Exemple #1
        private void loadTexture()
            if (Map == "")

            //Try to load the texture
            if (texMgr.hasTexture(Map))
                tex = texMgr.getTexture(Map);
                tex           = new Texture(Map);
                tex.palOpt    = new PaletteOpt(false);
                tex.procColor = new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
                //At this point this should be a common texture. Store it to the master texture manager
Exemple #2
        //Generate procedural textures
        private static void prepareTextures(textureManager texMgr, string path)
            //At this point, at least one sampler exists, so for now I assume that the first sampler
            //is always the diffuse sampler and I can initiate the mixing process
            Console.WriteLine("Procedural Texture Detected: " + path);
            CallBacks.Log(string.Format("Parsing Procedural Texture"));

            TkProceduralTextureList template = NMSUtils.LoadNMSTemplate(path, ref Common.RenderState.activeResMgr) as TkProceduralTextureList;

            List <TkProceduralTexture> texList = new List <TkProceduralTexture>(8);

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            ModelProcGen.parse_procTexture(ref texList, template, ref Common.RenderState.activeResMgr);

            Common.CallBacks.Log("Proc Texture Selection");
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                if (texList[i] != null)
                    string partNameDiff = texList[i].Diffuse;

            Common.CallBacks.Log("Procedural Material. Trying to generate procTextures...");

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                TkProceduralTexture ptex = texList[i];
                //Add defaults
                if (ptex == null)
                    baseLayersUsed[i]  = 0.0f;
                    alphaLayersUsed[i] = 0.0f;

                string partNameDiff   = ptex.Diffuse;
                string partNameMask   = ptex.Mask;
                string partNameNormal = ptex.Normal;

                TkPaletteTexture paletteNode = ptex.Palette;
                string           paletteName = paletteNode.Palette.ToString();
                string           colorName   = paletteNode.ColourAlt.ToString();
                Vector4          palColor    = palette[paletteName][colorName];
                //Randomize palette Color every single time
                //Vector3 palColor = Model_Viewer.Palettes.get_color(paletteName, colorName);

                //Store pallete color to Recolouring List
                reColourings[i] = new float[] { palColor[0], palColor[1], palColor[2], palColor[3] };
                if (ptex.OverrideAverageColour)
                    avgColourings[i] = new float[] { ptex.AverageColour.R, ptex.AverageColour.G, ptex.AverageColour.B, ptex.AverageColour.A }

                //Create Palette Option
                PaletteOpt palOpt = new PaletteOpt();
                palOpt.PaletteName = paletteName;
                palOpt.ColorName   = colorName;
                palOpts[i]         = palOpt;
                Console.WriteLine("Index {0} Palette Selection {1} {2} ", i, palOpt.PaletteName, palOpt.ColorName);
                Console.WriteLine("Index {0} Color {1} {2} {3} {4}", i, palColor[0], palColor[1], palColor[2], palColor[3]);

                if (partNameDiff == "")
                    //Add White
                    baseLayersUsed[i] = 0.0f;
                else if (!texMgr.hasTexture(partNameDiff))
                    //Configure the Diffuse Texture
                        Texture tex = new Texture(partNameDiff);
                        tex.palOpt    = palOpt;
                        tex.procColor = palColor;
                        //Store to master texture manager

                        //Save Texture to material
                        difftextures[i]    = tex;
                        baseLayersUsed[i]  = 1.0f;
                        alphaLayersUsed[i] = 1.0f;
                    catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
                        //Texture Not Found Continue
                        Console.WriteLine("Diffuse Texture " + partNameDiff + " Not Found, Appending White Tex");
                        CallBacks.Log(string.Format("Diffuse Texture {0} Not Found", partNameDiff));
                        baseLayersUsed[i] = 0.0f;
                //Load texture from dict
                    Texture tex = texMgr.getTexture(partNameDiff);
                    //Save Texture to material
                    difftextures[i]   = tex;
                    baseLayersUsed[i] = 1.0f;

                if (partNameMask == "")
                    alphaLayersUsed[i] = 0.0f;
                else if (!texMgr.hasTexture(partNameMask))
                    //Configure Mask
                        Texture texmask = new Texture(partNameMask);
                        //Store to master texture manager
                        //Store Texture to material
                        masktextures[i]    = texmask;
                        alphaLayersUsed[i] = 0.0f;
                    catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
                        //Mask Texture not found
                        Console.WriteLine("Mask Texture " + partNameMask + " Not Found");
                        CallBacks.Log(string.Format("Mask Texture {0} Not Found", partNameMask));
                        alphaLayersUsed[i] = 0.0f;
                //Load texture from dict
                    Texture tex = texMgr.getTexture(partNameMask);
                    //Store Texture to material
                    masktextures[i]    = tex;
                    alphaLayersUsed[i] = 1.0f;

                if (partNameNormal == "")
                else if (!texMgr.hasTexture(partNameNormal))
                        Texture texnormal = new Texture(partNameNormal);
                        //Store to master texture manager
                        //Store Texture to material
                        normaltextures[i] = texnormal;
                    catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
                        //Normal Texture not found
                        CallBacks.Log(string.Format("Normal Texture {0} Not Found", partNameNormal));
                //Load texture from dict
                    Texture tex = texMgr.getTexture(partNameNormal);
                    //Store Texture to material
                    normaltextures[i] = tex;