Exemple #1
    bool DirectionAppoximately(Func<bool> firstQuery, Func<bool> secondQuery, whichDirection _whichDirection)
        if (_whichDirection == whichDirection.UpOrDown) {

                        return firstQuery ();
                } else if (_whichDirection == whichDirection.LeftOrRight) {
                        return secondQuery ();
                } else {
                        return true;
Exemple #2
    //This method is for setting smooth movement after ending the touch:
    IEnumerator SetLocation(Vector3 toReach, int rotateDirection, whichDirection _whichDirection)
        //Let's check the animation timer. We don't want to wait forever for the animation to finish itself.
        //In my head I assumed half a second is a good value.
                 float animationTimer = 0.0F;
                //Let's give a smooth movement while you are moving your object by your touches:
                while (toReach != Vector3.zero &&
                              	() => !Mathf.Approximately (gameObject.transform.position.z, toReach.z),
                                () => !Mathf.Approximately (gameObject.transform.position.x, toReach.x)
                                    ,_whichDirection)) {
            animationTimer += Time.deltaTime;
                        gameObject.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (gameObject.transform.position, toReach, marbleMovementSensitivity);

            //If the lerp animation takes more than half a second then break it please.
            if (smoothVectorGoal == Vector3.zero || animationTimer>0.3F ) {

                        if (
                DirectionAppoximately (
                () => !Mathf.Approximately (Mathf.RoundToInt (gameObject.transform.position.z * 10), Mathf.RoundToInt (toReach.z * 10)),
                () => !Mathf.Approximately (Mathf.RoundToInt (gameObject.transform.position.x * 10), Mathf.RoundToInt (toReach.x * 10)), _whichDirection)) {
                                if (_whichDirection == whichDirection.UpOrDown) {
                                        gameObject.transform.Rotate (returnDirection * speed * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0, Space.World);
                                } else if (_whichDirection == whichDirection.LeftOrRight) {
                                        gameObject.transform.Rotate (0, 0, returnDirection * speed * Time.deltaTime, Space.World);


                        if (DirectionAppoximately (
                () => Mathf.Approximately (gameObject.transform.position.z, toReach.z),
                () => Mathf.Approximately (gameObject.transform.position.x, toReach.x), _whichDirection)) {
                                //At the set the precise position to avoid misalignment:
                                gameObject.transform.position = toReach;
                                _WhichDirection = whichDirection.None;

                        yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.0001f);


                if (DirectionAppoximately (
            () => !Mathf.Approximately (gameObject.transform.position.z, toReach.z),
            () => !Mathf.Approximately (gameObject.transform.position.x, toReach.x), _whichDirection)) {
                        //At the end set the precise position to avoid misalignment:
                        gameObject.transform.position = toReach;
                        _WhichDirection = whichDirection.None;

Exemple #3
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        touchTimer += Time.deltaTime;

                // Track a single touch as a direction control.
        //And our touch is not locked:
        if (Input.touchCount == 1 ) {
            //Let's lock the touches:
            if (touchTimer <= 0.06) {
                        var touch = Input.GetTouch (0);

                        // Handle finger movements based on touch phase.
                        switch (touch.phase) {

                        // Record initial touch position.
                        case TouchPhase.Began:
                touchTimer = 0;
                                smoothVectorGoal = Vector3.zero;
                                startPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (new Vector3 (touch.position.x, touch.position.y, 1f));
                                touchYPosition = touch.position.y;
                                touchXPosition = touch.position.x;
                                //Let's get the start position and then we will subtract this value with the touch move value.
                                gameObjectStartPosition = gameObject.transform.position;

                                objectChosenForYAxis = (touch.position.x >= Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint (gameObject.transform.position).x - touchSensitivity
                                        && touch.position.x <= Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint (gameObject.transform.position).x + touchSensitivity);

                                objectChosenForXAxis = (touch.position.y >= Camera.main.pixelHeight / 2 - touchSensitivity
                                        && touch.position.y <= Camera.main.pixelHeight / 2 + touchSensitivity
                                        && touch.position.y >= Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint (gameObject.transform.position).y - touchSensitivity
                                        && touch.position.y <= Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint (gameObject.transform.position).y + touchSensitivity);

                        // Determine direction by comparing the current touch
                        // position with the initial one.
                        case TouchPhase.Moved:

                                //After getting touch start position, we will subtract this value with the current touch position.
                                //direction variable will give you the necessary movement pixels.
                                //after adding the gameObjectStartPosition value with this direction you get the right movement.
                                direction = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (new Vector3 (touch.position.x, touch.position.y, 1f)) - startPos;
                                if ((_WhichDirection == whichDirection.None || _WhichDirection == whichDirection.UpOrDown)
                                        && objectChosenForYAxis && Mathf.Abs (touchYPosition - touch.position.y) > Mathf.Abs (touchXPosition - touch.position.x)) {

                                        _WhichDirection = whichDirection.UpOrDown;
                                        gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3 (gameObject.transform.position.x, gameObject.transform.position.y, gameObjectStartPosition.z + direction.z);
                                        gameObject.transform.Rotate (touch.deltaPosition.y * speed * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0, Space.World);
                                        returnDirection = touch.deltaPosition.y <= 0 ? -1 : 1;
                                } else if ((_WhichDirection == whichDirection.None || _WhichDirection == whichDirection.LeftOrRight)
                                        && objectChosenForXAxis && Mathf.Abs (touchYPosition - touch.position.y) < Mathf.Abs (touchXPosition - touch.position.x)) {

                                        returnDirection = touch.deltaPosition.x <= 0 ? 1 : -1;
                                        _WhichDirection = whichDirection.LeftOrRight;

                                        gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3 (gameObjectStartPosition.x + direction.x, gameObject.transform.position.y, gameObject.transform.position.z);
                                        gameObject.transform.Rotate (0, 0, touch.deltaPosition.x * speed * Time.deltaTime, Space.World);
                        // Report that a direction has been chosen when the finger is lifted.
                        case TouchPhase.Ended:

                                if (objectChosenForYAxis && Mathf.Abs (touchYPosition - touch.position.y) > Mathf.Abs (touchXPosition - touch.position.x)) {
                                        objectChosenForYAxis = false;

                                        smoothVectorGoal = new Vector3 (gameObject.transform.position.x, gameObject.transform.position.y, Mathf.CeilToInt (gameObject.transform.position.z + direction.z));
                                        StartCoroutine (SetLocation (smoothVectorGoal, returnDirection, _WhichDirection));

                                } else if (objectChosenForXAxis && Mathf.Abs (touchYPosition - touch.position.y) < Mathf.Abs (touchXPosition - touch.position.x)) {
                                        objectChosenForXAxis = false;
                                        smoothVectorGoal = new Vector3 (Mathf.CeilToInt (gameObjectStartPosition.x + direction.x), gameObject.transform.position.y, gameObject.transform.position.z);

                                        StartCoroutine (SetLocation (smoothVectorGoal, returnDirection, _WhichDirection));


Exemple #4
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     _WhichDirection = whichDirection.None;