Exemple #1
         * <summary>Creates a new instance of the 'Scene: Check attribute' Action, set to check a Bool attribute</summary>
         * <param name = "attributeID">The ID number of the Bool attribute</param>
         * <param name = "value">The attribute value to check for</param>
         * <returns>The generated Action</returns>
        public static ActionSceneCheckAttribute CreateNew(int attributeID, bool value)
            ActionSceneCheckAttribute newAction = (ActionSceneCheckAttribute)CreateInstance <ActionSceneCheckAttribute>();

            newAction.attributeID = attributeID;
            newAction.boolValue   = (value) ? BoolValue.True : BoolValue.False;
Exemple #2
         * <summary>Creates a new instance of the 'Scene: Check attribute' Action, set to check a String attribute</summary>
         * <param name = "attributeID">The ID number of the String attribute</param>
         * <param name = "value">The attribute value to check for</param>
         * <param name = "isCaseSensitive">If True, the query will be case-sensitive</param>
         * <returns>The generated Action</returns>
        public static ActionSceneCheckAttribute CreateNew(int attributeID, string value, bool isCaseSensitive = false)
            ActionSceneCheckAttribute newAction = (ActionSceneCheckAttribute)CreateInstance <ActionSceneCheckAttribute>();

            newAction.attributeID = attributeID;
            newAction.stringValue = value;
            newAction.checkCase   = isCaseSensitive;
Exemple #3
         * <summary>Creates a new instance of the 'Scene: Check attribute' Action, set to check a Float attribute</summary>
         * <param name = "attributeID">The ID number of the Float attribute</param>
         * <param name = "value">The attribute value to check for</param>
         * <param name = "condition">The condition to query</param>
         * <returns>The generated Action</returns>
        public static ActionSceneCheckAttribute CreateNew(int attributeID, float value, IntCondition condition = IntCondition.EqualTo)
            ActionSceneCheckAttribute newAction = (ActionSceneCheckAttribute)CreateInstance <ActionSceneCheckAttribute>();

            newAction.attributeID  = attributeID;
            newAction.floatValue   = value;
            newAction.intCondition = condition;