private void getStores()
            string megaSQL = "SELECT cName, cID FROM bw_store_cat WHERE cName like '" + postUtilities.getStringFrmQString("storeLetter") + "%' ORDER BY cName";
            int    i = -1; int arrayLength = 1; string[] outputString; string[,] inputSQL = new string[arrayLength, 4]; string[,] inputParams = new string[0, 3];

            i++; inputSQL[i, 0] = i.ToString(); inputSQL[i, 1] = megaSQL; inputSQL[i, 2] = "SQL"; inputSQL[i, 3] = "tblJobList";
            sqlData objDAL = new sqlData(); DataSet DSdataSet = objDAL.getDataset(inputSQL, inputParams, out outputString);

            if (outputString[0].ToString() == "Success")
                DataTable DT = DSdataSet.Tables[0]; DataRow DR;
                System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                if (DT.Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int k = 0; k < DT.Rows.Count; k++)
                        sb.Append("<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"applyCatValue('" + DT.Rows[k]["cID"].ToString() + "-" + urlUtilities.codeStrURL(DT.Rows[k]["cName"].ToString()) + "');\">" + DT.Rows[k]["cName"].ToString() + "</a>");
                    sb.Append("No store categories available");
                ltStoreList.Text = sb.ToString();
                ltStoreList.Text = "No store categories available";
Exemple #2
        private DataSet getDSdataSet()
            int i           = -1;
            int arrayLength = 2;

            string[,] inputSQL    = new string[arrayLength, 4]; //inputSQL (sqlID, sqlText, commandtype, tableName)
            string[,] inputParams = new string[0, 3];           //inputParams (sqlID, paramName, paramValue)
            string[] outputString;                              //outputString (outputMessages)
            DataSet  DSdataSet;                                 //multi table dataset

            i++; inputSQL[i, 0] = i.ToString();
            inputSQL[i, 1]      = "SELECT * From " + cPreFix + "cat WHERE isLive=1 AND isLeftNav=1";
            inputSQL[i, 2]      = "SQL";
            inputSQL[i, 3]      = "tblSideNav";

            i++; inputSQL[i, 0] = i.ToString();
            inputSQL[i, 1]      = "SELECT TOP 1 * From " + cPreFix + "store WHERE uID=" + userID.ToString();
            inputSQL[i, 2]      = "SQL";
            inputSQL[i, 3]      = "tblStore";

            sqlData objDAL = new sqlData();

            DSdataSet = objDAL.getDataset(inputSQL, inputParams, out outputString);

            userMsg = outputString[0].ToString();
            sysMsg  = outputString[1].ToString();
Exemple #3
        private DataTable getCommentsFromDB()
            DataTable DT = new DataTable();

            if (postIDs != "")
                string commentSQL = "SELECT C.commentID, C.postID, C.commentDate, C.commentText, (U.uFirstName + ' ' + U.uLastName) as userName, U.uID FROM bw_post_comment C LEFT OUTER JOIN bw_user U ON U.uID = C.uID WHERE postID in (" + postIDs + ")";
                int    i = -1; int arrayLength = 1; string[] outputString; string[,] inputSQL = new string[arrayLength, 4]; string[,] inputParams = new string[0, 3];
                i++; inputSQL[i, 0] = i.ToString(); inputSQL[i, 1] = commentSQL; inputSQL[i, 2] = "SQL"; inputSQL[i, 3] = "DT";
                sqlData objDAL = new sqlData(); DataSet DSdataSet = objDAL.getDataset(inputSQL, inputParams, out outputString);
                if (outputString[0].ToString() == "Success")
                    DT = DSdataSet.Tables[0];
Exemple #4
        private void insertComment()
            sqlData objDAL = new sqlData();

            int i = -1; int arrayLength = 1;

            string[,] inputParams = new string[arrayLength, 2];
            string[] outputString; //outputString (outputMessages)

            string megaSQL = "INSERT INTO bw_post_comment (uID, postID, commentText) VALUES (" + uID.ToString() + ", " + postID.ToString() + ",'" + comment + "'); SELECT @@IDENTITY;";

            i++; inputParams[i, 0] = megaSQL;
            inputParams[i, 1]      = "";

            string strID = objDAL.ExecuteScalar(inputParams, out outputString);

            Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
Exemple #5
        private DataSet getDSdataSet()
            int i           = -1;
            int arrayLength = 1;

            string[,] inputSQL    = new string[arrayLength, 4]; //inputSQL (sqlID, sqlText, commandtype, tableName)
            string[,] inputParams = new string[0, 3];           //inputParams (sqlID, paramName, paramValue)
            string[] outputString;                              //outputString (outputMessages)
            DataSet  DSdataSet;                                 //multi table dataset

            i++; inputSQL[i, 0] = i.ToString();
            inputSQL[i, 1]      = getSQL();
            inputSQL[i, 2]      = "SQL";
            inputSQL[i, 3]      = "tblFeed";

            sqlData objDAL = new sqlData();

            DSdataSet = objDAL.getDataset(inputSQL, inputParams, out outputString);

            userMsg = outputString[0].ToString();
            sysMsg  = outputString[1].ToString();
Exemple #6
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string P_str_filePath = "", P_str_fileExtName = "", P_str_mFileName, P_str_mPath;

        if ("" != uploadImg.FileName)
            P_str_filePath    = uploadImg.PostedFile.FileName;                                 //获取文件路径
            P_str_fileExtName = P_str_filePath.Substring(P_str_filePath.LastIndexOf(".") + 1); //获得扩展名
                P_str_mPath     = Server.MapPath("/images/");                                     //保存到指定的路径
                P_str_mFileName = P_str_filePath.Substring(P_str_filePath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); //获得文件的名称
                uploadImg.PostedFile.SaveAs(P_str_mPath + P_str_mFileName);                       //保存到指定的路径
                string  com = "update MEMBERS set PHOTO='/images/" + (P_str_mFileName) + "',TEL='" + this.telephone.Text + "',QQ='" + this.QQ.Text + "',WECHAT='" + this.wechat.Text + "',INTRO='" + this.intro.Text + "' where MID=00020030";
                sqlData da  = new sqlData();
            catch (Exception err)
        private void getStores()
            string megaSQL = "select TOP 10 storeImg = (storeLogo), storeID, storeName from bw_store S LEFT OUTER JOIN bw_store_loc L ON L.locID = S.storeLocation LEFT OUTER JOIN bw_user U ON U.uID=S.uID WHERE uAllowed=1 AND uVarified=1 ORDER BY newID();";
            int    i = -1; int arrayLength = 1; string[] outputString; string[,] inputSQL = new string[arrayLength, 4]; string[,] inputParams = new string[0, 3];

            i++; inputSQL[i, 0] = i.ToString(); inputSQL[i, 1] = megaSQL; inputSQL[i, 2] = "SQL"; inputSQL[i, 3] = "tblJobList";
            sqlData objDAL = new sqlData(); DataSet DSdataSet = objDAL.getDataset(inputSQL, inputParams, out outputString);

            if (outputString[0].ToString() == "Success")
                DataTable DT = DSdataSet.Tables[0]; DataRow DR;
                System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                if (DT.Rows.Count > 0)
                    string storeName = "";
                    for (int k = 0; k < DT.Rows.Count; k++)
                        storeName = DT.Rows[k]["storeName"].ToString(); if (storeName == "")
                            storeName = "No name added";
                        sb.Append("<div class=\"col-xs-6 lessPadding\"><div class=\"col-xs-12 noPadding rightStoreImg\" style=\"border-top:5px solid #c9c9c9; background:#c9c9c9 url(/getThumb.aspx?width=120&img=img/cImg/" + DT.Rows[k]["storeImg"].ToString() + ") top center no-repeat; background-size:auto 75%\">")
                        .Append("<div class=\"rightStoreName\"><a style=\"padding:5px; display:block;\" href=\"/stores/" + DT.Rows[k]["storeID"].ToString() + "/" + urlUtilities.codeStrURL(DT.Rows[k]["storeName"].ToString()) + "/\">" + storeName + "</a></div></div></div>");
                    sb.Append("No stores available");
                ltStoreList.Text = sb.ToString();
                ltStoreList.Text = "No stores available";