Exemple #1
	// this function is static to ensure that no fields are affected by this call
	private static void SetVertices(Vector3[] curVertices, 
	                                Vector2[] curUVs,
	                                Vector2[] curUV2s, 
	                                Color32[] untintedColors,
	                                Vector3 meshCustomOffset,
	                                bool isRoundShiftDisabled,
	                                Vector3 totalShift,
	                                tk2dTextGeomGen.GeomData curGeomData)
		curGeomData.SetTextMeshGeom(curVertices, curUVs, curUV2s, untintedColors, 0);
		//set custom font offset
		for (int curVert = 0; curVert < curVertices.Length; curVert += 1)
			if (!isRoundShiftDisabled)
				curVertices[curVert] = (curVertices[curVert].FloorVector() - totalShift);

			if (Mathf.Abs(meshCustomOffset.x) > float.Epsilon || Mathf.Abs(meshCustomOffset.y) > float.Epsilon)
				curVertices[curVert] += meshCustomOffset;
	/// <summary>
	/// Calculates an estimated bounds for the given string if it were rendered
	/// using the current settings.
	/// This expects an unformatted string and will wrap the string if required.
	/// </summary>
	public Bounds GetEstimatedMeshBoundsForString( string str ) {
		tk2dTextGeomGen.GeomData geomData = tk2dTextGeomGen.Data( data, _fontInst, _formattedText );
		Vector2 dims = tk2dTextGeomGen.GetMeshDimensionsForString( FormatText( str ), geomData);
		float offsetY = tk2dTextGeomGen.GetYAnchorForHeight(dims.y, geomData);
		float offsetX = tk2dTextGeomGen.GetXAnchorForWidth(dims.x, geomData);
		float lineHeight = (_fontInst.lineHeight + data.lineSpacing) * data.scale.y;
		return new Bounds( new Vector3(offsetX + dims.x * 0.5f, offsetY + dims.y * 0.5f + lineHeight, 0), Vector3.Scale(dims, new Vector3(1, -1, 1)) );
Exemple #3
	// Do not call this, its meant fo internal use
	public bool DoNotUse__CommitInternal()
		// early return
		if (FontInst == null) return false;

		bool didReallocate = false;
		var geomData = new tk2dTextGeomGen.GeomData(data, currentNumberOfCharacters);
		if (geomData.ReallocRequired)
			// volatile data
			int numVertices;
			int numIndices;
			geomData.GetTextMeshGeomDesc(out numVertices, out numIndices);

			if(vertices.Length != numVertices)
				vertices = new Vector3[numVertices];
				uvs = new Vector2[numVertices];
				colors = new Color32[numVertices];
				untintedColors = new Color32[numVertices];
				if (FontInst.textureGradients)
					uv2 = new Vector2[numVertices];
				triangles = new int[numIndices];

			currentNumberOfCharacters = geomData.RequiredAllocatedCharacters;
			geomData = new tk2dTextGeomGen.GeomData(data, currentNumberOfCharacters);
			geomData.SetTextMeshIndices(triangles, 0, 0);


			didReallocate = true;
		if ( (updateFlags & UpdateFlags.UpdateAll) != 0 || didReallocate )
			            Application.isPlaying ? FontInst.resultMeshCustomOffset : data.Font.resultMeshCustomOffset,

			// update colors since untinted colors are changed
			if (!FontInst.isPacked)
				colors = untintedColors;

			MeshVertices = vertices;
			MeshUV = uvs;
			if (font.textureGradients)
				MeshUV2 = uv2;
			MeshColors32 = colors;

			if (didReallocate)
				MeshTriangles = triangles;

			MeshBounds = tk2dBaseSprite.AdjustedMeshBounds( MeshBounds, data.renderLayer );

		updateFlags = UpdateFlags.UpdateNone;
		return true;
Exemple #4
    void BuildRenderMesh()
        List <Material>    materials = new List <Material>();
        List <List <int> > indices   = new List <List <int> >();

        bool needNormals  = false;
        bool needTangents = false;
        bool needUV2      = false;
        bool flattenDepth = CheckFlag(Flags.FlattenDepth);

        foreach (var bs in batchedSprites)
            var spriteDef = bs.GetSpriteDefinition();
            if (spriteDef != null)
                needNormals  |= (spriteDef.normals != null && spriteDef.normals.Length > 0);
                needTangents |= (spriteDef.tangents != null && spriteDef.tangents.Length > 0);
            if (bs.type == tk2dBatchedSprite.Type.TextMesh)
                tk2dTextMeshData textMeshData = allTextMeshData[bs.xRefId];
                if ((textMeshData.Font != null) && textMeshData.FontInst.textureGradients)
                    needUV2 = true;

        // just helpful to have these here, stop code being more messy
        List <int> bsNVerts = new List <int>();
        List <int> bsNInds  = new List <int>();

        int numVertices = 0;

        foreach (var bs in batchedSprites)
            if (!bs.IsDrawn)             // when the first non-drawn child is found, it signals the end of the drawn list

            var spriteDef = bs.GetSpriteDefinition();
            int nVerts    = 0;
            int nInds     = 0;
            switch (bs.type)
            case tk2dBatchedSprite.Type.EmptyGameObject:

            case tk2dBatchedSprite.Type.Sprite:
                if (spriteDef != null)
                    tk2dSpriteGeomGen.GetSpriteGeomDesc(out nVerts, out nInds, spriteDef);

            case tk2dBatchedSprite.Type.TiledSprite:
                if (spriteDef != null)
                    tk2dSpriteGeomGen.GetTiledSpriteGeomDesc(out nVerts, out nInds, spriteDef, bs.Dimensions);

            case tk2dBatchedSprite.Type.SlicedSprite:
                if (spriteDef != null)
                    tk2dSpriteGeomGen.GetSlicedSpriteGeomDesc(out nVerts, out nInds, spriteDef, bs.CheckFlag(tk2dBatchedSprite.Flags.SlicedSprite_BorderOnly));

            case tk2dBatchedSprite.Type.ClippedSprite:
                if (spriteDef != null)
                    tk2dSpriteGeomGen.GetClippedSpriteGeomDesc(out nVerts, out nInds, spriteDef);

            case tk2dBatchedSprite.Type.TextMesh:
                tk2dTextMeshData textMeshData = allTextMeshData[bs.xRefId];

                var geomData = new tk2dTextGeomGen.GeomData(textMeshData, 0);
                geomData.GetTextMeshGeomDesc(out nVerts, out nInds);
            numVertices += nVerts;


        Vector3[] meshNormals  = needNormals?new Vector3[numVertices]:null;
        Vector4[] meshTangents = needTangents?new Vector4[numVertices]:null;
        Vector3[] meshVertices = new Vector3[numVertices];
        Color32[] meshColors   = new Color32[numVertices];
        Vector2[] meshUvs      = new Vector2[numVertices];
        Vector2[] meshUv2s     = needUV2 ? new Vector2[numVertices] : null;

        int currVertex = 0;

        Material   currentMaterial = null;
        List <int> currentIndices  = null;

        Matrix4x4 scaleMatrix = Matrix4x4.identity;

        scaleMatrix.m00 = _scale.x;
        scaleMatrix.m11 = _scale.y;
        scaleMatrix.m22 = _scale.z;

        int bsIndex = 0;

        foreach (var bs in batchedSprites)
            if (!bs.IsDrawn)             // when the first non-drawn child is found, it signals the end of the drawn list

            if (bs.type == tk2dBatchedSprite.Type.EmptyGameObject)
                ++bsIndex;                 // watch out for this

            var spriteDef = bs.GetSpriteDefinition();
            int nVerts    = bsNVerts[bsIndex];
            int nInds     = bsNInds[bsIndex];

            Material material = GetMaterial(bs);

            // should have a material at this point
            if (material != currentMaterial)
                if (currentMaterial != null)

                currentMaterial = material;
                currentIndices  = new List <int>();

            Vector3[] posData     = new Vector3[nVerts];
            Vector2[] uvData      = new Vector2[nVerts];
            Vector2[] uv2Data     = needUV2 ? new Vector2[nVerts] : null;
            Color32[] colorData   = new Color32[nVerts];
            Vector3[] normalData  = needNormals ? new Vector3[nVerts] : null;
            Vector4[] tangentData = needTangents ? new Vector4[nVerts] : null;
            int[]     indData     = new int[nInds];

            Vector3 boundsCenter  = Vector3.zero;
            Vector3 boundsExtents = Vector3.zero;

            switch (bs.type)
            case tk2dBatchedSprite.Type.EmptyGameObject:

            case tk2dBatchedSprite.Type.Sprite:
                if (spriteDef != null)
                    tk2dSpriteGeomGen.SetSpriteGeom(posData, uvData, normalData, tangentData, 0, spriteDef, Vector3.one);
                    tk2dSpriteGeomGen.SetSpriteIndices(indData, 0, currVertex, spriteDef);

            case tk2dBatchedSprite.Type.TiledSprite:
                if (spriteDef != null)
                    tk2dSpriteGeomGen.SetTiledSpriteGeom(posData, uvData, 0, out boundsCenter, out boundsExtents, spriteDef, Vector3.one, bs.Dimensions, bs.anchor, bs.BoxColliderOffsetZ, bs.BoxColliderExtentZ);
                    tk2dSpriteGeomGen.SetTiledSpriteIndices(indData, 0, currVertex, spriteDef, bs.Dimensions);

            case tk2dBatchedSprite.Type.SlicedSprite:
                if (spriteDef != null)
                    tk2dSpriteGeomGen.SetSlicedSpriteGeom(posData, uvData, 0, out boundsCenter, out boundsExtents, spriteDef, Vector3.one, bs.Dimensions, bs.SlicedSpriteBorderBottomLeft, bs.SlicedSpriteBorderTopRight, bs.anchor, bs.BoxColliderOffsetZ, bs.BoxColliderExtentZ);
                    tk2dSpriteGeomGen.SetSlicedSpriteIndices(indData, 0, currVertex, spriteDef, bs.CheckFlag(tk2dBatchedSprite.Flags.SlicedSprite_BorderOnly));

            case tk2dBatchedSprite.Type.ClippedSprite:
                if (spriteDef != null)
                    tk2dSpriteGeomGen.SetClippedSpriteGeom(posData, uvData, 0, out boundsCenter, out boundsExtents, spriteDef, Vector3.one, bs.ClippedSpriteRegionBottomLeft, bs.ClippedSpriteRegionTopRight, bs.BoxColliderOffsetZ, bs.BoxColliderExtentZ);
                    tk2dSpriteGeomGen.SetClippedSpriteIndices(indData, 0, currVertex, spriteDef);

            case tk2dBatchedSprite.Type.TextMesh:
                tk2dTextMeshData textMeshData = allTextMeshData[bs.xRefId];
                var geomData = new tk2dTextGeomGen.GeomData(textMeshData, 0);
                geomData.SetTextMeshGeom(posData, uvData, uv2Data, colorData, 0);
                if (!textMeshData.FontInst.isPacked)
                    Color32 topColor    = textMeshData.color;
                    Color32 bottomColor = textMeshData.useGradient ? textMeshData.color2 : textMeshData.color;
                    for (int i = 0; i < colorData.Length; ++i)
                        Color32 c     = ((i % 4) < 2) ? topColor : bottomColor;
                        byte    red   = (byte)(((int)colorData[i].r * (int)c.r) / 255);
                        byte    green = (byte)(((int)colorData[i].g * (int)c.g) / 255);
                        byte    blue  = (byte)(((int)colorData[i].b * (int)c.b) / 255);
                        byte    alpha = (byte)(((int)colorData[i].a * (int)c.a) / 255);
                        if (textMeshData.FontInst.premultipliedAlpha)
                            red   = (byte)(((int)red * (int)alpha) / 255);
                            green = (byte)(((int)green * (int)alpha) / 255);
                            blue  = (byte)(((int)blue * (int)alpha) / 255);
                        colorData[i] = new Color32(red, green, blue, alpha);
                geomData.SetTextMeshIndices(indData, 0, currVertex);

            bs.CachedBoundsCenter  = boundsCenter;
            bs.CachedBoundsExtents = boundsExtents;

            if (nVerts > 0 && bs.type != tk2dBatchedSprite.Type.TextMesh)
                bool premulAlpha = (bs.spriteCollection != null) ? bs.spriteCollection.premultipliedAlpha : false;
                tk2dSpriteGeomGen.SetSpriteColors(colorData, 0, nVerts, bs.color, premulAlpha);

            Matrix4x4 mat = scaleMatrix * bs.relativeMatrix;
            for (int i = 0; i < nVerts; ++i)
                Vector3 pos = Vector3.Scale(posData[i], bs.baseScale);
                pos = mat.MultiplyPoint(pos);
                if (flattenDepth)
                    pos.z = 0;

                meshVertices[currVertex + i] = pos;

                meshUvs[currVertex + i] = uvData[i];
                if (needUV2)
                    meshUv2s[currVertex + i] = uv2Data[i];
                meshColors[currVertex + i] = colorData[i];

                if (needNormals)
                    meshNormals[currVertex + i] = bs.rotation * normalData[i];
                if (needTangents)
                    Vector3 tang = new Vector3(tangentData[i].x, tangentData[i].y, tangentData[i].z);
                    tang = bs.rotation * tang;
                    meshTangents[currVertex + i] = new Vector4(tang.x, tang.y, tang.z, tangentData[i].w);


            currVertex += nVerts;


        if (currentIndices != null)

        if (mesh)
            mesh.vertices = meshVertices;
            mesh.uv       = meshUvs;
            if (needUV2)
                mesh.uv2 = meshUv2s;
            mesh.colors32 = meshColors;
            if (needNormals)
                mesh.normals = meshNormals;
            if (needTangents)
                mesh.tangents = meshTangents;

            mesh.subMeshCount = indices.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; ++i)
                mesh.SetTriangles(indices[i].ToArray(), i);


        GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials = materials.ToArray();