public AAPList(AAList song, int count) { artist = song.artist; album = song.album; title = song.title; genre = song.genre; filename = song.filename; path = song.path; length = song.length; dateAdded = song.dateAdded; order = count; }
public AAPList(AAList song,int count) { artist = song.artist; album = song.album; title = song.title; genre = song.genre; filename = song.filename; path = song.path; length = song.length; dateAdded = song.dateAdded; order = count; }
private void FileInfo_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { AAList item = fulllistgrid.SelectedItems.Cast <AAList>().First(); if (item != null) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show( "Filename: " + item.filename + Environment.NewLine + "Path: " + item.path + Environment.NewLine + "Artist: " + item.artist + Environment.NewLine + "Title: " + item.title + Environment.NewLine + "Album: " + item.album + Environment.NewLine + "Genre: " + item.genre + Environment.NewLine ); } }
private void SearchFilter(object sender, FilterEventArgs e) { AAList item = e.Item as AAList; if (item != null) { // Filter out products with price 25 or above if (item.displayName.ToUpper().Contains(fullsearch.Text.ToUpper()) || fullsearch.Text == "" || fullsearch.Text == "Search...") { e.Accepted = true; } else { e.Accepted = false; } } }
//custom add file method private void AddFile(string filename) { if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filename)) { return; } AAList addedsong = new AAList(); addedsong.path = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename); addedsong.filename = Path.GetFileName(filename); try { TagLib.File f = TagLib.File.Create(filename); if (f.Tag.Genres.Length != 0) { addedsong.genre = f.Tag.Genres.GetValue(0).ToString(); } if (f.Tag.Performers.Length != 0) { addedsong.artist = f.Tag.Performers.GetValue(0).ToString(); } if (f.Tag.Title != null) { addedsong.title = f.Tag.Title; } } catch (UnsupportedFormatException e) { Console.WriteLine("UnsupportedFormat Exception" + e.Message); } addedsong.dateAdded = DateTime.Now; addedsong.order = AALists.Count; try { Mp3FileReader naudio = new Mp3FileReader(filename); if (naudio != null) { addedsong.length = (int)naudio.TotalTime.TotalSeconds; } } catch (InvalidDataException e) { Console.WriteLine("InvalidData Exception " + e.Message); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { Console.WriteLine("InvalidOperation Exception " + e.Message); } catch (IOException e) { Console.WriteLine("IO Exception " + e.Message); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Some other exception" + e.Message); } //these actions called from the UI thread System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { AALists.Add(addedsong); RemainingLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; RemainingLabel.Content = remaining + " files remaining"; })); }