public static void fill_church_groups(xing xd) { string _str = string.Empty; string _table_name = "church_group_tb"; if (DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS == null) { datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS = new SortedList <int, ic.church_groupC>(); } if (wdata.TABLE_STAMP == null) { wdata.TABLE_STAMP = new SortedList <string, long>(); } if (wdata.TABLE_STAMP.IndexOfKey(_table_name) == -1) { wdata.TABLE_STAMP.Add(_table_name, 0); } bool is_new = false; bool load_all = false; var _stamp = xd.GetTimeStamp(_table_name); if (DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS.Keys.Count == 0) { _str = "select * from " + _table_name; load_all = true; } else { if (wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_table_name] == _stamp) { return; } _str = string.Format("select * from " + _table_name + " where fs_time_stamp > {0}", wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_table_name]); } wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_table_name] = _stamp; ic.church_groupC _obj = null; try { using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand(_str)) { while (_dr.Read()) { _obj = null; if (load_all) { _obj = new ic.church_groupC(); is_new = true; } else { try { _obj = datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS[_dr["cg_id"].ToInt32()]; is_new = false; } catch (Exception ex) { if (_obj == null) { _obj = new ic.church_groupC(); is_new = true; } } } if (is_new) { _obj.cg_type_id = _dr["cg_type_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.cg_id = _dr["cg_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.cg_type_id = _dr["cg_type_id"].ToInt16(); datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS.Add(_obj.cg_id, _obj); } _obj.cg_name = _dr["cg_name"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.sys_account_id = _dr["sys_account_id"].ToInt32(); } _dr.Close(); _dr.Dispose(); } if (load_all) { _str = "select * from church_group_members_tb where mem_status=1"; using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand(_str)) { while (_dr.Read()) { try { datam.DATA_MEMBER[_dr["mem_id"].ToInt32()].ChurchGroupCollection.Add(datam.DATA_CHURCH_GROUPS[_dr["cg_id"].ToInt32()]); } catch (Exception) { continue; } } _dr.Close(); _dr.Dispose(); } } } catch (VistaDB.Diagnostic.VistaDBException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); throw new Exception("Data Loading Failed"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public static void fill_church_group_types(xing xd) { string _str = string.Empty; string _table_name = "church_group_types_tb"; if (DATA_CG_TYPES == null) { datam.DATA_CG_TYPES = new SortedList <int, ic.church_group_typeC>(); } if (wdata.TABLE_STAMP == null) { wdata.TABLE_STAMP = new SortedList <string, long>(); } if (wdata.TABLE_STAMP.IndexOfKey(_table_name) == -1) { wdata.TABLE_STAMP.Add(_table_name, 0); } bool is_new = false; bool load_all = false; var _stamp = xd.GetTimeStamp(_table_name); if (DATA_CG_TYPES.Keys.Count == 0) { _str = "select * from " + _table_name; load_all = true; } else { if (wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_table_name] == _stamp) { return; } _str = string.Format("select * from " + _table_name + " where fs_time_stamp > {0}", wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_table_name]); } wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_table_name] = _stamp; ic.church_group_typeC _obj = null; #region database fill try { using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand(_str)) { while (_dr.Read()) { _obj = null; if (load_all) { _obj = new ic.church_group_typeC(); is_new = true; } else { try { _obj = datam.DATA_CG_TYPES[_dr["cg_type_id"].ToInt32()]; is_new = false; } catch (Exception ex) { if (_obj == null) { _obj = new ic.church_group_typeC(); is_new = true; } } } if (is_new) { _obj.cg_type_id = _dr["cg_type_id"].ToInt32(); datam.DATA_CG_TYPES.Add(_obj.cg_type_id, _obj); } _obj.cg_type_name = _dr["cg_type_name"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.sys_account_id = _dr["sys_account_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.is_default = _dr["is_default"].ToInt32() == 0 ? false : true; } _dr.Close(); _dr.Dispose(); } #endregion if (datam.DATA_CG_TYPES.Count == 0) { //no db records datam.DATA_CG_TYPES = new SortedList <int, ic.church_group_typeC>(); string[] _types = new string[] { "Family", "City", "Building Class", "Lesson Class", "Prayer Group", "FellowShip Group", "Cell", "Bible Class", "Cooking Class" }; int j = -200; foreach (var k in _types) { datam.DATA_CG_TYPES.Add(j, new ic.church_group_typeC() { cg_type_id = j, cg_type_name = k }); xd.SingleInsertCommandOnDuplicate(_table_name, new string[] { "cg_type_id", "cg_type_name", "fs_time_stamp", "lch_id" }, new object[] { datam.DATA_CG_TYPES[j].cg_type_id, datam.DATA_CG_TYPES[j].cg_type_name, 0, sdata.ChurchID }, string.Format("ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE fs_time_stamp={0}", SQLH.UnixStamp)); j++; } } if (load_all) { var _keys = (from k in xso.xso.DATA_MEM_COL_DET.Values where k.col_cat_id == 13 select k.col_id).ToList(); foreach (var k in _keys) { xso.xso.DATA_MEM_COL_DET.Remove(k); } int j = -1000; short disp_index = 1; foreach (var t in datam.DATA_CG_TYPES.Values) { xso.xso.DATA_MEM_COL_DET.Add(j, new xso.ic.Mem_col_det() { col_cat_id = 13, col_id = j, col_name = t.cg_type_name, disp_index = disp_index }); t.col_id = j; disp_index++; j++; } } else { var _col = (from k in xso.xso.DATA_MEM_COL_DET.Values where k.col_cat_id == 13 orderby k.col_id descending select k).FirstOrDefault(); int j = _col.col_id + 1; short disp_index = (_col.disp_index + 1).ToInt16(); foreach (var t in datam.DATA_CG_TYPES.Values.Where(f => f.col_id == 0)) { xso.xso.DATA_MEM_COL_DET.Add(j, new xso.ic.Mem_col_det() { col_cat_id = 13, col_id = j, col_name = t.cg_type_name, disp_index = disp_index }); t.col_id = j; disp_index++; j++; } } } catch (VistaDB.Diagnostic.VistaDBException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); throw new Exception("Data Loading Failed"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public static void GetPendingPledges() { if (DATA_PENDING_PLEDGES == null) { DATA_PENDING_PLEDGES = new SortedList <int, MTOMS.ic.pledgeC>(); } bool is_new = false; using (var xd = new xing()) { string _str = string.Empty; bool load_all = false; var _temp_val = xd.GetTimeStamp("pledge_master_tb"); if (DATA_PENDING_PLEDGES.Keys.Count == 0) { _str = "select * from pledge_master_tb where pl_status=0"; is_new = true; load_all = true; } else { if (Last_Pending_pledge_Stamp == _temp_val) { return; } _str = string.Format("select * from pledge_master_tb where fs_time_stamp > {0}", Last_Pending_pledge_Stamp); } Last_Pending_pledge_Stamp = _temp_val;; using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand(_str)) { if (_dr == null) { return; } ic.pledgeC _pledge = null; while (_dr.Read()) { _pledge = null; if (load_all) { _pledge = new MTOMS.ic.pledgeC(); is_new = true; } else { try { _pledge = datam.DATA_PENDING_PLEDGES[_dr["pl_id"].ToInt32()]; is_new = false; } catch (Exception ex) { if (_pledge == null) { _pledge = new MTOMS.ic.pledgeC(); is_new = true; } } } if (is_new) { _pledge.pl_id = _dr["pl_id"].ToInt32(); _pledge.account_id = _dr["account_id"].ToInt32(); _pledge.source_type = (em.off_source_typeS)_dr["source_type_id"].ToByte(); _pledge.source_id = _dr["source_id"].ToInt32(); _pledge.source_name = _dr["source_name"].ToStringNullable(); _pledge.source_phone = _dr["source_phone"].ToStringNullable(); _pledge.amount_pledged = _dr["amount_pledged"].ToInt32(); _pledge.pls_id = _dr["pls_id"].ToInt32(); _pledge.cg_id = _dr["cg_id"].ToInt32(); _pledge.pledge_mode = (em.pledge_modeS)_dr["pl_mode"].ToByte(); // if (_dr["fs_date"] != null) { _pledge.fs_date = _dr.GetDateTime("fs_date"); _pledge.fs_id = _dr["fs_id"].ToInt32(); } if (_dr["collect_date"] != null) { _pledge.fs_date = _dr.GetDateTime("collect_date"); } DATA_PENDING_PLEDGES.Add(_pledge.pl_id, _pledge); } _pledge.amount_paid = _dr["amount_paid"].ToInt32(); _pledge.pledge_status = (em.pledge_statusS)_dr["pl_status"].ToInt16(); _pledge.added_pledge_amount = _dr["added_pledge_amount"].ToInt32(); } } xd.CommitTransaction(); } }
public static void FillChurchSubUnits(xing xd) { if (DATA_CHURCH_SUB_UNIT == null) { DATA_CHURCH_SUB_UNIT = new SortedList <int, MTOMS.ic.church_sub_unitC>(); } bool is_new = false; bool load_all = false; string _str = string.Empty; if (wdata.TABLE_STAMP == null) { wdata.TABLE_STAMP = new SortedList <string, long>(); } string _table_name = "church_sub_unit_tb"; if (wdata.TABLE_STAMP.IndexOfKey(_table_name) == -1) { wdata.TABLE_STAMP.Add(_table_name, 0); } var _stamp = xd.GetTimeStamp(_table_name); if (DATA_CHURCH_SUB_UNIT.Keys.Count == 0) { _str = "select * from church_sub_unit_tb"; load_all = true; } else { if (_stamp == wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_table_name]) { return; } _str = string.Format("select * from church_sub_unit_tb where fs_time_stamp > {0}", wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_table_name]); } wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_table_name] = _stamp; ic.church_sub_unitC _obj = null; #region database fill using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand(_str)) { while (_dr.Read()) { _obj = null; if (load_all) { _obj = new MTOMS.ic.church_sub_unitC(); is_new = true; } else { try { _obj = datam.DATA_CHURCH_SUB_UNIT[_dr["sb_unit_id"].ToInt32()]; is_new = false; } catch (Exception ex) { if (_obj == null) { _obj = new MTOMS.ic.church_sub_unitC(); is_new = true; } } } if (is_new) { _obj.sb_unit_id = _dr["sb_unit_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.sb_unit_category = (em.sb_unit_categoryS)_dr["sb_unit_cat_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.sb_unit_name = _dr["sb_unit_name"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.sys_gp_account_id = _dr["sys_gp_account_id"].ToInt32(); datam.DATA_CHURCH_SUB_UNIT.Add(_obj.sb_unit_id, _obj); } _obj.sb_unit_name = _dr["sb_unit_name"].ToStringNullable(); } _dr.Close(); _dr.Dispose(); } #endregion }
public static bool GetMonthBankReconcilition(int m_partition_id) { if (DATA_MONTH_BANK_RECONCILIATION == null) { DATA_MONTH_BANK_RECONCILIATION = new SortedList <int, SortedList <int, ic.bank_reconc_transC> >(); } if (DATA_MONTH_BANK_RECONCILIATION.Keys.IndexOf(m_partition_id) == -1) { DATA_MONTH_BANK_RECONCILIATION.Add(m_partition_id, new SortedList <int, ic.bank_reconc_transC>()); } if (wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP == null) { wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP = new SortedList <string, SortedList <int, long> >(); } string _table_name = "acc_bank_reconc_trans_tb"; if (wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP.IndexOfKey(_table_name) == -1) { wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP.Add(_table_name, new SortedList <int, long>()); wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP[_table_name].Add(m_partition_id, 0); } string _str = null; bool load_all = false; bool is_new = false; bool is_updated = false; long _stamp = 0; using (var xd = new xing()) { _stamp = xd.GetTimeStamp(_table_name); if (datam.DATA_MONTH_BANK_RECONCILIATION[m_partition_id].Keys.Count == 0) { _str = string.Format("select * from " + _table_name + " where m_partition_id={0} and status={1}", m_partition_id, em.voucher_statusS.valid.ToByte()); load_all = true; is_new = true; } else { if (_stamp == wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP[_table_name][m_partition_id]) { xd.RollBackTransaction(); return(false); } _str = string.Format("select * from " + _table_name + " where m_partition_id={0} and fs_time_stamp > {1}", m_partition_id, wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP[_table_name][m_partition_id]); } wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP[_table_name][m_partition_id] = _stamp; using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand(_str)) { if (_dr == null) { return(false); } ic.bank_reconc_transC _obj = null; while (_dr.Read()) { if (!is_updated) { is_updated = true; } _obj = null; if (load_all) { _obj = new ic.bank_reconc_transC(); } else { try { _obj = DATA_MONTH_BANK_RECONCILIATION[m_partition_id][_dr["un_id"].ToInt32()]; is_new = false; } catch (Exception) { if (_obj == null) { _obj = new ic.bank_reconc_transC(); is_new = true; } } } // if (is_new) { _obj.un_id = _dr["un_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.br_acc_id = _dr["br_acc_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.br_acc_type = (em.bank_reconc_typeS)_dr["br_acc_type_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.bank_account_id = _dr["bank_account_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.amount = _dr["amount"].ToInt32(); _obj.desc = _dr["description"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.status = (em.voucher_statusS)_dr["status"].ToInt16(); _obj.m_partition_id = _dr["m_partition_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.sys_account_id = _dr["sys_account_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.fs_id = _dr["fs_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.fs_date = _dr.GetDateTime("fs_date"); // _obj.objReconcAccount = datam.DATA_BANK_RECONCILIATION_ACCOUNTS[_obj.br_acc_id]; _obj.objBankAccount = datam.DATA_BANK_ACCOUNTS[_obj.bank_account_id]; } _obj.status = (em.voucher_statusS)_dr["status"].ToInt16(); _obj.is_updated = true; //if (_dr["del_fs_date"] != null) //{ // //if (_obj.objDelInfo == null) { _obj.objDelInfo = new ic.deleteBaseC(); } // //_obj.objDelInfo.del_fs_date = _dr.GetDateTime("del_fs_date"); // //_obj.objDelInfo.del_fs_id = fn.GetFSID(_obj.objDelInfo.del_fs_date.Value); // //_obj.objDelInfo.del_fs_time = _dr["del_fs_time"].ToString()Nullable()(); // //_obj.objDelInfo.del_pc_us_id = _dr["del_pc_us_id"].ToInt32(); //} if (is_new) { DATA_MONTH_BANK_RECONCILIATION[m_partition_id].Add(_obj.un_id, _obj); } } } xd.CommitTransaction(); } return(is_updated); }
public static bool fill_Bank_Reconciliation_Accounts(xing xd) { // if(datam.) // InitBankReconciliation(xd); if (datam.DATA_BANK_RECONCILIATION_ACCOUNTS == null) { datam.DATA_BANK_RECONCILIATION_ACCOUNTS = new SortedList <int, ic.bank_reconc_accountC>(); } string _table_name = "acc_bank_reconc_accounts_tb"; if (wdata.TABLE_STAMP == null) { wdata.TABLE_STAMP = new SortedList <string, long>(); } if (wdata.TABLE_STAMP.IndexOfKey(_table_name) == -1) { wdata.TABLE_STAMP.Add(_table_name, 0); } bool is_new = false; bool load_all = false; string _str = string.Empty; long _stamp = xd.GetTimeStamp(_table_name); if (DATA_BANK_RECONCILIATION_ACCOUNTS.Keys.Count == 0) { _str = "select * from " + _table_name; load_all = true; } else { if (wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_table_name] == _stamp) { return(false); } _str = string.Format("select * from " + _table_name + " where fs_time_stamp > {0}", wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_table_name]); } wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_table_name] = _stamp; ic.bank_reconc_accountC _obj = null; using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand(_str)) { while (_dr.Read()) { _obj = null; if (load_all) { _obj = new ic.bank_reconc_accountC(); is_new = true; } else { try { _obj = datam.DATA_BANK_RECONCILIATION_ACCOUNTS[_dr["br_acc_id"].ToInt32()]; is_new = false; } catch (Exception ex) { if (_obj == null) { _obj = new ic.bank_reconc_accountC(); is_new = true; } } } if (is_new) { _obj.br_acc_id = _dr["br_acc_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.sys_account_id = _dr["sys_account_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.br_acc_name = _dr["br_acc_name"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.br_acc_type = (em.bank_reconc_typeS)_dr["br_acc_type_id"].ToInt16(); datam.DATA_BANK_RECONCILIATION_ACCOUNTS.Add(_obj.br_acc_id, _obj); } } _dr.Close(); } return(true); }
public static bool fill_batch_no_sabbath(xing xd, int sab_fs_id) { if (DATA_BATCH_NO_SETTINGS == null) { DATA_BATCH_NO_SETTINGS = new SortedList <int, SortedList <int, ic.batch_no_SettingC> >(); } if (sab_fs_id == 0) { return(false); } if (DATA_BATCH_NO_SETTINGS.IndexOfKey(sab_fs_id) == -1) { DATA_BATCH_NO_SETTINGS.Add(sab_fs_id, new SortedList <int, ic.batch_no_SettingC>()); } string _table_name = "off_batch_no_settings_tb"; if (wdata.TABLE_STAMP == null) { wdata.TABLE_STAMP = new SortedList <string, long>(); } if (wdata.TABLE_STAMP.IndexOfKey(_table_name) == -1) { wdata.TABLE_STAMP.Add(_table_name, 0); } bool is_new = false; bool load_all = false; string _str = string.Empty; long _stamp = xd.GetTimeStamp(_table_name); if (DATA_BATCH_NO_SETTINGS[sab_fs_id].Keys.Count == 0) { _str = string.Format("select * from {0} where sab_fs_id={1}", _table_name, sab_fs_id); load_all = true; } else { if (wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_table_name] == _stamp) { return(false); } _str = string.Format("select * from {0} where sab_fs_id={1} and fs_time_stamp > {2}", _table_name, sab_fs_id, wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_table_name]); load_all = false; } wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_table_name] = _stamp; ic.batch_no_SettingC _obj = null; #region database fill using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand(_str)) { while (_dr.Read()) { _obj = null; if (load_all) { _obj = new ic.batch_no_SettingC(); is_new = true; } else { try { _obj = datam.DATA_BATCH_NO_SETTINGS[sab_fs_id][_dr["un_id"].ToInt32()]; is_new = false; } catch (Exception ex) { if (_obj == null) { _obj = new ic.batch_no_SettingC(); is_new = true; } } } if (is_new) { _obj.un_id = _dr["un_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.entrant_id = _dr["entrant_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.sab_fs_id = _dr["sab_fs_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.batch_count = _dr["batch_count"].ToInt32(); _obj.batch_no = _dr["batch_no"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.batch_total = _dr["batch_total"].ToInt32(); datam.DATA_BATCH_NO_SETTINGS[sab_fs_id].Add(_obj.un_id, _obj); } // _obj.entrant_count = _dr["entrant_count"].ToInt32(); _obj.entrant_total = _dr["entrant_total"].ToInt32(); } _dr.Close(); _dr.Dispose(); } return(true); #endregion }
public static bool GetMonthCashTransfers(int m_partition_id) { if (DATA_MONTH_CASH_TRANSFERS == null) { DATA_MONTH_CASH_TRANSFERS = new SortedList <int, SortedList <int, ic.cash_transferC> >(); } if (DATA_MONTH_CASH_TRANSFERS.Keys.IndexOf(m_partition_id) == -1) { DATA_MONTH_CASH_TRANSFERS.Add(m_partition_id, new SortedList <int, ic.cash_transferC>()); } if (wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP == null) { wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP = new SortedList <string, SortedList <int, long> >(); } string _table_name = "acc_cash_transfer_tb"; string _key = "_key34" + _table_name; if (wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP.IndexOfKey(_key) == -1) { wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP.Add(_key, new SortedList <int, long>()); wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP[_key].Add(m_partition_id, 0); } string _str = null; bool load_all = false; bool is_new = false; bool is_updated = false; long _stamp = 0; using (var xd = new xing()) { _stamp = xd.GetTimeStamp(_table_name); if (datam.DATA_MONTH_CASH_TRANSFERS[m_partition_id].Keys.Count == 0) { _str = string.Format("select * from " + _table_name + " where m_partition_id={0} and status={1}", m_partition_id, em.cashTransferStatus.valid.ToInt16()); load_all = true; is_new = true; } else { if (_stamp == wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP[_key][m_partition_id]) { xd.RollBackTransaction(); return(false); } _str = string.Format("select * from " + _table_name + " where m_partition_id={0} and fs_time_stamp > {1}", m_partition_id, wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP[_key][m_partition_id]); } wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP[_key][m_partition_id] = _stamp; using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand(_str)) { if (_dr == null) { return(false); } ic.cash_transferC _obj = null; while (_dr.Read()) { if (!is_updated) { is_updated = true; } _obj = null; if (load_all) { _obj = new ic.cash_transferC(); } else { try { _obj = datam.DATA_MONTH_CASH_TRANSFERS[m_partition_id][_dr["un_id"].ToInt32()]; is_new = false; } catch (Exception) { if (_obj == null) { _obj = new ic.cash_transferC(); is_new = true; } } } // if (is_new) { _obj.un_id = _dr["un_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.pc_us_id = _dr["pc_us_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.amount = _dr["amount"].ToInt32(); _obj.destination_id = _dr["destination_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.destination_type_id = _dr["destination_type_id"].ToInt32(); // _obj.fs_date = _dr.GetDateTime("fs_date"); _obj.fs_id = fn.GetFSID(_obj.fs_date.Value); _obj.source_id = _dr["source_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.source_type_id = _dr["source_type_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.transfer_reason = _dr["transfer_reason"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.pc_us_id = _dr["pc_us_id"].ToInt32(); } _obj.status = (em.cashTransferStatus)_dr["status"].ToInt16(); _obj.is_updated = true; if (_dr["delete_fs_date"] != null) { if (_obj.objDelInfo == null) { _obj.objDelInfo = new ic.deleteBaseC(); } _obj.objDelInfo.del_fs_date = _dr.GetDateTime("delete_fs_date"); _obj.objDelInfo.del_fs_id = fn.GetFSID(_obj.objDelInfo.del_fs_date.Value); // _obj.objDelInfo.del_fs_time = _dr["del_fs_time"].ToStringNullable(); // _obj.objDelInfo.del_pc_us_id = _dr["del_pc_us_id"].ToInt32(); } if (is_new) { datam.DATA_MONTH_CASH_TRANSFERS[m_partition_id].Add(_obj.un_id, _obj); } } } xd.CommitTransaction(); } return(is_updated); }
public static void FillExpenseCategories(xing xd) { if (DATA_EXPENSE_CATEGORY == null) { DATA_EXPENSE_CATEGORY = new SortedList <int, ic.expense_catC>(); } string _table_name = "acc_expense_cat_tb"; if (wdata.TABLE_STAMP == null) { wdata.TABLE_STAMP = new SortedList <string, long>(); } if (wdata.TABLE_STAMP.IndexOfKey(_table_name) == -1) { wdata.TABLE_STAMP.Add(_table_name, 0); } bool is_new = false; bool load_all = false; string _str = string.Empty; long _stamp = xd.GetTimeStamp(_table_name); if (DATA_EXPENSE_CATEGORY.Keys.Count == 0) { _str = "select * from " + _table_name; load_all = true; } else { if (wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_table_name] == _stamp) { return; } _str = string.Format("select * from " + _table_name + " where fs_time_stamp > {0}", wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_table_name]); } wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_table_name] = _stamp; ic.expense_catC _obj = null; #region database fill using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand(_str)) { while (_dr.Read()) { _obj = null; if (load_all) { _obj = new ic.expense_catC(); is_new = true; } else { try { _obj = datam.DATA_EXPENSE_CATEGORY[_dr["exp_cat_id"].ToInt32()]; is_new = false; } catch (Exception ex) { if (_obj == null) { _obj = new ic.expense_catC(); is_new = true; } } } if (is_new) { _obj.exp_cat_id = _dr["exp_cat_id"].ToInt32(); datam.DATA_EXPENSE_CATEGORY.Add(_obj.exp_cat_id, _obj); } _obj.exp_cat_name = _dr["exp_cat_name"].ToStringNullable(); } _dr.Close(); _dr.Dispose(); } #endregion }
public static void FillExpenseAccounts(xing xd) { if (DATA_EXPENSE_ACCOUNTS == null) { DATA_EXPENSE_ACCOUNTS = new SortedList <int, ic.expense_accountC>(); } string _table_name = "acc_expense_accounts_tb"; if (wdata.TABLE_STAMP == null) { wdata.TABLE_STAMP = new SortedList <string, long>(); } if (wdata.TABLE_STAMP.IndexOfKey(_table_name) == -1) { wdata.TABLE_STAMP.Add(_table_name, 0); } bool is_new = false; bool load_all = false; string _str = string.Empty; long _stamp = xd.GetTimeStamp(_table_name); if (DATA_EXPENSE_ACCOUNTS.Keys.Count == 0) { _str = "select * from acc_expense_accounts_tb"; load_all = true; } else { if (wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_table_name] == _stamp) { return; } _str = string.Format("select * from acc_expense_accounts_tb where fs_time_stamp > {0}", wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_table_name]); load_all = false; } wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_table_name] = _stamp; ic.expense_accountC _obj = null; #region database fill using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand(_str)) { while (_dr.Read()) { _obj = null; if (load_all) { _obj = new ic.expense_accountC(); is_new = true; } else { try { _obj = datam.DATA_EXPENSE_ACCOUNTS[_dr["exp_acc_id"].ToInt32()]; is_new = false; } catch (Exception ex) { if (_obj == null) { _obj = new ic.expense_accountC(); is_new = true; } } } if (is_new) { _obj.exp_acc_id = _dr["exp_acc_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.exp_acc_type = (em.exp_acc_typeS)_dr["exp_acc_type_id"].ToByte(); datam.DATA_EXPENSE_ACCOUNTS.Add(_obj.exp_acc_id, _obj); } // _obj.sys_account_id = _dr["sys_account_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.cr_account_id = _dr["cr_account_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.inc_cg_id = _dr["cr_cg_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.cr_un_id = _dr["cr_un_id"].ToInt32(); // _obj.inc_sys_account_id = _dr["inc_sys_account_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.cuc_account_id = _dr["cuc_account_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.exp_acc_name = _dr["exp_acc_name"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.exp_cat_id = _dr["exp_cat_id"].ToInt32(); if (datam.DATA_EXPENSE_CATEGORY.IndexOfKey(_obj.exp_cat_id) > -1) { _obj.objCategory = (_obj.exp_cat_id == 0) ? null : datam.DATA_EXPENSE_CATEGORY[_obj.exp_cat_id]; } _obj.exp_acc_status = (em.exp_acc_statusS)_dr["exp_acc_status"].ToByte(); _obj.dept_id = _dr["dept_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.dept_parent_id = _dr["dept_parent_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.dept_sys_account_id = _dr["dept_sys_account_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.objDepartment = (_obj.dept_id == 0) ? null : datam.DATA_DEPARTMENT[_obj.dept_id]; _obj.is_updated = true; } _dr.Close(); _dr.Dispose(); } #endregion }
public static bool GetYearExpenses(int year, xing xd) { if (DATA_YEAR_EXPENSES == null) { DATA_YEAR_EXPENSES = new SortedList <int, SortedList <int, ic.expense_transC> >(); } if (DATA_YEAR_EXPENSES.Keys.IndexOf(year) == -1) { DATA_YEAR_EXPENSES.Add(year, new SortedList <int, ic.expense_transC>()); } if (wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP == null) { wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP = new SortedList <string, SortedList <int, long> >(); } string _table_name = "acc_expense_trans_tb"; string _key = string.Format("{0}{1}", _table_name, year); if (wdata.TABLE_STAMP.IndexOfKey(_key) == -1) { wdata.TABLE_STAMP.Add(_key, 0); } string _str = null; bool load_all = false; bool is_new = false; bool is_updated = false; long _stamp = 0; _stamp = xd.GetTimeStamp(_table_name); if (datam.DATA_YEAR_EXPENSES[year].Keys.Count == 0) { _str = string.Format("select * from " + _table_name + " where YEAR(exp_date)={0} and voucher_status={1}", year, em.voucher_statusS.valid.ToByte()); load_all = true; is_new = true; } else { if (_stamp == wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_key]) { xd.RollBackTransaction(); return(false); } _str = string.Format("select * from " + _table_name + " where YEAR(exp_date)={0} and fs_time_stamp > {1}", year, wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_key]); } wdata.TABLE_STAMP[_key] = _stamp; using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand(_str)) { if (_dr == null) { return(false); } ic.expense_transC _obj = null; while (_dr.Read()) { if (!is_updated) { is_updated = true; } _obj = null; if (load_all) { _obj = new ic.expense_transC(); } else { try { _obj = datam.DATA_YEAR_EXPENSES[year][_dr["un_id"].ToInt32()]; is_new = false; } catch (Exception) { if (_obj == null) { _obj = new ic.expense_transC(); is_new = true; } } } // if (is_new) { _obj.un_id = _dr["un_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.voucher_no = _dr["voucher_no"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.voucher_id = _dr["voucher_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.exp_acc_id = _dr["exp_acc_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.exp_amount = _dr["exp_amount"].ToInt32(); _obj.exp_details = _dr["exp_details"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.exp_date = _dr.GetDateTime("exp_date"); _obj.exp_fs_id = _dr["exp_fs_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.pc_us_id = _dr["pc_us_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.exp_cat_id = _dr["exp_cat_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.dept_id = _dr["dept_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.dept_parent_id = _dr["dept_parent_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.pay_mode = (em.voucher_Paymode)_dr["pay_mode"].ToByte(); _obj.cheque_no = _dr["cheque_no"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.source_type = (em.exp_inc_src_typeS)_dr["source_type_id"].ToByte(); _obj.source_account_id = _dr["source_account_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.sys_account_id = _dr["sys_account_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.source_id = _dr["source_id"].ToInt32(); try { _obj.objExpenseAccount = datam.DATA_EXPENSE_ACCOUNTS[_obj.exp_acc_id]; } catch (Exception) { } // } _obj.voucher_status = (em.voucher_statusS)_dr["voucher_status"].ToInt16(); _obj.is_updated = true; if (is_new) { datam.DATA_YEAR_EXPENSES[year].Add(_obj.un_id, _obj); } } } return(is_updated); }
public static bool GetMonthExpenses(int m_partition_id) { if (DATA_MONTH_EXPENSES == null) { DATA_MONTH_EXPENSES = new SortedList <int, SortedList <int, ic.expense_transC> >(); } if (DATA_MONTH_EXPENSES.Keys.IndexOf(m_partition_id) == -1) { DATA_MONTH_EXPENSES.Add(m_partition_id, new SortedList <int, ic.expense_transC>()); } if (wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP == null) { wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP = new SortedList <string, SortedList <int, long> >(); } string _table_name = "acc_expense_trans_tb"; if (wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP.IndexOfKey(_table_name) == -1) { wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP.Add(_table_name, new SortedList <int, long>()); wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP[_table_name].Add(m_partition_id, 0); } string _str = null; bool load_all = false; bool is_new = false; bool is_updated = false; long _stamp = 0; using (var xd = new xing()) { _stamp = xd.GetTimeStamp(_table_name); if (datam.DATA_MONTH_EXPENSES[m_partition_id].Keys.Count == 0) { _str = string.Format("select * from " + _table_name + " where m_partition_id={0} and voucher_status={1}", m_partition_id, em.voucher_statusS.valid.ToByte()); load_all = true; is_new = true; } else { if (_stamp == wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP[_table_name][m_partition_id]) { xd.RollBackTransaction(); return(false); } _str = string.Format("select * from " + _table_name + " where m_partition_id={0} and fs_time_stamp > {1}", m_partition_id, wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP[_table_name][m_partition_id]); } wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP[_table_name][m_partition_id] = _stamp; using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand(_str)) { if (_dr == null) { return(false); } ic.expense_transC _obj = null; while (_dr.Read()) { if (!is_updated) { is_updated = true; } _obj = null; if (load_all) { _obj = new ic.expense_transC(); } else { try { _obj = datam.DATA_MONTH_EXPENSES[m_partition_id][_dr["un_id"].ToInt32()]; is_new = false; } catch (Exception) { if (_obj == null) { _obj = new ic.expense_transC(); is_new = true; } } } // if (is_new) { _obj.un_id = _dr["un_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.voucher_no = _dr["voucher_no"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.voucher_id = _dr["voucher_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.exp_acc_id = _dr["exp_acc_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.exp_amount = _dr["exp_amount"].ToInt32(); _obj.exp_details = _dr["exp_details"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.exp_date = _dr.GetDateTime("exp_date"); _obj.exp_fs_id = _dr["exp_fs_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.pc_us_id = _dr["pc_us_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.exp_cat_id = _dr["exp_cat_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.dept_id = _dr["dept_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.dept_parent_id = _dr["dept_parent_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.pay_mode = (em.voucher_Paymode)_dr["pay_mode"].ToByte(); _obj.cheque_no = _dr["cheque_no"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.source_type = (em.exp_inc_src_typeS)_dr["source_type_id"].ToByte(); _obj.source_account_id = _dr["source_account_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.sys_account_id = _dr["sys_account_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.source_id = _dr["source_id"].ToInt32(); if (_dr["w_dr_data"] != null) { _obj.w_dr_data = _dr["w_dr_data"].ToStringNullable(); } if (_dr["tf_string"] != null) { _obj.tf_string = _dr["tf_string"].ToStringNullable(); } // try { _obj.objExpenseAccount = datam.DATA_EXPENSE_ACCOUNTS[_obj.exp_acc_id]; } catch (Exception) { } // } _obj.voucher_status = (em.voucher_statusS)_dr["voucher_status"].ToInt16(); _obj.is_updated = true; if (_dr["del_fs_date"] != null) { if (_obj.objDelInfo == null) { _obj.objDelInfo = new ic.deleteBaseC(); } _obj.objDelInfo.del_fs_date = _dr.GetDateTime("del_fs_date"); _obj.objDelInfo.del_fs_id = fn.GetFSID(_obj.objDelInfo.del_fs_date.Value); _obj.objDelInfo.del_fs_time = _dr["del_fs_time"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.objDelInfo.del_pc_us_id = _dr["del_pc_us_id"].ToInt32(); } if (is_new) { datam.DATA_MONTH_EXPENSES[m_partition_id].Add(_obj.un_id, _obj); } } } xd.CommitTransaction(); } return(is_updated); }
public static bool GetMonthForeignExchange(int m_partition_id) { if (DATA_MONTH_FOREIGN_EXCHANGE == null) { DATA_MONTH_FOREIGN_EXCHANGE = new SortedList <int, SortedList <int, ic.foreign_exchange_convC> >(); } if (DATA_MONTH_FOREIGN_EXCHANGE.Keys.IndexOf(m_partition_id) == -1) { DATA_MONTH_FOREIGN_EXCHANGE.Add(m_partition_id, new SortedList <int, ic.foreign_exchange_convC>()); } if (wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP == null) { wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP = new SortedList <string, SortedList <int, long> >(); } string _table_name = "acc_foreign_exchange_tb"; if (wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP.IndexOfKey(_table_name) == -1) { wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP.Add(_table_name, new SortedList <int, long>()); wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP[_table_name].Add(m_partition_id, 0); } string _str = null; bool load_all = false; bool is_new = false; bool is_updated = false; long _stamp = 0; using (var xd = new xing()) { _stamp = xd.GetTimeStamp(_table_name); datam.FillForeignCurrency(xd); if (datam.DATA_MONTH_FOREIGN_EXCHANGE[m_partition_id].Keys.Count == 0) { _str = string.Format("select * from " + _table_name + " where m_partition_id={0} and status={1}", m_partition_id, em.foreign_exch_statusS.valid.ToByte()); load_all = true; is_new = true; } else { if (_stamp == wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP[_table_name][m_partition_id]) { xd.RollBackTransaction(); return(false); } _str = string.Format("select * from " + _table_name + " where m_partition_id={0} and fs_time_stamp > {1}", m_partition_id, wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP[_table_name][m_partition_id]); } wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP[_table_name][m_partition_id] = _stamp; using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand(_str)) { if (_dr == null) { return(false); } ic.foreign_exchange_convC _obj = null; while (_dr.Read()) { if (!is_updated) { is_updated = true; } _obj = null; if (load_all) { _obj = new ic.foreign_exchange_convC(); } else { try { _obj = DATA_MONTH_FOREIGN_EXCHANGE[m_partition_id][_dr["un_id"].ToInt32()]; is_new = false; } catch (Exception) { if (_obj == null) { _obj = new ic.foreign_exchange_convC(); is_new = true; } } } // if (is_new) { _obj.un_id = _dr["un_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.used_exch_rate = _dr.GetFloat("used_exch_rate"); _obj.exchanged_amount = _dr["exchanged_amount"].ToInt32(); _obj.curr_sys_amount = _dr["curr_sys_amount"].ToInt32(); _obj.curr_sys_exch_rate = _dr.GetFloat("curr_sys_exch_rate"); _obj.m_partition_id = _dr["m_partition_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.sys_account_id = _dr["sys_account_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.currency_id = _dr["currency_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.fs_id = _dr["fs_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.fs_date = _dr.GetDateTime("fs_date"); // } _obj.status = (em.foreign_exch_statusS)_dr["status"].ToInt16(); _obj.is_updated = true; if (_dr["del_fs_date"] != null) { if (_obj.objDelInfo == null) { _obj.objDelInfo = new ic.deleteBaseC(); } _obj.objDelInfo.del_fs_date = _dr.GetDateTime("del_fs_date"); _obj.objDelInfo.del_fs_id = fn.GetFSID(_obj.objDelInfo.del_fs_date.Value); _obj.objDelInfo.del_fs_time = _dr["del_fs_time"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.objDelInfo.del_pc_us_id = _dr["del_pc_us_id"].ToInt32(); } if (is_new) { DATA_MONTH_FOREIGN_EXCHANGE[m_partition_id].Add(_obj.un_id, _obj); } } } xd.CommitTransaction(); } return(is_updated); }