) { if (invItem != null) { foreach (int invID in combineID) { if (invID == { return(true); } } } return(false); }
public bool IsItemCarried(InvItem _item) { if (_item == null) { return(false); } foreach (InvItem item in localItems) { if (item == _item) { return(true); } } return(false); }
private string GetPropertyDisplayValue(int languageNumber, InvItem invItem) { if (invItem != null) { InvVar invVar = invItem.GetProperty(itemPropertyID); if (invVar != null) { if (multiplyByItemCount) { return(invVar.GetDisplayValue(languageNumber, invItem.count)); } return(invVar.GetDisplayValue(languageNumber)); } } return(string.Empty); }
/** * <summary>A Constructor based on the linked InvItem's name</summary> * <param name="_itemName">The name number of the associated InvItem</param> * <param name="_count">The amount of that item to reference</param> */ public InvInstance(string _itemName, int _count = 1) { invItem = (KickStarter.inventoryManager) ? KickStarter.inventoryManager.GetItem(_itemName) : null; if (invItem != null) { invItem.Upgrade(); } Count = _count; itemID = (invItem != null) ? : -1; invVars = new List <InvVar> (); cursorIcon = (invItem != null) ? new CursorIcon(invItem.cursorIcon) : null; matchingInvInteractionData = null; lastInteractionIndex = 0; GenerateDefaultProperties(); canBeAnimated = DetermineCanBeAnimated(); }
private void SetNextInventoryItem() { // Cycle through the collection of inventory items and select the next one if (KickStarter.runtimeInventory.localItems.Count > 0) { inventoryItemIndex++; if (inventoryItemIndex >= KickStarter.runtimeInventory.localItems.Count) { inventoryItemIndex = 0; } InvItem selectedInventoryItem = KickStarter.runtimeInventory.localItems[inventoryItemIndex]; KickStarter.runtimeInventory.SelectItem(selectedInventoryItem); } }
/** * <summary>A Constructor based on a Container item</summary> * <param name="containerItem">The Container item to create an instance from</param> */ public InvInstance(ContainerItem containerItem) { itemID = containerItem.ItemID; invItem = (KickStarter.inventoryManager) ? KickStarter.inventoryManager.GetItem(itemID) : null; if (invItem != null) { invItem.Upgrade(); } Count = containerItem.Count; invVars = new List <InvVar> (); cursorIcon = (invItem != null) ? new CursorIcon(invItem.cursorIcon) : null; matchingInvInteractionData = null; lastInteractionIndex = 0; GenerateDefaultProperties(); canBeAnimated = DetermineCanBeAnimated(); }
/** * <summary>Triggers either the OnInventoryCombine or InventoryInteract events.</summary> * <param name = "iconID">The ID number of the 'use' icon, as defined in CursorManager, if the item was used</param> * <param name = "combineItem">The other inventory item, if the item was combined with another</param> */ public void Call_OnUseInventory(InvItem invItem, int iconID, InvItem combineItem = null) { if (invItem == null) { return; } if (OnInventoryCombine != null && combineItem != null) { OnInventoryCombine(invItem, combineItem); } else if (OnInventoryInteract != null && combineItem == null) { OnInventoryInteract(invItem, iconID); } }
protected void RemoveWrongItems() { if (limitToCategory && categoryIDs.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { if (!items[i].IsEmpty) { InvItem listedItem = KickStarter.inventoryManager.GetItem(items[i].linkedID); if (!categoryIDs.Contains(listedItem.binID)) { if (KickStarter.settingsManager.canReorderItems) { items[i].IsEmpty = true; } else { items.RemoveAt(i); } i--; } } } } for (int i = items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!items[i].IsEmpty) { InvItem invItem = KickStarter.inventoryManager.GetItem(items[i].linkedID); if (invItem != null && invItem.canCarryMultiple && invItem.useSeparateSlots && items[i].count > 1) { while (items[i].count > 1) { ContainerItem newItem = new ContainerItem(items[i].linkedID, 1, GetIDArray()); items.Insert(i + 1, newItem); items[i].count--; } } } } if (maxSlots > 0 && items.Count > maxSlots) { items.RemoveRange(maxSlots, items.Count - maxSlots); } }
private bool RequiresItem(InvItem invItem) { if (invItem == null) { return(false); } foreach (Ingredient ingredient in ingredients) { if (ingredient.ItemID == { return(true); } } return(false); }
public void Use(InvItem item) { if (item == null || item.recipeSlot > -1) { return; } if (item.useActionList) { selectedItem = null; AdvGame.RunActionListAsset(item.useActionList); } else if (KickStarter.settingsManager.CanSelectItems(true)) { SelectItem(item, SelectItemMode.Use); } }
public string GetCellText(InvItem invItem, InventoryManager inventoryManager) { string cellText = " "; switch (columnType) { case ColumnType.InternalName: cellText = invItem.label; break; case ColumnType.Label: cellText = invItem.altLabel; break; case ColumnType.MainGraphic: cellText = (invItem.tex) ? : ""; break; case ColumnType.Category: if (invItem.binID >= 0) { InvBin invBin = inventoryManager.GetCategory(invItem.binID); cellText = (invBin != null) ? invBin.label : ""; } break; case ColumnType.CategoryID: cellText = (invItem.binID >= 0) ? invItem.binID.ToString() : ""; break; case ColumnType.CarryOnStart: cellText = (invItem.carryOnStart) ? "True" : "False"; break; case ColumnType.CanCarryMultiple: cellText = (invItem.canCarryMultiple) ? "True" : "False"; break; } if (cellText == "") { cellText = " "; } return(RemoveLineBreaks(cellText)); }
private int pulseDirection = 0; // 0 = none, 1 = in, -1 = out public void Awake () { selectedItem = null; GetReferences (); craftingItems.Clear (); localItems.Clear (); GetItemsOnStart (); if (inventoryManager) { unhandledCombine = inventoryManager.unhandledCombine; unhandledHotspot = inventoryManager.unhandledHotspot; } else { Debug.LogError ("An Inventory Manager is required - please use the Adventure Creator window to create one."); } }
/** A Constructor that populates itself based on a Container's default set of items */ public InvCollection(Container container) { maxSlots = container.maxSlots; limitToCategoryIDs = (container.limitToCategory) ? container.categoryIDs : null; invInstances = new List <InvInstance> (); foreach (ContainerItem containerItem in container.items) { InvItem invItem = containerItem.InvItem; if (invItem == null) { continue; } bool alreadyAdded = false; if (invItem.canCarryMultiple && containerItem.Count > invItem.maxCount) { int countLeft = containerItem.Count; while (countLeft > 0) { if (countLeft > invItem.maxCount) { AddToEnd(new InvInstance(invItem, invItem.maxCount)); alreadyAdded = true; countLeft -= invItem.maxCount; } else { AddToEnd(new InvInstance(invItem, countLeft)); alreadyAdded = true; countLeft = 0; } } } if (!alreadyAdded) { AddToEnd(new InvInstance(containerItem)); } } Clean(); }
override public float Run() { InvItem invItem = (setVarAsPropertyMethod == SetVarAsPropertyMethod.SelectedItem) ? KickStarter.runtimeInventory.LastSelectedItem : KickStarter.inventoryManager.GetItem(invID); if (invItem != null && runtimeVariable != null) { InvVar invVar = invItem.GetProperty(propertyID); if (invVar == null) { LogWarning("Cannot find property with ID " + propertyID + " on Inventory item " + invItem.GetLabel(0)); return(0f); } if (runtimeVariable.type == VariableType.String) { runtimeVariable.textVal = invVar.GetDisplayValue(Options.GetLanguage()); } else if (runtimeVariable.type == invVar.type) { if (invVar.type == VariableType.Float) { runtimeVariable.FloatValue = invVar.FloatValue; } else if (invVar.type == VariableType.Vector3) { runtimeVariable.Vector3Value = invVar.Vector3Value; } else { runtimeVariable.IntegerValue = invVar.IntegerValue; } } else { LogWarning("Cannot assign " + varLocation.ToString() + " Variable " + runtimeVariable.label + "'s value from '" + invVar.label + "' property because their types do not match."); } } return(0); }
private List <InvItem> MatchInteractionsFromItem(List <InvItem> items, InvItem _item) { if (_item != null && _item.combineID != null) { foreach (int combineID in _item.combineID) { foreach (InvItem item in localItems) { if (item != null && == combineID) { matchingInvInteractions.Add(_item.combineID.IndexOf(combineID)); items.Add(item); break; } } } } return(items); }
private string GetCount(int i) { if (inventoryItemCountDisplay == InventoryItemCountDisplay.Never) { return(string.Empty); } InvItem item = GetItem(i); if (item != null) { if (GetItem(i).count < 2 && inventoryItemCountDisplay == InventoryItemCountDisplay.OnlyIfMultiple) { return(string.Empty); } return(GetItem(i).count.ToString()); } return(string.Empty); }
private void PopulateList() { if (Application.isPlaying) { if (inventoryBoxType == AC_InventoryBoxType.HotspotBased) { if (limitToDefinedInteractions) { items = KickStarter.runtimeInventory.MatchInteractions (); } else { items = KickStarter.runtimeInventory.localItems; } } else if (inventoryBoxType == AC_InventoryBoxType.DisplaySelected) { items = KickStarter.runtimeInventory.GetSelected (); } else if (inventoryBoxType == AC_InventoryBoxType.DisplayLastSelected) { if (KickStarter.runtimeInventory.selectedItem != null) { items = new List<InvItem>(); items = KickStarter.runtimeInventory.GetSelected (); } else if (items.Count == 1 && !KickStarter.runtimeInventory.IsItemCarried (items[0])) { items.Clear (); } } else if (inventoryBoxType == AC_InventoryBoxType.Container) { if (KickStarter.playerInput.activeContainer) { items.Clear (); foreach (ContainerItem containerItem in KickStarter.playerInput.activeContainer.items) { InvItem referencedItem = new InvItem (KickStarter.inventoryManager.GetItem (containerItem.linkedID)); referencedItem.count = containerItem.count; items.Add (referencedItem); } } } else { items = new List<InvItem>(); foreach (InvItem _item in KickStarter.runtimeInventory.localItems) { if (KickStarter.settingsManager.hideSelectedFromMenu && KickStarter.runtimeInventory.selectedItem == _item) { items.Add (null); } else { items.Add (_item); } } } } else { items = new List<InvItem>(); if (AdvGame.GetReferences ().inventoryManager) { foreach (InvItem _item in AdvGame.GetReferences ().inventoryManager.items) { items.Add (_item); if (_item != null) { _item.recipeSlot = -1; } } } } if (inventoryBoxType == AC_InventoryBoxType.Default || inventoryBoxType == AC_InventoryBoxType.CustomScript) { if (limitToCategory && categoryID > -1) { while (AreAnyItemsInWrongCategory ()) { foreach (InvItem _item in items) { if (_item != null && _item.binID != categoryID) { items.Remove (_item); break; } } } } while (AreAnyItemsInRecipe ()) { foreach (InvItem _item in items) { if (_item != null && _item.recipeSlot > -1) { if (AdvGame.GetReferences ().settingsManager.canReorderItems) items [items.IndexOf (_item)] = null; else items.Remove (_item); break; } } } } }
private void DrawTexture(Rect rect, InvItem _item, bool isActive) { if (_item == null) return; Texture2D tex = null; if (Application.isPlaying && KickStarter.runtimeInventory != null && inventoryBoxType != AC_InventoryBoxType.DisplaySelected) { if (_item == KickStarter.runtimeInventory.highlightItem && _item.activeTex != null) { KickStarter.runtimeInventory.DrawHighlighted (rect); return; } if (_item.activeTex != null && ((isActive && KickStarter.settingsManager.activeWhenHover) || _item == KickStarter.runtimeInventory.selectedItem)) { tex = _item.activeTex; } else if (_item.tex != null) { tex = _item.tex; } } else if (_item.tex != null) { tex = _item.tex; } if (tex != null) { GUI.DrawTexture (rect, tex, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, true, 0f); } }
/** * Updates the state of all Menus. * This is called every frame by StateHandler. */ public void UpdateAllMenus() { #if (UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_ANDROID) && !UNITY_EDITOR if (keyboard != null && selectedInputBox != null) { selectedInputBox.label = keyboard.text; } #endif if (doResizeMenus > 0) { doResizeMenus ++; if (doResizeMenus == 4) { doResizeMenus = 0; foreach (AC.Menu menu in PlayerMenus.GetMenus ()) { menu.Recalculate (); menu.UpdateAspectRect (); KickStarter.mainCamera.SetCameraRect (); menu.Recalculate (); } } } if (Time.time > 0f) { int languageNumber = Options.GetLanguage (); hotspotLabel = KickStarter.playerInteraction.GetLabel (languageNumber); if (!interactionMenuIsOn || !mouseOverInteractionMenu) { oldHoverItem = KickStarter.runtimeInventory.hoverItem; KickStarter.runtimeInventory.hoverItem = null; } if (KickStarter.stateHandler.gameState == GameState.Paused) { if (Time.timeScale != 0f) { KickStarter.sceneSettings.PauseGame (); } } else if (Time.timeScale == 0f) { KickStarter.sceneSettings.UnpauseGame (KickStarter.playerInput.timeScale); } foundMouseOverMenu = false; foundMouseOverInteractionMenu = false; foundMouseOverInventory = false; foreach (AC.Menu menu in menus) { UpdateMenu (menu); if (menu.IsEnabled ()) { UpdateElements (menu, languageNumber); } } for (int i=0; i<dupMenus.Count; i++) { UpdateMenu (dupMenus[i]); UpdateElements (dupMenus[i], languageNumber); if (dupMenus[i].IsOff () && KickStarter.stateHandler.gameState != GameState.Paused) { Menu oldMenu = dupMenus[i]; dupMenus.RemoveAt (i); if (oldMenu.menuSource != MenuSource.AdventureCreator && oldMenu.canvas && oldMenu.canvas.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { DestroyImmediate (oldMenu.canvas.gameObject); } DestroyImmediate (oldMenu); i=0; } } mouseOverMenu = foundMouseOverMenu; mouseOverInteractionMenu = foundMouseOverInteractionMenu; mouseOverInventory = foundMouseOverInventory; lastElementIdentifier = elementIdentifier; // Check clicks in reverse order for (int i=menus.Count-1; i>=0; i--) { if (menus[i].IsEnabled () && !menus[i].ignoreMouseClicks/* && !menus[i].IsUnityUI ()*/) { CheckClicks (menus[i]); } } } }
private void RebuildProperties(InvItem item) { // Which properties are available? List<int> availableVarIDs = new List<int>(); foreach (InvVar invVar in invVars) { if (!invVar.limitToCategories || bins.Count == 0 || invVar.categoryIDs.Contains (item.binID)) { availableVarIDs.Add (; } } // Create new properties / transfer existing values List<InvVar> newInvVars = new List<InvVar>(); foreach (InvVar invVar in invVars) { if (availableVarIDs.Contains ( { InvVar newInvVar = new InvVar (invVar); InvVar oldInvVar = item.GetProperty (; if (oldInvVar != null) { newInvVar.TransferValues (oldInvVar); } newInvVars.Add (newInvVar); } } item.vars = newInvVars; }
/** * <summary>Fully highlights an inventory item instantly.</summary> * <param name = "_id">The ID number of the inventory item (see InvItem) to highlight</param> */ public void HighlightItemOnInstant(int _id) { highlightItem = GetItem (_id); highlightState = HighlightState.None; pulse = 1f; }
private void SideMenu (InvItem item) { GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu (); sideItem = items.IndexOf (item); menu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Insert after"), false, Callback, "Insert after"); if (items.Count > 0) { menu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Delete"), false, Callback, "Delete"); } if (sideItem > 0 || sideItem < items.Count-1) { menu.AddSeparator (""); } if (sideItem > 0) { menu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Move up"), false, Callback, "Move up"); } if (sideItem < items.Count-1) { menu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("Move down"), false, Callback, "Move down"); } menu.ShowAsContext (); }
private void ActivateItem (InvItem item) { item.isEditing = true; selectedItem = item; }
/** * <summary>Checks if a particular inventory item is currently held by the player.</summary> * <param name = "_item">The inventory item to check for</param> * <returns>True if the inventory item is currently held by the player</returns> */ public bool IsItemCarried(InvItem _item) { if (_item == null) return false; foreach (InvItem item in localItems) { if (item == _item) { return true; } } return false; }
private bool ItemIsSelected(InvItem item) { if (item != null && item == KickStarter.runtimeInventory.selectedItem && (!KickStarter.settingsManager.inventoryDragDrop || KickStarter.playerInput.GetDragState () == DragState.Inventory)) { return true; } return false; }
private Texture2D GetTexture(InvItem _item, bool isActive) { if (ItemIsSelected (_item)) { switch (KickStarter.settingsManager.selectInventoryDisplay) { case SelectInventoryDisplay.ShowSelectedGraphic: return _item.selectedTex; case SelectInventoryDisplay.ShowHoverGraphic: return _item.activeTex; default: break; } } else if (isActive && KickStarter.settingsManager.activeWhenHover) { return _item.activeTex; } return _item.tex; }
private void ExtractInventory(InvItem invItem, bool onlySeekNew) { if (onlySeekNew && invItem.lineID == -1) { // Assign a new ID on creation SpeechLine newLine; string _label = invItem.label; if (invItem.altLabel != "") { _label = invItem.altLabel; } newLine = new SpeechLine (GetIDArray(), UnityVersionHandler.GetCurrentSceneName (), _label, languages.Count - 1, AC_TextType.InventoryItem); invItem.lineID = newLine.lineID; lines.Add (newLine); } else if (!onlySeekNew && invItem.lineID > -1) { // Already has an ID, so don't replace string _label = invItem.label; if (invItem.altLabel != "") { _label = invItem.altLabel; } SpeechLine existingLine = new SpeechLine (invItem.lineID, UnityVersionHandler.GetCurrentSceneName (), _label, languages.Count - 1, AC_TextType.InventoryItem); int lineID = SmartAddLine (existingLine); if (lineID >= 0) invItem.lineID = lineID; } }
/** * <summary>Runs an inventory item's "Examine" interaction.</summary> * <param name = "item">The inventory item to examine</param> */ public void Look(InvItem item) { if (item == null || item.recipeSlot > -1) return; if (item.lookActionList) { AdvGame.RunActionListAsset (item.lookActionList); } }
/** * <summary>Adds an inventory item to the Container's contents, at a particular index.</summary> * <param name = "_item">The InvItem to place within the Container</param> * <param name = "_index">The index number within the Container's current contents to insert the new item</param> */ public void InsertAt(InvItem _item, int _index) { ContainerItem newContainerItem = new ContainerItem (, GetIDArray ()); newContainerItem.count = _item.count; if (items.Count <= _index) { items.Add (newContainerItem); } else { items.Insert (_index, newContainerItem); } }
private void CreateItemsGUI () { EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("Inventory items", EditorStyles.boldLabel); filter = EditorGUILayout.TextField ("Filter by name:", filter); EditorGUILayout.Space (); foreach (InvItem item in items) { if (filter == "" || item.label.ToLower ().Contains (filter.ToLower ())) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); string buttonLabel = item.label; if (buttonLabel == "") { buttonLabel = "(Untitled)"; } if (GUILayout.Toggle (item.isEditing, + ": " + buttonLabel, "Button")) { if (selectedItem != item) { DeactivateAllItems (); ActivateItem (item); } } if (GUILayout.Button (sideIcon, GUILayout.Width (20f), GUILayout.Height (15f))) { SideMenu (item); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal (); } } if (GUILayout.Button("Create new item")) { Undo.RecordObject (this, "Create inventory item"); ResetFilter (); InvItem newItem = new InvItem (GetIDArray ()); items.Add (newItem); DeactivateAllItems (); ActivateItem (newItem); } }
public void SetOutput(MenuSource source, bool autoCreate) { items = new List<InvItem>(); activeRecipe = KickStarter.runtimeInventory.CalculateRecipe (autoCreate); if (activeRecipe != null) { foreach (InvItem assetItem in AdvGame.GetReferences ().inventoryManager.items) { if ( == activeRecipe.resultID) { InvItem newItem = new InvItem (assetItem); newItem.count = 1; items.Add (newItem); } } } if (!autoCreate) { base.RecalculateSize (source); } }
private void DeactivateAllItems () { foreach (InvItem item in items) { item.isEditing = false; } selectedItem = null; }
private void CreateItemsGUI(string[] binList) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("Inventory items", EditorStyles.boldLabel); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("Filter by:", GUILayout.Width (100f)); filterType = (FilterInventoryItem) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup (filterType, GUILayout.Width (80f)); if (filterType == FilterInventoryItem.Name) { nameFilter = EditorGUILayout.TextField (nameFilter); } else if (filterType == FilterInventoryItem.Category) { if (bins == null || bins.Count == 0) { categoryFilter = -1; EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("No categories defined!", MessageType.Info); } else { categoryFilter = EditorGUILayout.Popup (categoryFilter, binList); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal (); filterOnStart = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Filter by 'Carry on start?'?", filterOnStart); EditorGUILayout.Space (); scrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView (scrollPos, GUILayout.Height (Mathf.Min (items.Count * 21, 235f)+5)); foreach (InvItem item in items) { if ((filterType == FilterInventoryItem.Name && (nameFilter == "" || item.label.ToLower ().Contains (nameFilter.ToLower ()))) || (filterType == FilterInventoryItem.Category && (categoryFilter == -1 || GetBinSlot (item.binID) == categoryFilter))) { if (!filterOnStart || item.carryOnStart) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); string buttonLabel = item.label; if (buttonLabel == "") { buttonLabel = "(Untitled)"; } if (GUILayout.Toggle (item.isEditing, + ": " + buttonLabel, "Button")) { if (selectedItem != item) { DeactivateAllItems (); ActivateItem (item); } } if (GUILayout.Button (sideIcon, GUILayout.Width (20f), GUILayout.Height (15f))) { SideMenu (item); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal (); } } } EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView (); if (GUILayout.Button("Create new item")) { Undo.RecordObject (this, "Create inventory item"); ResetFilter (); InvItem newItem = new InvItem (GetIDArray ()); items.Add (newItem); DeactivateAllItems (); ActivateItem (newItem); } }
private string GetPropertyDisplayValue(int languageNumber, InvItem invItem) { if (invItem != null) { InvVar invVar = invItem.GetProperty (itemPropertyID); if (invVar != null) { return invVar.GetDisplayValue (languageNumber); } } return ""; }
/** * <summary>Moves an item already in an inventory to a different slot.</summary> * <param name = "item">The inventory item to move</param> * <param name = "items">The List of inventory items that the item is to be moved within</param> * <param name = "index">The index number of the MenuInventoryBox slot to move the item to</param> * <returns>The re-ordered List of inventory items</returns> */ public List<InvItem> MoveItemToIndex(InvItem item, List<InvItem> items, int index) { if (item != null) { if (KickStarter.settingsManager.canReorderItems) { // Check nothing in place already int oldIndex = items.IndexOf (item); while (items.Count <= Mathf.Max (index, oldIndex)) { items.Add (null); } if (items [index] == null) { items [index] = item; items [oldIndex] = null; } SetNull (); items = RemoveEmptySlots (items); } else if (items.IndexOf (item) == index) { SetNull (); } } return items; }
private void ShowContextIcons(InvItem invItem) { if (KickStarter.cursorManager.cursorIcons.Count > 0) { if (invItem.lookActionList != null && KickStarter.cursorManager.lookUseCursorAction == LookUseCursorAction.DisplayBothSideBySide) { CursorIcon icon = KickStarter.cursorManager.GetCursorIconFromID (invItem.useIconID); DrawIcon (new Vector2 (-icon.size * Screen.width / 2f, 0f), icon, false); } else { DrawIcon (KickStarter.cursorManager.GetCursorIconFromID (invItem.useIconID), false); } if (invItem.lookActionList != null) { CursorIcon icon = KickStarter.cursorManager.GetCursorIconFromID (KickStarter.cursorManager.lookCursor_ID); if (invItem.lookActionList != null && KickStarter.cursorManager.lookUseCursorAction == LookUseCursorAction.DisplayBothSideBySide) { DrawIcon (new Vector2 (icon.size * Screen.width / 2f, 0f), icon, true); } else { DrawIcon (icon, true); } } } }
/** * <summary>Removes an inventory item from the player's inventory.</summary> * <param name = "_item">The inventory item (InvItem) to remove</param> */ public void Remove(InvItem _item) { if (_item != null && localItems.Contains (_item)) { if (_item == selectedItem) { SetNull (); } localItems [localItems.IndexOf (_item)] = null; localItems = ReorderItems (localItems); localItems = RemoveEmptySlots (localItems); } }
private void ExtractInventory (InvItem invItem, bool onlySeekNew) { if (onlySeekNew && invItem.lineID == -1) { // Assign a new ID on creation SpeechLine newLine; if (invItem.altLabel != "") { newLine = new SpeechLine (GetIDArray(), EditorApplication.currentScene, invItem.altLabel, languages.Count - 1, AC_TextType.InventoryItem); } else { newLine = new SpeechLine (GetIDArray(), EditorApplication.currentScene, invItem.label, languages.Count - 1, AC_TextType.InventoryItem); } invItem.lineID = newLine.lineID; lines.Add (newLine); } else if (!onlySeekNew && invItem.lineID > -1) { // Already has an ID, so don't replace if (invItem.altLabel != "") { lines.Add (new SpeechLine (invItem.lineID, EditorApplication.currentScene, invItem.altLabel, languages.Count - 1, AC_TextType.InventoryItem)); } else { lines.Add (new SpeechLine (invItem.lineID, EditorApplication.currentScene, invItem.label, languages.Count - 1, AC_TextType.InventoryItem)); } } }
public void UpdateAllMenus () { #if (UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_ANDROID) && !UNITY_EDITOR if (keyboard != null && selectedInputBox != null) { selectedInputBox.label = keyboard.text; } #endif if (doResizeMenus > 0) { doResizeMenus ++; if (doResizeMenus == 4) { doResizeMenus = 0; foreach (Menu menu in PlayerMenus.GetMenus ()) { menu.Recalculate (); menu.UpdateAspectRect (); KickStarter.mainCamera.SetCameraRect (); menu.Recalculate (); } } } if (stateHandler && settingsManager && playerInput && playerInteraction && options && dialog && menuSystem && Time.time > 0f) { hotspotLabel = playerInteraction.GetLabel (); oldHoverItem = runtimeInventory.hoverItem; runtimeInventory.hoverItem = null; if (stateHandler.gameState == GameState.Paused) { if (Time.timeScale != 0f) { //Time.timeScale = 0f; sceneSettings.PauseGame (); } } else { Time.timeScale = playerInput.timeScale; } playerInput.mouseOverMenu = false; if (!settingsManager.CanClickOffInteractionMenu ()) { playerInput.interactionMenuIsOn = false; } foreach (Menu menu in menus) { UpdateMenu (menu); if (menu.IsEnabled ()) { UpdateElements (menu); } } lastElementIdentifier = elementIdentifier; // Check clicks in reverse order for (int i=menus.Count-1; i>=0; i--) { if (menus[i].IsEnabled () && !menus[i].ignoreMouseClicks) { CheckClicks (menus[i]); } } } }
/** * Resets any active recipe, and clears all MenuCrafting elements. */ /* public void RemoveRecipes () { while (craftingItems.Count > 0) { for (int i=0; i<craftingItems.Count; i++) { Add (craftingItems[i].id, craftingItems[i].count, false, -1); craftingItems.RemoveAt (i); } } PlayerMenus.ResetInventoryBoxes (); }*/ /** * <summary>Moves an ingredient from a crafting recipe back into the player's inventory.</summary> * <param name = "_recipeSlot">The index number of the MenuCrafting slot that the ingredient was placed in</param> * <param name = "selectAfter">If True, the inventory item will be selected once the transfer is complete</param> */ /* public void TransferCraftingToLocal (int _recipeSlot, bool selectAfter) { foreach (InvItem item in craftingItems) { if (item.recipeSlot == _recipeSlot) { Add (, item.count, selectAfter, -1); SelectItemByID (, SelectItemMode.Use); craftingItems.Remove (item); return; } } }*/ /** * <summary>Moves an ingredient from the player's inventory into a crafting recipe as an ingredient.</summary> * <param name = "_item">The inventory item to transfer</param> * <param name = "_slot">The index number of the MenuCrafting slot to place the item in</param> */ /* public void TransferLocalToCrafting (InvItem _item, int _slot) { if (_item != null && localItems.Contains (_item)) { _item.recipeSlot = _slot; craftingItems.Add (_item); localItems [localItems.IndexOf (_item)] = null; localItems = ReorderItems (localItems); localItems = RemoveEmptySlots (localItems); SetNull (); } }*/ /** * <summary>Gets a list of inventory items associated with the interactions of the current Hotspot or item being hovered over.</summary> * <returns>A list of inventory items associated with the interactions of the current Hotspot or item being hovered over</returns> */ /* public List<InvItem> MatchInteractions () { List<InvItem> items = new List<InvItem>(); matchingInvInteractions = new List<int>(); if (!KickStarter.settingsManager.cycleInventoryCursors) { return items; } if (hoverItem != null) { items = MatchInteractionsFromItem (items, hoverItem); } else if (KickStarter.playerInteraction.GetActiveHotspot ()) { List<Button> invButtons = KickStarter.playerInteraction.GetActiveHotspot ().invButtons; foreach (Button button in invButtons) { foreach (InvItem item in localItems) { if (item != null && == button.invID && !button.isDisabled) { matchingInvInteractions.Add (invButtons.IndexOf (button)); items.Add (item); break; } } } } return items; }*/ private List<InvItem> MatchInteractionsFromItem(List<InvItem> items, InvItem _item) { if (_item != null && _item.combineID != null) { foreach (int combineID in _item.combineID) { foreach (InvItem item in localItems) { if (item != null && == combineID) { matchingInvInteractions.Add (_item.combineID.IndexOf (combineID)); items.Add (item); break; } } } } return items; }
public InvItem(InvItem assetItem) { count = assetItem.count; tex = assetItem.tex; activeTex = assetItem.activeTex; carryOnStart = assetItem.carryOnStart; carryOnStartNotDefault = assetItem.carryOnStartNotDefault; carryOnStartID = assetItem.carryOnStartID; canCarryMultiple = assetItem.canCarryMultiple; label = assetItem.label; altLabel = assetItem.altLabel; id =; lineID = assetItem.lineID; useIconID = assetItem.useIconID; binID = assetItem.binID; useSeparateSlots = assetItem.useSeparateSlots; isEditing = false; recipeSlot = -1; overrideUseSyntax = assetItem.overrideUseSyntax; hotspotPrefix1 = assetItem.hotspotPrefix1; hotspotPrefix2 = assetItem.hotspotPrefix2; useActionList = assetItem.useActionList; lookActionList = assetItem.lookActionList; interactions = assetItem.interactions; combineActionList = assetItem.combineActionList; unhandledActionList = assetItem.unhandledActionList; unhandledCombineActionList = assetItem.unhandledCombineActionList; combineID = assetItem.combineID; }
private bool CheckCondition(InvItem _compareItem, GVar _compareVar) { if (_parameter == null) { ACDebug.LogWarning ("Cannot check state of variable since it cannot be found!"); return false; } if (_parameter.parameterType == ParameterType.Boolean) { int fieldValue = _parameter.intValue; int compareValue = (int) boolValue; if (_compareVar != null) { compareValue = _compareVar.val; } if (boolCondition == BoolCondition.EqualTo) { if (fieldValue == compareValue) { return true; } } else { if (fieldValue != compareValue) { return true; } } } else if (_parameter.parameterType == ParameterType.Integer) { int fieldValue = _parameter.intValue; int compareValue = intValue; if (_compareVar != null) { compareValue = _compareVar.val; } if (intCondition == IntCondition.EqualTo) { if (fieldValue == compareValue) { return true; } } else if (intCondition == IntCondition.NotEqualTo) { if (fieldValue != compareValue) { return true; } } else if (intCondition == IntCondition.LessThan) { if (fieldValue < compareValue) { return true; } } else if (intCondition == IntCondition.MoreThan) { if (fieldValue > compareValue) { return true; } } } else if (_parameter.parameterType == ParameterType.Float) { float fieldValue = _parameter.floatValue; float compareValue = floatValue; if (_compareVar != null) { compareValue = _compareVar.floatVal; } if (intCondition == IntCondition.EqualTo) { if (fieldValue == compareValue) { return true; } } else if (intCondition == IntCondition.NotEqualTo) { if (fieldValue != compareValue) { return true; } } else if (intCondition == IntCondition.LessThan) { if (fieldValue < compareValue) { return true; } } else if (intCondition == IntCondition.MoreThan) { if (fieldValue > compareValue) { return true; } } } else if (_parameter.parameterType == ParameterType.String) { string fieldValue = _parameter.stringValue; string compareValue = AdvGame.ConvertTokens (stringValue); if (_compareVar != null) { compareValue = _compareVar.textVal; } if (boolCondition == BoolCondition.EqualTo) { if (fieldValue == compareValue) { return true; } } else { if (fieldValue != compareValue) { return true; } } } else if (_parameter.parameterType == ParameterType.GameObject) { if ((compareObject != null && _parameter.gameObject == compareObject) || (compareObjectConstantID != 0 && _parameter.intValue == compareObjectConstantID)) { return true; } if (compareObject == null && _parameter.gameObject == null) { return true; } } else if (_parameter.parameterType == ParameterType.GlobalVariable || _parameter.parameterType == ParameterType.LocalVariable) { if (_compareVar != null && _parameter.intValue == { return true; } } else if (_parameter.parameterType == ParameterType.InventoryItem) { if (_compareItem != null && _parameter.intValue == { return true; } } return false; }
public bool DoesHaveInventoryInteraction(InvItem invItem) { if (invItem != null) { foreach (int invID in combineID) { if (invID == { return true; } } } return false; }