Exemple #1
 public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,Member_id,Name,standard,room_cup,A_year")] student_data student_data)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         db.Entry(student_data).State = EntityState.Modified;
Exemple #2
 // populateStruct function - amended to include programme_title and programme_code parameters.
 // takes an uninitialized struct and populates each field based on parameters inputted
 static void populateStruct(out student_data student, string fname, string surname, int id_number, string programme_title, string programme_code)
     // Sets the relevant data field in relation to parameter input
     student.forename        = fname;
     student.surname         = surname;
     student.id_number       = id_number;
     student.averageGrade    = 0.0F;
     student.programme_title = programme_title;
     student.programme_code  = programme_code;
        // prints the student data
        static void printStudent(student_data student)
            Console.WriteLine("Name: " + student.forename + " " + student.surname);
            Console.WriteLine("ID: " + student.id_number);
            Console.WriteLine("Av grade: " + student.averageGrade);

            Console.WriteLine("Grade: " + student.grade); // outputs the student's grade

Exemple #4
        public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Id,Member_id,Name,standard,room_cup,A_year")] student_data student_data)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)

        // Populate struct function which initialises a given student_data object with data passed by the parameters
        static void populateStruct(out student_data student, string fname, string surname, int id_number, module_data[] mods, string grade)
            student.forename     = fname;     // sets first name
            student.surname      = surname;   // sets surname
            student.id_number    = id_number; // sets id number
            student.averageGrade = 0.0F;      // sets average grade - 0.0 to begin with

            student.modules = mods;           // sets the modules

            student.grade = grade;            // sets the student's grade
        // calcuate average function that takes in a reference to a currently existing stuent_data object
        // assigns the average to the averagegrade field within the student_data object
        static void calculateAverage(ref student_data student)
            float average = 0.0F;                      // average variable to store final calculation

            foreach (module_data m in student.modules) //for each loop that cycles through each module within the current student object
                average += m.score;                    // adds up the scores per module

            // Assign average to current student
            student.averageGrade = (average /= student.modules.Length);
Exemple #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            student_data[] students = new student_data[4];

            populateStruct(out students[0], "Mark", "Anderson", 1, 75.5f);
            populateStruct(out students[1], "John", "Smith", 2, 64.0f);
            populateStruct(out students[2], "Tom", "Jones", 3, 80.0f);
            populateStruct(out students[3], "Ewan", "Evans", 4, 62.0f);


            Console.WriteLine("Press a key to continue");
Exemple #8
        // Program entry point
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Allocate a 4 element student_data array
            student_data[] students = new student_data[4];

            // Populate each element with information on each student
            populateStruct(out students[0], "Mark", "Anderson", 1, "BSc (Hons) Computing", "G401");
            populateStruct(out students[1], "Ardhendu", "Behera", 2, "BSc (Hons) Web Design and Development", "W4D7");
            populateStruct(out students[2], "Tom", "Jones", 3, "BSc (Hons) Software Engineering", "II33");
            populateStruct(out students[3], "Ewan", "Evans", 4, "BSc (Hons) Computing Games Programming", "I610");

            // Print every student's data out to the console
            printAllStudent(ref students);
Exemple #9
        // GET: student_data_detail/Delete/5
        public ActionResult Delete(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            student_data student_data = db.student_data.Find(id);

            if (student_data == null)
Exemple #10
        // Notice that a reference to the struct is being passed in along with a reference to the module list array
        static void populateStruct(out student_data student, string fname, string surname, int id_number, module_data[] modules_list)
            student.forename     = fname;
            student.surname      = surname;
            student.id_number    = id_number;
            student.averageGrade = 0.0f;
            student.modules      = modules_list;

            // Calculate average grade
            int total = 0;

            foreach (module_data module in student.modules)
                total += module.module_score; // Calculate sum of all grades

            student.averageGrade = (float)total / 6.0f;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create student array
            student_data[] students = new student_data[2];

            // Create module arrays
            module_data[] student1mods = new module_data[6];
            module_data[] student2mods = new module_data[6];

            // Allocate modules
            // Student 1
            populateModule(out student1mods[0], "CIS2147", "Programming: Theroy to Practice", 96);
            populateModule(out student1mods[1], "CIS2150", "Game Engines", 70);
            populateModule(out student1mods[2], "CIS2162", "Employability", 84);
            populateModule(out student1mods[3], "CIS1111", "Programming Concepts", 95);
            populateModule(out student1mods[4], "CIS1110", "Web Design & Development", 73);
            populateModule(out student1mods[5], "CIS1109", "Computer Architecture & Networks", 77);

            // Student 2
            populateModule(out student2mods[0], "CIS2147", "Programming: Theroy to Practice", 66);
            populateModule(out student2mods[1], "CIS2150", "Game Engines", 33);
            populateModule(out student2mods[2], "CIS2162", "Employability", 55);
            populateModule(out student2mods[3], "CIS1111", "Programming Concepts", 65);
            populateModule(out student2mods[4], "CIS1110", "Web Design & Development", 73);
            populateModule(out student2mods[5], "CIS1109", "Computer Architecture & Networks", 37);

            // Create student and allocate module
            populateStruct(out students[0], "Jordan", "McCann", 1, student1mods, null); // Left as null as grade is unknown
            populateStruct(out students[1], "Niall", "Davis", 2, student2mods, null);   // Left as null as grade is unknown at this stage

            // Calculate student averages
            calculateAverage(ref students[0]);
            calculateAverage(ref students[1]);

            // Calculate student grades
            calculateGrade(ref students[0]);
            calculateGrade(ref students[1]);

            // Print student information to the console
        public string dataTableToStudentObjects(DataTable table)
            int      i        = 0;
            int      j        = 0;
            Students students = new Students();

            foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)
                RenameQuestionAndCIDColumns(table, column, j);
            if (table.Rows[0].ItemArray.Length - 4 <= 0)
                foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                    Array questionColumns = table.Columns.Cast <DataColumn>()
                                            .Select(x => x.ColumnName).Where(n => n.Contains("Question") && n.Contains("hash")).ToArray();
                    string CIDColumn = table.Columns.Cast <DataColumn>()
                                       .Select(x => x.ColumnName).First(n => n.Contains("CID"));

                    student_data instance = new student_data();
                    students.StudentList[i].Username  = row["Username"].ToString();
                    students.StudentList[i].LastName  = row["Last Name"].ToString();
                    students.StudentList[i].FirstName = row["First Name"].ToString();
                    students.StudentList[i].CID       = row[row.Table.Columns[CIDColumn].Ordinal + 1].ToString();

                    SetStudentQuestionSubmissions(questionColumns, row, students, i);
                    i += 1;
                string serialisedData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(students.StudentList);
Exemple #13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var rand = new Random();

            student_data[] students = new student_data[6]; // Six students
            module_data[]  modules;                        // = new module_data[6];     // Six modules per student

            // Arrays holding module codes and titles
            string[] codes  = { "CIS2100", "CIS2117", "CIS2109", "CIS2118", "CIS2110", "BUS2005", "CIS2136", "CIS2116", "CIS2113", "CIS2135", "CIS2134" };
            string[] titles = { "Intro to Databases",          "Programming Languages", "OO Programming",        "Prog Lang: Inspire Creativity",
                                "Physical COmputing",          "Graduate Enterprise",   "Work Related Learning", "Team Project",                 "Games Engines",
                                "Digital Design & Production", "Comp Graphics & Modelling" };

            // Student names
            string[] fnames = { "Walter", "Bruce", "Clark", "Steve", "Jon", "Jeffrey" };
            string[] snames = { "White", "Wayne", "Kent", "Rogers", "Osterman", "Sinclair" };

            for (int t = 0; t < students.Length; t++)                                // Populate students
                modules = new module_data[6];                                        // Set asside module space for this student and point modules at it

                for (int u = 0; u < modules.Length; u++)                             // Populate modules array
                    int mod   = rand.Next(0, codes.Length);                          // Generate a random value to represent the module
                    int score = rand.Next(0, 101);                                   // maximum random value is exclusive so value should be in range 0 - 100

                    populateModules(out modules[u], codes[mod], titles[mod], score); // Populate module data

                populateStruct(out students[t], fnames[t], snames[t], t + 1, modules);  // Populate this student's data

            printAllStudents(students); // Display all students' data to console

            Console.WriteLine("Press a key to continue");
Exemple #14
        void SendStudent()
            student_data stu = new student_data();

            stu.age    = 20;
            stu.name   = "阿斯顿";
            stu.sex    = false;
            stu.contry = "中国";
            stu.grade  = 1;


                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())

                    ProtoBuf.Serializer.Serialize <student_data>(ms, stu);


                    byte[] result = new byte[ms.Length];


                    ms.Position = 0;


                    ms.Read(result, 0, result.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
                        Console.Write(result[i] + "\t");
                    byte[] length = BitConverter.GetBytes(result.Length);
                    byte[] temp = new byte[result.Length + 4];
                    for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++)
                        if (i < 4)
                            temp[i] = length[i];
                            temp[i] = result[i - 4];

            catch (Exception ex)

            //Student student = new Student("李磊", 20, false, "中国", 1);
            //byte[] buffer = Protobuffer(student);