/// <summary>
        /// 限时秒杀
        /// </summary>
        private void miaosha()
            System.Data.DataTable dtxsms = new webs_YueyxShop.BLL.SKUBase().GetDefaultSKUDetial(" and p_id in( select p_ID from ProductRecommendDetail where prt_ID=15 and prd_Status=0 and prd_IsDelete=0 ) and pi_type=1 and pt_IsDel=0 and pt_StatusCode=0 and b_IsDel=0 and sku_IsDel=0 and sku_StatusCode=0 and pi_StatusCode=0 and pi_IsDel=0 and p_IsDel=0 and p_StatusCode=0");
            if (dtxsms.Rows.Count > 0)
                ViewData["pc首页限时秒杀"] = dtxsms;

            else {
                ViewData["pc首页限时秒杀"] = "";
 /// <summary>
 /// 促销商品推荐
 /// </summary>
 private void cuixiao()
     System.Data.DataTable dtcuxiao = new webs_YueyxShop.BLL.SKUBase().GetDefaultSKUDetial(" and p_id in( select p_ID from ProductRecommendDetail where prt_ID=7  and prd_Status=0 and prd_IsDelete=0 ) and pi_type=1 and pt_IsDel=0 and pt_StatusCode=0 and b_IsDel=0 and sku_IsDel=0 and sku_StatusCode=0 and pi_StatusCode=0 and pi_IsDel=0 and p_IsDel=0 and p_StatusCode=0");
     ViewData["pc首页促销"] = dtcuxiao;
        public ActionResult Commodity()
            ViewBag.Title = "商品列表-书生网";
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            DataTable dtptb1 = new BLL.ProductTypeBase().GetList(" pt_Layer=1 and pt_StatusCode=0 and pt_IsDel=0 order by pt_Sort asc").Tables[0];//一级商品类型

            if (dtptb1.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < dtptb1.Rows.Count; i++)
                    sb.Append("<dt class=\"odd\">" + dtptb1.Rows[i]["pt_Name"] + "</dt>");
                    DataTable dtptb2 = new BLL.ProductTypeBase().GetList(" pt_Layer=2 and pt_StatusCode=0 and pt_IsDel=0  and pt_ParentId="+dtptb1.Rows[i]["pt_ID"]+" order by pt_Sort asc").Tables[0];//二级商品类型
                    if (dtptb2.Rows.Count > 0)
                        sb.Append("<dd class=\"odd\">");
                        for (int n = 0; n < dtptb2.Rows.Count; n++)
                            sb.Append("<a href='/sswCommodity/Commodity?pt_id="+dtptb2.Rows[n]["pt_ID"]+"'><span class=\"price1\">"+dtptb2.Rows[n]["pt_Name"]+"</span></a>("+dtptb2.Rows.Count+")");
                    ViewBag.CommodityTitle = sb.ToString();

            string ptb_id = Request.QueryString["pt_id"] == null ? "0" : Request.QueryString["pt_id"].ToString();
            string brand_id = Request.QueryString["b_id"] == null ? "0" : Request.QueryString["b_id"].ToString();
            DataTable dtmztm=null;
            if (ptb_id != "0")
                dtmztm = new webs_YueyxShop.BLL.SKUBase().GetDefaultSKUDetial(" and pt_ID=" + ptb_id + "  and pi_type=0 and pt_IsDel=0 and pt_StatusCode=0 and b_IsDel=0 and sku_IsDel=0 and sku_StatusCode=0 and pi_StatusCode=0 and pi_IsDel=0 and p_IsDel=0 and p_StatusCode=0");
            else if(brand_id!="0") {
                dtmztm = new webs_YueyxShop.BLL.SKUBase().GetDefaultSKUDetial(" and b_ID=" + brand_id + "  and pi_type=0 and pt_IsDel=0 and pt_StatusCode=0 and b_IsDel=0 and sku_IsDel=0 and sku_StatusCode=0 and pi_StatusCode=0 and pi_IsDel=0 and p_IsDel=0 and p_StatusCode=0");
                dtmztm = new webs_YueyxShop.BLL.SKUBase().GetDefaultSKUDetial("  and pi_type=0 and pt_IsDel=0 and pt_StatusCode=0 and b_IsDel=0 and sku_IsDel=0 and sku_StatusCode=0 and pi_StatusCode=0 and pi_IsDel=0 and p_IsDel=0 and p_StatusCode=0");


            ViewData["pcCommodityList"] = dtmztm;
            //List<Model.SKUBase> list= new webs_YueyxShop.BLL.SKUBase().DataTableToList(dtmztm);
            //int total = 0;//总行数
            //int pageSize = 300;//每页25行
            //int pageNumber = 1;//当前页

            //var skucc= new BLL.SKUBase().GetModelList(" sku_StatusCode=0 and sku_IsDel=0 ");
            //total = skucc.Count();

            //this.ViewData["TotalCount"] = total.ToString();
            //this.ViewData["NumberPage"] = pageSize.ToString();
            //this.ViewData["PagenumShown"] = "10";
            //this.ViewData["CurrentPage"] = pageNumber.ToString();

            //return View(skucc.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize));

            return View();