Exemple #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["userid"] == null || Session["userid"].ToString() == "")
            curuser  = (starweibo.Model.userInfo)Session["user"];
            sendname = Request.QueryString["sendname"].ToString();
            sendid   = Request.QueryString["sendid"].ToString();

            curid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["userid"]);

            starweibo.BLL.chatV          bllchatv    = new starweibo.BLL.chatV();
            starweibo.BLL.chatInfo       bllchatInfo = new starweibo.BLL.chatInfo();
            List <starweibo.Model.chatV> modchatV    = new List <starweibo.Model.chatV>();

            modchatV = bllchatv.GetModelList("(senderId=" + curid + " and receiverId=" + sendid + ") or (senderId=" + sendid + " and receiverId=" + curid + ") order by pubTime desc");
            this.msgdialogue.DataSource = modchatV;

            foreach (starweibo.Model.chatV onechatV in modchatV)
                bllchatInfo.myUpdate("read", onechatV.shortMsgId.ToString());
        public int dtmessage(int receiveId, string content)
            int sendid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["userid"]);

            //int sendid = 1;
            starweibo.Model.chatInfo onechat = new starweibo.Model.chatInfo();
            starweibo.BLL.chatInfo   bllchat = new starweibo.BLL.chatInfo();
            onechat.senderId   = sendid;
            onechat.receiverId = receiveId;
            onechat.msgContent = content;
            onechat.msgState   = "noread";
        public List <starweibo.Model.chatV> dtnoreadmessage(int sendId)
            int receiveId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["userid"]);

            starweibo.BLL.chatInfo bllchatInfo = new starweibo.BLL.chatInfo();
            //int receiveId = 1;
            starweibo.BLL.chatV          bllchatV = new starweibo.BLL.chatV();
            List <starweibo.Model.chatV> mochatV  = new List <starweibo.Model.chatV>();

            mochatV = bllchatV.GetModelList("senderId=" + sendId + " and receiverId=" + receiveId + " and msgState='noread'");

            foreach (starweibo.Model.chatV onechatV in mochatV)
                bllchatInfo.myUpdate("read", onechatV.shortMsgId.ToString());

Exemple #4
        public void SendSysMsg(string msgContent)
            starweibo.BLL.chatInfo   SysMsg = new starweibo.BLL.chatInfo();
            starweibo.Model.chatInfo molMsg = new starweibo.Model.chatInfo();

            List <starweibo.Model.userInfo> SSM = new List <starweibo.Model.userInfo>();

            starweibo.BLL.userInfo bllSSM = new starweibo.BLL.userInfo();
            SSM = bllSSM.GetModelList("1=1");
            foreach (starweibo.Model.userInfo onessm in SSM)
                if (onessm.id != 44)
                    molMsg.receiverId = onessm.id;
                    molMsg.msgContent = msgContent;
                    molMsg.senderId   = 44;
                    molMsg.msgState   = "noread";