/// <summary>
        /// Method to load tax exempt prepay
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="saleNo">Sale number</param>
        /// <param name="sl">Sale line</param>
        /// <param name="lineNo">Line number</param>
        /// <param name="sale">Sale</param>
        /// <param name="oPurchaseList">Purchase list</param>
        /// <param name="oTreatyNo">Treaty number</param>
        /// <returns>True or false</returns>
        public bool LoadTaxExemptPrepay(int saleNo, Sale_Line sl, short lineNo, ref
                                        Sale sale, ref tePurchaseList oPurchaseList, ref teTreatyNo oTreatyNo)
            var returnValue = false;

            if (!_policyManager.TAX_EXEMPT)
            var user = CacheManager.GetUser(UserCode);

            if (_policyManager.TE_Type == "SITE")
                var teItem = _taxExemptSaleService.GetPurchaseItem(saleNo, lineNo);
                if (teItem != null)
                    _treatyManager.Init(ref oTreatyNo, teItem.TreatyNo, false);
                    oPurchaseList.Init(oTreatyNo, sale.Sale_Num, sale.TillNumber);

                    var    tempSProductKey  = mPrivateGlobals.theSystem.teMakeFuelKey(sl.GradeID, teItem.PsTierID, teItem.PsLevelID);
                    var    tempIsFuelItem   = true;
                    var    stockCode        = string.Empty;
                    short  iRowNumberinSale = 0;
                    double tempQuantity     = 0f;
                    double org           = teItem.PdOriginalPrice;
                    double taxIncldPrice = teItem.petaxInclPrice;
                    _purchaseListManager.AddItem(ref oPurchaseList,
                                                 ref sale, ref oTreatyNo, ref tempSProductKey, ref tempQuantity, ref org, ref iRowNumberinSale, ref stockCode, ref taxIncldPrice, ref tempIsFuelItem);
                    sl.Stock_Code = stockCode;
                var oTeSale = new TaxExemptSale();

                if (_taxExemptSaleService.LoadTaxExemptForDeletePrepay(ref oTeSale,
                                                                       _policyManager.TE_Type, _tillService.GetTill(sale.TillNumber),
                                                                       user, saleNo, sale.TillNumber, lineNo, sale.Sale_Num))
                    returnValue = true;
                else if (_taxExemptSaleService.LoadGstExemptForDeletePrepay(ref oTeSale,
                                                                            saleNo, sale.TillNumber, DataSource.CSCTills))
                    oTeSale.teCardholder.GstExempt = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to set remaining fuel quantity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="treatyNo">Treaty number</param>
        /// <param name="oPurchaseList">Purchase list</param>
        /// <param name="sale">Sale</param>
        /// <param name="remainingFuelQuantity">Remaining fuel quantity</param>
        public void SetRemainingFuelQuantity(ref teTreatyNo treatyNo, ref tePurchaseList oPurchaseList, ref Sale sale, double remainingFuelQuantity)
            //  set which items in the purchase list require override
            treatyNo.RemainingFuelQuantity = remainingFuelQuantity;
            short index;
            var   productType = default(mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum);

            var runningQuota = remainingFuelQuantity;

            for (index = oPurchaseList.Count(); index >= 1; index--)
                oPurchaseList.Item(index).GetProductType(ref productType);
                if (
                    !(productType == mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum.eGasoline |
                      productType == mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum.eDiesel |
                      productType == mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum.ePropane |
                      productType == mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum.emarkedGas |
                      productType == mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum.emarkedDiesel))
                double dblTempQty = oPurchaseList.Item(index).Quantity *oPurchaseList.Item(index).UnitsPerPkg *oPurchaseList.Item(index).ItemEquivalence;
                if (dblTempQty <= runningQuota)
                    oPurchaseList.Item(index).OverrideRequired = false;
                    treatyNo.ValidTreatyNo    = true;
                    treatyNo.OverrideRequired = false;
                    oPurchaseList.Item(index).OverrideRequired = true;
                    treatyNo.OverrideRequired = true;
                    if (!treatyNo.ValidTreatyNo)
                        treatyNo.ValidTreatyNo = false;
                    var rowNumber = oPurchaseList.Item(index).GetRowInSalesMain();
                    sale.Sale_Lines[rowNumber].IsTaxExemptItem = false;
                    sale.Sale_Lines[rowNumber].overrideCode    = 0;
                runningQuota = runningQuota - dblTempQty;
            //   end
Exemple #3
        //Description: All tax exempt items in the list have their quantities
        // added to the weekly running total for the given TreatyNo. As well,
        // all purchases are saved to TaxExempt.mdb.
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to save and assign to quotas
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="purchaseList">Purchase list</param>
        /// <param name="user">User</param>
        /// <param name="till">Till</param>
        /// <param name="saveToDb">Save to db</param>
        /// <returns>True or false</returns>
        public bool SaveAndAssignToQuotas(ref tePurchaseList purchaseList,
                                          User user, Till till, bool saveToDb = true)
            short index;
            var   pType = default(mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum);

            float vTaxSaved = 0;

            for (index = 1; index <= purchaseList.purchaseItems.Count; index++)
                purchaseList.Item(index).GetProductType(ref pType);

                if (saveToDb)
                    if (!_treatyManager.AddToQuota(purchaseList.GetTreatyNo(), ref pType, purchaseList.Item(index).GetQuantity() * purchaseList.Item(index).GetUnitsPerPkg()))
                    if (!_purchaseItemManager.Save(purchaseList.Item(index), user, till))
                //  - We need to show totalexemptedtax + gST\PST exemption

                //If Me.Item(Index).WasTaxExemptReturn Then
                //        vTaxSaved = vTaxSaved + (Me.Item(Index).GetOriginalPrice - Me.Item(Index).GetTaxFreePrice) * Me.Item(Index).GetQuantity
                vTaxSaved = vTaxSaved + (purchaseList.Item(index).GetTaxIncludeAmount() - (purchaseList.Item(index).GetTaxFreePrice() * purchaseList.Item(index).GetQuantity()));
                //End If

            purchaseList.TotalExemptedTax = (float)(Math.Round(vTaxSaved, 2));

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Add Item to Purchase List
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="purchaseList">Purchase list</param>
        /// <param name="sale">Sale</param>
        /// <param name="peTreatyNo">Treaty number</param>
        /// <param name="sProductKey">Product key</param>
        /// <param name="dQuantity">Quantity</param>
        /// <param name="dOriginalPrice">Original price</param>
        /// <param name="iRowNumberInSalesMainForm">Row number</param>
        /// <param name="stockcode">Stock code</param>
        /// <param name="taxInclPrice">Tax included price</param>
        /// <param name="isFuelItem">Is fuel item or not</param>
        /// <returns>True or false</returns>
        public bool AddItem(ref tePurchaseList purchaseList, ref Sale sale,
                            ref teTreatyNo peTreatyNo, ref string sProductKey, ref double dQuantity,
                            ref double dOriginalPrice, ref short iRowNumberInSalesMainForm,
                            ref string stockcode, ref double taxInclPrice, ref bool isFuelItem)
            double quota              = 0;
            var    productType        = default(mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum);
            var    limitMaxType       = default(mPrivateGlobals.teLimitEnum);
            var    limitThresholdType = default(mPrivateGlobals.teLimitEnum);
            double limitMax           = 0;
            double limitThreshold     = 0;
            short  ret;
            string formatString  = "";
            double runningQuotaF = 0;
            short  runningQuotaT = 0;

            var oItem = new tePurchaseItem {
                BIsInit = true

            //initialize item then add to purchase list
            if (!_purchaseItemManager.Init(ref oItem, ref peTreatyNo, ref sProductKey, dOriginalPrice, dQuantity, iRowNumberInSalesMainForm, sale.Sale_Num, sale.TillNumber, ref stockcode, taxInclPrice, isFuelItem, purchaseList.NoRTVP))
                purchaseList.SetLastError(mPrivateGlobals.theSystem.teGetLastError());//"Failed to Add Item: " & oDb.GetLastError()

            oItem.GetProductType(ref productType);

            // Validation
            if (_policyManager.SITE_RTVAL && !purchaseList.NoRTVP) // And Not Me.NoRTVP
                if (productType == mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum.eCigarette | productType == mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum.eCigar | productType == mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum.eLooseTobacco)
                    ret = Convert.ToInt16(Variables.RTVPService.SetItemUPC(oItem.LineItem, sProductKey, (int)productType));
                    WriteToLogFile("Response is " + Convert.ToString(ret) + " from SetItemUPC sent with parameters " + Convert.ToString(oItem.LineItem) + "," + sProductKey + "," + Convert.ToString(productType));
                    formatString = "0.00";
                    SetStockCode(ref oItem, stockcode);
                    ret = Convert.ToInt16(Variables.RTVPService.SetItemUPC(oItem.LineItem, oItem.ItemUPC, (int)productType));
                    WriteToLogFile("Response is " + Convert.ToString(ret) + " from SetItemUPC sent with parameters " + Convert.ToString(oItem.LineItem) + "," + oItem.ItemUPC + "," + Convert.ToString(productType));
                    formatString = "0.000";
                if (ret != 0)
                    purchaseList.RTVPCommand  = "SetItemUPC";
                    purchaseList.RTVPError    = true;
                    purchaseList.RTVPResponse = ret;
                purchaseList.RTVPError = false;

                ret = Convert.ToInt16(Variables.RTVPService.SetItemTotal(oItem.LineItem,
                                                                         double.Parse((dQuantity * oItem.GetTaxFreePrice()).ToString(formatString))));
                WriteToLogFile("Response is " + Convert.ToString(ret) + " from SetItemTotal sent with parameters " + Convert.ToString(oItem.LineItem) + "," +
                               (dQuantity * oItem.GetTaxFreePrice()).ToString(formatString));
                if (ret != 0)
                    purchaseList.RTVPCommand  = "SetItemTotal";
                    purchaseList.RTVPError    = true;
                    purchaseList.RTVPResponse = ret;
                purchaseList.RTVPError = false;
            //   end

            var unitsPerPkg = oItem.UnitsPerPkg;
            var quantity    = dQuantity * unitsPerPkg;

            // validation
            if (_policyManager.SITE_RTVAL && !purchaseList.NoRTVP) // And Not Me.NoRTVP
                // based on email from SITE all products need SetItemEquivalence including fuel
                // for fuel we decided to set Equivalence to 1, meaning send the quantity
                double dblEquivalent;
                if (productType == mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum.eCigarette | productType == mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum.eCigar | productType == mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum.eLooseTobacco)
                    dblEquivalent = _teSystemManager.GetCigaretteEquivalentUnits((mPrivateGlobals.teTobaccoEnum)Convert.ToInt16(productType));
                    dblEquivalent = 1;
                oItem.Quantity        = (float)dQuantity;     //
                oItem.ItemEquivalence = (float)dblEquivalent; //
                oItem.UnitsPerPkg     = unitsPerPkg;

                ret = Convert.ToInt16(Variables.RTVPService.SetItemEquivalence(oItem.LineItem, double.Parse((quantity * dblEquivalent).ToString(formatString))));
                WriteToLogFile("Response is " + Convert.ToString(ret) + " from SetItemEquivalence sent with parameters " + Convert.ToString(oItem.LineItem) + "," +
                               (quantity * dblEquivalent).ToString(formatString));
                if (ret != 0)
                    purchaseList.RTVPCommand  = "SetItemEquivalence";
                    purchaseList.RTVPError    = true;
                    purchaseList.RTVPResponse = ret;
                purchaseList.RTVPError = false;
                _treatyManager.GetQuota(ref peTreatyNo, ref productType, ref quota);

            //   added the If condition; real time validation for SITE doesn't require next code
            if (!_policyManager.SITE_RTVAL)
                GetLimitType(productType, ref limitMaxType, ref limitThresholdType);
                _teSystemManager.TeGetLimit(limitMaxType, ref limitMax);
                _teSystemManager.TeGetLimit(limitThresholdType, ref limitThreshold);

                if (productType == mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum.eGasoline | productType == mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum.eDiesel | productType == mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum.ePropane | productType == mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum.emarkedGas | productType == mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum.emarkedDiesel) // hen
                    runningQuotaF = (float)(runningQuotaF + quantity + quota);

                    //   added next two lines, for FNGTR Gasoline Single Transaction Limit is the only validation required
                    if (_policyManager.TAX_EXEMPT_FNGTR)
                        if (runningQuotaF > limitMax)
                            purchaseList.IsFuelOverLimit = true;
                            purchaseList.IsTobaccoOverLimit = false;
                        purchaseList.IsTobaccoOverLimit = false;
                        if (runningQuotaF > limitThreshold)
                            purchaseList.IsFuelOverLimit = true;
                        else if (quantity > limitMax)
                            purchaseList.IsFuelOverLimit = true;
                            purchaseList.IsFuelOverLimit = false;
                    if (!_teSystemManager.IsLimitRequired(ref mPrivateGlobals.theSystem, productType))
                        purchaseList.IsFuelOverLimit = false;
                else if (productType == mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum.eCigarette | productType == mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum.eCigar | productType == mPrivateGlobals.teProductEnum.eLooseTobacco)
                    runningQuotaT = (short)(runningQuotaT + quantity + quota);

                    if (runningQuotaT > limitThreshold)
                        purchaseList.IsTobaccoOverLimit = true;
                    else if (runningQuotaT > limitMax)
                        purchaseList.IsTobaccoOverLimit = true;
                        purchaseList.IsTobaccoOverLimit = false;

                    if (!_teSystemManager.IsLimitRequired(ref mPrivateGlobals.theSystem, productType))
                        purchaseList.IsTobaccoOverLimit = false;
            // real time validation end if '

            purchaseList.AddItemInCollection(oItem); //save the item in purchase list

            purchaseList.PeQuantity   = quantity;
            purchaseList.PsProductKey = sProductKey;
Exemple #5
        public tePurchaseList GetPurchaseList(int saleNumber, int tillNumber, string userCode, string treatyNumber, string treatyName, out ErrorMessage error)
            var sale      = _saleManager.GetCurrentSale(saleNumber, tillNumber, 0, userCode, out error);
            var oTreatyNo = new teTreatyNo()
                TreatyNumber = treatyNumber, Name = treatyName

            var    offSet         = _policyManager.LoadStoreInfo().OffSet;
            double originalPrice  = 0;
            double taxIncldAmount = 0;

            sale.TreatyNumber = oTreatyNo.TreatyNumber;
            sale.TreatyName   = oTreatyNo.Name;

            error = null;

            var oPurchaseList = new tePurchaseList();

            oPurchaseList.Init(oTreatyNo, sale.Sale_Num, sale.TillNumber);

            var y = oPurchaseList.GetTreatyNo();

            foreach (Sale_Line tempLoopVarSl in sale.Sale_Lines)
                var    sl = tempLoopVarSl;
                string strError;

                if (sl.Amount < 0 && sl.IsTaxExemptItem)
                    taxIncldAmount = -1 * sl.TaxInclPrice;
                    //shiny - Dec9, 2009 - Squamish nation
                    //                OriginalPrice = sl.Regular_Price

                    if (_policyManager.TE_ByRate == false) // Regualr Site customers SITE , TE_By rate = no
                        originalPrice = sl.Regular_Price;  //  - editing the price for TE is keeping different price in purchaseitem and saleline'SL.price
                    else if (_policyManager.TE_ByRate)     //squamish SITE , TE_By rate = yes
                        originalPrice = sl.price;
                    //shiny - Dec9, 2009 - Squamish nation
                    //                OriginalPrice = sl.Regular_Price

                    if (_policyManager.TE_ByRate == false) // Regualr Site customers SITE , TE_By rate = no
                        originalPrice = sl.Regular_Price;  //  - editing the price for TE is keeping different price in purchaseitem and saleline'SL.price
                    else if (_policyManager.TE_ByRate)     //squamish SITE , TE_By rate = yes
                        originalPrice = sl.price;

                if (sl.ProductIsFuel && !sl.IsPropane)
                    if (_policyManager.USE_FUEL)
                        if (Variables.gPumps == null)
                            Variables.gPumps = _fuelPumpService.InitializeGetProperty(PosId, _policyManager.TAX_EXEMPT, _policyManager.TE_ByRate, _policyManager.TE_Type, _policyManager.AuthPumpPOS);
                        string tempSProductKey = _teSystemManager.TeMakeFuelKey(sl.GradeID, Convert.ToInt16(Variables.gPumps.get_Pump(sl.pumpID).TierID), Convert.ToInt16(Variables.gPumps.get_Pump(sl.pumpID).LevelID));
                        double tempDQuantity   = sl.Quantity;
                        var    tempIRowNumberInSalesMainForm = sl.Line_Num;
                        bool   tempIsFuelItem = true;
                        string tempStockCode  = sl.Stock_Code;
                        if (!AddItem(ref oPurchaseList, ref sale, ref oTreatyNo, ref tempSProductKey, ref tempDQuantity, ref originalPrice, ref tempIRowNumberInSalesMainForm, ref tempStockCode, ref taxIncldAmount, ref tempIsFuelItem))
                            strError = oPurchaseList.GetLastError();
                            if (strError == "2")
                                //MsgBox ("Cannot load Tax Exempt price, Please set Tax Exempt Category for Grade-" & SL.GradeID & " first in the BackOffice system! ")
                                //_resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet,this, 17, temp_VbStyle, sl.GradeID, 0);
                                error = new ErrorMessage
                                    MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 11, 17, sl.GradeID, CriticalOkMessageType),
                                    StatusCode   = HttpStatusCode.Conflict
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strError) && strError.ToUpper() != "NO ERROR")
                                //MsgBox ("Error(" & strError & ") for getting Tax Exempt price, will use original price for this sale!")
                                //_resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet,this, 18, temp_VbStyle2, strError, 0);
                                error = new ErrorMessage
                                    MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 11, 18, strError, CriticalOkMessageType),
                                    StatusCode   = HttpStatusCode.Conflict
                        var    tempSProductKey2 = sl.Stock_Code;
                        double tempDQuantity2   = sl.Quantity;
                        var    tempIRowNumberInSalesMainForm2 = sl.Line_Num;
                        bool   tempIsFuelItem2 = false;
                        var    tempStockCode   = sl.Stock_Code;
                        if (!AddItem(ref oPurchaseList, ref sale, ref oTreatyNo, ref tempSProductKey2, ref tempDQuantity2, ref originalPrice, ref tempIRowNumberInSalesMainForm2, ref tempStockCode, ref taxIncldAmount, ref tempIsFuelItem2))
                            strError = oPurchaseList.GetLastError();
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strError) && strError.ToUpper() != "NO ERROR")
                                //_resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet,this, 18, temp_VbStyle3, strError, 0);
                                error = new ErrorMessage
                                    MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 11, 18, strError, CriticalOkMessageType),
                                    StatusCode   = HttpStatusCode.Conflict
                    var    tempSProductKey3 = sl.Stock_Code;
                    double tempDQuantity3   = sl.Quantity;
                    short  tempIRowNumberInSalesMainForm3 = sl.Line_Num;
                    bool   tempIsFuelItem3 = false;
                    var    tempStockCode   = sl.Stock_Code;
                    if (!AddItem(ref oPurchaseList, ref sale, ref oTreatyNo, ref tempSProductKey3, ref tempDQuantity3, ref originalPrice, ref tempIRowNumberInSalesMainForm3, ref tempStockCode, ref taxIncldAmount, ref tempIsFuelItem3))
                        strError = oPurchaseList.GetLastError();
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strError) && strError.ToUpper() != "NO ERROR")
                            //_resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet,this, 18, temp_VbStyle4, strError, 0);
                            error = new ErrorMessage
                                MessageStyle = _resourceManager.CreateMessage(offSet, 11, 18, strError, CriticalOkMessageType),
                                StatusCode   = HttpStatusCode.Conflict

            var x = oPurchaseList.GetTreatyNo();

            CacheManager.AddPurchaseListSaleForTill(tillNumber, saleNumber, oPurchaseList);
Exemple #6
        public static void AddPurchaseListSaleForTill(int tillNumber, int saleNumber, tePurchaseList purchaseList)

            MemCacher.Add($"PURCHASELIST_{tillNumber}_{saleNumber}", purchaseList, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddHours(1));

            Chaps_Main.oPurchaseList = purchaseList;