Exemple #1
        public virtual Vector Intersect(LineBase line)
            // Calc. intersection if 2 lines are both infinite.
            var cc = a * line.b - line.a * b;

            if (cc == 0)
            var aa  = b * line.c - line.b * c;
            var bb  = line.a * c - a * line.c;
            var sec = new Vector(aa / cc, bb / cc);

            // Parallel
            if (sec.isNull)
            // Intersection on both line
            if (this.FootOnThis(sec) && line.FootOnThis(sec))
            // No Intersection
Exemple #2
 public void Update(bool usePred = false)
     if (usePred)
         x    = handle.xPred;
         y    = handle.yPred;
         pos  = new Vector(x, y);
         rad  = handle.radPred;
         spdL = handle.spdPredL;
         spdR = handle.spdPredR;
         spd  = handle.spdPred;
         w    = handle.wPred;
         v    = handle.vPred;
         x    = handle.x;
         y    = handle.y;
         pos  = handle.pos;
         rad  = handle.rad;
         spdL = handle.spdL;
         spdR = handle.spdR;
         spd  = handle.spd;
         w    = handle.w;
         v    = handle.v;
Exemple #3
        public Vector Run(List <Navigator> others, Vector tarPos)
            List <Navigator> othersSeen = new List <Navigator>();

            foreach (var o in others)
                if (ego.pos.distTo(o.entity.pos) - margin - o.boids.margin < range &&
                    ego.Rad2Pos(o.entity.pos) < fov)

            var att = Attract(tarPos) * p_weight_attraction;

            var sep = Separate(othersSeen) * p_weight_separation;

            sep = sep.clip(p_max_separation);

            var coh = Cohesion(othersSeen) * p_weight_cohesion;

            coh = coh.clip(p_max_cohesion);

            var ali = Alignment(othersSeen) * p_weight_alignment;

            ali = ali.clip(p_max_alignment);

            var f = att + sep + coh + ali;

            f = f.clip(p_max_all);

Exemple #4
        // public LineBase(double a, double b, double c){
        //     if (a ==0 && b == 0) throw new ArgumentException("a, b cannot be both 0");
        //     this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = c;
        //     var mag = Math.Sqrt(a*a+b*b);
        //     this.a /= mag; this.b /= mag; this.c /= mag;
        // }

        public bool FootOnThis(Vector point)
            bool insideOfEnd1 = !this.point1end || (point - this.point1) * (this.point2 - this.point1) >= 0;
            bool insideOfEnd2 = !this.point2end || (point - this.point2) * (this.point1 - this.point2) >= 0;

            return(insideOfEnd1 && insideOfEnd2);
Exemple #5
 public static CircleCastHit NotHit(Vector origin)
     return(new CircleCastHit(
                isHit: false, isOriginHit: false,
                originCirclePos: origin,
                hitCirclePos: Vector.Null, contactPos: Vector.Null
Exemple #6
        protected LineBase MovedAlongNormToPointSide(Vector point, Double displacement)
            // on which side of wall ego is
            var normSign = Math.Sign(norm * point + c);
            var step     = normSign * displacement * norm;

            return(new LineBase(point1 + step, point2 + step, point1end, point2end));
Exemple #7
 public void calcPoints()
     points = new Vector[rads.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < rads.Length; ++i)
         points[i] = Vector.fromRadMag(rads[i], Abs(dists[i]));
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Scan one wall.
        /// </summary>
        private ScanResult _ScanWall(Wall wall, double[] rads)
            ScanResult res    = ScanResult.init(rads, range + 1);
            var        egopos = ego.pos;

            var castTry = new CircleCast(egopos, 0, margin);
            var hitTry  = castTry.CastTo(wall);

            // currently in collision
            if (hitTry.isOriginHit)
                res.isCollision = true;

                var dist2wall   = wall.DistToPoint_TruncatedByEnds(egopos);
                var colSeverity = Max(0, margin + wall.margin - dist2wall) / margin;

                for (int i = 0; i < rads.Length; ++i)
                    var rad          = rads[i];
                    var repulsionDir = wall.RepulsionDirToPoint(egopos);

                    if (useSafety)
                        res.safety[i] = Cos(AbsRad(rads[i] - repulsionDir.rad)) * (1 + colSeverity);
                        var dist = Max(0.1, Vector.fromRadMag(rad, 1) * repulsionDir * 100);
                        res.dists[i] = dist;
            // not in collision
                for (int i = 0; i < rads.Length; ++i)
                    var rad  = rads[i];
                    var cast = new CircleCast(egopos, rad, margin);
                    var hit  = cast.CastTo(wall);

                    // No hit
                    if (!hit.isHit)

                    // Hit
                    var dist = hit.dist;
                    if (dist < res.dists[i])
                        res.dists[i] = dist;

Exemple #9
 public CircleCastHit(
     bool isHit, bool isOriginHit,
     Vector originCirclePos, Vector hitCirclePos, Vector contactPos
     this.isHit           = isHit;
     this.isOriginHit     = isOriginHit;
     this.originCirclePos = originCirclePos;
     this.hitCirclePos    = hitCirclePos;
     this.contactPos      = contactPos;
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Create Default Walls (Borders)
        /// </summary>
        public void AddBorder(int width = 20, int x1 = 40, int x2 = 460, int y1 = 40, int y2 = 460)
            Vector lt = new Vector(x1, y1);
            Vector rt = new Vector(x2, y1);
            Vector lb = new Vector(x1, y2);
            Vector rb = new Vector(x2, y2);

            walls.Add(new Wall(lt, lb, width));    // left
            walls.Add(new Wall(rt, rb, width));    // right
            walls.Add(new Wall(lt, rt, width));    // top
            walls.Add(new Wall(lb, rb, width));    // bottom
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Create Default Walls (Borders)
        /// </summary>
        public void AddBorder(int width, RectInt rect)
            Vector lt = new Vector(rect.xMin, rect.yMin);
            Vector rt = new Vector(rect.xMax, rect.yMin);
            Vector lb = new Vector(rect.xMin, rect.yMax);
            Vector rb = new Vector(rect.xMax, rect.yMax);

            walls.Add(new Wall(lt, lb, width));    // left
            walls.Add(new Wall(rt, rb, width));    // right
            walls.Add(new Wall(lt, rt, width));    // top
            walls.Add(new Wall(lb, rb, width));    // bottom
Exemple #12
        Vector Separate(List <Navigator> others)
            Vector f = Vector.zero;

            foreach (var o in others)
                var dPos    = ego.pos - o.entity.pos;
                var rawDist = dPos.mag;
                var dist    = Math.Max(1, rawDist - margin - o.boids.margin);

                f += dPos.unit * (range / dist - 1);
Exemple #13
        public LineBase(Vector point1, Vector point2, bool point1end = true, bool point2end = true)
            this.point1    = point1;
            this.point2    = point2;
            this.point1end = point1end;
            this.point2end = point2end;

            // Calculate a,b,c of ax+by+c=0
            if (point1 == point2)
                throw new ArgumentException("point1 and point2 cannot be the same");
            else if (point1.x == point2.x)
                b = 0;
                if (point1.x == 0)
                    a = 1; c = 0;
                    c = -point1.x;
                    a = 1;
            else if (point1.y == point2.y)
                a = 0;
                if (point1.y == 0)
                    b = 1; c = 0;
                    c = -point1.y;
                    b = 1;
                c = point1.x * point2.y - point2.x * point1.y;
                a = point1.y - point2.y;
                b = point2.x - point1.x;
                var mag = Math.Sqrt(a * a + b * b);
                a /= mag; b /= mag; c /= mag;
 public Line(Vector point1, Vector point2)
     if (point1 == point2)
         throw new ArgumentException("point1 and point2 cannot be the same");
     else if (point1.x == point2.x)
         b = 0;
         if (point1.x == 0)
             a = 1; c = 0;
             c = -point1.x;
             a = 1;
     else if (point1.y == point2.y)
         a = 0;
         if (point1.y == 0)
             b = 1; c = 0;
             c = -point1.y;
             b = 1;
         c = point1.x * point2.y - point2.x * point1.y;
         a = point1.y - point2.y;
         b = point2.x - point1.x;
         var mag = Math.Sqrt(a * a + b * b);
         a /= mag; b /= mag; c /= mag;
Exemple #15
        public double DistToPoint_TruncatedByEnds(Vector point)
            if (FootOnThis(point))
            double d1 = -1, d2 = -1;

            if (point1end)
                d1 = point1.distTo(point);
            if (point2end)
                d2 = point2.distTo(point);
            if (d1 < d2 && d1 >= 0 || d2 < 0)
Exemple #16
        public Vector RepulsionDirToPoint(Vector point)
            if (FootOnThis(point))
                return(Math.Sign(SignedDistToPoint(point)) * norm);
            double d1 = -1, d2 = -1;

            if (point1end)
                d1 = point1.distTo(point);
            if (point2end)
                d2 = point2.distTo(point);
            if (d1 < d2 && d1 >= 0 || d2 < 0)
                return((point - point1).unit);
            return((point - point2).unit);
Exemple #17
        public double p_mv2tar_reach_pred = 0;    // weight of posPred for reach condition
        /// <summary>
        /// Move to target position x, y.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rotateTime">time(ms) is supposed to rotate to target. i.e. the slowness of rotation.</param>
        /// <param name="tolerance">how close should cube be to target, that can be judged "reached".</param>
        public Movement Move2Target(double tarX, double tarY, double maxSpd = 50,
                                    int rotateTime = 250, double tolerance = 8)
            Vector tar      = new Vector(tarX, tarY);
            double dist     = this.posPred.distTo(tar);
            double dradPred = Rad((tar - this.posPred).rad - this.radPred);
            double drad     = Rad((tar - pos).rad - rad);

            // Reach condition
            if (tar.distTo(this.pos * (1 - p_mv2tar_reach_pred) + this.posPred * p_mv2tar_reach_pred) < tolerance)
                return(new Movement(this, 0, 0, 100, true));
                // Decelerate at turning.
                // Consider distance
                double endRad    = 110 * Min(1, Max(dist, 20) / Max(1, maxSpd) / VDotOverU / 1.5 / (rotateTime / 1000.0));
                double translate = maxSpd * clip(1 - (Abs(drad) - Deg2Rad(10)) / Deg2Rad(endRad), 0, 1);

                // Decelerate as getting close to target.
                translate *= clip(dist, Deadzone * 0.5, Max(maxSpd, Deadzone) * 0.5) / (Max(maxSpd, Deadzone) * 0.5);

                // Angular velocity
                double w = dradPred / (rotateTime / 1000.0);

                double rotate = w * TireWidthDot / VDotOverU;
                // Linearly combine turning raidus method and angular velocity method.
                // Cause turning radius does not work on low "translate",
                // while angular velocity is weak on high "translate".
                double miu = (Abs(translate) / MaxSpd); // weight of turning radius method
                rotate *= Abs(translate / 50) * miu + 1 * (1 - miu);

                return(new Movement(this, translate, rotate, rotateTime, false));
Exemple #18
            public NaviResult(Mode mode, Vector egoPos, Vector avoidVector, Vector boidsVector,
                              double speedLimit = double.MaxValue, double speedRatio = 1, bool isCollision = false)
                this.mode        = mode;
                this.avoidVector = avoidVector;
                this.boidsVector = boidsVector;
                this.isCollision = isCollision;

                switch (mode)
                case Mode.AVOID:
                case Mode.BOIDS_AVOID:
                    this.waypoint = egoPos + avoidVector; break;

                case Mode.BOIDS:
                    this.waypoint = egoPos + boidsVector; break;

                    this.waypoint = egoPos + Vector.zero; break;

                this.speedRatio = speedRatio;
                this.speedLimit = speedLimit;
 public Line GetBorder(Vector egoPos, double egoMargin)
     return(new Line(a, b, c - Math.Sign(norm * egoPos + c) * (egoMargin + margin)));
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Run towards target.
        /// </summary>
        public (Vector, bool, double) RunTowards(List <Navigator> others, Entity target, List <Wall> walls)
            // ====  Scan  ====
            var rads = SampleRads(target);

            var(res, resCol) = Scan(others, target, walls, rads);
            res.calcPoints(); resCol.calcPoints();

            // ====  Choose Waypoint  ====
            // find waypoint by res, which is the scan result of objects NOT in collision
            waypointIndex = 0;
            Vector waypoint = Vector.zero;

            // evaluate "distance" for each rad
            List <double> dists = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < rads.Length; ++i)
                // nearest point at certain rad
                // var targetDist = ego.pos.distTo(target.pos);
                var targetDist = Math.Sqrt((ego.x - target.x) * (ego.x - target.x) + (ego.y - target.y) * (ego.y - target.y));
                var nearestMag = Max(Cos((target.pos - ego.pos).rad - rads[i]) * targetDist, 1);
                var mv         = res.points[i].clip(nearestMag);
                res.points[i] = mv;

                // distance of waypoint to target
                var dist = (ego.pos + mv).distTo(target.pos);

                // penalty of turning
                // NOTE may cause not turning when target right behind ego
                dist += Max(AbsRad(ego.rad - rads[i]), 0.5) * 0.1;
                dist += Max((AbsRad(ego.rad - rads[i]) - PI / 2), 0) * 2;


            // choose best waypoint
            if (useSafety)  // combine with safety
                double minDist = double.MaxValue;
                for (int i = 0; i < rads.Length; ++i)
                    var dist = dists[i];

                    // Search Nearest waypoint away from target, with SAFE direction
                    if (dist < minDist && resCol.safety[i] > p_waypoint_safety_threshold)
                        minDist = dist; waypointIndex = i;

                if (minDist < double.MaxValue)
                    waypoint = res.points[waypointIndex];
                    // Debug.Log("Stuck");
            else                         // with force from collided entity
                if (!resCol.isCollision) // Yet no collision.
                    double minDist = double.MaxValue;
                    for (int i = 0; i < rads.Length; ++i)
                        var dist = dists[i];

                        // Search Nearest waypoint away from target
                        if (dist < minDist)
                            minDist = dist; waypointIndex = i;
                    waypoint = res.points[waypointIndex];
                else                    // Now collision
                    var maxDist = resCol.dists[0];
                    for (int i = 0; i < rads.Length; ++i)
                        var d = resCol.dists[i];
                        if (d > maxDist)
                            maxDist = d; waypointIndex = i;
                    waypoint = resCol.points[waypointIndex];

            // ====  Speed Limit  ====
            double speedLimit  = double.MaxValue;
            var    waypointRad = rads[waypointIndex];

            // slow down when colliders are close around.
                double minRadius = 1e10;
                for (int i = 0; i < rads.Length; ++i)
                    var rad = rads[i];
                    if (res.dists[i] < 50 &&
                        (Rad(rad - ego.rad) > 0.1 && Rad(waypointRad - rad) > 0.1 ||
                         Rad(ego.rad - rad) > 0.1 && Rad(rad - waypointRad) > 0.1))
                        // minimal maximal turning radius
                        minRadius = Min(minRadius, (res.dists[i] + 20) / (2 * Sin(Abs(rad - ego.rad))));
                speedLimit = Max(8, minRadius * Max(1, Abs(ego.w)));
            // stop when ego.rad is pointing insides colliders.
            if (resCol.isCollision)
                for (int i = 0; i < rads.Length; ++i)
                    var rad = rads[i];
                    if (AbsRad(rad - ego.rad) < PI * 2 / nsample &&
                        resCol.safety[i] <= 0
                        speedLimit = 100 * Max(0, resCol.safety[i] * 2 + 1);

            // ==== make result ====
            res.rads        = rads;
            res.isCollision = resCol.isCollision;
            if (resCol.isCollision && useSafety)
                Array.Copy(resCol.safety, res.safety, res.safety.Length);
            scanResult = res;
            return(waypoint, resCol.isCollision, speedLimit);
Exemple #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Runaway from target.
        /// </summary>
        public (Vector, bool, double) RunAway(List <Navigator> others, Entity target, List <Wall> walls)
            // ====  Scan  ====
            var rads = SampleRads(target);

            double oppoRad   = (ego.pos - target.pos).rad;
            int    oppoIndex = (int)((oppoRad - (ego.rad - fov / 2)) / (fov / (nsample - 1)));

            var(res, resCol) = Scan(others, target, walls, rads);
            res.calcPoints(); resCol.calcPoints();

            // ====  Choose Waypoint  ====
            // find waypoint by res, which is the scan result of objects NOT in collision
            waypointIndex = 0;
            Vector waypoint = Vector.zero;

                double maxDist = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < rads.Length; ++i)
                    // distance of waypoint to target
                    var point        = res.points[i] * p_runaway_range / range + ego.pos;
                    var dist         = (target.pos + target.v * 0.5).distTo(point);
                    var dist_penalty = dist;

                    // Soft penalty : away from target (predicted)
                    dist_penalty -= (-PI + AbsRad(rads[i] - (ego.pos - target.pos - target.v * 0.2).rad)) * p_runaway_penalty_away_k;

                    // Soft penalty : keep self's direction
                    dist_penalty -= (-PI + AbsRad(rads[i] - ego.rad)) * p_runaway_penalty_keeprad_k;

                    // Hard penalty
                    var    drad       = AbsRad((rads[i] - (ego.pos - target.pos - target.v * 0.0).rad));
                    double danger_fov = PI / 4 - 0.15;// + 5/(Max(ego.pos.distTo(target.pos)-20, 20)) ;   // greater than pi/4 make ego not able to leave corner
                    if (drad - PI + danger_fov > 0)
                        dist_penalty = 0;

                    // Search Furthest waypoint away from target, with SAFE direction
                    if (maxDist < dist_penalty && resCol.safety[i] > p_waypoint_safety_threshold)
                        maxDist       = dist_penalty;
                        waypointIndex = i;

                if (maxDist > 0)
                    waypoint = res.points[waypointIndex];
                    // Debug.Log("Stuck");

            // ====  Speed Limit  ====
            double speedLimit  = double.MaxValue;
            var    waypointRad = rads[waypointIndex];

            // slow down when colliders are close around.
                double minRadius = 1e10;
                for (int i = 0; i < rads.Length; ++i)
                    var rad = rads[i];
                    if (Rad(rad - ego.rad) > 0.1 && Rad(waypointRad - rad) > 0.1 ||
                        Rad(ego.rad - rad) > 0.1 && Rad(rad - waypointRad) > 0.1)
                        // minimal maximal turning radius
                        minRadius = Min(minRadius, (res.dists[i] + 20) / (2 * Sin(Abs(rad - ego.rad))));
                speedLimit = Max(8, minRadius * Max(1, Abs(ego.w)));
            // stop when ego.rad is pointing insides colliders.
            if (resCol.isCollision)
                for (int i = 0; i < rads.Length; ++i)
                    var rad = rads[i];
                    if (AbsRad(rad - ego.rad) < PI * 2 / nsample &&
                        resCol.safety[i] <= 0
                        speedLimit = 100 * Max(0, resCol.safety[i] * 2 + 1);

            // ==== make result ====
            res.rads        = rads;
            res.isCollision = resCol.isCollision;
            if (resCol.isCollision && useSafety)
                Array.Copy(resCol.safety, res.safety, res.safety.Length);
            scanResult = res;
            return(waypoint, resCol.isCollision, speedLimit);
        public Vector FootPoint(Vector point)
            var n = norm;

            return(point - (n * point + c) * n);
 public double DistToPoint(Vector point)
     return(Math.Abs(norm * point + c));
        public double Rad2Pos(Vector tarPos)
            var radAbs = (tarPos - pos).rad;

            return(Rad(radAbs - rad));
 public Entity(Vector _pos, double _margin)
     pos    = _pos; x = _pos.x; y = _pos.y;
     margin = _margin;
Exemple #26
        Vector Attract(Vector tarPos)
            var dPos = tarPos - ego.pos;

Exemple #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Get waypoint away from target position Vector.
 /// </summary>
 public NaviResult GetWaypointAway(Vector pos)
     return(GetWaypointAway(new Entity(new Vector(pos.x, pos.y))));
 public Wall(Vector point1, Vector point2, double margin = 0) : base(point1, point2)
     this.margin = margin;
 public Entity(Vector _pos)
     pos = _pos; x = _pos.x; y = _pos.y;
Exemple #30
 public Line(Vector point1, Vector point2) : base(point1, point2)