public ActionResult CreateForm()
            ViewData["H1"] = "New Magasin";

            var viewModel = new viewGenreModel
                GenreList = _contextDb.GenreList.ToList(),

        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            ViewData["H1"] = "Edit Magasin";

            var magasin = _contextDb.Magasins.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Id == id);

            if (magasin == null)

            var viewModel = new viewGenreModel
                magasin   = magasin,
                GenreList = _contextDb.GenreList.ToList()

            return(View("CreateForm", viewModel));
        public ActionResult Save(viewGenreModel NewMagasin)                            //---> Start here Complete the saving function and You are Done for Day:::
            if (NewMagasin.magasin.Id == 0)
                var magasinDb = _contextDb.Magasins.Single(c => c.Id == NewMagasin.magasin.Id);

                magasinDb.Name         = NewMagasin.magasin.Name;
                magasinDb.RealeaseDate = NewMagasin.magasin.RealeaseDate;
                magasinDb.DataAdd      = NewMagasin.magasin.DataAdd;
                magasinDb.InStock      = NewMagasin.magasin.InStock;
                magasinDb.GenreId      = NewMagasin.magasin.GenreId;

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Magasin"));