public ObjectOptionsForm(xObject obj)
     Text = Options.LangCur.lEOTitle + " " + Options.LangCur.lEETitleObject;
     // Share
     lblReference.Text = Options.LangCur.lEOReference;
     lblName.Text      = Options.LangCur.lEOName;
     toolTip.SetToolTip(btnGetReference, Options.LangCur.hEOGetReference);
     // Own
     toolTip.SetToolTip(btnIPAdd, Options.LangCur.hOOIPAdd);
     toolTip.SetToolTip(btnIPEdit, Options.LangCur.hOOIPEdit);
     toolTip.SetToolTip(btnIPDelete, Options.LangCur.hOOIPDelete);
     clmIP.Text         = Options.LangCur.lOOColumIP;
     clmPeriod.Text     = Options.LangCur.lOOColumPeriod;
     clmTimeNext.Text   = Options.LangCur.lOOColumTimeNext;
     clmTimeLast.Text   = Options.LangCur.lOOColumTimeLast;
     clmLastResult.Text = Options.LangCur.lOOColumResult;
     // Store
     Object = obj;
     if (Object == null)
         btnIPAdd.Enabled = false;
         btnOk.Enabled    = false;
     // Fill
     tbReference.Text   = Object.Reference;
     tbName.Text        = Object.Name;
     tbDescription.Text = Object.Description;
     // Fill IPs
     foreach (var IP in obj.IPs)
         Share.lvIPs_Add(lvIPs, IP, ref IP.Obj_lvItem);
 private void UpdateObjectNode(ListViewItem lvItem, xObject Object)//Ok
     lvItem.SubItems[0].Text = '"' + Object.Name + '"';
     lvItem.SubItems[1].Text = Object.X + ", " + Object.Y;
     lvItem.SubItems[2].Text = '"' + Object.Prototype.Name + '"';
     lvItem.SubItems[3].Text = '"' + Object.Reference + '"';
        private void btnObjectEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//Ok
            if (lvObjects.SelectedItems.Count < 1)
            xObject obj = (lvObjects.SelectedItems[0].Tag as xObject);

            if (obj == null)
            // Remove IPs
            foreach (var IP in obj.IPs)
                IP.Map_lvItem = null;
            // Edit
            new ObjectOptionsForm(obj).ShowDialog();
            UpdateObjectNode(lvObjects.SelectedItems[0], obj);
            // Return IPs in list
            foreach (var IP in obj.IPs)
                Share.lvIPs_Add(lvIPs, IP, ref IP.Map_lvItem);
Exemple #4
        public IPEditForm(xIP ip, xObject owner)//Ok
            tpPings.Text          = Options.LangCur.lIPTabMain;
            lblAddress.Text       = Options.LangCur.lIPAddress;
            lblName.Text          = Options.LangCur.lEOName;
            lblPeriod.Text        = Options.LangCur.lIPPeriod;
            lblTimeNext.Text      = Options.LangCur.lIPTimeNext;
            lblTimeOutGreen.Text  = Options.LangCur.lIPTimeOutGreen;
            lblTimeOutYellow.Text = Options.LangCur.lIPTimeOutYellow;
            lblTimeOutRed.Text    = Options.LangCur.lIPTimeOutRed;
            // Fill
            if (ip == null)
                Text = Options.LangCur.lIPTitleAdd;
                ip   = new xIP(owner);
                Text = Options.LangCur.lIPTitleEdit;
            IP                 = ip;
            tbName.Text        = IP.Name;
            tbDescription.Text = IP.Description;
            tbAddress.Text     = IP.Address;
            nudTimeOutGreen.Value  = IP.TimeOutGreen;
            nudTimeOutYellow.Value = IP.TimeOutYellow;
            nudTimeOutRed.Value    = IP.TimeOutRed;
            dtpDateNext.Value   = IP.TimeNext;
            dtpDateNext.Checked = IP.Onn;
            nudPeriod.Value     = IP.Period;

            // Pings
            tpPings.Text     = Options.LangCur.lIPTabPings;
            clmSendTime.Text = Options.LangCur.lIPColumSendTime;
            clmState.Text    = Options.LangCur.lIPColumState;
            clmTripTime.Text = Options.LangCur.lIPColumTripTime;
            toolTip.SetToolTip(btnClearPings, Options.LangCur.hIPClearPings);
            // Fill
            for (int i = 0; i < IP.PingsCount; i++)
                if (IP.Pings[i].State != PingStates.NotSend)
                    Share.lvPings_Add(lvPings, IP, IP.Pings[i]);
            IP.Pings_lv = lvPings;

            // Push window sizes
            tabControl.Width = tlpTimers.Width + 16;
Exemple #5
 private void TryToBindToObject(xMap Map, int X, int Y, ref xObject Object, ref UInt64 ObjectID, ref xDot Dot, ref UInt64 DotID, ref int paramX, ref int paramY)
     ObjectID = 0;
     Object   = Map.ObjectAt(X, Y) as xObject;
     if (Object == null)
     // Bind
     ObjectID = Object.ID;
     Dot      = Object.GetNearestDot(X, Y);
     DotID    = Dot.ID;
     paramX   = Object.Left + Dot.X;
     paramY   = Object.Top + Dot.Y;
Exemple #6
        private void MainForm_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)//
            // Save action start point
            msXnLast = msXLast = e.X;
            msYnLast = msYLast = e.Y;
            Map.SnapXY(ref msXnLast, ref msYnLast);

            // Prevent senseless action
            if (rbObject.Checked && rbObject.Tag == null)
                rbDefault.Checked = true;
            else if (rbLink.Checked && rbLink.Tag == null)
                rbDefault.Checked = true;
            else if (rbBox.Checked && rbBox.Tag == null)
                rbDefault.Checked = true;

            #region Default tool
            if (rbDefault.Checked)
                ContextMenuStrip = cmsElement;
                if (MoverB.Visible &&
                    MoverB.X <= msXLast && msXLast < MoverB.X + MoverB.W &&
                    MoverB.Y <= msYLast && msYLast < MoverB.Y + MoverB.H)
                    MoverB.Active = true;
                else if (MoverA.Visible &&
                         MoverA.X <= msXLast && msXLast < MoverA.X + MoverA.W &&
                         MoverA.Y <= msYLast && msYLast < MoverA.Y + MoverA.H)
                    MoverA.Active = true;
                else if (Selection.Visible &&
                         Selection.X <= msXLast && msXLast < Selection.X + Selection.W &&
                         Selection.Y <= msYLast && msYLast < Selection.Y + Selection.H)
                    Selection.Active = true;
                    Cursor           = Selection.Cursor;
                    if (Map.SelectAt(msXLast + Map.ScrollX, msYLast + Map.ScrollY) == null)
                        if (hScrollBar.LargeChange < hScrollBar.Maximum)
                            if (vScrollBar.LargeChange < vScrollBar.Maximum)
                                Cursor = Cursors.NoMove2D;
                                Cursor = Cursors.NoMoveHoriz;
                        if (vScrollBar.LargeChange < vScrollBar.Maximum)
                            Cursor = Cursors.NoMoveVert;
                            Cursor = Cursors.No;
                        ContextMenuStrip = cmsMap;
                        Selection.Active = true;

            #region Element tool
                MoverA.Visible     =
                    MoverB.Visible = false;
                ContextMenuStrip   = cmsElement;
                if (rbObject.Checked)
                    var Object = new xObject(Map);
                    Object.Prototype         = Map.AddPObject(rbObject.Tag as xPrototype);
                    Object.PrototypeID       = Object.Prototype.ID;
                    Object.PrototypeRevision = Object.Prototype.Revision;
                    // Set data
                    Object.X = msXLast + Map.ScrollX;
                    Object.Y = msYLast + Map.ScrollY;
                    Map.SnapXY(ref Object.X, ref Object.Y);
                    Map.Selected     = Object;
                    Selection.Active = true;
                else if (rbLink.Checked)
                    var Link = new xLink(Map);
                    Link.Prototype         = Map.AddPLink(rbLink.Tag as xPrototype);
                    Link.PrototypeID       = Link.Prototype.ID;
                    Link.PrototypeRevision = Link.Prototype.Revision;
                    // Set data
                    Link.XA = Link.XB = msXLast + Map.ScrollX;
                    Link.YA = Link.YB = msYLast + Map.ScrollY;
                    Map.SnapXY(ref Link.XA, ref Link.YA);
                    Map.SnapXY(ref Link.XB, ref Link.YB);
                    // Try to bind to object
                    Map.Selected = Map.ObjectAt(msXLast + Map.ScrollX, msYLast + Map.ScrollY);
                    if (Map.Selected != null)
                        Link.ObjectA   = Map.Selected as xObject;
                        Link.ObjectAID = Link.ObjectA.ID;
                        Link.DotA      = Link.ObjectA.GetNearestDot(msXLast + Map.ScrollX, msYLast + Map.ScrollY);
                        Link.DotAID    = Link.DotA.ID;
                        Link.XA        = Link.ObjectA.Left + Link.DotA.X;
                        Link.YA        = Link.ObjectA.Top + Link.DotA.Y;
                    Map.Selected  = Link;
                    MoverB.Cursor = Cursors.SizeAll;
                    MoverB.Active = true;
                    var Box = new xBox(Map);
                    Box.Prototype         = Map.AddPBox(rbBox.Tag as xPrototype);
                    Box.PrototypeID       = Box.Prototype.ID;
                    Box.PrototypeRevision = Box.Prototype.Revision;
                    // Set data
                    Box.Left   = msXLast + Map.ScrollX;
                    Box.Top    = msYLast + Map.ScrollY;
                    Box.Width  = 1;
                    Box.Height = 1;
                    Box.Text   = (Box.Prototype as xPBox).Text;
                    Map.SnapXY(ref Box.Left, ref Box.Top);
                    Map.Selected  = Box;
                    MoverB.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE;
                    MoverB.Active = true;
                // Update
                Map.Draw(Map.Selected.Left - 8, Map.Selected.Top - 8, Map.Selected.Width + 16, Map.Selected.Height + 16);
