Exemple #1
    void SpawnDirtParts(twin cell, twinrect subpartrect)
        var bottomleftpos = tilemap.CellToWorld(cell) + twin.one;

        subpartrect.DoEach(subpart =>
            banks["dirtpart"].Spawn(GetEntLot("dirts"), bottomleftpos + subpart * 2);
Exemple #2
        public HashSet <MazeBody> GetBodiesNearCell(twin cell_pos, float cell_dist)
            int      max_int_cell_dist = Mathf.CeilToInt(cell_dist + .5f);
            twin     max_rel_twin      = twin.one * max_int_cell_dist;
            twinrect zone   = new twinrect(cell_pos - max_rel_twin, cell_pos + max_rel_twin);
            var      bodies = new HashSet <MazeBody>();

            zone.DoEach((test_pos) =>
                if ((test_pos - cell_pos).sqrLength <= cell_dist * cell_dist)
Exemple #3
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        Instance = this;
        twinrect rect_outer      = new twinrect(0, 0, 19, 17);
        twinrect rect_inner      = new twinrect(rect_outer.min + twin.one, rect_outer.max - twin.one);
        twinrect rect_innerinner = new twinrect(rect_outer.min + twin.one * 2, rect_outer.max - twin.one * 2);

        rect_outer.DoEach(cell =>
            if (rect_inner.Contains(cell))
                float chance_of_wall = .02f;
                if (cell.x % 2 == 0)
                    chance_of_wall += .1f;
                if (cell.y % 2 == 0)
                    chance_of_wall += .1f;

                if (Random.value < chance_of_wall && (cell - twin.one).taxicabLength > 3 && (cell - new twin(18, 16)).taxicabLength > 3)
                    Sett(cell, 1);
                    Sett(cell, 0);
                    if (Random.value < .12f)
                        banks["ant"].Spawn <CommuterAnt>(GetEntLot("ants")).Setup(master, cell, pather_solids);
                // border wall
                Sett(cell, 1);

        banks["player"].Spawn <BaseCommuter>(GetEntLot("player")).Setup(master, new twin(18, 16), pather_solids);
Exemple #4
    void Dig(twin cell, bool dirty = true) // dirty is the default!
        twinrect dirtyrect = new twinrect(0, 0, 3, 3);

        if (Gett(cell) == 3)
            dirtyrect.min += twin.up * 2;
        Sett(cell, 0);
        if (Gett(cell + twin.up) == 2)
            Sett(cell + twin.up, 3);
            dirtyrect.max += twin.up * 2;

        SpawnDirtParts(cell, dirtyrect);
    private void Start()
        Physics2D.IgnoreLayerCollision(LayerMask.NameToLayer("Bad"), LayerMask.NameToLayer("Bad"));

        var bounds      = new twinrect(-1, 0, 20, 10 - 1);
        var innerbounds = new twinrect(bounds.min + twin.one, bounds.max - twin.one);

        bounds.DoEach(cell =>
            var EntPos = tilemap.layoutGrid.GetCellCenterWorld(cell);
            if (innerbounds.Contains(cell))
                int storey = cell.y / 3 % 2 + 1;
                if (cell.y % 3 == 0)
                    if (cell.x % 4 != (storey))
                        Sett(cell, 10);
                if (cell.y % 3 == 1)
                    if (cell.x % 4 == (storey + 2) % 4)
                        if (GetEntLot("machines").IsEmpty())
                            banks["avatar"].Spawn(GetEntLot("players"), EntPos);

                        banks["machine"].Spawn <Machine>(GetEntLot("machines"), EntPos).Setup();
                Sett(cell, 10);

        banks["gross_smoker"].Spawn <Smoker>(GetEntLot("bads"), new Vector3(84, 120)).Setup(this);
Exemple #6
    private void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R))
            player.transform.position = mazeMaster.grid.GetCellCenterWorld(new twin(0, 8));

        twin camcell = new twin(Mathf.FloorToInt(player.transform.position.x / 160f), Mathf.FloorToInt(player.transform.position.y / 144f));

        gameCamera.transform.position = camcell.Scale(160, 144) + new Vector3(80, 72, -10);

        if (currentCamCell != camcell)

            Random.InitState(1024132 + camcell.x + 992 * camcell.y);

            float density = .2f + camcell.taxicabLength * .05f;

            var root  = camcell.Scale(20, 18);
            var outer = new twinrect(root, root + new twin(20 - 1, 18 - 1));
            var inner = new twinrect(outer.min + twin.one, outer.max - twin.one);
            outer.DoEach(cell =>
                if (cell.y == outer.mid.y || cell.y == outer.mid.y + 1 || cell.x == outer.mid.x || cell.x == outer.mid.x + 1)
                    // if in center aisles and close to the edge
                    if (!inner.Contains(cell))
                        Sett(cell, 2); // 'no ai past this point'
                    else if (cell.x < inner.min.x + 3 || cell.x > inner.max.x - 3 || cell.y < inner.min.y + 2 || cell.y > inner.max.y - 2)
                        Sett(cell, 0);
                    // if in center aisles and close to the middle of the room
                        SpawnRandom(cell, density);
                else if (inner.Contains(cell)) // if in meat of room and *not* in center aisles
                    if (Random.value < density)
                        Sett(cell, 1);
                else // if along outer edge
                    Sett(cell, 1);

            if (camcell.y > currentCamCell.y)
                var jumper = player.GetComponent <navdi3.jump.Jumper>();
                jumper.body.velocity = new Vector2(jumper.body.velocity.x, jumper.y_JumpSpeed);

            currentCamCell = camcell;

            var xlabel = "--";
            if (camcell.x != 0)
                xlabel = Mathf.Abs(camcell.x) + (camcell.x < 0 ? "w" : "e");
            var ylabel = "--";
            if (camcell.y != 0)
                ylabel = Mathf.Abs(camcell.y) + (camcell.y < 0 ? "s" : "n");

            position_label.Print(xlabel + "/" + ylabel);