Exemple #1
    void powerBarDisplayAndSetValues()
        CurrentVoltOutput.text = "Current Volts: " + "\r\n" + pairVoltCurrent;

        voltCurrentL    = myThisPlayerPairSettings.GetmyLeftVolt();
        voltCurrentR    = myThisPlayerPairSettings.GetmyRightVolt();
        pairVoltCurrent = (voltCurrentL + voltCurrentR) / 2;
        if (voltMax > 0)
            voltPerc = pairVoltCurrent / voltMax;
        proportion200Bar = voltPerc;
        //so can get up to 90% of bar
        percBar.fillAmount = proportion200Bar;
        //goes up to 200% at moment hence divide by two
        if (proportion200Bar >= 0.9)
            percBar.color = Color.cyan;
        if (proportion200Bar < 0.8 && proportion200Bar >= 0.7)
            percBar.color = Color.green;
        if (proportion200Bar < 0.7 && proportion200Bar >= 0.5)
            percBar.color = Color.yellow;
        if (proportion200Bar < 0.5)
            percBar.color = Color.red;
    void Update()

        if (receivedMyPlayerPairSettings)//it loses its static on scene change no idea how to help it keep it

            if (leftSideBar)
                voltCurrent = myPPSettings.GetmyLeftVolt();
                voltCurrent = myPPSettings.GetmyRightVolt();
            }                                                                                                                     // if using get set could just say getset
            //Debug.Log("mycurrentvolt is" + voltCurrent);

            if (iHaveTextBoxes)
                CurrentVoltOutput.text = "Current Volts: " + "\r\n" + voltCurrent; //if too fast put on coroutine
                hundredPercVolt.text   = "100 Perc: " + "\r\n" + volt100Perc;      //need max here

            voltPerc         = voltCurrent / volt100Perc;
            proportion200Bar = voltPerc;           //so can get up to 90% of bar
            //Debug.Log("proportion 200bar" +proportion200Bar);
            percBar.fillAmount = proportion200Bar; //goes up to 200% at moment hence divide by two

            if (proportion200Bar >= 0.9)
                percBar.color = Color.cyan;
            if (proportion200Bar < 0.8 && proportion200Bar >= 0.7)
                percBar.color = Color.green;
            if (proportion200Bar < 0.7 && proportion200Bar >= 0.5)
                percBar.color = Color.yellow;
            if (proportion200Bar < 0.5)
                percBar.color = Color.red;

            //reapplying alpha
            percBar.color = new Color(percBar.color.r, percBar.color.g, percBar.color.b, originalAlpha);
Exemple #3
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     if (myThisPlayerPairSettings.GetmyLeftVolt() > voltMinActivation && myThisPlayerPairSettings.GetmyRightVolt() > voltMinActivation)
         shipSelectedIndicator.color = selectedColor;
         myThisPlayerPairSettings.setWerePlaying(false); shipSelectedIndicator.color = Color.red;
Exemple #4
 void setArrowScaleColor()     //this is havinf find object errors now too is it because changed some static in gm
     totVoltThisPeriodRight += myThisPlayerPairSettings.GetmyRightVolt() - myThisPlayerPairSettings.GetmyLeftVolt();
     if (totVoltThisPeriodRight < -totVoltTriggerMove)
         arrowImage.color = Color.green;
         arrowImage.gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform> ().localScale = new Vector3(-1 * startScaleArrow.x, startScaleArrow.y, startScaleArrow.z);
     if (totVoltThisPeriodRight > totVoltTriggerMove)
         arrowImage.color = Color.green;
         arrowImage.gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform> ().localScale = startScaleArrow;
         arrowImage.gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform> ().localScale = new Vector3((startScaleArrow.x * totVoltThisPeriodRight / totVoltTriggerMove), startScaleArrow.y, startScaleArrow.z);
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (shipBeenSetUp != true)
        }                                  // needs removing but cant till got allocated screens //ive removed !isLocalPlayer
        if (health.currentHealth < 0)

        //could retag local player as local player but this may retag them for enemy too
        //need to find a way to tag personally and not globally

        //TODO restore this later so can use buttons
        //cycPercSpeedLeft = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("XZVector");
        //cycPercSpeedRight = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("X-ZVector");

        //just normalising but vectors tricky to code straight into something
        //leftCycVelAngleNorm = leftCycVelAngle.normalized;
        //rightCycVelAngleNorm = rightCycVelAngle.normalized;
        //leftCycVelAngle = leftCycVelAngleNorm;
        //rightCycVelAngle = rightCycVelAngleNorm;
        //was trying to do it with velocities not forces
        //Debug.Log("left " + cycPercSpeedLeft + "right " + cycPercSpeedRight );
        // boatVector = (leftCycVelAngle*cycPercSpeedLeft+ rightCycVelAngle*cycPercSpeedRight).normalized;
        //boatVector = boatVector needs to fit to the current rotation?>
        //  MovePower=MovePowerRaw;
        // if(cycPercSpeedLeft > 0f || cycPercSpeedRight > 0f){
        //MovePower = MovePower*(1+(cycPercSpeedLeft+cycPercSpeedRight)/2 );//not acounting for angle as the angle wont change between the velocities will also mean turns at half speed
        //	}else {MovePower = 0;}
        //steerForcePos = GOSteerForcePos.transform.position;
        //Debug.Log(" steer force pos" +steerForcePos);
        //having added the force at the position it doesnt do anything other than add the force as a world component
        //should these angles allway be added to the angle of the ship before normalised
        //moves in the angle of world then spin
        //GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForceAtPosition(boatVelocityRaw*MovePower, steerForcePos, ForceMode.VelocityChange);

        //was using impulse due to issues with colliders but maybe can set instead of adding

        forwardSpeed = (ourShipsPlayerPairSettings.GetmyLeftVolt() + ourShipsPlayerPairSettings.GetmyRightVolt()) * forwardMultiplier / ourVolt100PercMax;      //soemtime get not set to instance of object wonder if to do with death
        angularVel   = (ourShipsPlayerPairSettings.GetmyLeftVolt() - ourShipsPlayerPairSettings.GetmyRightVolt()) * angVelMultiplier / ourVolt100PercMax;
        //torqueModifier = cycPercSpeedLeft - cycPercSpeedRight; //works but changing to velocity

//		Debug.Log(" forward " + Vector3.right*forwardSpeed*forwardMultiplier + " torque Mod " + torqueModifier + " torque " + torqueModifier*torqueMultiplier );

        //should it try multiplying by time.delta time on my forward speed as force should be and acceleration
        //changed from impulse
        //this.gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddRelativeTorque(0f, torqueModifier*torqueMultiplier,0f,ForceMode.VelocityChange);
        //this.gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddRelativeForce(Vector3.right*forwardSpeed*forwardMultiplier, ForceMode.VelocityChange);

        //though suppost to use forces like this better no accelerations
        //isnt local
        //needs code not to always give some percent forwards otherwise there will be no turning
        //actually should do above anyway

        //not sure it likes the  fixed update seems to jerk as turns
        //angular velocity could be what making it fall over
        //testing below
        //could change boat angle with deltatime

        //im getting every frame will be faster if put in start

        myRigidBody.angularVelocity = transform.up * angularVel;
        myRigidBody.velocity        = transform.right * forwardSpeed;

        //local or world

        //are both necessary - seems to work now with out either the only other change was in the start grabbing the rigidbody
        //	transform.up.Set(0f,1f,0f); - works just with this

        //	transform.localPosition = new Vector3(transform.localPosition.x, 0, transform.localPosition.z);