public static float calcLerpValueAngle(this float f, float currAngle, float endAngle, float lerpVelocity_DperF, wrapType wT)
     return(lerpHelper.calcLerpValueAngle(currAngle, endAngle, lerpVelocity_DperF, wT));
        public static float calcLerpValueAngle(float currAngle, float endAngle, float lerpVelocity_DperF, wrapType wT)
            float shortestDist = Mathf.Abs(Mathf.DeltaAngle(currAngle, endAngle)) % 360;
            //---calc distance left to travel
            float distToFinish = (wT == wrapType.shortest) ? shortestDist : 360 - shortestDist;

            //--- calc lerp value based on this
            return(Mathf.Clamp((lerpVelocity_DperF / distToFinish), 0, 1));
 public static float calcGuideDistanceAngle(this float f, float startAngle, float currAngle, float endAngle, guideDistance GD, wrapType wT)
     return(lerpHelper.calcGuideDistanceAngle(startAngle, currAngle, endAngle, GD, wT));
        /// <summary>
        /// You only need to fill in the values that guide distance is asking for
        /// the other parameter must be filled in but will not affect the result
        /// NOTE: guideDistance.other has no definition for anything but color
        /// EX: IF (your passed GD == guideDistance.distBetween_StartAndEnd) -> currValue(s) will not be used
        ///     because GD is only asking for a startValue(s) and endValue(s)
        /// </summary>
        public static float calcGuideDistanceAngle(float startAngle, float currAngle, float endAngle, guideDistance GD, wrapType wT)
            float shortestDist;

            if (GD == guideDistance.distBetween_StartAndCurr)
                shortestDist = Mathf.Abs(Mathf.DeltaAngle(startAngle, currAngle));
            else if (GD == guideDistance.distBetween_StartAndEnd)
                shortestDist = Mathf.Abs(Mathf.DeltaAngle(startAngle, endAngle));
                shortestDist = Mathf.Abs(Mathf.DeltaAngle(currAngle, endAngle));
            shortestDist = shortestDist % 360;
            return((wT == wrapType.shortest) ? shortestDist : 360 - shortestDist); //this should only return a value between 0 -> 360