private void setDataSourceToGrid()
            //here um setting the data source for this data grid and hide the coloumn name which is called
            systemManager objsystemManager2 = new systemManager();

            dgvDepartment.DataSource = objsystemManager2.LoadDepartmentToGrid();
            this.dgvDepartment.Columns["clmDepartmentID"].Visible = false;
        //method which loads the departments to the combobox.
        public void setCmbDepartment()
            systemManager objsystemManager = new systemManager();

            cmbDepartment.DataSource    = objsystemManager.LoadDepartmentToGrid();
            cmbDepartment.ValueMember   = "DepartmentID";
            cmbDepartment.DisplayMember = "DepartmentName";

            //because of this department combo's display inedex will shown as a blank index
            cmbDepartment.SelectedIndex = -1;