static void evalueSortValueVonhoa(xVector v)
            for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
                Share share = (Share)v.elementAt(i);

                if (share.isIndex())
                    share.mSortParam   = 0;
                    share.mCompareText = "0";
                    stCompanyInfo     inf = Context.getInstance().mShareManager.getCompanyInfo(share.getShareID());
                    stPriceboardState ps  = Context.getInstance().mPriceboard.getPriceboard(share.getShareID());
                    if (inf != null && ps != null)
                        share.mSortParam = inf.volume * ps.current_price_1;
                        double t = share.mSortParam;
                        share.mCompareText = RowNormalShare.valueMToString(t, true);
                        share.mSortParam   = 0;
                        share.mCompareText = "0";
        static void evalueSortValuePE(xVector v)
            for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
                Share share = (Share)v.elementAt(i);

                stCompanyInfo inf = Context.getInstance().mShareManager.getCompanyInfo(share.getShareID());

                if (!share.isIndex() && inf != null)
                    share.mSortParam   = inf.PE;
                    share.mCompareText = String.Format("{0:F1}", (inf.PE / 1000.0));
                    share.mSortParam   = 0;
                    share.mCompareText = "0";
        void showQuickInfo(int x, int y)
            if (!_showQuickInfo)
                if (mToolTip == null)
                    mToolTip = new ToolTip();
                //mToolTip.SetToolTip(getControl(), "Abc asdad asd asd sada");
                Object o    = getUserData();
                String code = null;
                if (o.GetType() == typeof(stGainloss))
                    code = ((stGainloss)o).code;
                else if (o.GetType() == typeof(String))
                    code = (String)o;
                if (code == null)
                stPriceboardState item = Context.getInstance().mPriceboard.getPriceboard(code);

                if (item == null)
                stCompanyInfo inf = Context.getInstance().mShareManager.getCompanyInfo(;
                if (inf != null)
                    StringBuilder sb = Utils.sb2;
                    sb.Length = 0;

                    sb.AppendFormat("EPS={0:F1} K; P/E={1:F1}", ((float)inf.EPS / 1000), ((float)inf.PE / 100));

                    sb.AppendFormat("; KLCP={0:F2} tr\n", (inf.volume / 1000.0f));

                    float  price  = 0;
                    double vonhoa = 0;
                    price = item.getCurrentPrice();
                    if (price == 0)
                        price = item.getRef();
                    vonhoa = price;
                    vonhoa = vonhoa * inf.volume;
                    vonhoa = vonhoa / 1000;

                    sb.AppendFormat("Vốn hóa tt={0:F2} tỉ", vonhoa);

                    mToolTip.Show(sb.ToString(), getControl(), x, y, 3000);
            catch (Exception e)
        void calcChanged(int period)
            stCandle c0 = new stCandle();
            stCandle c1 = new stCandle();


            bool isNhomIndex = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < mGroups.size(); i++)
                stShareGroup g  = (stShareGroup)mGroups.elementAt(i);
                GroupChanges gc = new GroupChanges();
       = g;
                gc.code = g.getName();


                double firstGTGD = 0;
                double lastGTGD  = 0;

                double totalGTGD0 = 0;
                double totalGTGD1 = 0;

                int today = 0;

                isNhomIndex = false;

                if (g.getType() == stShareGroup.ID_GROUP_MARKET_OVERVIEW &&
                    g.getTotal() == 1)
                    isNhomIndex = true;
                    String code  = g.getCodeAt(0);
                    Share  share = mContext.mShareManager.getShare(code);
                    if (share == null)


                    int last  = share.getCandleCnt() - 1;
                    int first = (last > period)?(last - period):0;
                    if (last < 0 || first < 0)

                    c0 = share.getCandle(last, c0);
                    c1 = share.getCandle(first, c1);

                    if (c1.close > 0)
                        double changed = 100 * (c0.close - c1.close) / c1.close;

                        gc.changedPercent += changed;


                for (int j = 0; j < g.getTotal(); j++)
                    string        code    = g.getCodeAt(j);
                    Share         share   = Context.getInstance().mShareManager.getShare(code);
                    int           shareID = Context.getInstance().mShareManager.getShareID(code);
                    stCompanyInfo info    = Context.getInstance().mShareManager.getCompanyInfo(shareID);
                    if (share != null && info != null)
                        int last  = share.getCandleCnt() - 1;
                        int first = (last > period)?(last - period):0;
                        if (last < 0 || first < 0)

                        share.getCandle(last, c0);
                        share.getCandle(first, c1);

                        double changed;
                        if (period == 1 && < today)
                            //  khong co giao dich hom nay
                            changed = 0;
                            double r = (info.volume * c1.close);
                            changed = 0;// (c0.close - c1.close) * r;

                            changed  = 100 * (c0.close - c1.close) / c1.close;
                            changed *= r;

                        totalGTGD0 += (c0.close * info.volume);
                        totalGTGD1 += (c1.close * info.volume);

                        gc.changedPercent += changed;
                        //String s = String.Format("Code: {0}, Price: Close0/Close1={1}/{2}, r={3} changed/totalChanged: {4}/{5}",
                        //share.getCode(), c0.close, c1.close, r, changed, gc.changedPercent);

                    gc.changedPercent  = 100 * (totalGTGD0 - totalGTGD1);
                    gc.changedPercent /= totalGTGD1;

                //Utils.trace(String.Format("Total changed: {0}", gc.changedPercent));

            //  sort
            if (false)//isNhomIndex)
                //  khong sort
                xVector marketOverView = new xVector();
                for (int i = 0; i < mChanges.size() - 1; i++)
                    GroupChanges g = (GroupChanges)mChanges.elementAt(i);
                    if ( == stShareGroup.ID_GROUP_MARKET_OVERVIEW || g.code.IndexOf('#') == 0)

                for (int i = 0; i < marketOverView.size(); i++)


                for (int i = 0; i < mChanges.size() - 1; i++)
                    GroupChanges biggest    = (GroupChanges)mChanges.elementAt(i);
                    int          biggestIdx = i;
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < mChanges.size(); j++)
                        GroupChanges gc = (GroupChanges)mChanges.elementAt(j);
                        if (gc.changedPercent > biggest.changedPercent)
                            biggest    = gc;
                            biggestIdx = j;

                    if (biggestIdx != i)
                        mChanges.swap(i, biggestIdx);
                for (int i = 0; i < mChanges.size(); i++)
                for (int i = 0; i < marketOverView.size(); i++)
        public void refreshChart(int martketID)
            rx = (float)(getW() - 10) / mMapW;
            ry = (float)(getH() - 15) / mMapH;
            //  block data
            int total = 1000;
            int i     = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < mUsedBlocks.size(); i++)
                stBubbleBlock b = (stBubbleBlock)mUsedBlocks.elementAt(i);
                b.x = 0;
                b.y = 0;
            //  reset
            for (i = 0; i < mMapH; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < mMapW; j++)
                    mMap[map(i, j)] = 0;

            //xVector v = mContext.mShareManager.getCompanyInfos();
            double totalEquity   = 0.0f;
            double totalIndexInc = 0;
            double totalIndexDec = 0;

            stPriceboardStateIndex pi = mContext.mPriceboard.getPriceboardIndexOfMarket(martketID);

            int shareCount = mContext.mShareManager.getTotalShareIDCount();

            //  calc totalEquity
            int[] market = { 0 };
            for (i = 0; i < shareCount; i++)
                int           shareID = mContext.mShareManager.getShareIDAt(i, market);
                stCompanyInfo inf     = mContext.mShareManager.getCompanyInfo(shareID);
                if (inf != null && inf.floor == martketID)
                    stPriceboardState priceboard = mContext.mPriceboard.getPriceboard(inf.shareID);
                    if (priceboard != null)
                        double ff = priceboard.getCurrentPrice();  //  avoiding of overstack
                        if (mChartType == BUBBLE_TRADE_MONEY)
                            totalEquity += ff * priceboard.getTotalVolume();
                        else if (mChartType == BUBBLE_VOLUME_WEIGHT ||
                                 mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_INC ||
                                 mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_DEC)
                            totalEquity += ((double)inf.volume * ff);
            //  extra
            for (i = 0; i < shareCount; i++)
                int           shareID = mContext.mShareManager.getShareIDAt(i, market);
                stCompanyInfo inf     = mContext.mShareManager.getCompanyInfo(shareID);
                if (inf != null && inf.floor == martketID)
                    stPriceboardState priceboard = mContext.mPriceboard.getPriceboard(inf.shareID);
                    if (priceboard != null)
                        double ff = priceboard.getCurrentPrice();  //  avoiding of overstack
                        if (mChartType == BUBBLE_TRADE_MONEY)
                        else if (mChartType == BUBBLE_VOLUME_WEIGHT ||
                                 mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_INC ||
                                 mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_DEC)
                            if (mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_INC && priceboard.change > 0)
                                double indexPointOfShare = pi.current_point * ((inf.volume * ff) / totalEquity);
                                double indexChanged      = priceboard.change * indexPointOfShare / priceboard.current_price_1;
                                totalIndexInc += 1.2f * indexChanged;
                            else if (mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_DEC && priceboard.change < 0)
                                double indexPointOfShare = pi.current_point * ((inf.volume * ff) / totalEquity);
                                double indexChanged      = priceboard.change * indexPointOfShare / priceboard.current_price_1;
                                totalIndexDec += -1.2f * indexChanged;
            if (totalEquity == 0.0)

            double squareOfCell = 1.0 / (mMapW * mMapH);
            double tmp          = 0;

            //  now calc blocks
            for (i = 0; i < shareCount; i++)
                int           shareID = mContext.mShareManager.getShareIDAt(i, market);
                stCompanyInfo inf     = mContext.mShareManager.getCompanyInfo(shareID);
                if (inf != null && inf.floor == martketID)
                    stPriceboardState priceboard = mContext.mPriceboard.getPriceboard(inf.shareID);//martketID, share.mShareID);
                    if (priceboard != null)
                        String code = mContext.mShareManager.getShareCode(inf.shareID);
                        if (code != null && (code.CompareTo("MSN") == 0 || code.CompareTo("MBB") == 0))
                        double equity    = 0.0f;
                        double ff        = priceboard.getCurrentPrice(); //  avoiding of overstack
                        float  threshold = 0.003f;
                        if (mChartType == BUBBLE_TRADE_MONEY)
                            equity = ff * priceboard.getTotalVolume();
                        else if (mChartType == BUBBLE_VOLUME_WEIGHT)
                            equity = ((double)inf.volume * ff);
                        else if (mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_INC)
                            double indexPointOfShare = pi.current_point * ((inf.volume * ff) / totalEquity);
                            double indexChanged      = priceboard.change * indexPointOfShare / priceboard.current_price_1;
                            equity    = indexChanged;
                            threshold = 0.00001f;
                        else if (mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_DEC)
                            double indexPointOfShare = pi.current_point * ((inf.volume * ff) / totalEquity);
                            double indexChanged      = priceboard.change * indexPointOfShare / priceboard.current_price_1;
                            equity    = -indexChanged;
                            threshold = 0.00001f;
                        float percent = (float)(equity / totalEquity);   //  <= 1
                        if (mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_INC ||
                            mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_DEC)
                            percent = (float)(equity / (double)pi.current_point);
                            //percent = (float)(equity/totalEquityOfUsedBlock);
                        if (percent >= threshold && mFreeBlocks.size() > 0)
                            //  big enough to care
                            float percentR = percent;
                            if (mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_INC)
                                percentR = (float)(equity / totalIndexInc);
                            else if (mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_DEC)
                                percentR = (float)(equity / totalIndexDec);

                            float square = percentR * (mMapH * mMapW);

                            float cells = square;
                            if (cells < 1)
                                cells = 1;

                            stBubbleBlock block = (stBubbleBlock)mFreeBlocks.pop();
                            block.code = mContext.mShareManager.getShareCode(inf.shareID);;
                            //  w & h
                            block.w = (short)Math.Sqrt(cells);
                            block.h = block.w;
                            if (block.h * block.w < cells)

                            if (block.h >= 50)
                                int k = 0;

                            //  color
                            uint  color     = C.COLOR_YELLOW;
                            float price     = priceboard.getCurrentPrice();
                            float reference = priceboard.getRef();
                            if (price == reference)
                                color = C.COLOR_YELLOW;
                            else if (price == priceboard.getCe())
                                color = C.COLOR_MAGENTA;
                            else if (price == priceboard.getFloor())
                                color = C.COLOR_CYAN;
                            else if (price < reference)
                                int r = (int)((reference - price) * 100 / reference);    //  percent
                                if (r < 8)
                                    r = (0xff - 150) + r * 30;
                                    r = 0xff;
                                if (r > 0xff)
                                    r = 0xff;
                                r = 0xff;

                                color = (uint)((0xff << 24) | (r << 16));
                            else if (price > reference)
                                int g = (int)((price - reference) * 100 / reference);    //  percent
                                if (g < 8)
                                    g = (0xff - 150) + g * 30;
                                    g = 0xff;
                                if (g > 0xff)
                                    g = 0xff;
                                g     = 0xff;
                                color = (uint)((0xff << 24) | (g << 8));
                            block.color = color;
                            //  point
                            block.point = (short)(percent * 1000);//(priceboard.current_price_1 - priceboard.ref)*1000/priceboard.ref;
                            //  x & y

                            //  extra inf
                            StringBuilder sb =;
                            sb.Length = 0;
                            if (mChartType == BUBBLE_TRADE_MONEY)
                                sb.AppendFormat("{0:F1}tỉ", (equity / 1000000));   //  money unit = 100 vnd
                            else if (mChartType == BUBBLE_VOLUME_WEIGHT)
                                sb.AppendFormat("{0:F1}%", (percent * 100));
                            else if (mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_INC)
                                double r = (inf.volume * price) / totalEquity;
                                //  totalE = pi.point
                                //  vonhoa = ?

                                //  index-point of code: (r*pi.point);
                                //  price <> (r*pi.point)
                                //  changed <> ?
                                double indexChanged = (priceboard.change * r * pi.current_point) / priceboard.current_price_1;
                                tmp += indexChanged;
                                sb.AppendFormat("{0:F4}", (indexChanged));
                            else if (mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_DEC)
                                double r            = (inf.volume * price) / totalEquity;
                                double indexChanged = (priceboard.change * r * pi.current_point) / priceboard.current_price_1;

                                sb.AppendFormat("{0:F4}", (indexChanged));
                            block.inf = sb.ToString();
                            if (priceboard.getCode() == "ACB")
                                int k = 0;
                            //  changed
                            sb.Length = 0;
                            if (reference != 0)
                                float changed = price - reference;
                                if (changed > 0)
                                    sb.AppendFormat("+{0:F2}%", (float)((changed * 100) / reference));
                                    sb.AppendFormat("{0:F2}%", (float)((changed * 100) / reference));
                            block.changed = sb.ToString();

            }// end of for

Exemple #6
        void createFullDesc()
            Font   f;
            xLabel l;
            int    x = 2;
            int    y = 8;
            int    w = getW();
            String s;

            stCompanyInfo inf = mContext.mShareManager.getCompanyInfo(mShareID);

            if (inf == null)
            mShowCompanyName = true;
            if (mShowCompanyName)
                f = mContext.getFontTextB();
                l = xLabel.createMultiLineLabel(inf.company_name, f, getW());
                y = l.getBottom() + 10;
            StringBuilder sb =;

            sb.Length = 0;
            f         = mContext.getFontSmall();// Text();
            //if (mFont != null)
            //  f = mFont;

            //  EPS
            sb.AppendFormat("EPS: {0:F1} K", (float)(inf.EPS) / 1000);
            l = xLabel.createSingleLabel(sb.ToString(), f, w);
            l.setPosition(x, y);
            y = l.getBottom();

            //  P/E
            sb.Length = 0;
            sb.AppendFormat("P/E: {0:F1}", (float)inf.PE / 100);
            l = xLabel.createSingleLabel(sb.ToString(), f, w);
            l.setPosition(x, y);

            y = l.getBottom();

            //  Beta
            sb.Length = 0;
            sb.AppendFormat("Beta: {0:F2}", (float)inf.Beta / 100);
            l = xLabel.createSingleLabel(sb.ToString(), f, w);
            l.setPosition(x, y);

            y = l.getBottom();

            //  book value
            sb.Length = 0;
            sb.AppendFormat("Giá sổ sách: {0:F1} K", (float)(inf.book_value / 10));
            l = xLabel.createSingleLabel(sb.ToString(), f, w);
            l.setPosition(x, y);

            y = l.getBottom();

            //  KLTB 10 phien
            sb.Length = 0;
            Share share = mContext.mShareManager.getShare(mShareID);

            if (share == null)
            int cnt   = share.getCandleCount();
            int nums  = cnt > 10 ? 10 : cnt;
            int total = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < nums; i++)
                int volume = share.getVolume(cnt - i - 1);
                total += volume;
            if (nums == 0)
                nums = 1;
            total     = total / nums;
            s         = Utils.formatNumber((int)total);
            sb.Length = 0;
            sb.AppendFormat("Vol TB 10 phiên={0}", s);
            l = xLabel.createSingleLabel(sb.ToString(), f, w);
            l.setPosition(x, y);
            y = l.getBottom();

            //  KLCP luu hanh
            sb.Length = 0;
            sb.AppendFormat("KL lưu hành: {0:F2} tr; ", (inf.volume / 1000.0f));
            l = xLabel.createSingleLabel(sb.ToString(), f, w);
            l.setPosition(x, y);
            y = l.getBottom();

            //  Von hoa tt
            stPriceboardState ps     = mContext.mPriceboard.getPriceboard(mShareID);
            float             price  = 0;
            double            vonhoa = 0;

            if (ps != null)
                price = ps.getCurrentPrice();
                if (price == 0)
                    price = ps.getRef();
                vonhoa = price;
                vonhoa = vonhoa * inf.volume;
                vonhoa = vonhoa / 1000;

            sb.Length = 0;
            sb.AppendFormat("Vốn hóa: {0:F2} tỉ", vonhoa);
            l = xLabel.createSingleLabel(sb.ToString(), f, w);
            l.setPosition(x, y);

            y = l.getBottom();
            //  ROA
            sb.Length = 0;
            sb.AppendFormat("ROA: {0:F1} %", (float)inf.ROA);
            l = xLabel.createSingleLabel(sb.ToString(), f, w);
            l.setPosition(x, y);

            y = l.getBottom();

            //  ROE
            sb.Length = 0;
            sb.AppendFormat("ROE: {0:F1} %", (float)inf.ROE);
            l = xLabel.createSingleLabel(sb.ToString(), f, w);
            l.setPosition(x, y);

            setSize(getW(), l.getBottom());
Exemple #7
        void refreshChart2()
            if (group == null)
                group = new stShareGroup();


            currentSelected = null;

            Share index = mContext.mShareManager.getShare(mShareID);
            stPriceboardStateIndex pi = mContext.mPriceboard.getPriceboardIndexOfMarket(index.getMarketID());

            if (index == null || pi == null)

            if (mContext.mShareManager.getVnindexCnt() == 0)

            _isProcessing = true;


            stCandle cIndex = new stCandle();

            index.getCandleByDate(startDate, 0, cIndex);
            double totalEquity = 0.0;

            totalIndexInc = 0;
            totalIndexDec = 0;

            int cnt = mContext.mShareManager.getVnindexCnt();

            double[] indexOfShares   = new double[cnt];
            double[] changedPercents = new double[cnt];
            float[]  prices          = new float[cnt];

            stCandle _c0 = new stCandle();
            stCandle _c1 = new stCandle();

            //  tinh total equity
            for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
                Share share = mContext.mShareManager.getVnindexShareAt(i);
                if (share.getShareID() == 223)
                    indexOfShares[i] = 1;
                indexOfShares[i] = 0;

                if (share.getMarketID() == index.getMarketID() && !share.isIndex())
                    stCompanyInfo inf = mContext.mShareManager.getCompanyInfo(share.getShareID());
                    if (inf != null)
                        share.appendTodayCandle2(); //  use last price if today is not trade

                        stCandle c0 = share.getCandleByDate(startDate, 0, _c0);
                        stCandle c1 = share.getCandleByDate(endDate, startDate, _c1);

                        if (c0 == null || c1 == null)
                        if (c0.close == 0 || c1.close == 0)

                        totalEquity += (inf.volume * c0.close);

                        double changedPercent = (c1.close - c0.close) / c0.close;
                        if (changedPercent < 0)
                            //changedPercent = changedPercent;
                        indexOfShares[i] = cIndex.close * (inf.volume * c0.close) * changedPercent;

                        if (changedPercent > 0)
                            totalIndexInc += changedPercent;
                            totalIndexDec += changedPercent;

                        changedPercents[i] = (c1.close - c0.close) * 100 / c0.close;
                        prices[i]          = c1.close;

            //  cleanup
            totalIndexInc /= totalEquity;
            totalIndexDec /= totalEquity;

            totalIndexInc = 0;
            totalIndexDec = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
                Share share = mContext.mShareManager.getVnindexShareAt(i);

                //if (strcmp(share.mCode, "VIC") == 0){
                //            /i = i;

                double indexChanged = indexOfShares[i] / totalEquity;

                ChangeIndexItem item;
                if (indexChanged > 0)
                    item = new ChangeIndexItem();
                    item.modifiedValue = (float)indexChanged;

                    totalIndexInc += item.modifiedValue;

                    item.shareID = share.getShareID();

                    item = new ChangeIndexItem();
                    item.modifiedValue = (float)(-indexChanged);

                    totalIndexDec += item.modifiedValue;

                    item.shareID = share.getShareID();

                item.price           = prices[i];
                item.modifiedPercent = (float)changedPercents[i];

            //  end of calc

            while (vChangeInc.size() > 200)
                vChangeInc.removeElementAt(vChangeInc.size() - 1);
            while (vChangeDec.size() > 200)
                vChangeDec.removeElementAt(vChangeDec.size() - 1);

            //  ChangeIndexItem
            xVector[] vv = { vChangeInc, vChangeDec };
            for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < vv[j].size(); i++)
                    ChangeIndexItem item  = (ChangeIndexItem)vv[j].elementAt(i);
                    Share           share = mContext.mShareManager.getShare(item.shareID);
                    if (share != null && share.getCode() != null)

        private void refreshChart(int martketID)
            //  block data
            int total = 1000;
            int i     = 0;

            if (getW() == 0 || getH() == 0)

            for (i = 0; i < mUsedBlocks.size(); i++)
                stStatisticsBlock b = (stStatisticsBlock)mUsedBlocks.elementAt(i);
            //  reset
            int shareCount = mContext.mShareManager.getTotalShareIDCount();

            int[] market = { 0 };

            double totalEquity   = 0.0f;
            double totalIndexInc = 0;
            double totalIndexDec = 0;

            stPriceboardStateIndex pi = mContext.mPriceboard.getPriceboardIndexOfMarket(martketID);

            //  calc totalEquity
            for (i = 0; i < shareCount; i++)
                int           shareID = mContext.mShareManager.getShareIDAt(i, market);
                stCompanyInfo inf     = mContext.mShareManager.getCompanyInfo(shareID);
                if (inf != null && inf.floor == martketID)
                    stPriceboardState priceboard = mContext.mPriceboard.getPriceboard(inf.shareID);
                    if (priceboard != null)
                        double ff = priceboard.getCurrentPrice();  //  avoiding of overstack
                        if (mChartType == BUBBLE_TRADE_MONEY)
                            totalEquity += ff * priceboard.getTotalVolume();
                        else if (mChartType == BUBBLE_VOLUME_WEIGHT ||
                                 mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_INC ||
                                 mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_DEC)
                            totalEquity += ((double)inf.volume * ff);
            //  extra
            for (i = 0; i < shareCount; i++)
                int           shareID = mContext.mShareManager.getShareIDAt(i, market);
                stCompanyInfo inf     = mContext.mShareManager.getCompanyInfo(shareID);
                if (inf != null && inf.floor == martketID)
                    stPriceboardState priceboard = mContext.mPriceboard.getPriceboard(inf.shareID);
                    if (priceboard != null)
                        double ff = priceboard.getCurrentPrice();  //  avoiding of overstack
                        if (mChartType == BUBBLE_TRADE_MONEY)
                        else if (mChartType == BUBBLE_VOLUME_WEIGHT ||
                                 mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_INC ||
                                 mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_DEC)
                            if (mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_INC && priceboard.change > 0)
                                double indexPointOfShare = pi.current_point * ((inf.volume * ff) / totalEquity);
                                double indexChanged      = priceboard.change * indexPointOfShare / priceboard.current_price_1;
                                totalIndexInc += 1.2f * indexChanged;
                            else if (mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_DEC && priceboard.change < 0)
                                double indexPointOfShare = pi.current_point * ((inf.volume * ff) / totalEquity);
                                double indexChanged      = priceboard.change * indexPointOfShare / priceboard.current_price_1;
                                totalIndexDec += -1.2f * indexChanged;
            if (totalEquity == 0.0)

            double        tmp = 0;
            StringBuilder sb  = new StringBuilder();

            //  now calc blocks
            for (i = 0; i < shareCount; i++)
                int           shareID = mContext.mShareManager.getShareIDAt(i, market);
                stCompanyInfo inf     = mContext.mShareManager.getCompanyInfo(shareID);
                if (inf != null && inf.floor == martketID)
                    stPriceboardState priceboard = mContext.mPriceboard.getPriceboard(inf.shareID);//martketID, share.mShareID);
                    if (priceboard != null)
                        String code = mContext.mShareManager.getShareCode(inf.shareID);
                        //if (code != null && (code.CompareTo("MSN") == 0 || code.CompareTo("AAM") == 0))
                        double modifierValue = 0.0f;
                        double ff            = priceboard.getCurrentPrice(); //  avoiding of overstack

                        //String log = String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", code, priceboard.current_price_1, inf.volume, totalEquity);

                        float threshold = 0.003f;
                        if (mChartType == BUBBLE_TRADE_MONEY)
                            modifierValue = ff * priceboard.getTotalVolume();
                        else if (mChartType == BUBBLE_VOLUME_WEIGHT)
                            modifierValue = ((double)inf.volume * ff);
                        else if (mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_INC)
                            double indexPointOfShare = pi.current_point * ((inf.volume * ff) / totalEquity);
                            double indexChanged      = priceboard.change * indexPointOfShare / priceboard.current_price_1;
                            modifierValue = indexChanged;
                            threshold     = 0.000001f;
                        else if (mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_DEC)
                            double indexPointOfShare = pi.current_point * ((inf.volume * ff) / totalEquity);
                            double indexChanged      = priceboard.change * indexPointOfShare / priceboard.current_price_1;
                            modifierValue = -indexChanged;
                            threshold     = 0.000001f;
                        float percent = (float)(modifierValue / totalEquity);   //  <= 1
                        if (mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_INC ||
                            mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_DEC)
                            percent = (float)(modifierValue / (double)pi.current_point);

                        //String log = String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}", code, priceboard.current_price_1, inf.volume
                        //, totalEquity, modifierValue, pi.current_point);
                        if (percent >= threshold && mFreeBlocks.size() > 0)
                            //  big enough to care
                            float value = percent;
                            if (mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_INC)
                                percent *= 100;// (float)(equity / totalIndexInc);
                            else if (mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_DEC)
                                percent *= 100;// (float)(equity / totalIndexDec);

                            stStatisticsBlock block = (stStatisticsBlock)mFreeBlocks.pop();
                            block.code = mContext.mShareManager.getShareCode(inf.shareID);;
                            //  w & h
                            //block.w = (short)Math.Sqrt(cells);
                            //block.h = block.w;
                            //if (block.h * block.w < cells) block.w++;

                            //if (block.h >= 50)
                            //int k = 0;

                            //  color
                            uint  color     = C.COLOR_YELLOW;
                            float price     = priceboard.getCurrentPrice();
                            float reference = priceboard.getRef();
                            if (price == reference)
                                color = C.COLOR_YELLOW;
                            else if (price == priceboard.getCe())
                                color = C.COLOR_MAGENTA;
                            else if (price == priceboard.getFloor())
                                color = C.COLOR_CYAN;
                            else if (price < reference)
                                int r = (int)((reference - price) * 100 / reference);    //  percent
                                if (r < 8)
                                    r = (0xff - 150) + r * 30;
                                    r = 0xff;
                                if (r > 0xff)
                                    r = 0xff;
                                r = 0xff;

                                color = (uint)((0xff << 24) | (r << 16));
                            else if (price > reference)
                                int g = (int)((price - reference) * 100 / reference);    //  percent
                                if (g < 8)
                                    g = (0xff - 150) + g * 30;
                                    g = 0xff;
                                if (g > 0xff)
                                    g = 0xff;
                                g     = 0xff;
                                color = (uint)((0xff << 24) | (g << 8));
                            block.color = color;
                            //  point
                            block.point = (short)(percent * 1000);//(priceboard.current_price_1 - priceboard.ref)*1000/priceboard.ref;
                            //  x & y

                            //  extra inf

                            sb.Length = 0;
                            if (mChartType == BUBBLE_TRADE_MONEY)
                                sb.AppendFormat("{0:F1}tỉ", (modifierValue / 1000000));   //  money unit = 100 vnd
                            else if (mChartType == BUBBLE_VOLUME_WEIGHT)
                                sb.AppendFormat("{0:F1}%", (percent * 100));
                            else if (mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_INC)
                                double r = (inf.volume * price) / totalEquity;
                                //  totalE = pi.point
                                //  vonhoa = ?

                                //  index-point of code: (r*pi.point);
                                //  price <> (r*pi.point)
                                //  changed <> ?
                                double indexChanged = (priceboard.change * r * pi.current_point) / priceboard.current_price_1;
                                tmp += indexChanged;
                                sb.AppendFormat("{0:F4}", (indexChanged));
                            else if (mChartType == BUBBLE_INDEX_WEIGHT_RATIO_DEC)
                                double r            = (inf.volume * price) / totalEquity;
                                double indexChanged = (priceboard.change * r * pi.current_point) / priceboard.current_price_1;

                                sb.AppendFormat("{0:F4}", (indexChanged));
                            block.inf = sb.ToString();
                            if (priceboard.getCode() == "GAS")
                                int k = 0;
                            //  changed
                            sb.Length = 0;
                            if (reference != 0)
                                float changed = price - reference;
                                if (changed > 0)
                                    sb.AppendFormat("({0:F2}; +{1:F2}%)", price, (float)((changed * 100) / reference));
                                    sb.AppendFormat("({0:F2}; {1:F2}%)", price, (float)((changed * 100) / reference));
                            block.changed = sb.ToString();

                            //String log = String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}", code, priceboard.current_price_1, inf.volume
                            //, totalEquity, modifierValue, pi.current_point, mUsedBlocks.size());
            }// end of for

        static public void _exportGroupToCSV(xVector v, String sortedColumn, String filepath)
            String cols = "Market, Symbol, Close, Open, Hi, Lo, Volume, Gia tri GD(vnd), EPS(K), PE, RSI, MFI, KL Niem yet(mil), Von Hoa(bil), Company\n";

            //if (sortedColumn != null)
            //cols = String.Format("Market, Symbol, Close, Open, Hi, Lo, Volume, Gia tri GD, EPS, PE, RSI, MFI, KL Niem yet, Von Hoa, Company", sortedColumn);


                Encoding               encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8");
                System.IO.FileStream   fs       = new System.IO.FileStream(filepath, System.IO.FileMode.Create);
                System.IO.StreamWriter writer   = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fs, encoding);

                for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
                    Share share = (Share)v.elementAt(i);

                    if (share != null)
                        stPriceboardState ps = Context.getInstance().mPriceboard.getPriceboard(share.getCode());

                        if (ps != null & share != null)
                            if (share.getCandleCnt() < 3)

                            if (share.mCode.CompareTo("HPG") == 0)
                                int t = 0;

                            String market = "-";

                            if (ps.getMarketID() == 1)
                                market = "HSX";
                            else if (ps.getMarketID() == 2)
                                market = "HNX";
                            else if (ps.getMarketID() == 3)
                                market = "UPC";

                            share.selectCandle(share.getCandleCnt() - 1);
                            String price = String.Format("{0:F2}", share.getClose());
                            String open  = String.Format("{0:F2}", share.getOpen());
                            String hi    = String.Format("{0:F2}", share.getHighest());
                            String lo    = String.Format("{0:F2}", share.getLowest());

                            stCompanyInfo inf     = Context.getInstance().mShareManager.getCompanyInfo(;
                            String        company = "";
                            String        vonhoa  = "0";
                            if (inf != null)
                                company = inf.company_name;
                                vonhoa  = "" + inf.vontt;


                            double giatriGD = ps.current_price_1 * ps.total_volume;
                            giatriGD *= 1000; //  to vnd

                            double vontt = 0; // inf.vontt;
                            if (vontt == 0)
                                vontt = inf.volume * ps.current_price_1;
                            vontt /= 1000;  //  to ti vnd

                            String line = "";
                            if (false)//sortedColumn != null)
                                line = String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6:D},{7},{8}\n",
                                                     market, ps.code,     //  0, 1
                                                     price, open, hi, lo, //  2, 3, 4, 5
                                //  0       1       2      3    4   5   6           7       8    9  10   11     12          13          14
                                //Market, Symbol, Close, Open, Hi, Lo, Volume, Gia tri GD, EPS, PE, RSI, MFI, KL Niem yet, Von Hoa, Company
                                line = String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6:D},{7},{8:F2},{9:F2},{10:F1},{11:F1},{12:F1},{13:F1},{14}\n",
                                                     market, ps.code,                      //  0, 1
                                                     price, open, hi, lo,                  //  2, 3, 4, 5
                                                     share.getVolume(),                    //  6
                                                     giatriGD,                             //  7   gia tri GD
                                                     inf.EPS / 1000.0f,                    //  8:   EPS
                                                     inf.PE / 1000.0f,                     //  9: PE
                                                     share.pRSI[share.getCandleCnt() - 1], //  10: RSI
                                                     share.pMFI[share.getCandleCnt() - 1], //  11: MFI
                                                     ((double)inf.volume / 1000),          //  12: KL niem yet
                                                     vontt,                                //  13: von thi truong


            catch (Exception e) {