private void MainForm_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { if ((pak != null) && (pak.isOpen)) { pak.ClosePak(); pak = null; } UpdateMM(); }
private void BtnCreateMod_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cbCreateSFX.Checked) { saveFileDlg.FilterIndex = 1; } else { saveFileDlg.FilterIndex = 2; } if (saveFileDlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } try { File.Delete(saveFileDlg.FileName); AAPak modpak = new AAPak(saveFileDlg.FileName, false, true); Bitmap customIconImage = null; // First check image we will use (if any) if (useDefaultImage) { MemoryStream iconStream = new MemoryStream(); Properties.Resources.mod_example_icon.Save(iconStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); /* * if (!modpak.AddFileFromStream(ModPNGImageFileName, iconStream, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, false, out _)) * { * MessageBox.Show("Failed to add default icon"); * modpak.ClosePak(); * return; * } */ customIconImage = new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.mod_example_icon.GetThumbnailImage(128, 128, null, new IntPtr())); } else if (NewCustomImage != string.Empty) { FileStream iconStream = File.Open(NewCustomImage, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); /* * if ( (Path.GetExtension(NewCustomImage).ToLower() == ".png") && (!modpak.AddFileFromStream(ModPNGImageFileName, iconStream, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, false, out _)) ) * { * MessageBox.Show("Failed to add PNG icon"); * modpak.ClosePak(); * return; * } * else * if ((Path.GetExtension(NewCustomImage).ToLower() == ".jpg") && (!modpak.AddFileFromStream(ModJPGImageFileName, iconStream, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, false, out _))) * { * MessageBox.Show("Failed to add JPG icon"); * modpak.ClosePak(); * return; * } */ Image img = Image.FromStream(iconStream); customIconImage = new Bitmap(img.GetThumbnailImage(128, 128, null, new IntPtr())); } else if (useOldPNGImage) { var oldpngStream = mainPak.ExportFileAsStream(ModPNGImageFileName); /* * if ((Path.GetExtension(NewCustomImage).ToLower() == ".png") && (!modpak.AddFileFromStream(ModPNGImageFileName, oldpngStream, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, false, out _))) * { * MessageBox.Show("Failed to copy PNG icon"); * modpak.ClosePak(); * return; * } */ Image img = Image.FromStream(oldpngStream); customIconImage = new Bitmap(img.GetThumbnailImage(128, 128, null, new IntPtr())); } else if (useOldJPGImage) { var oldjpgStream = mainPak.ExportFileAsStream(ModJPGImageFileName); /* * if ((Path.GetExtension(NewCustomImage).ToLower() == ".png") && (!modpak.AddFileFromStream(ModJPGImageFileName, oldjpgStream, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, false, out _))) * { * MessageBox.Show("Failed to copy PNG icon"); * modpak.ClosePak(); * return; * } */ Image img = Image.FromStream(oldjpgStream); customIconImage = new Bitmap(img.GetThumbnailImage(128, 128, null, new IntPtr())); } else { // No image used } if ((cbCreateSFX.Checked) && (customIconImage != null)) { // Create some temp files string tempIconFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); // .GetTempPath() + "aamod_tmp.ico"; string tempEXEFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); // .GetTempPath() + "aamod_tmp.exe"; try { // Very hacky way of adding/editing a icon to the sfx exe to add // Create 64x64 "thumbnail" as icon var pu = GraphicsUnit.Pixel; var cImg = customIconImage.Clone(customIconImage.GetBounds(ref pu), System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); cImg.SetResolution(72, 72); var tempImg = cImg.GetThumbnailImage(64, 64, null, new IntPtr()); // tempImg.Save(Path.GetTempPath() + "tmp_aamod.bmp"); // Create and Save temporary ico file // Icon ic = ImageToIcon(tempImg); var tempBitmap = new Bitmap(tempImg, new Size(64, 64)); MemoryStream iconStream = SaveAsIconMemoryStream(tempBitmap); // MemoryStream iconStream = new MemoryStream(); // ic.Save(iconStream); FileStream iconStreamFile = File.Create(tempIconFile); iconStream.Position = 0; iconStream.CopyTo(iconStreamFile); iconStreamFile.Close(); // Save temporary exe file MemoryStream exeStream = new MemoryStream(Properties.Resources.AAModSFX); FileStream fs = File.Create(tempEXEFile); exeStream.CopyTo(fs); fs.Close(); exeStream.Close(); // Create IconFile from temporary ico file IconFile icf = new IconFile(tempIconFile); // Delete old Icon resources ResourceInfo vi = new ResourceInfo(); vi.Load(tempEXEFile); foreach (ResourceId id in vi.ResourceTypes) { if (id.ResourceType != Kernel32.ResourceTypes.RT_GROUP_ICON) { continue; } foreach (Resource resource in vi.Resources[id]) { resource.DeleteFrom(tempEXEFile); } } // Add to IconDirectory IconDirectoryResource iconDirectoryResource = new IconDirectoryResource(icf); IconResource icr = new IconResource(); // Save to temporary exe iconDirectoryResource.SaveTo(tempEXEFile); // Read temporary exe back into stream fs = File.OpenRead(tempEXEFile); exeStream = new MemoryStream(); fs.CopyTo(exeStream); // Add modified exe to modpak if (!modpak.AddFileFromStream(SFXInfoFileName, exeStream, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, true, out _)) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to add modified SFX executable"); modpak.ClosePak(); return; } } catch (Exception x) { MessageBox.Show("Exception editing icon:\n" + x.Message); modpak.ClosePak(); return; } try { File.Delete(tempEXEFile); } catch { } try { File.Delete(tempIconFile); } catch { } } else // If you want to use the aamod as a SFX, the .exe needs to be the first file in the pak if (cbCreateSFX.Checked) { // This AAModSFX resource is loaded from the RELEASE build of the AAMod project, make sure it's compiled as release first if you made changes to it MemoryStream sfxStream = new MemoryStream(Properties.Resources.AAModSFX); // We will be possibly be editing the icon, so it's a good idea to have some spare space here if (!modpak.AddFileFromStream(SFXInfoFileName, sfxStream, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, true, out _)) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to add SFX executable"); modpak.ClosePak(); return; } } var modInfoStream = AAPak.StringToStream(tDescription.Text); if (!modpak.AddFileFromStream(ModInfoFileName, modInfoStream, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, false, out _)) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to add description"); modpak.ClosePak(); return; } if (customIconImage != null) { MemoryStream imgStream = new MemoryStream(); customIconImage.Save(imgStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); if (!modpak.AddFileFromStream(ModPNGImageFileName, imgStream, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, false, out _)) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to add icon image"); modpak.ClosePak(); return; } } // Copy all files foreach (var fi in mainPak.files) { if ( { continue; } var ms = mainPak.ExportFileAsStream(fi); if (!modpak.AddFileFromStream(, ms, DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(fi.createTime), DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(fi.modifyTime), false, out _)) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to copy \n" + + "\nAborting !", "Copy Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); modpak.ClosePak(); return; } } modpak.ClosePak(); MessageBox.Show("AAMod create completed !", "AAMod Create", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } catch (Exception x) { MessageBox.Show("Exception: " + x.Message); } }